We'll become perfect together!

A few weeks passed

Hiro was sitting in the designated area for Squad 13, with a sinister expression. A few weeks was all the time he needed, plus the fact that he could become invisible was a massive help. The first day he got her, he went to the bathroom and snuck away, looping the cameras and stealing all the data from the Control room before going to work on Strelizia.

Zerotwo helped him and just yesterday they finished changing the Magma energy power source with the Arc Reactor. The Magma was just there for show now, of course, it wasn't really. It was also used as a backup energy source, just in case the Arc Reactor has some troubles.

Another thing was Hiro got a few things from the Mystery Chests. He got [Ash's Boomstick], which was promptly devoured by Sun and became a new form. He also got another 10-yr Experience Token, Muramasa blade, another cube of Vibranium, and the Blueprints for the Mk4 Ironman Suit.

The rest of the stuff he got was inconsequential and thrown into the Miscellaneous pile.

Sun devoured the Muramasa Blade, as well as a backup Spear from Strelizia, he now had a total of 4 forms; Staff, Boomstick, Muramasa, and Spear.

Hiro was thrilled and was working on something to specifically kill those filthy, disgusting, VIRM. He was not going to let it end with their sacrifices. He didn't care enough about this place to do that. Another things he noticed was that the Klaxosaur Cores has changed into a bunch of eggs instead. The eggs were about the same size as a Human baby.

He asked Clank what happened and Clank said "The Cores evolved into Klaxo-Sapien eggs of different genders." Hiro was thrilled, he could repopulate the Planet with Klaxo-Sapiens once more. Mixing them together with the humans.

This was good news, when he told Zerotwo she was beyond happy and kissed him. That was a nice reward, he was worrying about something else. She had been acting different since the wedding, she was more sad. He had a feeling he knew what it was about, but he didn't have a solution at the moment.

He sighed to himself, thinking about it, when Goro said "Hm?" he looked at his Comms and said "Hey! Mitsuru and Kokoro are coming back!" Ichigo, who was leaning on Goro with listless eyes, perked up.

The group all left to go see them, Hiro and Zerotwo were trailing behind. Hiro said "Angel... Are you okay?" she was startled before smiling "Of course! Why wouldn't I be, Darling?" he looked at her sadly before saying "Zerotwo... I'll find a way, I promise." she trembled and said with a forced voice, slightly sobbing "What a-are you talking about..." he grabbed her hand and said "I promise you, one day you WILL hold a baby of our own in your arms."

She cried and looked down, hugging his arm tightly as tears dripped from her face. Hiro felt his heart twist in pain, he can do it! No, he will do it! He must. She was a clone of the Klaxosaur Princess and didn't have the means to become pregnant, you could say she was sterile. He had a system! Anything was possible!

Not only that but he could do it on his own! He had the knowledge. He racked his brains thinking of endless possibilities and methods that could work, as the group saw Mitsuru and Kokoro. The rest were relieved and Ichigo cried, bowing and saying "I'm so sorry! If it wasn't for me, you would have enjoyed your wedding!"

Mitsuru said "Wedding?" Kokoro added "What's that?" the group was stunned and Ichigo turned white, collapsing to the floor mumbling "No... It can't be..." The rest of the group were stunned too, Futoshi said "You... don't remember?"

Mitsuru shook his head and said "By the way... Who is she? Did we get a new member of our squad?" Kokoro said "Huh? You're the new member!" Ichigo fainted and Goro picked her up off the ground.

Hiro walked forward and smiled saying "Welcome back, love birds. Let's go back to the camp." the group followed Hiro back to the place they were staying at. He passed Hachi and said "Make sure nobody sees us?" Hachi said "I hope you know what your doing."

Hiro grinned "I know exactly what I'm doing."

A few minutes later

Hiro pulled Kokoro and Mitsuru to him saying "Make sure nobody sees." the rest of the group was stunned and Hiro's hands glowed white as he grinned "Erased memories? What a joke." before smashing his palms on Kokoro and Mitsuru's foreheads.

They fell down to the ground and Hiro walked away saying "Hachi. Get Dr. Franxx..." he slowly grinned "Time to rip their faces right off. Hehehehe"

The next day

Hiro was standing in a lab with Dr. Franxx and the rest of squad 13. He looked at APE and Papa said "What." Hiro looked around and said "Hm... The owl looking guy went to alert the VIRM fleet to attack already. Makes sense." The air froze and one of the non-VIRM APE members said "VIRM fleet?"

Hiro sneered "Well? Maybe you should answer him, 'Papa' or VIRM, whatever you want to be called" Papa was silent and the Vice-Chairman said "What on earth are y-" Hiro interrupted him saying "Shut your mouth, you disgusting hive-mind abomination. I wasn't speaking to you."

The Squad 13 group was completely stunned, Hiro looked at them all and said "Such stupid humans... You truly believe you're running the world. What a joke. You're just tools for the VIRM to eradicate all life on the planet. Manipulated fools, dreaming of Immortality."

He burst out laughing and leaned on Dr. Franxx with his elbow as he said "So? What will you say now? I will kill you and your entire fleet. Not to mention how easy it will be, you gave me access to Hringhorni."

Goro said "Hiro... What are you talking about?" Hiro smiled and said "Why? The true enemy, of course! The hive-mind alien filth known as VIRM. Specifically, Papa, the Vice chairman, and that owl-fellow that left. They never cared about humans, wake up already. Their only goal is to destroy the planet or bend them to VIRM's will and enslave them. Though it doesn't really matter anymore..."

Everybody was silent and there was a laugh.

Hiro's grin widened as Papa tore his face off saying "What can you, a simple human do against us? Obediently bend to our will or die along with the Klaxo-Sapiens!" everybody was stunned and Hiro sneered "Couldn't hold your load, eh? That's good though."

He took off his pin and pointed at himself saying "Prepare for war my fellow Parasites~ We're fighting aliens today!" Papa said "You!" Hiro sneered "You, what? You're the one who broadcasted itself to every human in the facility, not me. Sorry~ Hehe~ Anyway, enjoy your last moments, you disgusting filth."

He sneered and looked at Dr. Franxx saying "What are you going to do?" Dr. Franxx chuckled and said "Is there anything I can do?" Hiro said "Yeah, live." before walking out of the room as the screens were splashed with blood from the non-VIRM APE members.

Hiro took out Sun and the 9s were by the room, he spun it in his hand and it turned into a shotgun. He cocked it and blasted Delta's head right off, splashing blood everywhere as he said to Alpha "You better go out with a bang. Or I will make you myself." before leaving as the 9s were petrified.

Squad 13 was kinda scared too, Hiro walked out and roared across the entire building "Get into the Franxx! Klaxosaurs won't stop, neither will the VIRM. If you want to survive, kill everything!" all the Parasites in the building were grim and rushed into the Franxx as alarms went off in the building.

Hiro said "Angel!" Zerotwo fell from the sky and landed in front of him with a projector device. She smiled and said "Yes, Darling~" he grinned "Let's go." she smiled beautifully and they ran off, Hiro shouted behind him "All of you, prepare for war!"

Squad 13 said "Right!" before running off.

Hiro and Zerotwo got into Strelizia and smashed through the barriers, destroying the facility and going to the elevator. Dr. Franxx was waiting for them and said "You're finally here." Strelizia said "Let's go." he chuckled and the elevator started descending rapidly.

It reached the bottom and Hiro said "Old man... She's coming." he smiled and said "I've been waiting. Go." Hiro sighed and Strelizia flew down a corridor, leaving Dr. Franxx behind.

Strelizia stopped in front of an entry point and Zerotwo said "Darling... Something's coming!" Hiro turned Strelizia around and said "I know, Angel. Don't worry. I will protect you." he opened the hatch and stood out on the open hatch door as a giant snake flew towards them.

Hiro grabbed Sun and it grew into a pillar, the snake opened it's mouth and Hiro smashed it into the wall with Sun. The entire corridor trembled. Hiro said "Come out. I know you're in there."

Suddenly, black spikes with glowing blue rings shot towards Hiro, who swung Sun around, smashing the spikes away. He grabbed one and pulled hard, dragging out a blue skinned Klaxo-Sapien.

He said "Hmm... Klaxo-Sapien Queen. How do you do?" she said telepathically "Who are you? How do you know of me?" Hiro said "Don't worry about that. It's a pity but..." he pulled the tail towards him and the Klaxosaur Queen flew towards him as he finished "You'll be devoured."

Her eyes widened and Hiro opened his mouth before biting into her neck with his sharp fangs. Zerotwo was stunned and said "Darling!" the Klaxosaur Queen shouted in pain and Hiro ripped out a chunk of flesh, swallowing it.

[Race Changed! Klaxo-Sapien 100% Bloodline Fusion achieved! Unlocking Oni-Form. Permanently.]

Hiro roared and his horns grew out, curling over his head, the sides of his eyes gained a blue color and his eyes glowed blue. His fangs were sharp and perfect.

[Perfect Klaxo-Sapien King Race achieved!]

Hiro grabbed the Klaxosaur Queen's neck and sniffed her saying "You're perfect. Just what I need... Angel!" Zerotwo said "Darling?! Are you okay?!" he turned around and gave her an elated smile as he said gently "Come to me, Angel. We'll become perfect together."

Zerotwo said "I don't understand..." He stretched out his hand and said "This is the way to get your reproductive functions!" she trembled and said "Is... Is it possible?" He smiled and said "Of course." she took his hand and he said "Open all the Mystery Chests!"

All 42 Mystery Chests opened at once and light screens filled both their visions.

Hiro looked through them extremely quickly before grabbing onto one and a syringe appeared in his hand. He jammed it into the struggling Klaxosaur Queen and pushed the plunger down before pulling it back out.

The Klaxosaur Queen trembled and slowly disintegrated into red liquid, filling the syringe.

Hiro held Zerotwo and said "You ready, Angel?" she smiled "Yes, Darling~" he smiled and kissed her as he injected the red liquid into her body. Zerotwo roared and she started to light up as the war above raged on endlessly.