Merging Complete!

Magic tendrils shot into the sky and started sucking up all the magic from Edolas back into Earthland, including the Exceeds and the Group of Wizards.

Hiro held Isabella, Zerotwo, and Mittens as he glowed and floated into the air towards the hole in the sky, rejoining Natsu and the rest. Hiro looked down at Mystogan, who looked at him. Hiro looked at the destruction of the city and pursed his lips.

He closed his eyes and a ball of light appeared in front of his forehead. He grabbed the light ball and threw it at Mystogan. The ball of light sank into Mystogan's forehead and his eyes glazed over, before returning to normal, looking at Hiro in shock and gratitude.

Hiro smiled and gave him a thumbs up, pointing to the Fairy Tail mark on his neck. Lucy said "What was that?" Hiro smiled and said "A gift, or rather compensation..." Erza said "You really did a number on the city..." Natsu waved his arms and said "MAN THAT WAS SO COOL! THE ROBOTS! AND THEM THE LASERS! WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH!"

Hiro chuckled and waved good bye to Mystogan, he gave him all the knowledge of technology, steam engines, trains, everything that didn't need magic to operate, and then the final cherry on top was the Arc Reactor.

Since magic was basically going bye bye, Mystogan had the means and knowledge to rebuild the world to be even better!

Hiro grinned and threw out a Fairy Tail symbol made of energy, the group grinned and disappeared into the Anima, leaving Edolas completely.

They fell from the sky and landed in the outskirts of Magnolia, Hiro landed on his feet and the rest smashed into the ground, groaning. Hiro laughed and said "That was fun!" Lucy got up and said "Easy for you to say!" Hiro chuckled and the rest looked over saying "Magnolia is back to normal!"

Hiro looked at the Exceeds, who appeared out of nowhere and told the story of how the Queen, Chagot, lied about a mission because she wanted to evacuate the children, seeing a vision of the future.

When she was finished, the Exceeds flew away to go find the children who were evacuated 6 years ago, leaving the Queen, and a few others.

Hiro walked over to an Exceed and picked him up by the scruff of his neck, the Exceed said "Oi! Put me down! MEN~!" Hiro burst out laughing and showed the rest saying "It's that guy from Blue Pegasus! BAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The group shivered and Hiro said "Hey, cat. You should go find... Uhh what was his name again?" the group fell down and Erza said "Ichiya." Hiro said "Yeah! That guy! Go find him. He's in Blue Pegasus guild!"

Nichiya, the Exceed that looked exactly like Ichiya said "Ichiya, eh? He's got a nice name! MEN~!" Hiro laughed and threw Nichiya into the air saying "Fly, Neko-san!" Nichiya flew away saying "MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN~!"

Hiro fell on the ground, laughing with tears in his eyes. Isabella waved "Bye, Neko-san!" Zerotwo recovered and kicked Hiro on the ground. Hiro got up and chuckled, before doing a pose and saying "Men~"

Zerotwo beat him up, and Hiro laughed, blocking her punches.

The rest of the Exceeds left and Hiro said "Ah wait! I want to keep one of you!" Zerotwo punched his head and said "What are you saying? Do they look like pets?!" Hiro pursed his lips and said "The Queen looked very soft..."

Zerotwo felt her mouth twitch and she raised her fist, Hiro immediately added "But really, who needs 'em!? Haha!" looking away and laughing nervously.

Pantherlily appeared holding a rope, but he was the same size as Happy and Carla now. Gajeel hugged him saying "MY CAT!"

The group sweat dropped and Pantherlily said "I found someone suspicious!" The group looked and Pantherlily pulled a tied up Lisanna, stunning the group, except Hiro and Zerotwo.

Lucy said "Edolas Lisanna came with us?" Hiro said "Hey. You're not that stupid, right? This is the real Lisanna." Erza said "Impossible, the real Lisanna died!" Hiro shook his head and said "She did not. There's magic in her body. The Edolas Lisanna wouldn't have that. Plus, I told you this before."

Lisanna asked "How did you know?" everybody looked at Hiro, who smiled and said "I can see the magic in your body. Plus, your body disappeared when you 'died' here. Who just disappears when they die? Obviously, you somehow got sucked into Edolas and traded places with their Lisanna, who seemed to have 'died' at the same time."

He rubbed his chin and said "Not that I think about it, that's a pretty big coincidence... Also, staying there wasn't very nice..." he paused and added "Actually, I'm not going to say anything." before walking away.

The group was silent and Hiro left before he said something he shouldn't. Zerotwo grabbed Isabella and left as well, going back to Magnolia.

They got back and Hiro placed their house back down before walking inside and taking a shower.

A while later

Hiro was back in his baggy white t-shirt and joggers, sitting on the couch and relaxing.

Everything was back to normal.

The next day

Hiro was sitting inside the guild with a new scar over the bridge of his nose, he looked at himself in the mirror and pouted while drinking.

Gildarts slapped his back, laughing "Heard the you over there was a real prick! Hahhaha!" Hiro grumbled "I didn't see you over there..." Gildarts choked and said "Hey! You wanna go, kid!?" Hiro grinned and grabbed his cloak saying "Ehhhh? You say something punk?"

Makarov bonked them and said "Are you trying to destroy the guild!?" Natsu complained "Gramps, let them fight! You should've seen the giant robots! AND THE LASERS! PEW PEW!" as he made sound effects while doing moves.

Hiro smirked and suddenly slapped his forehead saying "I almost forgot!" He pulled out the 2 discs and said "Take off those terrible prosthetics! I made new ones!" Gildarts looked at the discs and said "Kid... I'm missing an arm and a leg... What are these discs for?"

Hiro ignored him and said "Hurry up, old man! Damn!" Everyone looked on curiously and Hiro took off Gildarts' prosthetics and pressed the discs on his nubs before pressing a few buttons and screwing them into his flesh.

He stood back and said "Done!" Gildarts looked at the discs in confusion and Hiro said "Well? Will your arm!" Gildarts waved his nub and the disc opened as a new sleek arm made of nanobots formed, the same happened to his leg.

Everyone was shocked and Hiro grinned "New Nano prosthetics! Capable of perfect replication! Perfect arm movement, the same as normal limbs! Not only that!" he bent the arm backwards and it just snapped back into place, Hiro cut the hand off and a new hand formed.

Everybody's eyes bulged out and Gildarts was speechless.

Hiro had a proud look on his face and said "That's not all it can do! Regeneration the nanobots is the most basic application! You can channel magic into it and use it as you would a normal arm! Also! You can form it into anything you want! Think of a cannon, gun, bowl, mace, anything!"

Gildarts' nano-arm started changing shape into a cannon, gun, sword, fork, saw blade, etc. as the transformations continued, the guild members got more and more stunned by the second. Hiro smirked and said "Not only this! But! The metal the nano-bots are made of are extremely strong and magical! It's called Uru Metal! It's the best metal for magic and will increase your magical strength output by 100%!"

He pulled out a block of Uru metal and said "Also!" he threw it at Gajeel, who caught the metal and bit into it, but couldn't bite through, leaving only scratches from his teeth. Hiro added "It's extremely tough!" Gajeel bit at the block trying to eat it as everyone watched in pure awe at the magical-ness of the Nano-arm and Uru Metal.

Hiro smiled and said "Well? Am I a genius? Or am I a genius?" everyone swallowed their saliva and said "Genius..." Hiro rubbed his nose and said "Awe, you guys! I'll blush!" Zerotwo felt her mouth twitch as she looked at her husband 'So shameless...'

Gildarts returned his hand to normal and laughed saying "Thanks, Hiro!" Hiro smiled happily and everybody cheered, Gajeel was still trying to eat the metal. He looked at it as if it was his nemesis and nibbled on it, unable to believe he can't eat it.

The party continued on

A few days later

Hiro was standing on the stage in front of the guild and yawned as Makarov announced who was going to be participating in the S-Class Advancement trial on Tenrou island. He called out names and told them to get a partner and be at the docks in a week to go to Tenrou Island.

Not only that but Hiro, Erza, Mirajane, Zerotwo, and Gildarts will be blocking them from succeeding. Which means...

Hiro grinned and eyed the 8 participants like prey, they had to beat one of them to become an S-Class wizard.

The participants were depressed, 5 super monsters... Even beating one of them was a stretch...

That night

Hiro went home and as soon as he sat on the couch, he heard a DING. He almost died from shock, it was too loud.

[Congratulations! The System has evolved into 'True Multiverse System'!]

[Everything has been upgraded for both accounts!]

[Sun has evolved to True Sun!]

[World Record has been unlocked!]

[Darling in the FRANXX has been added!]

[One Piece has been added!]

[Fairy Tail has been added!]

[Multiverse map has been added!]

[+10 Luck has been given!]

[Ultimate Mystery Chest has been given!]

[STATUS has been optimized!]

[Would you like to see STATUS?]

Hiro was overwhelmed and said "Sure."


[Name: Hiro/016 (Monkey)]

[Age: 24]

[Race: Perfect Klaxo-Sapien King]

[Titles: He who Rides with Death, Genius, Lord of the Shadows]

[Talents: Ultra Human, Scabrite metal Bones (Upgradeable), All-Mastery (Superior)]

[Powers: Super Psionics (Upgradeable), Supreme Shadow Control (Origin)]

[Magic: Moon Ice-Make Magic (Ultimate), Dark Water Magic (Ultimate), Collapse Magic (Grand Master)]

[Passive Skills: Promethium Skin (Upgradeable), Ultimate Body (Upgradeable), Eternal Connection (All Stats +600%)]

[Items: OmniWeapon: True Sun (ALL FORMS UNLOCKED), Incursio, Grimoire, Next World Token, More More fruit, Sand fruit, 20 yr experience token, 10x Super Mystery Chest, Ultimate Mystery Chest, Misc. ]

[Memory World: Strelizia Mk1, House of Dreams]

[World Record: Darling in the FRANXX, One Piece, Fairy Tail]

[Multiverse Map: 3 Worlds Unlocked]

[Extra Stats for nerds: +37 Charisma, +35 Luck]

[Daily Quest: 200 push-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches, 20 Mile run. Rewards: Ultra Mystery Chest]

[Main Quest: Kill Acnalogia. Reward: ???]



[Name: Zerotwo]

[Age: 24]

[Race: Perfect Klaxo-Sapien Queen]

[Talents: Ultra Human, Scabrite Metal Bones (Upgradeable), All-Mastery (Superior)]

[Powers: Super Psionics (Upgradeable)]

[Magic: Sun Fire Magic (Ultimate), Lightning Magic (Ultimate), Star Magic (Grand Master)]

[Passive skills: Blessing of a Lover+ (All-Stats +1000% (Doubled if with Hiro)) +400% from Ring (w/ Hiro), Ultimate Body (Upgradeable), Eternal Connection (All Stats +600%), Promethium Skin (Upgradeable)]

[Items: Hiro Plushie+ (Rarity: XX), Lover's Necklace+ (Rarity: X), Immortal Marriage Ring of Eternity+, The Beast and the Prince]

[Extra Stats for nerds: ERROR Charisma ERROR Luck]

Hiro's mouth was wide open and Zerotwo rushed in saying "Did you see it?!" Hiro nodded dumbly and Zerotwo laughed saying "Oh my god!" Hiro looked at Zerotwo stiffly and she smiled "Scared? Darling~" as she wiggled her fingers and laughed evilly, Hiro felt all his hairs stand up on end and she lunged at him, tackling him to the couch, locking him in a grip and kissing his face.

The house was full of laughter and happiness.