Without him, I don't have a reason to live.

The man with a long black moustache walked over and looked the duo on the ground and said "Young kiddos? Strange clothes too..." he reached out and an intense killing intent flooded over him, alerting the crew.

The man chuckled and grinned as he said "Hey! Cool!" a man with silver hair walked over and said "From the kids?" the man with the moustache pointed at the boy and said "That one specifically. The one with the blue horns. It seems he's protecting the girl..."

The man with silver hair shook his head and said "If he continues, he's going to die."

Of course they were talking about Hiro and Zerotwo! Hiro was holding Zerotwo tight in his arms and radiating killing intent from his body to protect her, even though he was unconscious. He had no idea where he was going, but anything could happen. His killing intent would scare off normal people, he was actually extremely lucky.

As for Zerotwo, she was completely fine, there wasn't even a scratch on her. Hiro landed on his back when they fell so she didn't even hit the ground. But he was dying. He hadn't eaten in 2 years, he still needed food to survive. His body was enhanced tremendously, which prolonged his life, but after not eating or sleeping for 2 years.. He was bound to have some problems.

He looked frail and skinny.

The man with the moustache laughed and said "I want them on our crew!" as he ignored the killing intent and took Hiro off Zerotwo, killing intent exploded off Hiro and the man chuckled saying "Fierce! Crocus!" The silver haired man sighed and said "Honestly... You just pick up anybody?"

The man with the moustache handed Hiro over to another man with flower petal like hair, named Crocus, as he replied "Only interesting people! How many people have horns?" the silver haired man sighed and picked up Zerotwo saying "You're really... Hais..." before bringing her to a bed and leaving her there.

A while later

Zerotwo woke up and sat up abruptly saying "Darling?!" she looked at the unfamiliar room and at herself. She was still in her Pistil outfit, she ran out of the room shouting "Darling?! Where are you!?" the whole crew was alerted and the silver haired man said "You're awake?"

Zerotwo growled "Who the fuck are you. Where's my darling!?" the silver haired man said "Relax, he-" Zerotwo shot her leg out at the man shouting "Where is my Darling!?" the silver haired man tilted to the side saying "Hais... You're fast." she grinded her teeth and threw a punch at him, he moved to the side and she spun around, slicing out her heel at him.

He ducked and said "Fuck!" before rolling away, she was strong but not too strong. Then again, he was a monster so... He grabbed her ankle and threw her into a wall before saying "Fuck me... Where's Roger when you need him..."

Suddenly, the man with a moustache ran over, laughing his head off as he said "You almost got hit, Ray! HAHAHAHA!" the silver haired man sighed and sighed and kept sighing before saying "This is your problem." as he pointed at Zerotwo, who was angry.

She sprang from the ground, cracking the wood, as she threw a punch at the two. The mustached man covered his palm in black, catching her fist and stepping back a single step. His eyes shone like stars as he said "Strong! Join my crew!" Zerotwo roared "I don't know what that means! I just want my Darling!" as she kicked at the man's head.

The man ducked and said "The blue horned kid? He's getting treatment." Zerotwo stopped and said "Where?!" the mustached man pointed and Zerotwo ran off, ignoring everyone and throwing some guy with a red nose out of the way, into a wall as she left.

The mustached man pointed at the red nose kid and burst out laughing.

Zerotwo kicked open a door and saw Hiro lying on a bed and breathing softly with a bunch of IVs attached. There was a man reading the paper next to his bed. It was Crocus. Zerotwo looked at him and said "Is he alright???" biting her nails in anxiety.

Crocus looked up from the paper and waited for around 30 seconds before saying "It's a bit rude to not introduce yourself before talking to someone, no?" Zerotwo clenched her fists and shouted "Just fucking tell me! Is he okay or not?!" she collapsed to the ground and covered her eyes, crying as she said "Without him... I... I... I don't have a reason to live!"

Crocus cut his jokes off and said "He's injured but he'll live. You both landed on our ship, he had you in his arms and wouldn't let go even a bit. If not for the captain prying him off you, he wouldn't have been able to get treatment. Serious malnourishment and lack of sleep, one of his organs was close to failing."

Zerotwo was a mess, crying on her knees. Crocus sighed and left the room, he walked outside and saw the rest of the crew curiously looking inside. The mustached man was stunned and said "Crocus... The kid?" Crocus said "You heard me just now, Roger. I'm not sure, but it seems like he hasn't eaten or slept for 2 years."

Roger's eyeballs popped out of their sockets and said "2 years!?" the silver haired man said "Maybe a devil fruit?" Crocus pursed his lips and said "What devil fruit is that, Rayleigh?" Rayleigh coughed and said with a wave of his hand "I don't know, you're the doctor, not me."

Crocus shook his head and said "He doesn't have a Devil Fruit." the entire crew gasped and Roger said firmly with a serious expression "They must join the crew. 100% I won't even take no for an answer. I'll lock them up."

Rayleigh smacked the back of his head and said "You're going to lock them up?! With what?" Roger mumbled "Lots of chains..." Rayleigh smacked him again.

Inside the room

Zerotwo crawled to the bedside and held Hiro's hand mumbling "Please come back to me, Darling..." before falling asleep with a tear stained face.

A few days passed

Hiro slowly opened his eyes to an unfamiliar room. He sat up and looked around to see Zerotwo sleeping on the bedside with tears staining her face, and her hand holding onto his tightly. He smiled and patted her head softly, she crinkled her nose and looked up still sleepy.

She saw Hiro's smile and was wide awake in an instant, hugging him tightly and crying tears of joy "Darling! Darling! You're okay! You're okay!" Hiro felt his nose get stuffy and he hugged her back saying "En."

She kissed him and said "Thank god! You know, I was so scared! I didn't know if you were going to come back to me... I almost-" he kissed her lips, cutting her off. He clinked his horns with hers and said softly "I'm alright. You're not alone anymore... Even if I had to crawl back from the Death to find you, I would do it."

Zerotwo smiled and their horns intertwined as they touched foreheads. He brought her to his lap and said softly "Where are we, Angel?" Zerotwo leaned on him and said "I don't know, Darling. I only came to find you." he kissed her head and said "I love you." she smiled sweetly and snuggled into his chest.


[System Update Complete!]

[Congratulations! You've received 'Memory World'!]

[Strelizia Mk1 has been deposited into Memory World!]

Hiro hummed and said "Status"


[Name: Hiro/016 (Monkey)]

[Age: 18]

[Race: Perfect Klaxo-Sapien King]

[Titles: He who Rides with Death, Genius]

[Talents: Photographic Memory, Super Strength, Super Smell, Super Sight, Super Hearing, Wolverine Regeneration, Enhanced Reflexes, Inexhaustible Stamina, Vibranium Bones (Upgradeable), Cooking (GOD), OmniVehicle control (Transcendent), Massaging (Transcendent), OmniWeapon Mastery (Transcendant), Fighting (Transcenddent), Mechanic (Transcendent), Medical Scientist (Transcendent), Scholar (Transcendent), Drawing (GOD), Maker (Origin), Hacker (Superior), Teaching (Superior)] > [Talents: Super Human, Vibranium Bones (Upgradeable), All-Mastery (Intermediate)]

[Powers: God Tongue, Acute Sense of Smell, Memory Manipulator, Telepathy, Impenetrable Mind, Eternal Soul Bond w/ ZEROTWO, Flaw Vision, Invisibility]

[Magic: Ice-Make Magic (Master), Water Magic (Master)]

[Passive Skills: Titanium Skin (Upgradeable), Dread Pressure, Enhanced Learning, Flawless Body, Oni Body]

[Items: Black Gloves (???), OmniWeapon: Magma Cudgel (Other Forms: Boomstick, Spear, Muramasa), Ultra Horn Polish (Forever-Full), Supreme Horn Care Kit, Talent Cigarettes, 10 Yr Experience Token, Legendary Mystery Chest, Misc. ]

[Memory World: Strelizia Mk1]

[Extra Stats for nerds: +32 Charisma, +24 Luck]

[Daily Quest: 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches, 20 Mile run. Rewards: Super Mystery Chest]

[World Quest: Destroy the World Government- Rewards: ???]

[One Piece Quests]

[Get that man an Ambalam! Save Ace. Rewards: Devil Fruit Splicer]

[The number of these Celestial Dragons is too damn high! Kill 50 Celestial Dragons. Reward: A 10x10 meter block of Seastone]

[Oh, what treasures await?! Reach the Final Island. Reward: Legendary Mystery Chest, Map of the entire World]

[Infinite Power! Learn all Haki forms. Rewards: Next World Token]

He looked at Zerotwo and said "Status"


[Name: Zerotwo]

[Age: 18]

[Race: Perfect Klaxo-Sapien Queen]

[Talents: Super Human, Adamantium Bones (Upgradeable), OmniVehicle Control (Transcendent), Fighting (Transcendent), Mechanic (Transcendent)]

[Powers: Fire Magic (Master), Lightning Magic (Master), Telepathy, Impenetrable mind. Eternal Soul Bond w/ HIRO, Invisibility]

[Passive skills: Blessing of a Lover (All-Stats +500% (Doubled if with Hiro)) +200% from Ring (w/ Hiro), Flawless Body, Oni Body, Perfect Body]

[Items: Hiro Plushie (Rarity: X), Lover's Necklace (Rarity: SSS), Immortal Marriage Ring of Eternity, The Beast and the Prince]

[Extra Stats for nerds: ERROR Charisma ERROR Luck]

(Super Human Talent = Photographic Memory, Super Strength, Super Smell, Super Sight, Super Hearing, Wolverine Regeneration, Enhanced Reflexes, Inexhaustible Stamina

All-Mastery = Everything Hiro has learned and increases his learning speed at new things.)

Hiro felt his mouth twitch as she looked at him happily. He said "Your stats... I'm pretty sure you're still stronger than me..." she giggled and said "I don't think so." Hiro pointed at her Luck stat and she laughed.

He shook his head and got out of bed saying "Where are the people, Angel?" She climbed on his back and said "I don't know~" before laying on it and purring in comfort. He sighed and carried her out of the room.

He walked out of the room and a group of people turned around, whistling, as if they didn't just eavesdrop on them. Hiro felt his mouth twitch, then he froze. The sea, a ship, it's One Piece!? Obviously, he glance right over his status screen or he would've seen the Quests.

Roger walked out and rubbed his hands saying "Your up!" Hiro's lips were quivering and he almost fanboyed, he ended up nodding gently. Roger laughed and said "You're a pretty funny guy!" Rayleigh coughed "He didn't even say anything..."

Roger ignored Rayleigh and said "Join my crew!" Hiro almost died in shock and he mumbled "Ok." Roger jumped up, shouting "Wooo! We don't have to chain you u- Ahem! I mean we got a next crew mate!" the crew cheered and dragged Hiro and Zerotwo away to party.

Hiro was in a daze looking at all these people. He was handed a mug of grog and he drank some before licking his lips and saying "Hey! This is pretty good!" A teenager next to him said "Of course! It's Captain's secret collection. Oh, but don't tell him." Hiro looked at the red haired teenager, it was Shanks! He didn't end up asking for his autograph and simply nodded.

The group partied and Zerotwo felt very strange, she had drank a bit too much and felt dizzy. She fell on Hiro saying with a slur "Oh... Darling~ You're so bad~" as she grabbed his crotch. Hiro spat out his alcohol and the rest grumbled, turning away.

He held Zerotwo up before laughing and saying "You're drunk." Zerotwo spat out her tongue and replied "Drunk with LOOOOVEEE~" he sweatdropped "Maybe a little too drunk..." she giggled and stretched out her arms pouting.

He picked her up and said "I'll see you guys tomorrow." the group he was drinking with waved and Hiro smiled, leaving to his medical bed. He laid down with Zerotwo and tucked her hair behind her ears as she laid on his shoulder.

She kissed his chest and said "I luv you Dahling..." he smiled softly and said "Angel... Did you know? You... You can have a baby now..." Zerotwo cried on his chest and said happily "Yay~" before slowly closing her eyes mumbling "I want to... give you... a.. baby... Dar... ling..." as she fell asleep.

Hiro was stunned for a long time, staring at her in a daze, before he closed his eyes with a soft smile and fell asleep with her in his arms.