Candies, eh?

Hiro was sleeping on the bar in the guild, drooling on the counter, when he was awoken with a bonk. He jolted up and spun Sun into a Boomstick, pointed right at Makarov's face. Hiro opened his eyes and said "Oh! Hey, old man." before taking Sun back and going back to sleep.

Makarov choked "Don't go back to sleep!" as he kept bonking Hiro on the head, Hiro rolled but Makarov would always bonk him, like his cane was magnetized to Hiro's head.

Mirajane ran down the stairs and said "Guild Master! One of the Jobs on the second floor is missing!" the guild went silent, Hiro looked up and chuckled "Isn't it obvious?" everybody looked at him and Mirajane said "You mean?!"

Hiro snickered and said "If not him, who else? Plus..." he pointed up and said "The spark plug sits up there all day, he saw something for sure." there was a snort and another voice "You got something to say, water Oni?"

Hiro looked up and his hand froze as he said "Yeah... I got something to say... You're gonna have to come in close so I can tell you." before grinning as he tapped his finger on the bar, the chair Laxus was sitting on froze solid.

Laxus crackled with lightning and Makarov shouted "Enough!" the two clicked their tongues and the lightning and ice disappeared. A fist made of black flames punched Laxus right in the face from his shadow before disappearing.

Hiro looked at Mirajane and smiled slightly as he said "Where did they go?" Mirajane said "Galuna Island." the rest of the guild said "Galuna Island?! The Cursed Island?!" Laxus shouted over the railing "You want to die, Water Oni!?" Hiro sneered "Who's afraid of you?" as he stood up, Laxus crackled with electricity.

Hiro fell into his shadow and Laxus disappeared, they reappeared in the air. Hiro's fist was covered in black flames and Laxus thunder punched him. They collided and Hiro flew back, while Laxus landed on the ground.

Hiro flipped in the air and landed on his feet, he clicked his tongue and Darkness spread on the ground. Before he could do anything, Makarov turned giant and punched both on them into the ground, saying "Are you two deaf!?"

Gray stood up and said "Old man! I'm going to get them." before walking out of the guild. Hiro sank into the ground and grabbed Laxus into the darkness, before ejecting him into a wall. Hiro smirked and half his body appeared on the wall, throwing a punch at Laxus, who turned around and smashed a fist in Hiro's face.

Hiro went back into the shadow and out the other one, into the ceiling of the guild and landing back on the ground. Laxus crackled with lightning and threw a lightning bolt at Hiro, who rolled over and squinted at Laxus.

Makarov was shaking in anger and roared "I SAID ENOUGH!" as he grabbed Hiro and Laxus, slamming them into the ground hard. The two coughed out saliva and Makarov held them saying "Laxus, go on a job. Hiro, go sit at the bar and wait for Erza."

He threw Laxus out of the guild with a Job paper and he threw Hiro into the bar before shrinking down and grumbling with crossed arms. Hiro smashed head first into the bar and rubbed the bump on his head, that swelled quickly before shrinking down and disappearing.

Seems his Titanium Skin was all bullshit around here.

He sat on the ground and Isabella ran over saying nervously "Baba! Are you okay?" Hiro's heart melted and he said "I need a kiss to get better... Hais..." Isabella kissed his cheek and said "UwU... Baba, don't be hurt!"

The entire guild clicked their tongues and looked away, Hiro hugged Isabella saying "Who's Baba's little princess!" Isabella giggled "Meeee~" Hiro laughed and kissed her face all over, making her giggled, completely forgetting the beating he just got.

He sat back at the bar and playing with Isabella as Makarov walked over, sitting right in front of him. Isabella pouted "Mean, Grandpa! Why did you hurt my Baba!?" Makarov choked on his saliva and said quickly "What do you mean? Look he's fine, Grandpa was just teaching him." denying any accusations.

Isabella narrowed her eyes and said "Are you lying to me, Grandpa? I won't forgive you, not matter how much candy you give me!" before covering her mouth, Hiro said "Candies, eh?" Isabella smiled sweetly saying "Whaaaat? Baba, you're so silly! I didn't have any candies, hihi~"

Hiro squeezed her cheeks and said "You better not have, little girl. If your mother finds ou-" a voice sounded behind them "If I find out what?" Isabella and Hiro froze and stiffly turned around, squeezing out smiles and saying "N-Nothing, Angel/Mama!"

Zerotwo squinted and said "I heard something about candies..." Isabella cried saying "Grandpa and Baba were giving me candies! I was forced!" Hiro and Makarov choked and Zerotwo glared at them saying "They did, eh?" Isabella hugged Zerotwo and nodded, looking at Hiro and whispering "Baba, I'm sorry!"

Hiro held his heart, this was a top 10 anime betrayal for sure! His own daughter! Threw him right under a bus! What a cruel world!

Zerotwo took Isabella and walked to the side saying "Mama will tell you what happened." Isabella said excitedly "Mama went on a big adventure!?" Zerotwo smiled and nodded as she sat at a table and started talking about the Job she took.

Makarov coughed and said "Hiro." Hiro looked a bit sour and turned to Makarov saying "Hm?" Makarov said seriously "I can tell you for certain, Laxus wasn't using his full power. Before you say anything, I know you weren't either, but you need to start getting more serious. If you just fight anyone, not only will you die but you might drag your family with you... I've seen it before. I don't want a good seedling to be destroyed because he was so arrogant he didn't care."

Makarov sighed and continued "If Laxus wasn't so arrogant, he would be much, much, stronger than he is now. You have the potential to be one of the strongest people in the world, you just need to be more mature. Think about what you're doing before acting. You have a family and people waiting for you, remember that."

He looked at Hiro and added kindly "The saddest thing isn't you dying, but what happens to your family after you die. Think about that." Hiro stayed silent and Makarov walked away, going to drink. Hiro looked at Zerotwo and Isabella laughing together, thinking about what Makarov said.

His expression was flat and unreadable.

He sighed before drinking from his mug and feeling a bit dumb. After Roger disbanded the crew, he didn't do a single thing. For the entire year and a bit, he had been in a semi depressive state, basically he wasted an entire year and a bit doing absolutely nothing when he could have been training, maybe he thought he was strong enough already?

The draws and losses from Erza, Laxus, and Makarov were already a clear sigh that he wasn't as strong as he thought he was, or at least not the strongest yet. As he hopped from world to world he still needed to become stronger, mostly to protect his family but there was also a part inside him that wanted to be the strongest regardless of anything.

Wherever he went he wanted to be the strongest. He lucked out landing on Roger's ship and he had enough power from training with them for 4 years to take care of himself not, but he was average in Fairy Tail world. He needed to get stronger and stronger.

He took a fruit out of his system space and ate it. It was the Gravity fruit.

[Alert! Darkness, Space, and Gravity has been unlocked in Host's body! Would you like to merge them?]

Hiro was stunned and said "Clank?" Clank said "What you can do now with the Darkness fruit you can still do after." Hiro said "Merge then."

[Merging. . .]

[Congratulations! You've acquired Collapse Magic (Intermediate)]

Hiro looked at the new magic and took out the Grimoire. He had already put space in there and he channeled his Collapse Magic into the book, 3 pages lit up. One turned pitch blank, one crumbled into a ball, and the last one just turned to dust.

Hiro was startled at the pages, it seemed it took what the magic was made of as well! Suddenly, a light screen popped up in front of him.

[Congratulations! You've made a new never before seen Magic! Reward: Legendary Mystery Chest!]

Hiro pursed his lips and said "Open all the chests." he already had 5 and now with the Legendary one he had six. He seemed pretty lucky today, so he decided to see what he gets, he only had 6 anyway.

[Congratulations! You've received Super Coffee Beans!]

[Congratulations! You've received Time fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received 10 yr Experience Token!]

[Congratulations! You've received Telekinesis!]

[Congratulations! You've received Caitlyn's Hextech Rifle!]

[Congratulations! You've received Hover Board!]

Hiro crushed the Token on Collapse Magic and got 10 years of experience in it, advancing it to (Advanced). Sun ate the Hextech Rifle, and Hiro walked out of the guild in his own thoughts, Zerotwo followed him with Isabella.

She followed behind him, holding Isabella and said "Darling? What's wrong?" Hiro said "Angel, do you think I'm immature?" Zerotwo was startled and said "Huh?" He walked next to her and just looked at her.

She said "Darling... What happened?" Hiro said "Well, the old man said that I'm immature and it's not a good thing to loaf around doing nothing." Zerotwo looked at Hiro and said "Well... Since then you've been doing nothing really. I like when you're goofy and silly, it's cute, but I don't like when you go and fight anyone who looks at you differently."

She patted Isabella's back and continued "Like when you fought Whitebeard and got your arm blown off. I didn't like that..." they walked together and Hiro silently listened to his wife talk "I also don't like you do everything by yourself..."

She looked at him and held his hand as she continued "It's boring for me to sit back and do nothing. Plus, I don't like seeing you get hurt even though I know nothing's gonna happen. You're mine and if I lose you, I don't know what I would do. I probably couldn't live anymore either. So, do I think you're immature? Sometimes. But, I don't want you to change from the goofy, silly, shameless, pervert I love."

She gave him a loving smile and added "Just remember that behind you is your family. Me and Isabella. We both can't live without you." Hiro was at a loss for words. He looked at Zerotwo and smiled softly saying "What did I do to deserve you?" she spat out her tongue and winked as she said "You punched through 2 sheets of glass."

Hiro looked at his slightly scarred hand and chuckled, remembering that. It seemed so long ago, but it wasn't really. He sighed and Zerotwo intertwined her fingers with his as they walked back to the house with warm smiles and a sleeping child.