Hais... This is gonna hurt...

Hiro was sitting at a table in Fairy Tail's basement. Natsu came back with Lucy, who was kidnapped. Hiro drank from a mug as Mirajane tried to get Laxus back, who said "Why should I care?" Hiro chimed "Mirajane, forget about him. He's just scared of Phantom Lord."

He waved and Laxus growled "What did you say, Oni!?" Hiro sneered "You're scared, if you weren't hiding with your little gang of clowns then we wouldn't even have any injured people. It's fine, don't come, stay where you are. We don't need you anyway."

He laughed and added "You want to be a guild master? Are you joking? Next time somebody hurts a guild member, you'll just go back into hiding. I don't even know why you're part of the guild in the first place."

Mirajane said "Hiro!" Hiro shrugged and said "Look at everyone, they're all somewhat injured. If the spark plug was there, it would've been over in 5 minutes. Macao took a combination blast to the face, Nab broke his arm, Lucy was captured, the rest have varying degrees of injury and the old man was drained of his magic, maybe he'll even die. If he doesn't care about any of us, why should we care about him. Whether he has a Fairy Tail mark or not, as far as I'm concerned, he and his groupies are just losers."

He gave Mirajane a thumbs down with a flat expression. He really felt that way. It was super bullshit that he's just a huge asshole, basically does nothing, and then becomes a 'friend' later. Like Gajeel and Juvia weren't exceptions either, maybe he was just too vicious but they destroyed his house.

What is Isabella was inside?

If she died, Hiro would probably go on a rampage and kill more people than Zeref and Acnologia combined.

The guild members were silent, looked at Laxus with upset expressions. Mirajane was speechless and Laxus sneered saying "Whether I'm a loser or not doesn't seem to be your problem, does it?" Hiro waved and said "Whatever, Laxus. Keep hiding, we don't need you anyway. Maybe, one day you'll need help from one of us and you won't get it. I don't speak for everyone but I'll tell you this. Whether you live or die, is really not my problem."

He shrugged and added "Even avenging you is not something I will do." before getting up and leaving the basement saying "By the way... Phantom Lord is here." everyone was alarmed and rushed out of the guild by the back door to see a giant castle walking in the water.

Erza said "The guild can walk!?" Hiro frowned and calculated on his fingers as a giant cannon came out of the Castle and started charging Energy. Erza ran forward and re-equipped into her titanium armor, propping up a giant shield in front of her.

The cannon blasted a beam and was about to hit Erza's shield when a massive space rift opened in front of her. Hiro was focusing extremely hard and another space rift opened above the Castle, the beam went through the first portal and smashed through the Phantom Lord Guild Castle, destroying a large chunk of it.

Hiro coughed up blood and grinned with bloody teeth, that was extremely dangerous. Basically, what he did was, he used his space magic to create a portal for the pure magical energy to go through and back to the castle, but he needed to use his body as a medium.

While he didn't take the full brunt of the attack, he took about 50% to his own body. There was no helping it. It was pure space magic, he trained Collapse Magic, it was fundamentally different.

Basically, he used all three together to make something new. Comparing his Space Magic to someone who specializes in Space magic, he would lose out, but that was only using Space Magic. His Collapse magic was leagues above his Space magic, Dark Magic, and Gravity Magic.

He specialized in Collapse Magic, not any of the other ones, even though it was a combination of the three, he wasn't a master in controlling them separately yet. Thus the need to use his body as a medium.

If he had mastered Space magic, he could've just done that no problem.

In any case, he was just mildly internally injured and was healing at the moment. The Regeneration wasn't a joke, it was pretty powerful.

He wiped his mouth and looked back at Zerotwo, nodding. She held Isabella and nodded back to him.

Hiro said "Natsu!" Natsu ran over and Hiro grabbed him before jumping into the sky and Geppo'ing to the Castle. His Beam was unfortunately, a hair away from the cannon and it was going to fire again in 15 minutes.

Hiro flew right into the cannon and disappeared as Ghosts attacked the rest of the guild.

Hiro and Natsu came to a giant room with crystals in it. Hiro threw Natsu at the crystal saying "Destroy it!" as he charged at the black and white haired man. Hiro swung out his staff, blowing the man flying into one of the crystals as Natsu shattered the giant Crystal inside the cannon.

Hiro looked at the man and swung Sun, crushing his head to paste. He ripped his shadow out and collected him into his shadow army, his name was Totomaru. Well, he was dead now. Hiro was extremely angry.

If that stupid beam hit the guild, not to mention everyone would die, but his Wife and Daughter would be seriously injured or die!

He looked up and Elfman and Gray landed near him and Natsu. Hiro said "No time for nonsense. The outside shifted into a Giant and it's casting a forbidden spell." Elfman nodded and Gray said "We need to find the power source. Mira said we have a bout 10 minutes."

Hiro closed his eyes and said "Gray, scale the outside, Natsu go to the left, Elfman run in the right side. Happy go with Natsu, I'll go through the middle." the group nodded and they all started running.

Hiro ran through the middle towards the top, arriving at a staircase with a Statue of the Phantom Lord Guild symbol.

Hiro looked around and threw a punch to his left, hitting Aria in the gut, sending him flying in the air into a wall. Hiro flashed after him and smashed Sun down on his head. Aria teleported away and took his blindfold off.

Hiro sneered and said "You won't escape this time, rat. How sad is that?" as he flashed and smashed Sun down where Aria was. Aria moved and put his hands together, creating massive gusts of wind. Hiro punched the ground and it turned black and wavy.

Hiro sank into the ground and disappeared, he shot out of the ground with Sun in Infinity Edge form. He roared and slashed up, shocking Aria, who's legs were frozen solid. Hiro had trained in the sword for a reason, he was just as good as Oden, if not better.

Aria was sliced in half completely, from his crotch to the top of his head. His body fell to the left and right and his blood, guts, and brains, sloshed out. Hiro swung the Infinity Edge at the ground, clearing the blood off it with a sneer on his face. He ripped Aria's shadow out and added it to his army as the Castle started shaking.

Hiro mumbled "They're all defeated then... Shadow Exchange." he fell into his shadow and disappeared. He reappeared behind Elfman and looked at Sol on the ground. He sneered and sliced the idiot's head right off before taking his shadow and disappearing back into the Castle, giving Elfman instructions to go back to the Guild.

Hiro shuttled through the castle, blending into the shadows, coming to a room with Gajeel and a group of guild members watching Gajeel kick Lucy around. He materialized behind the group and said "Here are the rats..."

Everybody felt a chill down their spine and Gajeel looked over to see glowing blue eyes and horns. The group was unresponsive before their heads rolled off their necks and bounced on the ground. Gajeel backed off with a serious expression as the eyes and horns were joined by a fanged grin and the eyes looked at him.

Gajeel turned his body completely into iron and was on guard. The group in front of Hiro disappeared, being replaced with shadows of themselves before they sank into Hiro's shadow and disappeared.

Natsu crashed through the floor and nailed Gajeel in the mouth, sending him flying into the walls of the room. Hiro chuckled and his tail grew out, swaying behind him. He wrapped Lucy in his tail and brought her over saying "Hello, Damsel in distress." Lucy pouted and said "When did you get a tail?"

Hiro smiled "Fun, right?" he send a shadow soldier into Happy's shadow and said "Be right back." before sinking into his own shadow and disappearing with Lucy.

He brought Lucy back to the guild and dropped her off saying "Lucy's back." Cana shouted "The rest!?" Hiro waved his tail and looked at the giant saying "Elfman, Gray, Natsu, and Mirajane are fine. Natsu's fighting Gajeel, the 4 elements are defeated with only one of them alive." He looked around and said "Where's Erza?"

Zerotwo pointed at the Giant and Hiro said "Seriously..." the room where Natsu and Gajeel were fighting exploded and Hiro said "Angel, fire please." Zerotwo threw a ball of fire at him and he caught it saying "Watch for the giant ghost with arms."

Cana said "Wha-" before a giant ghost with arms appeared, Hiro looked at it and said "Angel, take care of it..." he sank into his shadow, the last thing everybody heard before he disappeared was "Now I have to fight a Wizard Saint... Hais... This is gonna hurt..."

Hiro reappeared behind Happy and threw the little ball of Sun fire at Natsu, who ate it and looked to be overheating. Natsu roared and started obliterating Gajeel in his Overheat Mode. Hiro mumbled to himself and fell into his shadow again.

He reappeared behind Erza, who was fighting Jose, the Guild Master of Phantom Lord. Hiro's tail separated and grabbed Gray, Elfman, and Mirajane before saying "Erza, I'll be right back, hold on for a little bit longer." she nodded and Hiro disappeared.

He reappeared in front of Juvia and picked her up as well before reappearing behind Cana and dropping the 4 off. He fell back into his shadow and reappeared above Jose, slamming Sun down at his head.

Jose turned around and blasted a Dark beam, sending Hiro flying into a wall.

Hiro bounced off the wall and spun, slashing at Jose with Infinity Edge, Jose jumped away saying "Fairy Oni... What a waste for you to be in Fairy Tail." Hiro didn't reply and changed Sun into Hringhorni, thrusting at Jose repeatedly.

Predicting his movements, forcing Jose to block with an ugly expression. Hiro changed back to Cudgel form extending Sun, shooting forward and slashing his leg out, sending a black wave Rakuyaku.

Jose jumped out of the way and Hiro flickered behind him, Sun spun back into his ear and Hiro's hands turned black with black waves rippling off them as he pressed his fists together. They vibrated and shot forward extremely fast as Hiro roared "Six Collapsing Kings!"

His fists smashed on Jose's back and blasted him across the room into a wall.

Hiro was breaking heavy for a few moments before recovering. He smirked, Rokugan was pretty good! He was kicked from behind, sent flying into a wall. He spun in the air and saw Jose's eyes were pitch black and there was a bit of blood at the corner of his mouth.

Hiro flew through the air and made finger guns, firing black Shigan bullets at Jose, who blocked them all with a magic circle as he growled "Damn brats!" Hiro was alarmed and flashed over to Erza, throwing her on his shoulder, as his tail split into 6 and fired Shigans at Jose.

Hiro's eyes widened at the purple and black skull coming at him. He fell backwards into his shadow and reappeared behind Jose, kicking at his head as his tail hugged Erza close to him. Jose tilted his head and punched Hiro's chest, lighting up a magic circle on the point of impact.

Hiro coughed out black blood and was sent flying. He spun in the air and smashed face first into the wall. He came out and groaned before rolling to the side, spinning Sun into a minigun and firing at the Skulls coming at him as he flickered around the room.

He left shadow spots where he stepped and His strongest Shadow soldiers used their magic against Jose, hitting him with Ice, Air, Earth, Flames, Sound, Poison, etc.

Jose roared and slammed his fists out, shattering the shadow soldiers to pieces only for them to reform. Hiro had a frown and changed to the Hextech rifle as shadow soldiers flooded the room, keeping Jose preoccupied at Hiro took pot shots at him and flashing around the room sporadically.

He was kiting Jose. A cheap tactic, but it was better than death. This guy wasn't as strong as Acnologia, but he was still strong. Acnologia was in a league of his own in terms of strength, a true monster. He could probably kill Jose with a single punch.

Hiro grinded his teeth, he was still too weak! He continued taking shots at Jose and respawning his Shadow army soldiers. This was good too, they were living beings capable of learning, they were getting sharper after the constant death anyway.

Hiro felt his mana reserves depleting at an incredible rate, but there was nothing he could do about it. He wasn't strong enough to kill Jose directly, plus he was carrying an unconscious Erza on his back.

Jose suddenly shouted "ENOUGH!" and clapped his hands, destroying all the shadow soldiers. Hiro kept them back in his shadow quickly, managing to save most of them. He looked grim, this wasn't a good situation.

He grinded his teeth, as soon as he's strong enough, he's going to collect this bastard's shadow. Hiro changed to the Boomstick and it grew into a canon size before he pulled the trigger, firing a black blast of mana.

Jose sent his own attack to meet it and it shattered through the blast with a bit of resistance before sending Hiro flying out of the castle. Hiro coughed up blood, but he was suddenly caught by a hand and heard "Not bad, kiddo. I'll take it from here."

Hiro heard Makarov's voice and sighed in relief, leaving a shadow soldier in his shadow and falling into his own, disappearing as Makarov faced off against Jose.