The other me has to die!

Hiro reappeared in the Fairy Tail guild and Zerotwo looked at him saying "We have a problem." Hiro lit a cigarette and gave Isabella a lollipop as he said "Shoot." Zerotwo pointed at the guild members from Edolas Fairy Tail and said "They said we're the First commanders of the Army here..."

Hiro said "So just kill them, what's the problem?" Zerotwo seemed to be hesitating before finally saying "Seems that's not all..." Hiro looked at her and she said seriously "They have Strelizia too." Hiro's eyes widened and his cigarette fell from his mouth, Zerotwo added with an ugly expression "Also... Seems your other self has certain... 'habits'..."

Hiro looked at her and said quickly "What habits?!" Zerotwo replied "It's not just me. Isabella doesn't exist... but there are others..." Hiro blinked and said "Someone please tell me what she's trying to say."

Other Lucy said "The Demon isn't alone. There's Zerotwo, Ichigo, Miku, Ikuno, Kokoro, Nana, Olvia, Shakky, Erza, Linlin, and Toki." Hiro almost collapsed and Zerotwo snorted, looking at him in disdain. Hiro shouted angrily "Where the fuck is this bastard! A menace! I'll kill them all!"

His other self, the bastard, made a harem!

Not only that but he took all the girls?!

What the fuck!

Hiro trembled in anger, Natsu was stunned, he had never seen Hiro so angry. Wendy said "So many people... What for?" Hiro grinded his teeth and said "That bastard! I hate harems!" he was so angry he laughed and said "Good! Good! Good!"

He grinned savagely and said "Perfect! Wonderful! Excellent! They'll all become fine additions to the shadow army!" he looked at the guild and said "Erza's dead. So is Sugar Boy. If you want to come along to slaughter the Royal Capital, be my guest."

He stepped on the cigarette and said "Let's go. I'll show you what true fear is today." he blasted the doors off the hinges and walked outside. Isabella held Zerotwo and said "Mama, what's wrong with Baba?" Zerotwo smiled to herself and said "Baba is angry. The bad people are going to go bye bye."

Natsu chased after Hiro along with Wendy, Happy, Carla, and Zerotwo. The other Lucy also came along and the rest of the guild came out to see Strelizia. Natsu shouted with starry eyes "COOL!" Hiro lit another cigarette and waved his arm.

His Military uniform appeared on him and he slid on his black gloves as his jacket fluttered behind him. He stomped on the ground and a staircase made of ice appeared, he walked up and turned around at the top saying "Let's go, Angel." Zerotwo floated up saying "Yes, Darling~"

Hiro smiled, feeling reminiscent. He punched the side of Strelizia's head and the hatch opened, revealing a completely different interior, the Stamen and Pistil was still there but there were seats on the side.

Natsu ran up and looked around, Wendy, Happy, Carla, and the other Lucy looked around inside curiously.

Zerotwo put Isabella and Mittens down, saying "Go sit down, baby." Isabella looked around with a silly expression, holding Mittens in her hands.

Zerotwo put a hand on her waist and said "Got a suit for me, Darling?" Hiro grinned and pointed behind him to a light screen. She smiled and walked into the light screen as Hiro sat down in the Stamen chair, cracking his neck and revealing a feral grin.

Zerotwo walked back with a blue pistil suit, she pursed her lips and said "There's even color choices?" Hiro smiled and she got into the Pistil position as the hatch closed.

On her legs, cylinders unfolded and popped out, forming into big gloves.

Hiro shoved his hands into the gloves and pulled back, clenching and unclenching his fists as the room became see through, lighting up the world. Sun spun out and went through the wall into Strelizia's hand.

The circle on Strelizia's chest lit up and it's face appeared.

Hiro smiled and pushed forward.

Strelizia stepped forward and immediately blasted away disappearing in the blink of an eye. The Edolas Fairy Tail guild members were stunned into silence.

Strelizia flew to a town in the desert and shouted "Royal Army! Assemble!"

Other Lucy said "What are you doing?!" Hiro said "Shut up, you're useless to me. Your free ride will be up soon. You're getting out after we get the real Lucy." Other Lucy was startled and Hiro looked down at the army that gathered.

Strelizia said "Is this everyone in the city?" one of the soldiers said "Yes, Hiro-sama." Strelizia nodded and said "That's good. You can all go to hell then." Sun changed to Muramasa and slashed sideways, cutting the entire group in half.

Strelizia had a sinister grin on it's face as it said "Edolas... This world isn't needed." he smashed through the city, calling up the shadows of the army and the trampled people, not caring at all. He stopped in front of Lucy.

Strelizia picked up Lucy and the hatch opened bringing her inside. Hiro looked at the other Lucy saying "Go back to your guild. This doesn't concern you." Natsu said "Hiro..." Hiro shrugged and said "What? A bunch of cowards, they let their guild members die and they hide like rats. I don't associate with these kinds of people. Who cares about them? Other than Lisanna, who feels bad that the Edolas Lisanna died and is pretending to be the dead Lisanna, the rest are a bunch of wastes."

Other Lucy clenched her fists and shouted "How could you say something like that?!" Hiro looked at her and said "Can you say that you're not hiding like rats? Hard life? Fighting to survive? What a joke. Get out of here, I can't stand looking at you. Change the name of your guild, it's a disgrace to the Fairy Tail name."

Wendy said softly "Hiro-san... Maybe you're being too harsh..." Natsu looked at the other Lucy, who was tearing up, but he was silent. What Hiro said was true. They really didn't do anything other than run, if it was him, he would've fought to the end. Maybe changing the Guild Name was a bit much but the rest was somewhat reasonable.

So he stayed silent.

Lucy had no idea what was going on and looked at her other self in shock.

Hiro sighed and said "You want to be a real Fairy Tail member? Stop being such a coward. Maybe you don't have numbers, maybe you don't have magic, maybe you don't have the strength, but the guild is a family. A home. If one of us is in trouble, everyone will fight to their deaths to save them!"

Natsu grinned and crossed his arms, Hiro said coldly "Run? That doesn't exist! You lost half your guild and the guild master! As far as I'm concerned you're not even a guild, just a bunch of rats gathering together for safety. You're disgusting. Now go back to your hideout and stay there as real Guild members fix the problem and save their family."

He waved and she was ejected from Strelizia, landing softly on the ground.

The hatch closed and Strelizia flew away, leaving a dazed other Lucy on the ground.

Lucy came back to life and said "Hey! Don't you think that was mean?" Hiro replied "They abandoned half their guild so that they can live. Is that a guild? Can you imagine yourself doing the same?" Lucy was at a loss for words. She really couldn't.

Running away while half the guild dies? She would rather die than live with that kinda of guilt...

Natsu said "Hmmm... Hiro's right! Thought he was harsh, it's the truth! Gramps, Gray, Erza, Cana, Gildarts... I don't see the guild the same without them." Hiro smiled slightly and Lucy suddenly said "By the way, shouldn't you be sick?"

Natsu started to sweat before suddenly becoming sick. Happy said "He's sick again!" Hiro sighed and said "He didn't know he was on a vehicle, Lucy!" Lucy covered her mouth and said "Oops!" Hiro and Zerotwo chuckled and continued to fly to the Royal Capital.

Night rolled around and they stopped in the middle of a desert.

Hiro sat on the hatch, looking out at the stars with Zerotwo sitting next to him and Isabella in his lap. Mittens was curled up on his head and sleeping already.

On the ground, Hiro set up a giant cloud and the rest of the group were sleeping on it with blissful faces.

Hiro combed Isabella's hair as he said "Remember when it was just us?" Zerotwo leaned on his shoulder and said gently "Yeah... You were such a goofball." Hiro smiled softly and replied "I'm not anymore?" She giggled and said "You evolved into a serious goofball."

Hiro laughed and Zerotwo smiled, Isabella pointed to the sky and said "Baba! Baba! Look! A shooting star!" Hiro and Zerotwo looked up and smiled warmly, Hiro said "If you make a wish, it'll come true, princess."

Isabella puffed her cheeks and closed her eyes tightly, muttering quietly "I wish Baba and Mama are with me forever!" Hiro and Zerotwo were startled and looked at Isabella in bewilderment before smiling gently.

Hiro kissed Isabella's head and Zerotwo kissed her cheek, Isabella giggled and hummed to herself as Hiro and Zerotwo soothed her to sleep before going to sleep themselves.

The next morning

Strelizia appeared near the Royal City, Hiro let Natsu, Wendy, Lucy, Happy, and Carla out and said "Go find Gajeel in the city and free everyone from the Lacrima. Gajeel knows what to do. Lucy can use her Magic, Natsu, you can fight even without magic. That's what your training was for anyway. Happy, you got this."

The group nodded and ran into the city.

Hiro let his shadow army out and said with a cruel grin "Kill all the Royal Army soldiers, leave Pantherlily alive." he gave them a mental image of Pantherlily and sent them out into the Royal city.

Hiro sat down and got into the gloves saying "You ready, Angel?" Zerotwo smiled and said "Yes, Darling!" Hiro grinned and said "Then let's give them a show!"

The hatch closed and Strelizia flew into the air, Sun spun into a giant Boomstick and Strelizia shouted "HIRO~ THE REAL US IS HERE! TIME TO DIE!" Before shooting a massive energy black into the castle and blowing a massive hole into it.