God Killer

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Sun spun into two blades attached by a chain. Hiro send his shadow army back into his own shadow and spun Sun back into Staff forming, putting it back into his ear before turning around and freezing the corpse to crystals.

Hiro got rid of the evidence, but left Ottar hanging there after dumping a healing potion on his body, returning his corpse to normal.

He went to Freya's mansion and froze everything into ice crystals and clearing the area. He looked at the pit and poured water into it, now it was a beautiful lake.

He was admiring his work when a shout was heard "HIRO!" he turned around and Hestia stomped over with the rest. Hiro smiled and said "Hey, sis- Er I mean big boobed loli." Hestia pointed at his nose and said "Don't you 'Big boob loli' me! What did you do?!"

Hiro said "Uhh... Nothing?" Hestia jumped at him and chomped on his head saying "WHAT NOTHING?! OTTAR IS HANGING FROM THE TOWER OF BABEL!" Hiro coughed and said "He is? What a shame." Hestia pounded on his head saying "BAKA!" Hiro walked to the group and said "Well, what's done is done. Freya is dead for good, her entire Familia is gone, who cares?"

Bell was stunned and Lili asked "You killed a god!?" everybody else looked at Hiro, who nodded and said "That slut... She really deserved it too!" Hestia said "Wait. You killed her, killed her?" Hiro nodded "Dead as a door nail."

Hermes' eyes bulged out as he said in shock "LIKE NOT MAKE IT BACK TO HEAVEN?!" Hiro nodded saying "I think so." the group was floored and Bell said "Y-Y-You killed them?!" Hiro said badly "Hey... It's really not a big deal, okay? The monsters that we're let loose and also killed you at Monsterphilia was Freya, the Minotaur that almost killed you was also Freya, she also initiated the monster horde on the group that pass paraded you, then she had Ottar send a Juggernaut on you."

Hiro pointed at Lili, Welf, and Haruhime and said "Maybe, with a stroke of luck, you survived. But you really shouldn't have." Hestia was silent, she didn't know this information, Welf frowned and said "What does that mean?"

Hiro said "It means, you four, are extremely lucky to even be alive right now. The Juggernaut is there to kill adventurers who cause too much damage to the dungeon. It get's stronger at every level. You were at the 12th level?"

The group nodded and Hiro said "It's basically a 30th floor monster on the 12th floor and it only gets stronger further down. It can only be hurt with physical attacks and magic is useless against it, not only that but it's extremely fast. I don't know how you survived, but you should count your blessings. Maybe, Bell would be the only survivor because of his Agility."

He turned cold and said "She clearly tried to kill you all or at least from her mouth 'Everyone except Bell'." the group frowned, clearly angry that their lives weren't taken into account. Hestia moved to Hiro's shoulders and had a big frown on her face.

Hiro added "If you keep letting her do what she wants, eventually, she'll play you to death." he clicked his tongue and added "It's better for her to be put in the ground." Bell was dazed and the rest agreed.

If they were going to keep getting into Omega dangerous situations then it's better to kill the problem. Hestia was thinking about something and Hiro looked at Ryu before saying "I want to talk to you." Ryu pointed at herself and Hiro nodded, she nodded and Hestia said "Nobody say anything about this."

The group nodded and Hestia looked at Hermes saying "You too." Hermes waved and said "Are you kidding? I don't want to be next!" the group looked at him and some of them chuckled, Hestia smiled and patted Hiro's head saying "Back to base camp!"

Hiro smiled and said "Yes, big boobed loli!" as he marched off, the group separated with the Hestia Familia and Ryu following Hiro and Hestia and the other leaving to go to their own thing.

Hiro said "Sis, maybe we can get Ryu in the Familia. She's pretty strong." Hestia pulled on his ears and said angrily "Not the time! You know how much trouble you caused?! Eventually there will be a Denatus!" she slumped on his head and complained "We'll get punished for sure... Maybe they'll even take all our money!"

Hiro chuckled and patted her leg saying "We'll just make more." Hestia smiled happily and Hiro slowed down, Ryu arrived next to him and Hiro said "Want to join our Familia?" Ryu was stunned and said softly "Shouldn't the god be the one who does that?"

Hiro pointed at Hestia and said "She's super lazy but she wants you to join too. Not to mention she's shy, not very good with strangers." Hestia put on a shy look and turned her head, covering her face with her hands.

Ryu was bewildered, she knew Hestia from before! She wasn't shy! What was this? She looked at Hiro and said "I-" Hiro cut her off and said "Before you refuse! They're not as weak as you think. Maybe they're just level 2 right now, but they will be much stronger in the future! You don't have to worry about them dying anytime soon. I promise."

Ryu was silent and Hiro added "Not only this, but we have free housing, meals, and training! There's also classes on whatever you like. Any magic you want, and the Weapons are made by me!" Ryu felt her mouth twitch slightly, Hestia chimed "We have the best education of all the Familias! AND there's also a pool and spa!"

Hiro whispered "And the roller coaster!" Hestia said immediately "And a roller coaster!" Ryu was trying not to laugh at this 2 person play, she said "Training?" Hiro's eyes lit up and he pulled her to him as he said "So basically, we have an entire level in our base for training, there's gravity rooms, weights, indestructible walls, training dummies, etc. There's even a special place that can only be used once every month or two, that's our ultra mega top secret facility!"

Ryu wasn't going to agree before, but now she was curious about the ultra mega top secret facility, Hiro said with a smile "For Familia only, of course." Ryu clicked her tongue and said "I need to ask my boss."

She looked away for a second and Hiro and Hestia high fived, Ryu looked back and they were back to normal, looking away. Ryu sighed, having seen it all. She went to the Hostess of Fertility and the rest went back to Hiro's house.

Now they really couldn't use the church as a base.

Hiro walked inside to see Hephaestus sleeping on the couch with Isabella and Mittens on the side. Hiro picked up Isabella and Mittens, Hestia jumped off and landed on the couch, grabbing Bell and having a talk with him. The rest walked away and went to sleep, too much excitement for one day.

The next morning

The entirety of Orario was shaken completely.

The Freya Familia, the strongest Familia in Orario, all in one night, disappeared. The only evidence was Ottar hanging from a noose without a dick on the Tower of Babel. Though, people did like the new lake.

The Gods were too shaken this time. Freya was gone! She died for real! This was extremely bad! And had never happened before! They needed to find whoever did this. This was extremely bad for them. Forget about being forced back into Heaven, Freya died! Completely!

There was a Mortal who could kill the Gods on the loose in Orario!

All the gods in heaven and in Orario were on high alert for this God killer. Bounties were issued for any information on whoever did this to the Freya Familia, some of the Gods connected the Ishtar, Soma, and Freya slaughters together and they all agreed to Label the Bounty as the 'God Killer'.

The name God Killer swept through Orario.

The Adventurers were scrambling to find out who or what the God Killer was and rumors started spreading that it was a giant humanoid monster from the dungeon with sharp claws and teeth. The story was that the Monster had enough of the Gods' suppression and decided to attack in the middle of the night.

The God Killer became a popular figure literally overnight, the bounty was ignored as adventurers delved into the Dungeon to find the God Killer and kill it to become famous. After all, if you kill something that can kill gods weren't you above that?

Currently, the God Killer was having a hard time.

Mia, the owner of the Hostess of Fertility, was arguing with him over Ryu. She said "You're trying to poach my workers!?" Hiro pressed his hands down and had a wry smile on his face as he said "Boss Mia, please. It's really not like that. I just want her to join the Familia, she can still work for you after... Just less!"

Mia threw a chair at him and shouted "You brat! So you admitted it!" Hiro caught the chair with his tail and gently put it down on the ground as he said "The big boobed loli can come work for you instead! You don't lose Ryu and you get everyone's favorite Goddess!"

Mia threw a table at him shouting "Are you trying to sell your goddess to me!?" Hiro ducked under the table before putting it down gently and saying "No! It's a deal! You're not losing at all! Why are you angry?!"

Mia threw a meat cleaver and growled "Syr was supposed to work today!" Hiro replied "Well Freya's dead so...." as he caught the Meat cleaver and laid it on the table, admiring his table setting. He tilted a chair a bit and smiled happily before getting punched in the back of the head and into the table by Mia.

She held her fist up and said "I know. That 'God Killer' really OWES me!" Hiro looked at the table and sighed "My placement..." Mia shook him saying "Did you hear me, brat?!" Hiro was getting his brains scrambled and said "What do you want from me, Boss Mia. I'm just a simple farm boy."

Mia shouted "Farm boy my ass! That Bell kid told me about your food. Teach my chef to make food like you and you can have Ryu...." she looked at the door and said "Also, you better watch yourself kid."

Hiro stood up and said "Where's the Cat loli!" Mia threw a cleaver at him and said "Don't call her that! May, get out here!" Hiro caught the cleaver and sure enough, a cat loli came out of the kitchen, looking very nervous, she stammered "I-I-I'm May..."

Hiro threw the meat cleaver and it stuck into the wall next to her head as he flashed in front of her and his expression was blank. He bent over and brought his face close to hers as he said "Quit being a chef. You're not suited for it."

May's face went from white to blue to purple, then to red as she said "I-I want to be a chef-nyan!" Hiro narrowed his eyes and got serious, Mia crossed her arms and watched as May trembled but still looked at Hiro.

Hiro straightened out and said "A good chef needs confidence! I will teach you, but if you don't listen forget it." May stuttered "I-I w-won't!" Hiro nodded and dragged her by her collar into the kitchen.

The first night

Nobody ate food as Hiro didn't let any of the food get out, telling May that if she didn't get better, Mia would have to shut down. May tried her best and the second night, only one dish went out.

Hiro worked May to the bone, night and day, keeping her awake with potions and super coffee. Mia told the patrons that her chef was getting training and the third night 2 plates went out.

Everybody was angry but the people who ate were elated saying that the food was the best food they had ever eaten in their lives! Everybody was curious now and it became a lottery ticket, going to the Hostess of Fertility to see if they can try some of the legendary food.

Very few people were actually able to try the food and each of them sang praises, slightly regretting eating so fast.

The Hostess of Fertility's sales sky rocketed as people came in and orders drinks the entire day waiting to see if they could get a taste of the food. It became like a game to the customers, even Mia was surprised.

Hiro told her that since she was making him teach May, he was going to be serious. He wouldn't let out dishes that he didn't think were worthy. Mia and Hiro got into several fights over the literal 3 plates of food that were being sold everyday and Hiro told her that if she didn't like it, he could leave.

Mia grit her teeth and bore with it, letting him do whatever as she had the girls advertise the drinks instead. Never did she think the lack of food sales would actually increase attraction of the bar! Hiro smirked at the customers and denied another dish.

May was determined, she didn't really care about the customers anymore, more so on the food itself. Hiro taught her when there were no customers and then tested her when the customers came. He was extremely picky about mistakes, even if the taste was good but a single part of the appearance of the dish was off he would throw it in the garbage.

Of course, he was supplying the food. He had endless food and if he didn't, Mia would probably kill him from the expenses. Not that she could, but you know.

A few weeks passed

The amount of dishes that came out were in the double digits now and May was getting more and more confident in herself, not only that but her skill was increasing by a ton!

One day

Hermes walked into the Hostess of Fertility and said "Kid! They gods found out, you're being summoned for a Denatus!" Hiro walked out of the kitchen and said "Finally. I figured they would find out sooner." Hermes chuckled and said "Well, they aren't a sharp bunch. Let's go.." he smirked and said "God Killer."

Everybody dropped their mugs and silverware, looking at Hiro in shock. Hiro cleaned his hands on a rag and grinned as he left the Hostess of Fertility with Hermes, waving over his shoulder and saying "I'll be back~ If you make shitty food don't tell anyone I taught you."

May teared up and waved saying "Bye, Teacher!" Mia looked at May and sighed, patting her head. Damn bastard did half a job and had a full smile!