Make sure he doesn't cause too much trouble.

Hiro sat in the house with Zerotwo and took out the time fruit, giving it to her. She ate the fruit said "Hm? Toki's fruit?" Hiro smiled and nodded saying "I just got it." she smiled and hugged his arm saying "Ouuu~ You're such a good husband~"

Hiro chuckled and kissed her saying "You know, I can be even better~" as he kissed her neck and pulled her closer, she hummed and said softly "Quickly, Darling. Izzy is sleeping~" he picked her up and brought her upstairs into their room.

The next day

Hiro was sitting in the guild, playing with his Collapse Magic, trying to see what the magic was about and what the limits were. He could control Gravity, Darkness, and Space with it, but when they were all used together it became Collapse magic...

He made a small black ball in front of him and the air twisted around it.

As Hiro was playing with a literal black hole, Erza walked in saying "I heard Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Lucy went on an S class Job?!" Makarov nodded and Erza said "I'm going to get them!" Makarov said "Wait!" he grabbed Hiro and threw him at Erza saying "Take him with you."

Makarov crushed the small black ball and Hiro was stunned saying "You damn, old man!" Erza threw him out of the guild and smiled to Zerotwo "I'm borrowing him, is that okay?" Zerotwo smiled and nodded saying "Make sure he doesn't cause too much trouble."

Erza smiled and said "No problem~" before leaving.

A while later

Hiro was sitting on a pirate ship with a cigarette in his mouth, leaning back on the railing and humming Bink's Sake. Erza looked at him and said "You seem comfortable." Hiro replied "I used to be a pirate... Well I guess I still am. I can build a ship maybe 10,000 times better than this."

Erza said "You used to be a pirate???" Hiro nodded and sighed "That was actually not that long ago..." he sighed again, thinking of Roger. Erza didn't say anything, seeing his sad look. She sat next to his and smashed his skull into her chestplate, making a banging sound.

Hiro coughed and said "Thanks, Erza." she smiled "No problem!" he sighed and rested her cheek on the cold armor.

A few days later

The pirate ship finally was near the island and Hiro and Erza saw a giant Rat body slamming towards Lucy. Hiro said "Are you gonn-" Erza jumped off the ship towards the rat and Hiro sighed, floating after her with his magic.

He spun Sun out into the Hextech rifle and took aim at the giant rat's head. Erza cut the rat and Hiro fired, blowing a hole in the rat's head. Erza landed on the ground and Hiro flew over, landing next to her.

He held the rifle on his shoulder and exhaled a mouthful of smoke as he quoted "Boom. Headshot." Erza made her sword disappear as she said "So crude." Hiro chuckled and pulled the rat's shadow out, adding it to his shadow army.

He looked at the rat and said "So ugly..." he reached out and turned his hand, the rat changed shape into a slender rat around half the size, adding the excess shadow into the goon shadows he had, making them stronger. He nodded in satisfaction and said "Get in." the rat dove into his shadow and Hiro looked at the other 2.

Lucy was in tears as Erza berated her.

He looked over at a masked man and pursed his lips as the masked man disappeared.

He walked over to Erza and said "Alright, relax. Let's go." Erza said "They must be p-" Hiro rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, yeah, punished. I know." he lifted his hand and Happy flew into his palm as he added "Let's find the rest, no?" throwing happy to Erza, who caught him and tied him up with Lucy.

Lucy and Happy said with sad faces "You betrayed us!" Hiro choked and said "Hey! I did nothing of the sort, okay!?"

A while later

They were in a tent, in a makeshift village.

Hiro was reading from the Grimoire, he had Erza and Lucy channel their magic into it and give him new pages. He was reading the pages of the magic he didn't have with interest. He wasn't going to learn them but it was nice to see how they worked.

Gray walked in and said "E-E-E-Erza!?" Erza said "You were supposed to stop them." Gray was speechless. Hiro sent the grimoire to his system space and watched as Erza said she was bringing them in but Gray refused and said that he was going to help the villagers.

Erza got angry and Gray said "Kill me if you want." before walking out of the tent. Erza was grinding her teeth and Hiro chuckled saying "We're helping now?" Erza said "Do you have a better idea?" Hiro rubbed his chin and said "We could just kill-" Erza cut him off saying "Forget it..."

Hiro smiled and walked out of the tent, throwing a vial at Gray and saying "Drink." Gray drank the vial and his wounds healed. Hiro chuckled and walked over, spreading his hands out and shaking his head as he said "Are you an idiot? Were you just going to run off with those wounds?"

Gray said "Then you..." Hiro yawned "I might as well... I was getting bored here... Plus, I saw something interesting when we got here." he smiled "I want to see that again." Gray grinned and said "Let's go before Erza-" a voice cut him off "Before I what?"

Gray froze and Hiro smiled "Change of heart?" Erza snorted "Hardly. We don't have an option." Hiro snickered and Lucy and Happy joined them as they went to the ruins. Hiro was sliding around on an ice surfboard with Lucy sitting on the front, happy that she didn't have to walk.

Hiro looked at her and sighed "I say... You're lazier than me." Lucy retorted "It's unladylike to run around." Hiro snickered and looked at Erza, who was running without a problem. Erza looked at him and said "What is your magic in the end?"

Grey, Lucy, and Happy looked at Hiro in curiosity, they wanted to know as well. Hiro scratched his stubble and said "I have multiple magics, what do you want to know about?" Lucy blurted out "Everything, please~" Hiro clicked his tongue and knocked on her head saying "Don't play that cute act with me, I have a wife and kid thank you."

She pouted and Hiro said "Anyway, it's like Gray's but better. Moon Ice-Make magic. Then there's water magic, and then a magic of my own making." Gray said "Ice-Make?!" Erza said "A magic of your own?!"

Hiro snickered and said "Impressive? It's okay. It's called Collapse Magic." Lucy said in confusion "Collapse magic? I've never heard of it before..." Hiro knocked on her head and said "Of course not, hence the 'made it myself' part."

Happy sat on Hiro's head and said "What does it do?" Hiro cleared his throat and said "Well, if you really want to know. It's a combination of Darkness, Space, and Gravity Magic." he pointed to a tree and the tree collapsed in on itself before turning to dust.

Lucy almost fell off in shock and Hiro said "Meh. It's not that serious, I can use them all separately too. As well as control the strength of each individually or together." Lucy floated into the air and grabbed the ice as she hung upside down, she slowly went back to the surfboard.

Erza asked the million dollar question "If you hit a person with it?" Hiro licked his lips and said "Hehe~ I haven't tried doing that yet..." he looked at Lucy, who yelped and jumped onto Erza in fear.

He chuckled and said "Technically, I should be able to 'collapse' anything into something else..." his hand glowed black with black waves wafting off it and he pointed to a tree. The tree warped and compressed itself into a wooden cube.

The entire tree disappeared and a wood cube replaced it.

The cube floated over and Hiro made an 'O' with his mouth as he said "Heavy!" he narrowed his eyes and the wood cubed turned into a Black crystal. Hiro was stunned and said "Hey! No way, it worked!" Erza looked at the black crystal and said "What?" Hiro threw the black crystal to her and said "Catch."

She caught it and said "Light?" Hiro snapped his fingers and the crystal glowed, returning to the wood block. Her hands sank and she said "Heavy!" Hiro laughed and said "It's the perfect capturing move! Let's call it... Crystal Prison!"

Lucy said "You're just going to test that on people!?" Hiro waved and said "Bad people, don't worry. I'm a pro." Lucy shouted "You're insane!" Hiro chuckled "What's the difference?" Erza threw the wood block over to him and said "Maybe you can return it back to a tree again?"

Hiro hummed "I didn't even think about that..." the other sweat dropped and Hiro started experimenting on the wood cube.

A while later

They were surrounded by a bunch of cloaked figures. Erza shouted "Gray! Go! We'll take care of these people!" Gray nodded and ran away towards the ruins. Hiro looked at the cloaked figures and he glared at them, an invisible wave of pressure came out and knocked almost all of them out, leaving only a few of them awake.

Erza blinked and said "Damn!" Hiro sat down on the surfboard, like Enel, and said "Disappointed? Maybe, you should just admit that I'm stronger than you." she snorted "Yeah right." he smiled and the ones who were still awake were forced to their knees.

Lucy let out a breath of relief and said "Ahh... Not doing anything is gooooood~"

Hiro smiled and floated near Erza saying "Impressed?" she ignored him and lifted the hoods, revealing the Barna people. Hiro rolled his eyes and pulled a person to him, black waves rippled off his hands and the person turned into a small black crystal.

Hiro held the black crystal and tossed it to Lucy, who caught it and said "What's thi-AH!" she threw the crystal away realizing it was a person. Hiro laughed and the crystal fell on the ground, he snapped his fingers and the crystal cracked, revealing the person, without even a scratch on them.

Hiro was happy, maybe he could carry people in his system space now! That would be strange. He assumed time was still in the System space, didn't that mean they could live forever in the crystal if they were in the system space?

He thought about it and it wouldn't really matter because they went into a state of suspended animation when they were 'collapsed' into crystals. So they were already 'Immortal' not that it mattered, they would just continue their lives when they got out.

He smiled happily at new magic, feeling it to be very different and cool. Erza started talking with the Barna people while Hiro floated by her side and listened, playing with his new magic, he wondered how big his mana pool was.