
Hiro watched as the city split in half to accommodate Gildarts and very soon, Gildarts walked into Fairy Tail, looking around with a frown. He walked up to Mirajane and said "Excuse me, Miss. Do you know where Fairy Tail is?"

Mirajane smiled and pointed at herself saying "This is Fairy Tail. Oh yeah! I'm Mirajane!" Gildarts was floored and said "EHHH?!" he looked around at all the new things and said "No way! New guild?! New Mira?! What's next?!"

Makarov called Gildarts over and said "The mission?" Gildarts just laughed and didn't answer causing Makarov to sigh. Everyone was stunned, even Gildarts couldn't complete a Century Quest!?

Isabella ran around and bonked her head into Gildarts' right leg, she feel on her butt and rubbed her head saying "Owwie..." Gildarts looked down and said "A kid?" Isabella looked up and said "Sorry, scary uncle!" looking nervous and scared from Gildarts' cloak and fierce face.

Gildarts patted her head and said "Aren't you the cutest thing!" he pinched her cheeks and smooshed her face, everyone smiled and Isabella tried to escape, she finally rolled away and rubbed her red cheeks saying "That hurt even more!"

Gildarts laughed and Hiro looked at him from the bar, he was a bit overwhelmed. He could feel how strong Gildarts was, even after 2 years of training he wasn't even close. Hiro frowned to himself, if even Gildarts got obliterated from Acnologia and he was so strong, how strong was Acnologia?

He sighed and drank from his mug, thinking about his strength now. He was pretty strong considering how hard he worked. If he went back to One Piece, maybe he would be the strongest person in the world.

He didn't know because maybe there were hidden monsters that weren't in the Manga. He still didn't know how strong IM was, who knows really.

His and Gildarts' magic was quite similar except Hiro's was way more destructive and deadly. It was killing magic, while Gildarts' wasn't. If Gildarts hit you with a crush fist, you would explode into dolls of yourself before going back to normal in a few minutes.

Hiro didn't know if that was on purpose or not, but that what he saw, maybe Gildarts was holding back on people? Not wanting to kill anybody. But if he couldn't even scratch Acnologia even with his magic then how far did Hiro have to go before being able to take Acnologia's head.

He rubbed his eyes and sighed, before Makarov said "Oni boy! Come here." Hiro looked over and saw Gildarts and Makarov looking at him. He walked over and sat on a stool saying "What's up, old man." Makarov said "This is Hiro, Gildarts."

Gildarts looked at Hiro and said "You're pretty strong, kid!" Hiro was embarrassed and waved saying "Compared to you, I'm really nothing." Makarov said seriously "He had the same 'problem'." Gildarts got serious and said "Show me."

Hiro took off his t-shirt and revealed to everyone the ring scar around his torso. Gildarts' eyes widened and Hiro said "Special body. It grew back but he still left a scar..." Gildarts sucked in a breath of cold air and said "One hell of a dragon, eh?"

Hiro put his shirt back on and chuckled "I didn't even leave a mark." Gildarts laughed and patted his shoulder saying "Me neither! Hahahaha!" Hiro and Gildarts laughed at their near death experiences while Makarov felt his eyes twitch.

Gildarts said "Natsu, come by the house, I brought souvenirs." before leaving with Hiro as they talked about how useless they were against Acnologia while laughing. They walked through the wall and it exploded as they laughed.

Makarov collapsed and Zerotwo sighed saying "Look what you did..." Makarov cried "It wasn't on purpose!" Zerotwo clicked her tongue and shook her head, drinking from her mug, thinking about how to punish Hiro later.

Hiro and Gildarts went to Gildarts' house and sat down. Hiro said "You know, wooden limbs aren't very useful... I can make you new ones. If you want." Gildarts said "Oh yeah?" Hiro smiled and nodded saying "Yeah. They'll be 10000x better than the ones you have now. Even better than your normal arm too!"

Gildarts laughed and said "Yeah right." Hiro took out a cube of Vibranium and said "Try this." as he threw it at Gildarts, who caught it and squeezed before being shocked at the toughness of the metal.

Hiro grinned and said "I can make the entire arm out of that, not only that but able to change forms and channel mana!" he was a bit crazy, its no wonder, he felt the metal arm was super cool. There was a reason one of the characters he created was a robot scientist.

Gildarts was interested and said "Alright." Hiro was excited and took out measuring tools before measuring Gildarts' arm and leg. He wrote everything down and said "Won't be long!" Gildarts shook his head and smiled.

Hiro left Gildarts' house and passed by Natsu on the way, waving at him as he passed.

Hiro went back to his house and got into the lab, he wanted to try something for Gildarts, just getting the idea on the way back home. He started working, pulling out Vibranium and breaking it down.

A few days passed

Hiro was working on the arm and leg as a thunderstorm occurred in the sky. He was unaware and slowly, every building disappeared, sucked into the hole in the sky.

A while later

Hiro finished the arm and legs, just having 2 metal frisbees in his hand. He walked up the stairs and saw Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Carla in his house along with Zerotwo, Isabella, and Mittens. He said "Eh? Why are you in my house?"

Natsu said "The guild and city is gone! Only your house is left! Everyone else disappeared too!" Hiro looked out the window and sent the disks into his system space as he said "They went to Edolas, eh? So fast too..."

Carla said "How do you know about that?!" Hiro waved and said "Mystogan is from Edolas too, not that hard to find out. Plus, you Exceeds come from there too. Do you see any talking cats anywhere else?" Carla looked stunned and Happy said "Exceed?" Hiro smiled and said "That's what you, Carla, and Mittens are. Little Exceeds from Edolas. You know, very funny thing about Exceeds in Edolas..."

He smiled and looked at the bubbles outside as he continued "Humans in Edolas are under Exceeds and worship them. Very strange considering that Exceeds are almost baby like in strength. It's actually quite funny. How none of them have slaughtered the Exceeds by now is beyond my comprehension."

Carla shouted "Watch it!" Hiro shook his head and sighed "Well, whatever. What the people in Edolas do is not my problem. It's an annoying place though..." he nibbled on his thumb nail and said "I really don't want to go there..."

Natsu was confused and said "Why not? Everybody else is there!" Hiro sighed and said "Because Edolas is the counterpart to Earthland, which means there's another Natsu, another Wendy, another Erza. They're the opposite from us."

Natsu's eyes bulged out and he said "REALLY!? COOL!" Hiro said with a frown "Not cool." Wendy said "Why is it not cool?" Hiro chuckled and said "Because, it's very hard to hold back on not killing someone." he narrowed his eyes at the hole in the sky and muttered "Though their shadows could be collected..."

He mulled it over in his mind as Wendy paled at the world 'killing', Hiro finally turned around and said "Fuck it, let's go. Remember, the people from Edolas are not the people you know. They will kill you. With that in mind, don't stop me from killing people who look like our friends."

He clapped and said "Alright! Let's go!"

He grabbed Zerotwo and Isabella, who was holding Mittens and walked out the door. Natsu, Happy, Carla, and Wendy run out saying "Wait!" Hiro waved saying "Recall." the house vanished, stunning the other 4.

Hiro stomped on the ground and a surfboard made of ice appeared. Hiro said "Get on, Exceeds at the front." the group got on and Hiro said "Keep your limbs inside the vehicle at all times please. Carla, Happy, Mittens get your wings out."

He looked back and smiled saying "Hold on tight, okay?" Natsu said "Wai-" Hiro chuckled and the surfboard shot into the sky like a bullet, Wendy grabbed onto the ice and Natsu grabbed onto her ponytails as he waved behind her like a flag, shouting.

Wendy was crying at the pain and Zerotwo giggled waving her hand as Natsu flew back to the ice and was plastered on it. Isabella cheered and Hiro smiled as they shot through the hole in the sky, coming to a different world with floating islands.

Hiro flew across the sky and said "You won't be able to use your magic here because the world itself is running out of magic. People use magic weapons instead." Carla looked at him suspiciously saying "You sure know a lot..." Hiro smiled and said "I read a lot. Anyway, nice place scenery wise. Everything else..."

He looked to be going through a massive ordeal as he said "Annoying." he flew across the sky and Happy said "How can you still use magic?" Hiro smiled and said "My body is special, I produce my own magic. Zerotwo and Isabella are the same."

Isabella had a silly look on her face and Zerotwo pinched her cheeks as they flew around looking at all the sights. Hiro was paying attention to the direction he was flying in and smiled when his Haki picked up people down below. He dived down and the group landed on the ground in front of a vine like building.

Hiro walked inside with the rest and everybody looked at them. Carla said "We should be disguised!" Hiro waved and said "Too much effort!" he walked through the crowd of people and walked to Mirajane saying "Yo. Get me a beer, please."

Everybody in the guild trembled and stepped away from him and Zerotwo in fear. Hiro looked around in confusion, he said "Hey... Never seen a handsome guy before?" Zerotwo frowned as she looked around, Natsu and Wendy walked over saying "They seem scared of you..."

Hiro's face fell and he said "It really better not be what I think it is..." he looked to the side and said "Lisanna... Stop playing around with these Edolas people and tell me what's going on here." Lisanna's pupils shrank and Natsu was stunned completely saying "She! She!" before going into a flashback.

Hiro sighed and rubbed his face, Zerotwo frowned and held Isabella saying "You think..." Hiro replied "There doesn't seem to be another explanation." Zerotwo mumbled "That shouldn't be possible..." Hiro frowned and said "Here's a lesson, Angel. Nothing is impossible."

Nab ran in and shouted "The Fairy Hunter is here!" Hiro turned around and said "You guys were wondering what happened to Erza?" Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Carla looked at him, Hiro got up and said "Stay here... Hehe~"

He grinned evilly saying "There can only be one Erza in this world. Hehehehe~" before walking out the guild with the master sword in his hand.

The guild started shaking before disappearing entirely, leaving Hiro behind as a giant flying beast smashed into the ground and a blonde haired man with pink armor walked over.

Hiro looked over at Erza on the Winged beast and said "Never thought I'd see the day Erza became a dog for someone else." Erza shouted "Hiro!" Hiro ignored her and disappeared, his voice travelled in the wind "It's fine though..."

The blonde haired man was suddenly cut in half and both sides feel in different directions as Hiro appeared saying "You won't be a dog for much longer." he pulled the man's shadow out and threw him into the normal army before slashing down at the beast and cutting it in half as Erza jumped into the air shouting "What is the meaning of this!?"

Hiro pursed his lips and said "I'm killing you obviously. You brought this upon yourselves, sucking in magic from Earthland to feed Edolas. Sometimes, you bring in a wolf~" as he flashed behind Erza and punched her back with a black wavy fist, smashing her into the ground.

He landed on her body and crouched saying "What a shame. You're pitifully weak compared to the real you." she struggled and Hiro sighed "Well, at least I can have an Erza replica in my shadow army. Goodbye, Erza Knightwalker."

He smashed down a fist and obliterated her entire exitance, blowing a massive hole through the floating island. You could even see the sky below! Hiro pulled Erza and the flying beast's shadow and sent them into the army with a sigh, they were at normal soldier level! This wasn't good!

They were Unique Shadows! UNIQUE!

He sacrificed a dozen soldiers and pumped them into Edolas Erza, strengthening her and giving her magic before adding her to the Uniques row. He smiled happily, satisfied with his purchase, before falling backwards into the shadow and disappearing.