Don't leave me ever again, okay?

Hiro walked out onto the battlefield with lightly steps. A Klaxosaur jumped at him and he spun Sun before swatting the Klaxosaur into meat paste. He continued walking towards the giant group of Klaxosaur bugs, smashing every single Klaxosaur that came in his way.

The Franxx were thoroughly stunned, Alpha shouted "How is that possible?!" Goro said in shock "HIRO?!" the rest of Squad 13 looked over in shock as well.

Hiro saw the Lion Franxx and started running, spinning Sun in front of him and smashed Klaxosaurs out of the way. He pushed off the ground and stabbed right through a Klaxosaur, shattering it's core and getting drenched in blue blood as he continued running.

An endless struggle, just to get to his Angel.

Hiro jumped as a Klaxosaur shot out of the ground. He growled and Sun grew into a pillar, Hito grabbed it with one hand and swatted the Klaxosaur into the giant dome and splattering on the wall.

He perched on the pillar and exhaled smoke from his mouth, looking like a demon from hell and scaring the fuck out of the Franxx.

He jumped off the pillar and it grew in his hands as he swung it over his head and smashed the group of Klaxosaurs around Zerotwo. The group trembled and all the Klaxosaurs bounced off the ground. Hiro landed on Strelizia and growled with glowing blue eyes the only thing visible other than his teeth.

Strelizia roared and pounced forward, Hiro waved the pillar Sun around Strelizia and cleared all the Klaxosaurs. He spun it over his arm and it shrunk before disappearing completely. He jumped off Strelizia and Strelizia 'ate' him.

A dead guy was thrown out from the mouth and Strelizia flipped into its normal Franxx form, but it still had the Stampede 'x's for eyes.

Strelizia grabbed the air and Sun appeared in it's hand. It had a spear in one and Sun in the other as it rampaged, killing all the Klaxosaurs in the area before the ground started shaking and the mountains rose, a giant Klaxosaur rose up from the ground and turned over a Plantation.

The Klaxosaur was absolutely massive and headed towards Plantation 13, it was stopped by a suicide attack from another entire squad. It only smashed it's head through the city. Strelizia sped past the Squad 13 Franxx and jumped into the hole it made.

The rampaging Strelizia slaughtered Klaxosaurs by the group, but there was another problem now, they were both rampaging in stampede mode. Strelizia stood on top of a mountain of corpses and roared before suddenly shutting down.

The other 4 Franxx covered all around Strelizia.

Inside Strelizia.

Hiro woke up and looked in front of him. He was covered in blue blood but in front of him, Zerotwo's horns grew out like trees, branching out in all directions. He took back Sun and slowly got out of the Stamen seat.

He went in front of Zerotwo and grabbed her horns, clinking his horns against hers as their bodies both flashed a bright white light.

[Soul Bond Activated]

Hiro was in a white space and looked over to see Zerotwo curled up in a ball, hugging her knees and crying. She was wearing a long white dress and a veil and she was crying. He watched forward and with every step he took, a different part of his body exploded with clothes.

By the time he was in front of Zerotwo, he was fully clothed in a black tuxedo.

He got down on one knee and slowly lifted her veil.

She stopped crying and opened her eyes mumbling in a teary voice "Darling...?" Hiro smiled warmly and said gently "I'm here, Angel. Forever. We won't ever separate again..." he choked his voice and continued "So stop fighting alone, okay?"

Zerotwo's lips quivered and tears flowed from her eyes as she hugged him tightly and cried loudly "DARLING!" Hiro's eyes watered and he kissed her wet lips, they both flashed gold and slowly dissolved into nothing.

[Soul Bond evolved! Eternal Soul Bond Activated!]

Hiro reappeared outside and Zerotwo's massive horns shattered to pieces before disappearing.

[Zerotwo's Horns collected!]

She looked up from the interface and started crying again, he kissed her and she said "I missed you so much..." Hiro wiped her tears from her eyes and smiled "I missed you too..." he caressed her cheek and his face was painful as he added "Did it hurt..." she choked on her sobs and said with a smile "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Hiro smiled sadly and Zerotwo looked down saying "Darling?" he said "Yes, Angel?" she looked up with a beautiful smile and puffy red eyes "Don't leave me ever again, okay?"

He said immediately "Never."

She asked "Never?"

He replied "Not even when I die."

She said "Darling?"

He replied "Yes, Angel?"

She said "Let's fly together, okay?"

He replied "Forever."

She asked "Forever?"

He replied "And always."


Strelizia flew into the air and glowed red, changing into a new sleek red color as it said "You ready, Angel?" and responded "Yes, Darling!" it flew towards the giant Klaxosaur and thrusted the spear into it's mouth, charging through the entire Klaxosaur.

It didn't stop and flew through hordes of Klaxosaurs, Zerotwo said "Darling?" Hiro replied "Yes, Angel?" She smiled sweetly and said "I love you!" He laughed and replied "Me too, love. Me too." as Strelizia drilled into the giant dome, lighting it up from the inside.

The 9s got on 4 corners and stabbed into the dome as it exploded. Strelizia flew out from the middle with it's spear to the air as a giant light burst from the ground and blew a hole in the sky, parting the dark clouds as Strelizia soared.

It retuned to the ground and landed near the collective mass of cores from the Giant Klaxosaur. Hiro turned and said "Any second now..."

Suddenly, a giant hand shot out of the ground and Zerotwo's horns lit up. Hiro looked at her and hummed as the giant hand fell down. Strelizia flew under the cover of the hand and touched the mass of cores, they all disappeared and the hand slammed into the ground.

[Klaxo-Sapien (Males) collected!]

Strelizia was next to the group from Squad 13 and let out a breath of relief saying "Almost got crushed there." the rest of the group, minus Ichigo chuckled.

Hiro and Zerotwo looked at each other and chuckled.

The next day

Hiro was in Zerotwo's room, she held out a mirror as Hiro filed her horns down, he pouted and she giggled "They'll grow back~" he said "But they were so nice long!" she licked her lips saying "More to grab onto~?" he coughed and said "More to polish..." she burst into giggles and smiled sweetly.

She spun around and threw him into the chair and took the file, giving him the Mirror. She wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned over his head from with back, sticking her tongue out and looking focused as she filed down his horns.

He pouted again and she giggled "What now, you big baby?" he complained "But they were so nice long!" she laughed and said "They'll grow back~" he still pouted and she giggled, filing them down into tiny horns that were hidden in his hair.

He looked at his lack of horns and her horns and pouted, she laughed and fell backwards, he spun around and caught her waist before she fell to the ground. They looked at each other in silence before locking their lips and closing the door.

A week later

Hiro was sitting outside, staring at the tainted water. Wondering if boiling it would work. Most likely? He wasn't sure, the distilled water from the steam could possibly have contaminants in it as well...

I mean... He didn't care, but the others might die so...

He was thinking, when he was suddenly jumped on by Zerotwo, who clung to him like an octopus and kissed his cheek saying "Whatcha doin'?" He smiled and nuzzled his cheek on hers as he said "Are there any potatoes?"

Zerotwo touched her chin and tilted her head in thought before saying "I think so?" Hiro said "Then we'll have enough food for the fatty." She giggled and rested on his back saying "Status~"

A full status screen appeared in front of them.

Zerotwo's eyes popped out of their sockets and she said "WOAH! 26X Mystery Chests and a Legendary Mystery Chest?! Darling, are you holding out on me?" Hiro chuckled helplessly "How? I completely forgot about them."

Zerotwo pursed her lips and said sweetly "Clank, please open the Legendary Mystery Chest~" Clank trembled with excitement and said "Yes, Mistress!" Hiro's face was pitch black, what kind of fucking system is this?

Hiro suddenly said "Fuck me! I almost forgot!" Zerotwo said "Hm?" tilting her head to look at her precious Darling. Hiro pulled a silver watch out of the air, he held it in his hands and said "I.. Uh.. I made this for you." Zerotwo was stunned immediately and looked at the watch, so beautiful!

He coughed and said "Well, it tells the time you see. It's like a Comms but it works all the time without power. It um.. goes on your wrist..." feeling quite ashamed of himself, he just made a watch. It wasn't really special, they already had Comms and everything.

Zerotwo said "Awn! I love it! Darling, put it on me!" as she stretched out her right wrist, he was dazed, he also wore his watches on his right hand despite being right handed... He put the skinny watch on her right wrist.

She looked at the watch with excitement, she giggled like a little girl and leaned her head on his shoulder watching the red clock hands ticking. Hiro smiled and said "You like it?" she said "Of course! It's so pretty! I didn't know you could make so many pretty things!"

Hiro smiled slightly and said "It took a long time to make it... I basically used all of our time apart to do it..." she kissed him and said lovingly "I love you, Darling~" Hiro smiled and said "I love you too, Angel..."

He said "You know, I-" and extremely loud 'DING' rang, cutting him off and almost making his ear drums bleed, for Zerotwo it was very light and she turned to the light screen. Hiro grinded his teeth and swore he heard a mechanical tongue click. This fucking system, one day he's going to get it.

He turned his head to the light screen and said "Are you fucking kidding me!? You fucking scum bag system I want a fucking refund!"

[Congratulations, Mistress! You've received Super Soldier Serum (Rarity: XXXXX)]