Smash my house, I'll send you to hell.

A few days later

Hiro and Zerotwo took a break from guild stuff and went on a little vacation in the forest. Hiro was watching Zerotwo and Isabella play around and smiled to himself saying "Open Legendary chest"

[Congratulations! You've received Perfected Ghoul Bloodline!]

Hiro was startled and apparently didn't have a choice as his King Klaxo-Sapien bloodline ate the Ghoul bloodline right up. His body trembled and right above his ass, a massive black tail with blue highlights formed.

He moved his tail around and muttered "This is the same as 001... But it's a Kagune now?" he willed it to separate and the tail separated into 6 smaller tails, all of them swaying in different directions. He smiled to himself and his tails shot forward in 6 directions, stabbing into trees far away from his body.

They came back and coiled into one sharp tail before sinking back into his body. He walked over to Zerotwo and Isabella and joined them with a smile. Zerotwo looked at him and smiled, her eyes wandered to his chest and her smile became sad.

Since he was bisected by Acnologia, his body had healed but there was a scar along where he was cut, forming a ring around his body. It would not go away even after smearing the scar with healing potion.

Hiro sighed and said "It's because Acnologia uses strange dragon slayer magic. It's a mix between Space, Time, Gravity, Light, and Dark..." he opened up the grimoire and said "It's called Paradox Dragon Slayer Magic... Very powerful stuff. Not only that he's been alive for like ever or something and he's extremely strong."

He closed the book and smiled at Zerotwo saying "But, I'm alive and learned from the situation. Next time, I'll put a scratch on him." Zerotwo pursed her lips and said "A scratch?" Hiro nodded and said "Then the time after that I'll give him a bad scar, and after that, I'll tear his head off and use it as a chair."

Zerotwo giggled and said "Quite the rate of escalation there, Darling. Maybe we can do it together instead?" Hiro smiled and held her hand, bringing her into his chest as he said "If you want to~ My sweet, beautiful, kind, caring, loving, amazing...." she smiled sweetly as he went on and on, Isabella crashed into Hiro head first saying "Baba! Do me! Do me!"

She fell on her little butt, holding a giant egg.

Hiro smiled and pinched her little cheeks saying "I could go on forever! Cute, sweet, mischievous..." Isabella laughed and there was a cracking sound. All of them looked at the cracking egg and Isabella shouted "IT'S HATCHING!"

Hiro and Zerotwo laughed and watched Isabella look at the egg with a super serious expression.

The egg hatched and a Calico cat appeared, it was black, orange, white all over. It's right ear was orange, it's left ear was white and it had a line of black over it's eyes. The cat looked at Isabella, who was looking at the cat.

There was a silence and Isabella pet the walking cat on it's head.

The cat narrowed it's eyes and said "That's nice." Isabella said "You can talk!" the cat's voice was female and said "Of course I can! I'm the best!" Hiro felt his mouth twitch and Isabella touched her little lips, humming before saying "You're new name is.... Mittens."

Zerotwo and Hiro looked at each other before shaking their heads.

Mittens rubbed her chin with her paw saying "Mittens, eh? Alright! I'll be your Mittens!" Isabella hugged Mittens saying "Yay! We'll be best friends!" Mittens was choking and said "Mistress, I cannot breathe."

Isabella let go saying "Just call me Izzy!" Mittens said "Okay! Izzy!" Hiro picked up Mittens by the scruff of her neck and said "Mittens, you don't have any clothes." Mittens replied "I'm a cat, I don't need clothes!"

Hiro sighed and put Mittens on Isabella's head saying "Fair enough." Mittens and Isabella played around together, while Hiro and Zerotwo watched.

A while later

They went back to the city, Isabella was holding Mittens and smiling happily, skipping in front of Hiro and Zerotwo. They went back to their house, it was morning as they had slept in the forest last night.

Hiro stopped in front of the house and massive killing intent washed over the entire city, his Tyrant's Haki burst out too and half the population of the city fell unconscious the rest were shivering in fear.

Natsu, Erza, Gray, Happy, Lucy, and Makarov were in the park, getting Levy, Jet, and Droy down from a tree. Makarov was shaking in anger and they all felt the pressure and killing intent. Makarov said "Go get him, Phantom Lord might be a pile of corpses now..."

Lucy stayed to bring the three to the hospital while Natsu, Gray, Happy, and Erza ran over to Hiro's house. They came to see a destroyed house and Hiro with extremely long horns, shaking in anger. Zerotwo held Isabella and Mittens in her arms looking at the destroyed house expressionlessly.

Thankfully, the garage was fine. Not only was it made from strong materials but it was enchanted with Hiro's magic. Unless someone was stronger than Hiro, they wouldn't be able to break it.

Hiro picture up a picture frame and took a deep breath, everything disappeared and returned to his body. The picture was of his family and it was completely destroyed.

Natsu said in extreme anger "They smashed the guild, beat Levy, Jet, and Droy half to death, and now they destroyed our eating place... This is unforgivable!"

Hiro said flatly "Where's Mirajane." Erza said "Probably still at the guild." Hiro said "Angel, go drop off Isabella and Mittens with Mirajane." he looked out in the distance and said "She's not old enough to see what's going to happen to them."

Zerotwo stepped and disappeared.

A while later

Hiro and the rest of Fairy Tail, minus Lucy and a few others, were standing in front of the Phantom Lord Branch guild.

Hiro lit a cigarette and said "Kill them all." his entire shadow army came out of his shadow and smashed through the Guild Castle. Natsu jumped in along with the rest, starting the fight.

Hiro walked inside and punched a guy charging at him. The head had his head explode and blood splattered everywhere. Everybody stopped and looked at him. Hiro growled "Which one of you destroyed my house."

Nobody responded and Hiro said "That's fine. You can all die." he pulled his hands apart and a black rippling spear made of Collapse Magic appeared as he said "Fairy Collapse." before throwing the spear into the center of the guild.

A massive explosion occurred, but it was just a breeze against the members of Fairy Tail. The Phantom Lord ones however... Most of them were reduced to dust.

Just like that 70% of the Phantom Guild members inside disappeared. Makarov said "You made that?" Hiro replied "Yes. It ignores anyone with a Fairy Tail mark." Makarov hummed "Very nice." Hiro didn't reply and the rest of the guild got over it, continuing the fight, since they weren't caring about lives, the Phantom Lord people were dropping like flies.

Half of the Phantom Lord castle disappeared.

Makarov disappeared up the tower and a man with black hair fell from the rafters, joining the fight. Hiro looked at the man, this was Gajeel, the Iron Dragon Slayer. Hiro looked at the rest and Natsu attacked Gajeel.

Zerotwo walked through the guild and his fists lit up with dazzling sparkles. She reached out and pulled down. A superheated 'Star' fell from the sky, smashed through the guild, and obliterated a group of people.

She was extremely angry as well, what if Isabella was inside the house? Just thinking about it made her angrier.

She clapped her hands and spread them wide saying "Star shower!" it rained 'Stars' smashing people to smithereens. The Fairy Tail members were stunned, Gray said "She's even stronger than Hiro!?" Elfman said "She's not even a MAN!"

Hiro looked at the corpses and said "Arise. Join the fight." hundreds of shadow soldiers came out of the corpses and started fighting against their former guild mates. Hiro stood back and watched, war was good for him, the longer it went on the more people he would have. Basically, not matter what the enemy does they will just get more numbers against them, plus if any of them die the number still increases.

Bomb them with numbers, 10 to 1, 100 to 1, 1000 to 1, whatever it takes. They were immortal anyway, just costing mana to reform.

His shadows could also level up and get stronger, which was happening at the moment. Hiro was thinking about going to a war torn area and just decimating everyone there. Wouldn't that be the fastest way to grind levels?

He took out Sun, changing it to the Hextech rifle as he shot down people, saving Fairy Tail members who were being sneak attacked. He grouped with Al and Bisca, joining their little gun squad.

Suddenly, Makarov feel from the top of the castle without any magic.

Everyone, except Hiro was shocked. Hiro instead looked up at the giant man with a blindfold, who was crying. Hiro didn't care about any of them except Gajeel and Juvia, the rest will become shadows.

Hiro took aim and fired at Aria, the blindfolded man, only for his bullet to curve to the side and miss him. Hiro spun Sun into the Cudgel and jumped into the air, Sun grew into a large pillar and Hiro covered it in Dark Blue Haki, smashing it at Aria's head.

Aria teleported to behind Hiro, who twisted his body and slammed Sun behind him, hitting Aria, who was stunned, in the ribs, blasting him down into the ground, shaking the entire Guild.

Hiro kicked the air and spun Sun into a smaller staff before bringing it over his head and smashed down at Aria's head with all his strength. Aria teleported away with a cold sweat on his entire body as he realized Hiro was really trying to kill him. This wasn't part of the plan!

Sun smashed into the ground and blasted a massive hole in the ground, going down into the ground. Hiro snapped his head in Aria's direction and disappeared, Aria felt all his hair stand on end and he teleported away, literally running for his life.

They flashed around the guild, Hiro being a millisecond slower every time. Aria's main magic was Air magic and he could teleport soundlessly and extremely fast, it was his main method of fighting. Needless to say, he was much faster compared to Hiro, who had space magic but never really used it to it's full extent.

Hiro was feeling the space around and gaining on Aria.

Erza called for a retreat as Makarov was out of commission. Aria flashed to Gajeel and grabbed him before teleporting away. Hiro appeared behind him and slashed with Hringhorni, a scream was heard and a severed arm fell as Aria disappeared with Gajeel.

Hiro clicked his teeth and held Aria's arm in his hands, looking down at the Phantom Lord guild members. Erza was covering their retreat and Hiro flashed in front of her saying "Retreat with the rest. I'll cover you." Erza said "But you!" Zerotwo grabbed Erza and left with the rest of the guild, Natsu grabbed a guy and left in a different direction.

It was only Hiro and the rest of Phantom lord.

He held his hands close together and channeled all his mana into a single ball as he said "You trash..." he grabbed the ball and covered the inside in Ice before throwing the ball in the middle and shouting "Die!"

The ball exploded in the middle and black waves spread from the explosion turning the entire castle into nothing but ruins. Hiro stood in the ruins and collected all their shadows before leaving as his shadow army sank back into his own shadow and disappeared.