I'm the Oni.

A week later

Hiro was at the docks and wiped his forehead, clearing the sweat. He put his hands on his hips and smiled widely.

[Ship of Dreams added to Memory World!]

That's right!

Hiro finally got around to building his own ship! It was a massive pirate ship, that was much more technologically advanced than anything in One Piece, though the materials were from One Piece themselves.

It was as much a house as it was a ship.

Not only that!

It was extremely beautiful! Zerotwo helped make it and Isabella ran around on the deck with Mittens following her around. Hiro smiled widely and pulled Zerotwo in by the shoulder saying "Another Memory, my love." she leaned into his chest and hummed with glee.

The bottom was seastone, the outer walls was Adam wood, there was a layer of Vibranium in between the Adam wood and the interior Eve wood, the sails were made from the Walrus skin, the deck has grass on it like the Sunny and everything inside was just as high tech as his own house!

There was even an Arc Reactor built into it so that it could sail on it's own!

Also, there was a massive cannon on the front, made with the same technology as the repulsor beams from the Ironman suit.

From the outside it looked like a normal ship but it was probably the strongest building other than Hiro's house.

Hiro smiled and the 16 participants walked over, looking at the giant ship in awe. Hiro grinned and said "Everyone on! We're going to Tenrou island!"

Everyone boarded and the ship sailed to Tenrou island.

A while later

Everyone was sent to another ship and Hiro's ship along with Hiro, Zerotwo, and Isabella & Mittens disappeared.

Makarov appeared on the ship and said "YOUR FIRST TASK!" scaring everyone who was confused.

Hiro and Zerotwo separated and Hiro took Isabella going into their own paths.

Hiro sat in a cave and played with Isabella and Mittens as his Shadow soldiers spread out across the island, in preparation of the morons in Grimoire Heart. He watched Zeref from his shadow soldiers, he could feel his strength from here.

Zeref really wasn't a joke.

His strength was around Gildarts right now, maybe a little bit weaker. He didn't really know, but he was sure he couldn't beat Makarov, so he was pretty sure he would literally get slapped to death by Zeref.


Zeref was just chilling on the island at the moment, so it was alright.

Hiro sat on the ground and played with Isabella while he waited for the little wizards to show up.

A while later

4 people ran into the room.

Freed, Bickslow, Lucy, and Cana. They saw Hiro and they all turned white in fear. Hiro looked up slightly, only revealing a single glowing eye and a deadly grin. Lucy jumped into Cana's arms and Cana turned around to leave saying "It's been a nice ride guys!"

Hiro put Isabella on his shoulders and Mittens on his head as he stood up and put his hands in his jogger's pockets.

The entrances collapsed, blocking the group from leaving.

They turned back and Hiro gave them a wide grin, he licked his teeth and said "Ready for my test?"


Zerotwo was sitting in another cave with her arms crossed.

4 people ran in and saw Zerotwo, jumping in shock.

Zerotwo opened her eyes and they sparkled like stars as the entrances collapsed. Gray, Loke, Wendy, and Mest were trapped in the cave as the ground, walls, and roof of the cave started shining like gems.

Zerotwo was wearing a baggy white t-shirt, skinny jeans ending just above her ankles and black one strap sandals, her hair was let down, the Lover's necklace hung from her neck and her wedding ring was on her left hand ring finger.

She stood up, flicked her hair and said with a flat look "Shinu." The 4 turned white and Wendy fainted.

Natsu was with Gildarts

Elfman and Evergreen were with Mirajane

Lisanna and Juvia were with Erza

Gajeel and Levy got a free pass and advance to the second trial.

Hiro grinned and his eyes glowed in the darkness as black waves burst from his body and shot through the roof of the cave, blasting a hole right through. He didn't move from his spot and the 4 were petrified by the magical energy.

Suddenly, it disappeared and Hiro said "Whoever makes Isabella laugh the hardest passes." the 4 fell on the ground, all that build up for this?!

Freed said seriously "Bickslow!" Bickslow nodded and he covered himself in his totem dolls before revealing himself again, but now he was dressed as a clown.

Isabella looked at him with a silly look on her face and said "I hate clowns." Bickslow almost cried and Freed said "Why did the chicken cross the road?" Isabella said "Eh? Why?" Freed said solemnly "To get to the other side."

There was a silence and Isabella laughed, slapping Hiro's head saying "Dumb chicken! HAHAHAHA!" Hiro pursed his lips and Cana bit her nails saying "That was a good one... Damn!" Lucy said "Don't worry! I got this!"

She summoned Gemini and formed herself before doing a silly dance. Isabella giggled and said "Baka." Lucy fell to the ground and started crying, Cana frowned and Hiro said "To be an S-Class wizard, it's not about just strength. You have to have problem solving skills and be came to adapt to any situation. Like this test, you expected a fight, but I though a problem and shifted your expectations, now you're confused by the task at hand."

He shrugged and said "Sometimes you're power is useless and you need to use your brains..." he smirked and added "Even if you get a little beat up in the process." Cana paused and her eyes brightened as she threw out a card, it turned into a frying pan and she smacked Freed in the face with it.

Isabella blinked before pointing at Freed and laughing her head off. Cana smiled and said "Lucy, help!" Lucy got up and said "Sur- Eh?" before slipping and falling face first into the ground. Isabella's eye bulged out and she burst out laughing with tears in her eyes.

Hiro smirked and said "Cana passes." Lucy and Cana high fived and left.

Hiro walked over to Freed and Bickslow saying "You even hold back to make a child laugh?" Freed and Bickslow smiled wryly and said "We're sorry for before with Laxus..." Bickslow said "We just wanted to atone..."

Hiro smiled and said "No problem. I forgave you all a long time ago." as he walked away, Freed and Bickslow were stunned and looked at Hiro's back, he waved over his shoulder and disappeared.

Freed and Bickslow smiled and high fived.

Hiro appeared at the tents and was surprisingly not the first one there. Zerotwo was sitting there by herself. Hiro said "You lost?!" she pouted "Wendy started crying and Gray and Loke blamed me!" Hiro felt his mouth twitch as he said "You just let them go..."

She turned her head and said "After a beating... I failed that Mest guy and Wendy though. Plus, Gray is strong enough to be an S-Class wizard anyway, there was no need to fight, I know how strong he is."

Hiro smiled and said "But he's nothing compared to my Lord!" he propped up his foot saying with a righteous vibe "Those who blaspheme the goddess... HERETICS!" Zerotwo laughed and Hiro chuckled before putting Isabella, who was still giggling, down and going to cook.

Isabella told Zerotwo about what happened in Hiro's trial and completely blew it out of proportions, Zerotwo crossed her legs and held up her chin, listening to her with a smile.

Hiro was cooking and whistling.

A while later

Erza, Juvia, Mirajane, and Lisanna came over, while Freed, Bickslow, and Gildarts went back to the guild.

Hiro served the food and smiled saying "Rest up. Grimoire Heart is coming to attack." everyone froze and Hiro ate his food happily. Erza stood up saying "WHAT?!" Hiro said "Relax and eat, they're here for Zeref anyway."

Erza froze in shock and Zerotwo fed Isabella saying "Isn't that the Legendary Black Wizard?" Hiro nodded saying "Yeah. Did you try the beef? It's really good!" she smiled and said "You made it just the way I like it~" Hiro smiled and continued eating.

Erza shouted "HELLO! DARK GUILD ATTACKING! ZEREF ON THE ISLAND! WHY ARE YOU SO CALM?!" Hiro said "How can you fight, if you're hungry? Also, everything is according to the Old man's plan. Don't worry about it."

He waved his fork and added "What's more, my shadow army is all over the island. They might not even escape with their lives, let alone become a threat." Shadow Erza appeared and kneeled on one knee, Hiro looked at her and said "Oh yeah? So fast? Looks like Gajeel's training was worth the effort. Go back."

Shadow Erza disappeared and normal Erza said "ME?!" Hiro said "You're really freaking out today." he looked at Juvia and pouted "What happened? I really thought you would beat her." Juvia looked embarrassed and said softly "Juvia tried her hardest, but Juvia couldn't beat Erza... She went all out and she's stronger than Juvia so..."

She looked down and said "Juvia is sorry, Teacher-sama." Hiro sighed and patted her head saying "Next time then." Juvia smiled happily and nodded, Hiro smiled and fell back into his shadow, disappearing.

He appeared behind Gajeel and looked at the 2 from Grimoire heart as he said "Good. You beat them easily." Gajeel jumped in shock and shouted "Can you stop doing that?!" Hiro smiled and said "I really didn't waste my time training you. Well, their main force is going to show up soon. Continue your trial, if you see a guy with black hair and white ancient clothes, just run away."

He killed the 2 from Grimoire heart and took their shadows as Gajeel said "Who?" Hiro said "It's Zeref. Unless you want to die, don't fight him. Anyway, keep up the good work, maybe you can become an S class wizard!" before disappearing again.

He reappeared at the table and continued eating as he said "Gajeel already took 2 down no problem." he paused and sighed "This is going to be a regular occurrence today isn't it..." he disappeared again and reappeared over Wendy.

He looked at the man standing on another cliff before looking at Mest and saying "Even the Magic council official can't hack it, eh?" Mest looked back and said "You knew?!" Hiro smiled and said "I know a lot more than you'd think. It really pays off to read, pal."

He waved and said "You're one of the 7 kids of the shadow realm or something?" the man said "7 Kin of Purgatory." Hiro waved and said "Yeah, yeah, 6 Kilns of Pottery. Listen, I really don't care man." he suddenly sighed and said "Really sucks to be you though... Well, I guess it sucks to be under Hades and a part of Grimoire heart."

The man frowned and said "Why?" Hiro reached out and clutched the air as he replied "Because you're all charging head first into death, obviously." the air around the man started to twist and warp as black chains came out of the ground and tied him up.

Hiro smiled and said "I guess you forgot about me in your little Grimoire Meeting. That really hurts, man." the man screamed in pain as his body started collapsing on himself and he said "What is this magic!?" Hiro smiled and said "I'll tell you!" before sneering "Just kidding~"

Hiro pulled back and the man collapsed completely, becoming a ball of flesh and bone before falling on the ground. Hiro waved and the man was turned into a shadow before being sent off into the island to act as a guard.

Hiro looked at Mest and said "Forget about this." his hand glowed white and Mest fainted as Hiro looked at Makarov, who was a giant right now.

Hiro looked at Capricorn in the sky and his Haki covered the entire island. He flashed to a spot and looked at a fat man with white skin. He sneered and said "Disgusting." before severing his head with Sun before he could even react, he took his shadow and flashed away to a man with a pompadour.

The man jumped in shock but Hiro was faster and ran his arm through his chest, ripping out his heart and crushing it. Hiro took his shadow and flashed to the air, kicking Capricorn down, smashing him into the ground.

Hiro reappeared on the ground and looked at Capricorn saying coldly "You were supposed to give Capricorn's key to Lucy Heartfilia. This is fine too. You can die." he smashed his fist through Capricorn's chest and Capricorn disappeared, revealing a man with a hole in his chest.

The man said "You.... You're not a fairy..." Hiro grinned and came in close, revealing his sharp fangs as he said "You're right." his eyes glowed as the man died slowly, the last words he heard before he died were "I'm the Oni."