
Hiro was sitting on a train cart, in between Erza and Lucy. He was sleeping as the train rode on the rails. Erza was explaining that they were going to a dark guild, Eisenwald.

She threw Hiro into the seats in front of her and knocked Natsu out with Hiro before continuing to speak. Lucy's lips were quivering and Gray was listening quietly.

Hiro woke up and yawned, he sat up from the ground and said "Eh? Are we there yet?" Lucy said "You aren't wondering how you were on the ground?!" Hiro ignored her and climbed back into the train seat before falling asleep again.

Erza punched Hiro, who caught her fist and flipped her before laying on his side, using Happy as a pillow. Erza said "Anyway, the top ace from Eisenwald was named 'Shinigami' because he only takes assassination jobs."

Happy smacked Hiro's head and said "I'm not a pillow!" Hiro groaned and woke up saying "Shut it, cat." Happy froze and Hiro pushed himself up, squeezing Happy into different shapes as he said "Assassination jobs are available?"

Erza replied "Not for normal guilds, only guilds that have been kicked out of the Guild Association." Hiro clicked his tongue and said "So boring..." Gray said "You want to take assassination Jobs?" Hiro turned Happy into a balloon animal as he replied "It's easier than helping people. Faster too."

He looked at Erza and said "So we're going to kill some Shinigami guy?" Lucy snapped "Is killing the first option for you!?" Erza said "Basically." Hiro stretched his arms and said "Alright! Kill it is!" before going back to sleep.

A while later

Hiro was still sleeping on the train when an explosion went off next to him. He was startled awake and looked over to see Natsu fighting some guy in white. Hiro remembered this guy was Kageyama from Eisenwald, he was going to give the flute thing to Erigor and they were going to take over the train.

The train started moving again and Natsu jumped out of the train. Kageyama looked around and saw Hiro, laying in a destroyed train cart. Kageyama pointed at him saying "Who are you!?" Hiro yawned and said "Can't you see I'm sleeping? Why are you so loud?"

Kageyama said "You! You saw the flute!" Hiro waved and said "Ugh... Why are you so annoying?" he froze the inside of the train cart, freezing up Kageyama's legs. He froze up to Kageyama's head and picked up the Demon Flute.

Hiro looked at the flute and said "This is Lullaby? That's it?" he snapped the flute in half and his hand burst into black flames as he said "Arise." and the wood was devoured, while a giant 3 eyed monster.

Hiro waved and the monster went into his shadow, disappearing. He looked at Kageyama and said "That's how you use shadow magic, yeesh." Kageyama was just completely stunned and couldn't reply.

The train continued on and stopped at the next station.

Hiro got off, holding Kageyama in his hands. He was still an ice statue at this point. Hiro looked around and said "Yare Yare, why is this guy so hard to find? He drags a giant scythe around with him. You'd think he's stick out in a crowd..."

He looked and saw the scythe man, he smiled and walked over, humming to himself. He stopped in front of Erigor and said "Yo!" Erigor blinked before saying "Who are you?" Hiro replied "I'm new... I don't really have a nickname yet... Anyway, I'm Hiro, a Fairy Tail Wizard. Most people call me Oni."

Erigor didn't expect Hiro to actually give him his name, the atmosphere was slightly awkward and Hiro said "Well, anyway! I'm here to capture your friends... You, however, will be met with a very unfortunate accident."

Ice exploded from beneath his feet and a giant water dragon appeared in the air, the ice froze the Eisenwald guild members' feet as Erigor was the only one to dodge. Hiro whistled and the other guild members were frozen up to their necks and an ice dragon brought them over to Kageyama as Erigor and the water dragon were fighting, destroying the train and the train station.

Hiro wasn't too concerned with destruction. He said "Ah... Don't run away... Not that you can anyway." he clapped and the water and ice dragons surrounded the group. Hiro looked up at Erigor, who was floating in the air.

Hiro said "Let's see what you can all do." his little shadow army came out of his shadow. There was the Mage, the goons, and the giant 3 eyed monster. Hiro said "Take him down, I want him to join the group."

The mage put his hands together and blue flame whips shot towards Erigor, who slashed out a wind tornado. The goons jumped to the side and attacked Erigor from all sides while the 3 eyed giant make a strange noise and punched out.

Everybody covered their eyes in pain, Erigor was no exception. He was slammed by the monster's fist and smashed into the ground, destroying several buildings. Hiro looked at the giant and said "Hey... A little less destruction?" the giant scratched it's head and shrugged, not understanding the word 'less'.

Hiro sighed and said "Flare, drag him here." Flare threw out a blue whip of flames and dragged Erigor over to Hiro, who looked up at the giant and said "You'll just be Lullaby, okay?" the giant nodded, accepting it's name.

Hiro looked at Erigor and punched him in the chest, making his heart explode and killing him. Hiro smiled to himself and said "Arise!" A shadow with a black mask and a giant scythe appeared and kneeled on one knee.

Hiro smiled to himself and said "Reaper, get into the shadow." Reaper joined the army and Hiro froze Erigor before bunching him up with the others. He looked at the destroyed train and sighed "I'm gonna get yelled at again..."

He brought the 6 on the train and said "Let's go to the rest~" as the front half of the train rode away, leaving the station in ruins.

The rest of the team got there right after Hiro left and Lucy's eyes popped out of their sockets as she said "Nobody!?" Erza shook her fist and said "That damn Oni! He destroyed the station!" Gray whistled at the destruction and said "Wow..."

Erza grinded her teeth and drove to the next town, mumbling "That Oni is gonna catch a beating..." Lucy, Gray, and Natsu all gulped, but Natsu almost threw up from motion sickness.

A while later

Hiro arrived at the city and stepped out of the train, carrying the 6 Eisenwald goons in an ice block. He looked at the hundreds of Eisenwald guild members and sighed as he said "So many?" he put down the ice block and said with a grin "Who's first?"

Erza and the rest arrived at the town and drove to the train station. They ran inside and passed the knocked out army guys, coming to the train platform and seeing the giant group of people. They also saw Hiro twirling a staff.

Erza was about to run in when she stopped.

Hiro swung the staff and sent a guy flying before spinning sun into Hringhorni and sweeping out a group. He chuckled as his eyes and horns glowed and Sun changed into the Kanabō, he jumped on a guy and his teeth gleamed as he smashed the Kanabo over his head.

He grabbed the ring at the end of it and spun it around, smashing a group through the walls, into the town, their life and death unknown.

He ducked under a sword and Sun transformed into the Boomstick, before blowing a hole in the guy's gut. He backflipped waving his hand out as a water dragon swallowed up everyone around him and froze into a sculpture.

He spun around, changing Sun into Murasama and blocking another sword attack. He clenched his fist and it turned black before exploding into darkness as he threw a punch out, shooting a beam of darkness at another group of goons.

The rest attacked all at once and Hiro kicked the air, jumping up again as he used Geppo. Sun changed into the Mini-Gun and he rained bullets down on the rest before landing back on the ground, spinning Sun back into the staff and stabbing it in the ground next to him.

The other 4 were completely stunned and Hiro said "Easy." Erza walked over and put her hands on her hips saying "Look at the building!" Hiro and the group looked around and started to sweat, the building was basically destroyed now.

Hiro said "Well, we got them! Right?" Erza said "That's not the point!" as she punched him, Hiro tilted his head and said "Hey... So violent?" she said "I didn't destroy everything!" as they started fighting again, destroying everything else.

The rest of the group sweat dropped as they watched the carnage.

A while later

The living Eisenwald guild members were rounded up and given to the army, while the rest... Hiro collected them into his shadow army. The group left, going back to the guild. Hiro told Erza that he destroyed the flute and put down her worries. Hiro was interested in the car that she drove, more like the mana converter to power.

He could probably create a car that runs on mana as well and have it be 10x faster than the one they were on right now.

As he contemplated making an invention that would shake the world to it's core, they arrived back at the guild. Hiro picked up Isabella and was told that Zerotwo was still out on her Job. He wasn't too worried about her, she was stronger than him!

He brought Isabella back and made dinner for her and himself... Unfortunately, when he returned from the kitchen, there were 4 guests at his table. Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Erza were sitting in his house and waiting for the food, playing with Isabella.

Hiro walked out and said "Uhhhh... Can I help you?" Natsu swayed and Happy lunged for the food, only to get chopped by Hiro, Erza's stomach rumbled and she had a serious expression on her face, not embarrassed at all as she said "We're hungry."

Hiro gawked saying "But there's food at the guild..." Isabella pouted "Baba's food is the best! The guild's food is stinky." Natsu added "Yeah! Yeah! Guild food is stinky! Make us food! Come ooooooooon! Plllleaaaaaaase!?"

Hiro felt his mouth twitch and said "It can't be you came to my house just for food..." Lucy blushed in embarrassment but the other three nodded seriously. Hiro was honestly stunned, he sighed to himself and served Isabella before grumbling back over to the kitchen, muttering "Damn leeches...."

Isabella ate happily, covering her food from Happy and eyeing the rest warily, especially Lucy, who was in tears. She didn't even look at her food... Isabella ate quickly and Hiro came back with more, serving the rest with a sneaky grin.

He put Impurity Cleanses in the food, hehehe, when they start seeping black stuff... Then they'll be in despair! Hiro ate his food and chuckled evilly to himself, too bad none of them could hear it as they were lost in the supreme heavenly taste of the food.