Everywhere I go with you will be our place.

Zerotwo said "Is it good?" Hiro almost spit out blood and said helplessly "It's amazing." Zerotwo said happily "Yay! So my Darling will be stronger!" Hiro blinked and said "You want me to have it? It's for you." Zerotwo pouted "But I want you to have it..."

Hiro smiled warmly and said "I love you." she smiled and kissed his cheek saying "Mmm me more~" Hiro shook his head and said "No, no, no. Me more." Zerotwo giggled and kissed him all over his face.

[Congratulations! You've also received last reward 2x!]

Hiro sneered and Clank snorted "Bully." Zerotwo clapped and giggled "Thank you, Clank~" Clank said happily "No problem, Mistress!" Zerotwo said "Now we can both have one!" Hiro looked at her and he smiled happily, hugging her tightly.

She smiled and snuggled into him.

They sat on the ground, Zerotwo was sitting in his lap and Hiro had his arms around her. He pulled the air and took out 2 syringes with blue liquid inside. He looked at the description.

[Super Soldier Serum: Perfected. Heightens every physical quality of the user without changing their personality. As an added bonus, height may increase but overall look will not change. Meaning the user will only be more muscular.]

Hiro looked at Zerotwo and said "Take it right now?" she hummed "Maybe when we go to sleep?" Hiro nodded and returned the syringes to the system space as he rested his chin on her shoulder and said "Our place was ruined..." he sighed to himself mostly.

She grabbed his arms and wrapped them around herself as she said softly "It's okay, we'll make new places. We don't need a specific place because everywhere I go with you will be our place." Hiro didn't know what to say, Zerotwo added "Darling... I-"

Suddenly, a voice interrupted her "Oh there you guys are! We've been looking all over the place for you." the duo looked over to see Goro and Zorome walking over. Zorome spread out his hands and said helplessly "You missed your duty, Hiro. Though I guess you were preoccupied. Hehe."

Hiro smiled helplessly and said "Come, Angel. Let's go." she sighed and nodded. Hiro helped her up and said to Goro "We can probably drink the water after distilling it... I can make the machine. Other than that, grab half our supply of potatoes and cut them all in half. We don't know how long it will be, so we have to prepare for our rations to stop coming."

Goro cleaned his glasses and said anxiously "You think that'll happen?" Zorome said with an ugly face "How can they treat us like this after what we did!" Hiro said helplessly "We can't worry about that now. We need to focus on surviving, as for whether this is permanent or not..."

He chuckled and said "Perhaps this is a test?" Goro put his glasses back and they flashed as he muttered "A test, eh?" Hiro smiled and said "Get me Kokoro as well as half our stock of potatoes." Zorome ran off and Hiro walked back with Zerotwo and Goro.

Goro said "You really think this is a test? I mean... starving us like this..." Hiro said seriously "Goro. You need to understand one thing. In this world, you need to care for yourself. Nobody is going to look after you all your life. During the battle, your 'Papa' detonated several Plantations worth of people on the dome. 'Papa' and the rest don't care whether we live or die. Simple as that."

He looked up and continued "You revere him as a God, but it's truly a foolish ideal. Whether Klaxosaurs are even..." he sighed and changed the topic "In short, surviving comes first. We're not children, but Parasites. Soldiers. Expendable. Nothing more, nothing less."

Goro said "Hiro..." Hiro replied with a sigh "Do you remember the explosion that stopped the Klaxosaur from running over our home?" Goro nodded and Hiro said "Direct orders. One of the Squads from another destroyed Plantation. Sacrificed. From 'Papa' himself."

Goro was stunned and said "No! It's not possible! Why?!" Hiro said coldly "Because we're not like them. Not everything is happy sunshine and rainbows..." he looked forward and said "You'll see what I mean very soon. We're animals. Only being let loose when another animal walks by..."

He sighed and added "Just get me Kokoro and a broom." before walking to a plot of green land right next to the house. Goro was silent for a while before sighing and saying to himself "Are we really just animals..."

Hiro came to the plot of land and crouched down, Zerotwo crouched down next to him and watched him happily. He smiled and grabbed a handful of dirt before pretending to eat it, she mimicked him before freezing and pouting "You're making fun of me!"

Hiro almost feel over and said "When?!" she pouted "You now! You thought I was going to... Hmph!" she puffed her cheek and turned away, he shuffled to the side and said "Hey... I was kidding. Don't be mad." she giggled and stuck out her tongue saying "Softie~"

He felt his mouth twitch as he said "You teased me!?" she giggled and Hiro kissed her face, making her giggle even more.

A few minutes later

Kokoro appeared with Goro and Zorome. They had a big box and a broom with them as well. Hiro stood up and said "Alright. Kokoro, I'm changing your duties. You'll be in charge of the farm." Kokoro said "Farm?"

Hiro grabbed the Broom stick and snapped the broom part off, taking the stick and dragging lines into the dirt. As he tilled the soil, he said "Basically, you'll come and water the ground here everyday, just as you do with the flowers. It's a good thing there's no radiation. We don't have the means to clear irradiated dirt..."

Kokoro said "Water... dirt?" the rest were confused as well. Hiro said "Hey... you don't know what farming is? There's books about it in the library..." Zorome coughed and said "I don't read." Hiro blinked and shook his head saying "Anyway. Potatoes are easy to grow and because the land was full of Magma energy for so long, they should take even less time to grow! I'm estimating 90% less time!"

Goro said "90%? How long does it take normally?" Hiro said "With a good fertilizer, compost, or whatever... 80-100 days normally, but because the soil is very good, it should take 8-10 days. At the least, of course." the group was stunned and Hiro took the potatoes and cut them in half before sticking them in the soil, a foot apart from each other.

He planted them all and covered them up with dirt.

He looked at the potatoes and said "For now, Kokoro, you'll have to water them yourself..." Kokoro nodded, feeling excited to grow plants! What a cute and silly girl!

Goro caught his words saying "For now?" Hiro replied "After he have a clean water source, making an irrigation system is quite easy... Uh. That means a machine that waters the plants by itself." Zorome said in shock "You can just make that?!" Hiro nodded and said "The hard part is the actual distillery..."

He scratched his neck, where a bandage was, and said "Depending on the parts we have... Hais..." Zerotwo slapped his hand away from his neck and Goro said "We have a lot of parts but no tools." Hiro said "I have the tools, that's not the issue. The issue is if the water will still be drinkable after being distilled."

Goro scratched his head and said "Hais... We'll figure something out." Hiro nodded and said "Worst comes to worst, we eat Futoshi." everybody jumped and Hiro touched his nose saying "It was just a joke... There's fish in the water..." they all laughed nervously and left.

Hiro said, completely stupefied, "Am I scary?" Zerotwo giggled and hugged his arm saying "I don't think so. Tone it down on the cannibalism though..." Hiro chuckled and went to scratch his neck, only to be slapped away by Zerotwo, he just sighed instead.

That night

Hiro and Zerotwo had needles in their hands. Hiro said "Well, here goes nothing." they stabbed each other and pushed down the plungers at the same time. The syringes disappeared and they both grunted.

Hiro grabbed her hand and said "Hurt?" she growled "Yes, it fucking hurts!" Hiro chuckled and said "Need a shoulder?" she didn't say anything and bit him, sinking her fangs into his flesh. Hiro grunted and laid back on her bed, it was actually quite nice, very good feeling.

He suddenly sighed 'I'm a masochist. It's confirmed. Hais...' where did he go wrong? Zerotwo already feel asleep with her mouth still on his shoulder. Hiro shifted her to on top of him and wrapped his arms around her as he fell asleep.

The next morning

Hiro woke up and Zerotwo was drooling on his chest, mumbling "Darling~" Hiro pursed his lips and stroked her hair with a smile and half opened eyes, she purred in response.

He smiled and picked her up, walking to the bathroom and commencing their usual routine.

He looked in the mirror and took off his clothes "Hm?" his muscles were densely pack now. He looked to be the physical manifestation of perfection. He was lean and strong, not too much muscle to the point where he looks like a bodybuilder but not too little to where he looks like a scholar.

He was the perfect middle ground, from the outside with his clothes on, he looked the same as before, but hidden underneath were muscles with infinite potential and power. He nodded in satisfaction and lifted his bangs, revealing his slightly sharper and brighter horns.

He lifted his lips, revealing his sharp and gleaming canines. He turned his head to Zerotwo and his eyes trembled, she was perfect, everything was perfect. Toned body, barely visible muscle, hourglass figure. Her horns were near crystalline and razor sharp, her fangs were sharp as well. Her chest got a bit bigger and her ass was more plump.

Hiro swallowed his saliva and she looked over with half-opened eyes, looking at his body. She giggled looking at the 'Rising Dragon' who decided to say hello this morning. She pulled him towards her and they got into the bath.

They had both grown taller as well. Zerotwo was 5'10 and Hiro was 6'0. They went back to how they usually were every morning, Zerotwo was secretly relieved his dick didn't grow. It was big enough already, any more and it really wouldn't fit. 9 was her number.

Time passed

The rest got over the shock of seeing Zerotwo and Hiro change, yet again. It was a regular occurrence around here, curiously, Ichigo was in her room and refused to come out. The group had yet another thing to take care of as someone checked on her every hour to make sure she wasn't dead.

Bad thing if a Pistil died, but they they would have more food...

Hiro got terrified looks thrown at him as he said that and added "I could probably make a good recipe..."

That didn't go over well, in the end he said it was a joke and if anything they would eat Futoshi first, turning the fatty pale.


It wasn't a problem because the potatoes had grown, the group was reluctant to eat them but Hiro said that it was completely fine after they were washed. He has used the group's 'MANURE' to fertilize the crops, they were so disgusted but Hiro explained that normally people use Cow manure on crop anyway, so all the food they eat has been fertilized like this.

They slowly got over it as the potatoes were amazing. Of course they were! Hiro had secretly watered the plants with healing potion and a basic impurity cleanse. They were the best potatoes in the world actually.

Not only did they taste good but they also strengthened everyone's bodies, making them borderline super human. He kept getting Impurity Cleanses from the Mystery boxes, all the way to (Peak) it seemed like he wasn't going to get any more (Flawless) ones any time soon.

Other than that he got a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff from the system, T.V blueprints, Hologram blueprints, Computer blueprints, etc. and that was just the Blueprints.

He also got a Talent Sharer. It was exactly as it said. Hiro basically duplicated his Photographic Memory, Super qualities, and Inexhaustible stamina before the Sharer broke. He demanded a refund, but Clank told him that he didn't even read the description. He asked to see it, unconvinced that he couldn't get another one.

[Talent Sharer: Duplicates 5 Talents to give away. (Rarity: X)]

Hiro was gloomy but Zerotwo said it was okay and that they can get more in the future. He perked up and was told that the Talent Sharer itself had multiple grades from X to XXXXX adding 5 uses with each X. So in the end, for an XXXXX one, he could share 25 Talents before it broke.

Hiro was sated and continued his work on the distillery with Zerotwo, who learned the Mechanic talent from him. Seeing her work with a wrench in her hand, made Hiro's heart beat increase. If she was wearing a mechanic uniform with a black tank top and boots, maybe he would lose control.

He snuck off and said "Clank! Open 5 Mystery Chests!" he crossed his fingers, hoping and praying. 'Let my dreams come true!'

[Congratulations! You've received Farming Machines Blueprints!]

[Congratulations! You've received Mechanic uniform w/ black tank top & boots!]

[Congratulations! You've received Rubies (20) (Flawless)]

[Congratulations! You've received Super seeds (Exotic Foods)]

[Congratulations! You've received Adamantium Bones! (Upgradeable)]

Hiro jumped in the air with joy! He laughed his head off, ignoring the Adamantium Bones he just got in a true stroke of luck. He didn't even see it as he had the Mechanic Uniform and started laughing crazily.

He ran off and grabbed Zerotwo before giving her the clothes and telling her to change.

He went back to the Distillery and she came out, Hiro nearly fainted. She wore the mechanic uniform with the sleeves wrapped around her waist and the pants tucked into the boots. She chest bulged out in the tank top and she was holding a hair tie in her mouth, walking towards him with her hands putting her hair in a ponytail.

Hiro's brain was blank.

Inside his brain

There were a bunch of Hiros sitting at a table. The one at the head of the table said seriously "We have a problem." another Hiro with glasses said "What happened, sir?" The head Hiro stood up and looked out a window with his hands behind his back as he said "Assistant Hiro..." he closed his eyes and said "Show them the situation."

Assistant Hiro gulped and said "Sir... I don't know if they're ready for that!" Head Hiro said "They must! This is reality, Assistant Hiro!" Assistant Hiro said "Only Hiro can save you now..." as he clicked on a projector, showing Zerotwo at the moment.

The Hiros at the table started fainting and clutching at their chests, one of the Hiros said "Sir! What are we going to do?!" Head Hiro wiped the blood from his nose and said "All systems are a go, file it under 'Omg that's my Wife'

The Hiros were wide eyed and said "But Sir!" Head Hiro said "That's an order! Your sacrifices will be cherished and remembered." he shed a single tear and turned away.

The Hiros at the table teared up and saluted before leaving, they were going on a suicide mission. It was said whoever goes to 'Omg that's my Wife' never comes back. Some say there's unspeakable secrets there, others say it's the promise land for every Hiro.

A lone Hiro stood in front of a group with a file in his hands. He turned around and said "Most of you won't make it out alive. I'll be going in with you guys." the other Hiros shouted "Captain!" Captain Hiro said "Let's do this and come back home!" the Hiros cheered and moved out.

Assistant Hiro sighed and walked away, they were never coming back.