I'll miss you~

A month since the mission.

Hiro and Zerotwo had finished the distillery together, Hiro was teaching her the entire way and learned a [Teaching talent]. She was so happy these days. Being with him and doing nothing, just relaxing was so fun and peaceful. She wanted it to be like this forever.


They now had clean water to drink from and fresh food. Hiro grew the Super Seeds in the farm that had been expanded and irrigated now. They had to fill up a giant tank every week or so but it was worth it as they had a constant food source.

Hiro labeled the giant tank as 'Not Drinkable water' and would mix in any healing potions he got along with any Impurity cleanses, except the (Flawless) ones, he only managed to get one from 20 Mystery Chests.

He also got a bunch of other things that weren't of importance.

Things that were noted were: Wolverine Regeneration, another Talent Sharer (5 uses), and the Impurity Cleanse (Flawless)

Hiro fought out he had the Adamantium bones and looked at the description. Last thing he wanted was to end up like old man Logan.

[Adamantium Bones: Adamantium bones... Not poisonous. (Upgradeable)]

It was under talents like the rest of the Super Powers, as well as the regeneration, which Hiro found out, made him Immortal... Basically.

What it did was extend his life span almost infinitely because he was constantly regenerating cells, it was insane. But Clank told him he wasn't invincible, if he got his head ripped off or his heart ripped out, or he suffocated, he would still die.

Hiro was depressed, Wolverine only died like that in the old comics... At any rate, he shared The Adamantium Bones and Wolverine Regeneration with Zerotwo, saving the last 3 charges for another time.

Their [Super Healing] was replaced with [Wolverine Regeneration] as it was basically an upgrade of the healing from the beginning. The duo were monsters and so were the others... Minus Ichigo, who only ate and stayed in her room.

Goro went to bring her food every time, feeling really terrible. He wasn't even getting sleep most nights. Hiro felt bad for him, Goro still loved her, but she was too absorbed in herself to realize it. Obviously, she was upset Zerotwo was back and the whole situation was getting on everyone else's nerves.

If not for Goro's placation, she wouldn't even get food. Hiro didn't even say anything about it, instead it was Miku, who said "If she doesn't work and help out, she shouldn't get food!" Hiro had to say, this girl was top-notch, very strong personality.

All of their bodies were completely transformed now, they were beyond human, maybe they would even live longer. Their Impurities were gone pretty much, and although they would come back, because they didn't have the Flawless grade one, they were already much stronger.

They could run and exercise for hours longer without sweating.

Hiro was happy. Working with them let him see a new perspective. They weren't as bad as he thought! They were actually quite diligent, just ignorant.

The group was eating at a table, the prayers to 'Papa' had long disappeared. Goro came down and a frail figure was behind him. The group looked over and were shocked, Ichigo looked like a skeleton.

Even Zerotwo felt bad.

Hiro couldn't care less though, and continued eating without even looking in her direction as he said "Goro, eat." Goro said "Hiro..." Hiro cleared his throat and said "Eat." he looked at Futoshi and said "You too." Futoshi was startled and looked away.

Hiro rested his elbow on the table and pointed a fork at him as he said "You, my fluffy friend, need to eat to lose weight. Regular exercise and a healthy diet will slim you down, not throwing up your food and not eating at all." Zorome looked at Futoshi and said "See! I'm not the only one who noticed! You need to eat, man!"

Hiro waved his fork in a circle and hummed "Plus... The food I make will slim you on it's own... Really, you could eat as much as you wanted and still lose weight." Ikuno said "So that's why.." Hiro smiled "Bingo!" he smirked and raised his chin proudly as he added "Come on, tell me how great I am! I won't blush! I swear!"

The group chuckled and Futoshi said "Does it really..." Hiro pointed to his stomach saying "Yes. Look how much you've lost already, big boy. If you continued eating, without throwing up and taking small bites, you would be a muscle man!" Futoshi slapped his forehead and said "Are you serious?"

Hiro chewed and nodded, speaking "Mhf hmsh gedo?" Zerotwo slapped the back of his head and said "So rude!" Hiro swallowed and said, like nothing ever happened, "Why would I lie to you?" He shook his head, Futoshi went back to his old ways and started eating more than a bear.

Zerotwo giggled and ate her food that was always covered in something sweet or sweet itself. She had a [Flawless Body] she couldn't have anything wrong with her even if she ate nothing but Honey every second of the day.

The air was, once again, happy and jovial.

Ichigo watched everyone, extremely depressed. Goro held her hand and gave her a smile, before bringing her to the table and sharing his food with her, making her eat the better food. He even fed her. Hiro shook his head, this guy was too nice.

Zerotwo watched them with pursed lips, her expression was unreadable. Hiro ignored Ichigo entirely and continued eating.

Months passed by

The Sakura trees bloomed with beautiful pink flowers. Hiro made it a point to say 'Cherry Blossom Trees' instead, he wouldn't even say 'Sakura' at all. You couldn't even force him, he was extremely stubborn on this.

The rest gave in and said 'Cherry Blossom' as well, sating Hiro's ego.

Another thing to note, Ichigo had been reintroduced to the group. Everyone, with the exception of Hiro, talked to her normally, making her feel quite emotional. But really, who cares about her?

Hiro finished his daily quest and walked back to the Residence to see Zerotwo laughing with a flower arrangement on her head, he was rooted on the spot. She was absolutely beautiful. He stared at her in a daze.

She looked over and smiled, Hiro walked over and said "Zerotwo, I-" Zorome rushed over saying "Guys! This is bad!" Hiro sighed and Zerotwo held his hand saying "You can tell me later, no?" Hiro smiled and nodded, clinking his hidden horns with hers.

They went to the entrance and Hiro kept a smile as he said "Finally decided to show up?" Alpha smiled replying "Not by choice, surely." Hiro's eyes turned into lines as he smiled returning "Hopefully not, a dog wouldn't be too good off it's leash."

Alpha's smile vanished and he became gloomy as he said "We're here under Papa's orders, to check up on you." Hiro said with a smile "I look good, right? Alright, you've seen enough, surely? You can go. Our house isn't prepared for guests, not to mention we don't accept animals."

Alpha was trembling and Hiro said "Hm? Maybe you would like to stay outside? I think there was a nice bush that could be used as a nest. At any rate, good dogs are obedient. Bye-bye~!" Alpha clenched his fist and said "You!"

Hiro sneered "Stop barking at me and scram." Ichigo said "Wait! Papa sent you?" Alpha calmed down and smiled saying "Yes. Can we stay here?" Ichigo nodded, replying "There's extra rooms." Hiro started laughing and turned around to leave, not even bothering to stop them.

Zerotwo frowned and walked away with Hiro. The rest of the group looked at Ichigo before dispersing back to their duties.

That same night

Hiro was in Zerotwo's room, writing on a notebook. He showed her the words 'Don't speak. They're definitely here for surveillance. If they catch us having sex, we're getting reported to APE and memory erased'

Zerotwo took the notebook and wrote down 'So what do we do?' Hiro sighed and wrote 'I tried to get rid of them... You saw how that went. We just need to tone it down until they leave, not matter what, stay with me, okay?'

Zerotwo wrote down 'Yes, Darling ❤' Hiro smiled and got up, writing down 'I'm going down. I love you.' she wrote with a sad expression 'You're not gonna stay?' he sighed and wrote 'I can't. Too dangerous. I'm sorry, my love.' she sighed and wrote with a big cute pout 'I'll miss you.'

Hiro almost stayed, but wrote 'Me too. So much.' before kissing her and leaving the room.

He walked down the stairs and saw Kokoro apologizing to a 9. Hiro watched from the corner, leaning against the wall, out of sight.

Kokoro walked away and the 9 girl watched her go before picking up a book and putting it in her pocket, walking away in the opposite direction.

Hiro shot his hand out and grabbed her neck, lifting her into the air and stunning the girl completely. She felt extreme danger to her life in this very moment, Hiro looked at her and said "Tsk. Tsk. Snooping around isn't very polite of you, Delta."

He pulled her close and said with a grin "What if you just... Poof! Disappeared? Do you think the others would care?" she grabbed his arm and choked "Please... Don't kill... me!" Hiro said "Oh? Your master taught you to beg? And here I thought you were just a mindless puppy..."

He reached into her pocket and pulled out the book saying "Theft is a serious crime, Delta. What should your punishment be? Death? Crippled?" Delta turned white and Hiro waved her around like a ragdoll as he hummed "What to do, what to do..."

Suddenly, a voice sounded "Let her go." Hiro and Delta looked over and Ichigo was standing there, Hiro said in confusion "Where did you even come from?" Delta choked out "Save... Me..." Ichigo said "Let her go!" Hiro clicked his tongue and dropped Delta to the ground, he looked at her and said "If I catch you snooping around again, nobody will be able to save you." before walking away.

Delta held her throat and took in deep breaths, Ichigo came over saying "Are you okay?" Delta's eyes flashed and she said "Yeah, he still has my book." Ichigo said coldly "Hiro, give her, her book back." Hiro stopped and said "It's not her book. Don't get into something you don't understand. It could end very poorly for you."

Ichigo was firm and said "I said give her the book!" Hiro said coldly "It's not going to happen." he looked at Delta and said "This is what you want with your new found life? Are you sure you want the book? Remember, I'm only asking once. How important is this book to you?"

Delta trembled and started feeling scared, the book for her life? She'll live, thanks. Apparently, Ichigo didn't care and shouted "Give her the book, now!" she stood up and clenched her fists saying "You're just a bully!"

Hiro was stunned, he was a bully? What the fuck was this script? When did he become the bully? Ichigo kicked out and Hiro moved his hand out of the way and waved the book, slapping Ichigo in the face and to the ground with it. He looked down at her and said "You still haven't learned, eh? Can you handle the consequences?"

He crouched down and said "Tell me, right now. Do you REALLY want this book? I won't interfere anymore." he stretched out the book and said "Take it and you'll be responsible for what happens." she snatched the book, not even looking at it, wiping her mouth with her sleeve and said "I'm returning it to it's owner. Jerk."

Hiro laughed and walked away saying "Alright. Remember your words, 015. I hope you don't become a hypocrite as well." before disappearing. Ichigo spat and handed the book to Delta saying "Here you go. Sorry you had to see that." before walking away, not ever even taking a single look at the book.

She felt good about herself for doing a good deed and stopping bully Hiro.

Delta looked at the book and said "Reproduction? Alpha needs to see this." before running off.