Then let's give them a show!

Above the ground Klaxosaur weapons started appearing and shooting off into space as purple pods smashed into the Earth and released Purple Creatures.

Everyone on the battlefield heard Hiro's voice "All of you! The disgusting VIRM has attacked! The purple creatures are your targets! Destroying them is the only way to survive! Your Papa is not a god, it's not a human, it's not even a Klaxosaur! It's VIRM! This entire battle is only to destroy the planet! If you want to live and keep the ground your standing on intact, then you will fight!"

A massive Klaxosaur came out of the ground and it had the same look as Strelizia, who was inside of it. The horn on the Klazosaur's head fired a beam into space, obliterating millions of VIRM. Hiro roared "FIGHT!"

The Franxx and Klaxosaurs started fighting together against the Purple VIRM creatures, except the 9s, who were still attacking Klaxosaurs. Hiro's voice rang out "You disgusting clones! Die!" the Klaxosaur fired a laser beam and obliterated all the 9s completely.

Suddenly it stopped moving as purple lines started infiltrating the Klaxosaur.

Inside Strelizia

Zerotwo had long red crystalline Horns and looked absolutely beautiful. Hiro looked the same except he was blue. He was grunting in pain at the purple shit spreading all over the place. The duo exploded into flames and ice respectively, driving the purple garbage away.

Hiro looked down and said "Angel... I'm sorry. It didn't work." she said softly "It's okay, Darling..." she turned her head and smiled beautifully "I know you can do it!" Hiro trembled and bit his lips saying "I will. I promise. I want to give you a baby."

She smiled warmly saying teasingly "Just one~?" Hiro laughed and said "As many as you want." she giggled and focused on getting rid of the Purple virus. Hiro roared "ARGH! FUCK OFF, FILTH!" Zerotwo shouted "Darling!"


The Star Unity Klaxosaur was encased in a dome of Purple VIRM tech.

Suddenly a giant blue wing made of Ice shot through the right side and a giant red wing made of flames burst out of the left. The entire dome shattered and Star Unity appeared in Strelizia colors.

It shouted "DIE!" as it swung out it's arms in front of it, killing all the VIRM in the air before a red and blue ball of light appeared above the horn on it's head.

The ball exploded into a beam and fired off into space, destroying the entire VIRM fleet.

A giant spear like thing shot out of the ground and Strelizia grabbed it, holding it back, but it continued. Hiro clicked his tongue and looked at Zerotwo, he slapped her back saying "Don't you dare."

She trembled and said "I-" Hiro said firmly "Don't even think about it. If anything, we'll go together." she smiled and said "How did you know..." Hiro turned her face to him and said "Because, I just did. You promised not to leave. I told you before, you'll never leave me even if you tried to run-" she held his hands and said gently "I won't even make it to the door."

She kissed him and smiled "Come with me, Darling." Hiro licked his lips and said "Hold on." he closed his eyes and focused.

Outside the fighting stopped on the ground but the Klaxosaurs were still shooting off into space.

Squad 13 regrouped with Hachi and Nana, getting out of the Franxx.

Suddenly, eggs appeared on the ground near them along with several dozen books, 2 syringes of orange liquid, a box full of tools, a sac full of seeds, blueprints, and a letter.

Hachi stopped the others and picked up the letter, his eyes widened in shock. Goro said "What is it?" Hachi read out loud "Hey guys. It's Hiro, if your reading this. Highly likely that you'll never see me again. Also, the battle is over... For you at least. I'm leaving or already dead. Hopefully the former. Anyway, the eggs are Klaxo-Sapien babies, raise them well and maybe the Earth will introduce a new generation of Species! The 2 syringes are for Nana and Hachi, it's a surprise as to what's in them but I'm sure you'll be happy with it. The books are the various professions for starting a new world, the seeds are for planting, the tools are for farming, and the Blueprints... They are the key to creating an unlimited Energy source that can power debatably the entire world. Just a spoiler, the soil on the ground is dead which means no plants, the soil in the Birdcage is natural and fresh, if you want to survive you'll have to get that soil instead. Anyways, it was a blast. See ya! -Hiro & Zerotwo"

Goro clenched his fist and said "That... Bastard!" he turned around and looked at Strelizia flying off into space and started crying. The rest of the group were silent as well, silently shedding tears at the departure.

Hachi took the syringe and froze as his memories and emotions started coming back to him. He grunted and threw one to Nana. She grabbed it and a piece of paper fell off, landing in her lap. She looked at the paper.

'Nana, maybe we didn't see eye to eye. I still think you're stupid and a petty woman, but that's neither here nor there. You have to become a mother to everyone, along with Hachi. That's why... That's why I'm leaving the eggs in your hands. Don't disappoint me, or I'll look down on you. -Hiro'

She rolled her eyes and wiped them, putting the note in her pocket as she mumbled "I'm not a petty woman..." she stabbed the syringe into her arm along with Hachi and they both collapsed to the ground, convulsing in pain.

The Squad shouted "Hachi! Nana! Are you okay!?" they grinded their teeth and grunted.

A few minutes later

They got back up and Nana's lips quivered as she started crying tears of joy, Hachi also smiled. The Squad was stunned and Miku said "What are you crying?" Nana said "It's... It's... It's back! I-I-I.. I can have children again!" the group was completely stunned, what the fuck!

Hachi said "Grab all the things, including the eggs, and start learning. The faster we can come back from this the best the situation will be. Goro, come with me to the Bird Cage, we'll bring the soil back."

In Space

Strelizia glowed brightly, destroying the VIRM on it's way to Mars. It's horn moved to the side and turned completely blue. Another horn shot out and it was completely red. The face of Strelizia glowed into a mix of Hiro and Zerotwo with a blue and red eye.

It flew through space, destroying VIRM before coming to a Warp Gate. It grabbed a bomb and Hiro sighed "It really comes to this..." Zerotwo smiled sweetly "At least I have my Darling~" he chuckled and said "As long as you're not dead, Angel." as they entered the Warp Gate and disappeared.

Time passed slowly

Hiro and Zerotwo traveled through space, obliterating every single VIRM entity they saw. While they were flying, Hiro was sitting in the Stamen chair and caressing Zerotwo's back as he said with a smile "Tired of me yet, Angel?" she giggled and shook her head, turning to look at him as she said "Not even a little bit, Darling."

He leaned over and kissed her as he said "I love you." she smiled and replied "I love you too, Darling." he clinked his horns with hers as he giggled "Not more than me though." she touched her nose with his saying "You're right. Not more. MUCH more." before giggling.

Hiro smiled and there was an alarm, he clicked his tongue and they started killing again.

Time continued to pass

Finally, 2 years after entering the Warp Gate.

Hiro squinted weakly saying "Is that it?" Zerotwo said "Yep." he chuckled and said "Are you okay, Angel?" she smiled weakly saying "Better than ever." he sighed and said with a weak chuckle "You don't have to lie to me, Angel..."

Strelizia continued attacking as they arrived at VIRM'S home planet. VIRM'S voice sounded "Feeble lifeforms! Surrender yourself and let us liberate you from your flesh! All shall be VIRM in the end!" Strelizia started laughing, it's voice was a mix of Zerotwo and Hiro as it said "Filthy creature, you're so stupid. Can't you see this is your end? We're here to put an end to what you call a life!"

Strelizia shot forward and smashed the VIRM ships to smithereens.

Suddenly, VIRM laughed as ships and ships along with Hringhorni flew out from the planet "Pathetic existences! VIRM IS ETERNAL!" Hringhorni flew out, stabbing at Strelizia as the rest of the ships opened fire on it.

Hiro coughed up blood and Zerotwo shouted "DARLING!" Hiro said "It's okay. We're all good." she bit her lips and shed tears, she knew he was putting up a tough front. She hated that.

Strelizia caught Hringhorni in it's arms and both it's horns lit up, firing beams all around itself, blowing up the ships. Hiro laid back and said weakly "You ready, Angel?" she took a deep breath and a beautiful smile lit up her face and she said "Yes, Darling!"

Strelizia grabbed Hringhorni's handle and they both shouted "Then let's give them a show!" it swept Hringhorni out and the purple and black colors on it turned white, red, and gold. Strelizia roared and thrusted forward, rockets on the back shot fire as Strelizia blasted through the VIRM and towards the planet.

Hringhorni was devoured by Sun and Strelizia took out the Klaxosaur bomb, stabbing it into VIRM's Planet. Strelizia stabbed it's arm through the bomb and set it off.

Hiro was sitting down, watching the bomb that was about to explode. He said "So that's it? That's my life..." Zerotwo came out of the Pistil position and turned around, she collapsed on top of him and said weakly "Darling.... I love you. I-I'm happy I got to live. I'm happy I met you..."

He hugged her and said "Angel... I love you too... Don't.. worry... I promised to take you to see e... everything..." she smiled softly and closed her eyes. Hiro stroked her hair and looked in front of him.

[Congratulations! Main Quest Completed! Rewards: Multiverse Travel Unlocked, Ultimate Body Re-Creation token, Everything +1!]

Hiro grabbed the token and slammed it on Zerotwo's body, he hugged her close and turned around protecting her body from the assumed explosion as the System light up again.

[World Complete! Darling in the Franxx: Performance grade- A. Rewards: Legendary Mystery Chest, Daily Quest Upgrade, System Reformation & Update!]

[Requirements met! Traveling to new world!]

Zerotwo's body was lighting up with a multicolored light from the Token and Hiro started glowing gold as he closely closed his eyes. The Duo both glowed bright gold and the explosion occurred as the duo vanished into thin air, escaping with their lives.

A rift opened in the air of a new world

A man holding a woman fell out and smashed onto a ship, startling it's occupants. Someone shouted "Captain! Two people with horns just fell from the sky!" a man walked over, the man had a long black mustache and what seemed to be a permanent grin on his face as he said "Horns?! Sky?! People?! What the fuck have you been smoking, kiddo?"