We have a lizard!

Hiro flashed around the tower, slowly climbing up and adding more and more shadows to his ranks. He heard Jellal's voice explaining the rules of his little game and Hiro laughed, what a silly boy. His expression turned serious right after, Jellal was a strong guy.

He was a Wizard Saint after all, maybe the weakest Wizard Saint but still a Wizard Saint like Jose. Hiro frowned to himself as he flickered around, summoning shadow soldiers. He could just let Natsu beat him like he did in the show.

After all, he wasn't going to eat Ethernano like Natsu did. Hiro didn't know how much of a power boost that gave Natsu, but it was enough to defeat a Wizard Saint so he must've multiplied his strength by 10-15x at least...

He scratched his stubble and calculated his odds, he hadn't been doing nothing for the weeks in between. He was training almost every moment he wasn't working. He was stronger than he was when he fought Jose, maybe not able to slaughter Jose but put up a good fight, since he never got tired and couldn't die unless his head was cut off or his entire heart was crushed and burned to ashes, he could probably squeeze out a win.

He didn't know how strong Jellal was exactly, the show never went into specifics. It was basically 'Yada Yada' Jellal is strong. But since he was a part of the Wizard Saints with just a thought projection, he must be a bonified Wizard Saint, he didn't believe they would just take him in if he didn't show his capabilities...

Hiro thought about it, Jellal has at least Wizard Saint strength, but how strong is a Wizard Saint exactly? The ranks were; D, C, B, A, S, SS, Decade, Century. Hiro estimated that to be a Wizard Saint you would have to be at least Century strength?

If he guessed his strongest state at the moment he would say SS around the middle. If he really pushes it, he can bump up to SS+ near the Peak, close to Decade.

Hiro frowned, that wasn't even close to Century strength, but then again, maybe he was overestimating the Wizard Saints? Either way, he prepared himself for a tough fight. He anticipated the same fight as Jose, it was better to overestimate than underestimate.

As for the 3 assassins, he didn't know their power levels but seeing as they got defeated by the group, he assumed they were A-S rank. As far as he was concerned they weren't that much of a threat to him, mainly Jellal.

He flickered and continued collecting shadows as he made his way up the tower.

A while later

Hiro flickered into a room and looked at Lucy fighting Juvia and the guy with a guitar. Hiro said "Lucy... Why do you get into rapey situations all the time..." Lucy almost cried "I don't do it on purpose!" Hiro sighed and looked at Juvia, the guy dressed as Gene Simmons shouted "Who are you!? Rock!"

Hiro felt his mouth twitch as he said "Honestly... This is not a bad look for you, Juvia. Not sure if Gray would agree though..." Juvia stuck her tongue out saying "Who cares?! I'll send you to hell!" Hiro's hand turned black with Haki and he chopped her neck, knocking her out.

He smiled "So it IS like a Logia. Cool!" Lucy and the Guitar guy were stunned, Hiro poked Juvia's cheek normally and passed through the water. He mumbled "Very strange... The question is... Did the guy get sued for this..."

The Rocker guy strummed the strings on his guitar shouting "They couldn't prove it in court! Rock!" Hiro grabbed Juvia and flashed to Lucy, laying Juvia on the ground before spinning Sun out into Muramasa.

He held it by his waist and leaned forward, grabbing the handle as he said "One slash to cut the world-gosarou" before flashing.

He reappeared behind the rocker guy and clicked Muramasa back into the sheath and spinning it back into his ear as the Rocker guy's head slid off his body. Hiro caught the guitar and pulled out the guy's shadow, giving him his guitar and sending him off to kill more goons.

Hiro smiled at Lucy and said "Take care of Juvia...." he pursed his lips and added "When we get back to the guild... You're going through serious training, Luce." Lucy collapsed and looked listless, Hiro chuckled and said "Don't worry, you'll be super strong. I promise." before disappearing completely.

Lucy pressed on the ground and muttered "Why me..."

Hiro flickered around the tower once again, collecting shadows everywhere he went. He came into a room full of hanging cages. He was on the ground and there was a broken cage with an Owl man on the ground. Hiro walked over and punched his head into paste before taking his shadow and sending him off.

He looked up and mumbled "Natsu and Gray are already finished... Which means the last is that woman..." he frowned to himself and disappeared, cleaning up the tower of all the goons and monsters.

A while later

Hiro came to a room with a Cherry Blossom tree and Japanese Arches. He sat on an Arch and watched Erza and the pink haired woman fight. Erza ended it with one strike in a cloth armor and the pink haired woman revealed the information about Etherion firing at the Tower of Heaven in 15 minutes.

Erza told the blonde haired guy from before to get everyone and leave the tower as she walked away, stating that she would finish things here. The blonde guy ran back, following her orders, and Erza left.

Hiro jumped from the Arch and landed on the wooden bridge.

He walked over to the pink haired woman and crouched above her face, sighing. She opened her eyes and said "Who are you?" Hiro ignored her question and said "It's really such a pity for a pink haired woman to die like this..."

She opened her mouth and closed it before sighing, Hiro smiled and moved the hair on her forehead, saying "Close your eyes and relax... It'll all be over soon." she did as she was told and Hiro pressed on her forehead, obliterating her brain with his Collapse Magic instantly.

He pulled out her Shadow and smiled happily, she had pink hair! Yay! Rejoice! He stopped and mumbled "What was her name again..." the shadow sweat dropped and Hiro snapped his fingers saying "Doesn't matter! Your new name is Blossom!"

He looked at her, she was dressed in the same attire as before except she was all black with bright blue highlights, except for her pink hair. He mumbled to himself and pulled a long Katana out of his System space.

He sat down and worked on it for a bit as Blossom watched curiously, looking over his shoulder and tilting her head.

A while later

Hiro wiped the long katana with a cloth and looked at the carvings on it with a satisfied expression. He sheathed it and gave it to her saying "This will be yours now. Use it well. Also, stay in my shadow." Blossom hugged the sword and nodded wordlessly with a silly expression before jumping into his shadow and disappearing.

Hiro flashed around and looked up at the magic square in the sky. He mumbled "There's nobody left... Need to get them all.." he called his shadow soldiers back and flickered around, absorbing his entire army back into his shadow before going back into the tower and walking up the stairs with a serious expression.

A light beam hit the tower, falling from the sky.

Hiro continued walking as the Tower of Heaven turned into a giant Lacrima from absorbing the energy of Etherion. Honestly, how hard is it to figure out someone is a thought Projection? Is it very difficult? Moreover, nobody even questioned Jellal on how he knew the Tower was to resurrect Zeref.

They were just like, oh Zeref big bad, fire the laser!

Hiro shook his head and looked at the changing tower around him. He rubbed his chin in thought as he looked at the Lacrima. Could it potentially be taken? Maybe he could 'collapse' it in on itself and make a giant sphere Lacrima?

It would be a good addition to his house!

Constant magic power... Hiro grinned, that sounded pretty good to him! He continued walking up the tower until he came to the top, seeing Erza flustered and stunned at the two Jellals becoming one Super Jellal.

Hiro shook his head and Jellal looked at him saying "Oh. The Oni came along for the final act..." Erza turned around and shouted "What are you still doing here!?" Hiro smiled and said "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm saving a friend. You think this mark is just for show?" as he tapped on the red Fairy Tail mark on his neck.

Jellal laughed and said "Just you? Surely you must be joking!" Hiro sighed and said "I don't know how strong you are, but I do have to thank you." Jellal sneered "Oh? For what?" Hiro shadowed his face and gave him an evil grin with bright glowing eyes as his tail burst out from his back and he replied "I really did kill Jose hehe~"

Before disappearing and slamming his tail against Jellal's stomach, sending him flying into a crystal wall. He turned around and tapped on Erza's back, removing the spell Jellal casted on her. He grinned and and spun Sun into his Kanabō before holing it on his shoulder.

Hiro charged at Jellal, who's body got covered in yellow Mana and he started moving extremely fast. Hiro closed his eyes and his tail split into 6 as he stopped moving altogether. Jellal flashed behind him and Hiro was already swinging at Jellal with closed eyes.

Jellal sped up and dodged attacking Hiro from other angles, Hiro used his tails to block Jellal's assault and swung Sun over his head. Jellal backed off and clicked his tongue saying "You're annoying, damn Oni."

Hiro didn't reply and flexed his left hand fingers, a black ball appeared and Hiro said "Hell Hunter" the ball shot forward at Jellal, who dodged but the ball turned around and chased Jellal around as he sped up, flying around the place.

Hiro frowned and tapped his foot on the ground, the crystal floor became pitch black and black spears shot in Jellal's path, forcing him to change midway. Hiro was focusing extremely hard seeing the future of Jellal's movements and sending spears where he was going to be.

He was getting frustrated as Jellal was dodging everything.

Suddenly, Hiro flashed to the air and smashed Sun down on nothing, only for Jellal to appear and get smashed into the ground. Hiro smashed his left fist down and black chains grabbed Jellal from the ground, locking him down.

Hiro opened his eyes and Sun was covered in black waves as he smashed it down at Jellal, Erza shouted "Hiro! No!" before lunging and tackling Hiro out of the way as Jellal fired a beam of mana into the sky.

Hiro and Erza rolled on the ground and Hiro looked at Jellal breaking the chains and grinding his teeth in anger, saying "So close." Erza looked grim and was on top of Hiro, who looked at Jellal and said "Thanks, Erza." she nodded wordlessly and Hiro got up, pulling Erza behind him and looking at Jellal with a frown.

Jellal was injured but they were minor injuries. Hiro wouldn't have died from that attack but he would've been injured, so Erza really did save him. What a nice girl. Now there was a bigger problem, Jellal wasn't as strong as Jose, but he was still very strong.

The main problem was he was too fast.

The black ball silently flew at Jellal, who smashed it away, shattering it. Hiro didn't even look at the ball, it was more of a distraction and a tracker than anything. Hiro suddenly smiled and said "You're pretty good." Jellal replied "Flattering me now that you know you have no chance?"

Hiro chuckled and shook his head saying "Nope~ You forgot something very important..." Jellal frowned and Hiro grinned "We have a lizard!" Natsu flashed behind Jellal and punched him in the back of the head, sending him flying into Hiro, who swung Sun, blasting Jellal into a crystal.