Lord of Shadows

Hiro said "Natsu! Grab Erza and leave!" Natsu said "No! I'm going to fight!" Hiro said "Leave him to me." Natsu frowned and said "... But you always get the strong guys..." Hiro felt his mouth twitch as he said "Alright... Next time you can get the strong guy, okay? Just get Erza out of he-"

A giant light beam shot towards Hiro, who grabbed Erza with his tail and threw her to Natsu before crossing his arms and tails in front of his body. Erza shouted "HIRO!" as a massive explosion went off, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Natsu was stunned and roared "JELLAL!!!!" before charging at Jellal.

The dust cleared as Natsu punched Jellal in the face, revealing Hiro to be fine but Erza's friend, Simon, was standing in front of him and covered in blood. Simon fell to the ground and Erza rushed over, kneeling next to Simon with tears in her eyes.

Hiro was stunned, this guy... Was he ready to die or something? Hiro took out a healing potion and splashed it over Simon, but it didn't work. Hiro was shocked, was this guy protected by death plot armor?

The healing potion only healed his wounds on the outside, his body on the inside was omega destroyed. Hiro looked at Jellal with a nameless anger burning in his heart, that Simon guy sacrificed himself for him!

He didn't even need to!

Hiro was angry and the only person to point his anger at was Jellal, he kicked the ground and shot forward like a bullet, swinging Sun up and blasting Jellal into the sky. Natsu jumped up and punched Jellal back down.

Hiro spun around and smashed Sun against Jellal's head and blasting him through the crystal walls. Hiro flashed after him and Jellal stopped in the air and shot at Hiro extremely fast. Hiro kicked to the side and whipped his tail out, slapping Jellal in the stomach and sending him up before flipping and slamming his tail down on Jellal's back with gritted teeth.

Jellal coughed up blood and smashed into the Tower of Heaven. Natsu fell from the sky and punched Jellal in the face with a fiery fist. Hiro flashed to Jellal and his hand turned black as he pulled a ghost out of Jellal's head.

Hiro grinded his teeth and used all his power, grinding the ghost against itself as it screamed in pain and writhed. Hiro crushed it completely and pulled it back as a shadow, adding it to the army.

Hiro and Natsu looked at the unconscious Jellal with furious expressions. The Lacrima started shaking and lighting up and Hiro snapped his head around, he grabbed Natsu and said "Grab that dumb woman! She's going to sacrifice herself!" before throwing Natsu at Erza.

Natsu pinned Erza down and Hiro kicked Jellal off the Tower saying "He's got plot armor, he'll be fine." he floated into the air and spun Sun back into his ear, he waved and Erza and Natsu flew out of the Tower to the water bubble where the rest were.

Hiro clapped his hands together and they rippled with black waves, forming black blobs of mana. His eyes turned completely blue and he growled as he pulled his hands apart and engulfed the entire Lacrima in Collapse Mana.

His hands seemed to be grabbing the tower itself as Hiro pushed his hands closer to each other.

The Tower shook intensely and started collapsing in on itself, folding infinitely, getting firmer and firmer, becoming more stable as well as stronger. Hiro collapsed the entire tower into a giant Sphere and threw it in the system space.

[Congratulations! You've acquired Giant Lacrima Sphere! (This Sphere was made with the Tower of Heaven Lacrima and possesses an extremely immense amount of pure Mana! -Made by Hiro)]

[Congratulations! You've completed Hidden Quest [Destroy the Tower of Heaven!] Reward: Mythical Mystery Chest!]

Hiro let out a breath of relief and picked up a small black crystal, flying to the group.

He landed on the beach where everyone was and walked over with a sad expression. They were all happy and Lucy said "What's wrong, Hiro?" Hiro didn't reply and handed the black crystal to Erza's friends saying "I'm sorry for your loss."

They were confused and Hiro turned away, snapping his fingers.

The black crystal let Simon's corpse out and everybody looked at Simon with a grieving expression. Hiro sighed and said "He gave his like to protect me... I'm sorry. It's my fault." The blocky guy shook his head and said "It's not. That's the way he was."

Erza cried and said "Hiro... Please don't blame yourself." Hiro looked at Simon and sighed again, he even used the best Healing potion he had on hand, he was still upset he couldn't save him. He didn't anticipate Simon jumping in front of him, he didn't even see him coming...

Hiro turned away and retracted his tail. The group buried Simon and had a little funeral before going back to the resort. Hiro sighed and said "I'll see you guys back at the guild." before falling into his shadow and disappearing.

He reappeared next to Zerotwo and sat on the couch in his house, she leaned on him and said "How was it?" Hiro sighed "Difficult but successful" she touched him and said "No injuries?" Hiro sighed "No..." she said softly "What happened, Darling."

Hiro told her about Simon and she sighed saying "He was a good man." Hiro hugged Zerotwo and kissed her head, rubbing her arms. She smiled and snuggled into his chest, falling asleep in his arms.

A while later

Hiro brought Zerotwo to their room and tucked her in, gave her a kiss on the forehead and left the room, going downstairs.

He opened a door and looked at the empty space inside. There were several rooms like this, incase he wanted to add things in the future. He waved and the room expanded by several dozen times. Hiro looked at the open space and took out the Giant Lacrima Sphere.

He hovered it in the middle of the room and metal parts flowed out of his system space, piling up in the room. He opened the Magic encyclopedia and read it as the metal parts started floating around coming together, making a giant machine around the Sphere.

He closed the book and got to work, making a new machine. He wanted to have the Lacrima passively emit mana into the house and and silently nourish Isabella's body. He checked, and by his calculations, it should work.

The Lacrima was made of pure Mana and not just one type, but all of them. Isabella was still growing, her body would passively absorb the Mana in the air to nourish itself as she grew up. Hopefully, she would get something good from this.

Hiro could only hope, if not the Lacrima was still providing mana energy. Basically, inside the house, replenishing mana would speed up by 10x while also purifying the Mana in a person's body. Hiro played with the idea of making mana denser but never came to a conclusion as to whether it would be stronger or not.

This was something that nobody had ever done before. It was basically Medical Science but for Wizards. Makarov's friend was a healing Wizard but she simply didn't have the technological means to do what Hiro was trying to do.

He wasn't going to go full Orochimaru and start using Human test subjects obviously. He wanted to try with technology instead, if it didn't work, it was no skin off his back. Hiro continued to work on the machine through the night and for the next couple of days while also working on the guild.

Finally after a few days, he finished both the guild and the machine.

He sat on the new cloud couches in the new guild and let out a breath, Zerotwo brought him a drink with a sweet smile and he smiled, taking the mug and drinking it all in one go. She giggled and said "Thirsty?" Hiro said "For you~" she rolled her eyes and said while spitting out her tongue "So cheesy~"

Hiro snickered and hugged her, snuggling with her on the couch. The person next to him coughed and Hiro looked at him saying "Beat it, scrap iron." Gajeel felt a vein pop on his forehead as he said "You want to go, Oni!? I'm not afraid of you!"

Hiro let out a breath and said "Another day. I'm tired." Gajeel was speechless, he was ready to fight but he felt like he just punched cotton. Zerotwo giggled at his stunned face and snuggled into Hiro's chest. Isabella and Mittens ran over, jumping into Hiro's chest and snuggling inside.

Gajeel got up and walked away grumbling angrily.

Hiro chuckled and said "Open all Legendary Mystery Chests and the Mythical Mystery Chest."

[Congratulations! You've received 72 Transformations!]

[Congratulations! You've received Shadow Soldier Evolution & Merger ability!]

[Congratulations! You've received Master Sword!]

[Shadow Soldier Evolution & Merger, Shadow Extraction, and Shadow Exchange detected! Merge?]

Hiro blinked in awe at his rewards, this was insane? Hello? He said mentally "Yuh!"

[Merging. . .]

Hiro pet Mittens' head and said mentally "Gift 72 Transformations to Mittens"

[Do you wish to gift [72 Transformations] to [MITTENS]?]

Hiro said "Yessir."


Mittens trembled and her eyes glazed over, Hiro smiled and stroked her fur.

[Merging complete!]

[Congratulations! You've acquired [Lord of the Shadows] title! (Effects: +5 Charisma +1 Luck)]

[Congratulations! You've acquired Supreme Shadow Control!]

Hiro leaned back and a smile graced his lips as he enjoyed his time with his family.

A while later

Hiro was standing in the basement at his house and looked at his Shadow army in it's entirety.

1 Xenomorph rip off

3 Zeref Demons

10 Unique Humans

Hundreds of normal soldiers

Hundreds of Monsters

Hiro called the 9 Unique Humans to him. He merged the two fire shadow mages together, his wind shadow mages together and reduced his unique Human Shadows to 8. Hiro looked at the 3 Zeref Demons, he kept Lullaby and Deliora but ripped the Ghost into 9 parts, he threw 2 into Jose's Shadow, throwing 1 part into the others and strengthening them.

He looked at the hundreds of other normal soldiers and monsters and he merged the humans together and the monsters together, getting dozens of strong Human Shadows and dozens of strong Monster Shadows.

He smiled with satisfaction at his new army, it was leagues stronger than before. He sent them all back and patted Blossom's head before she left. Blossom touched her head and looked to be pouting as she disappeared.

He smiled happily and left the underground area.

The next day

Hiro was sitting in the guild, drinking when the door to the guild was opened and everyone shouted "You're back!" before cheering as Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Happy, and Gray walked in with smiles, Natsu was a bit disgruntled at the changes though.

Mirajane sang a song to welcome them back and then Gajeel went up and sang a song of his own, getting boo's from most of the guild, his music wasn't bad it was just Gajeel himself wasn't well liked.

Natsu punched Gajeel and Gray joined the fight, knocking over Erza's strawberry cake in the process, Elfman stepped on it and Erza started beating the shit out of him. The entire guild started fighting and Hiro laughed until someone threw an entire keg at his head.

He got up and shook his fist before jumping into the fray.