
Hiro was standing in front of the Gods in Heaven no less. Hestia was standing next to him with her arms crossed. Ouranos was quietly looking at Hiro as Apollo recited Hiro's crimes "Destroying 3 Familia, Sending 2 Gods back to Heaven, and Killing Freya, the Goddess of Beauty..."

Hiro yawned and said to Hestia "Si- Big boobed loli, when is this over?" Hestia sighed and shrugged, Apollo said "You shall be punished with Divine Judgement!"

Hiro said "What's that?" Hermes explained "Basically death." Hiro said "Ohhh. I see. So I'm just guilty then I guess?" Ouranos finally spoke "Unless you have a valid reason."

Hiro smiled and cleared his throat saying "Ishtar, illegally charming mortals and forcing them into slavery and prostitution, buying slaves, using her Arcanum on Mortals, etc. All around a cunt. Soma, providing Divine Wine to his Familia basically turning them into Wine addicted slaves, half of his Familia took part in capturing children and selling them off as slaves, thievery, fraud, murder, etc."

Hiro grinned and said "Freya, responsible for releasing the Monsters in Ganesha's Monsterphilia, causing the death of hundreds and destruction of the city. Using her Arcanum on Mortals and charming them into slaves. Training Monsters in the Dungeon to fight against adventurers, initiating Monster hordes, resulting in Pass Parades and the deaths of who knows how many Adventurers, not only this but blatantly sent a Juggernaut on Bell Cranel, Welf Crozzo, Liliruca Arde, and Sanjuono Haruhime in the 12th floor of the Dungeon."

He looked at Ouranos and said "She put Bell Cranel, a member of my Familia, in danger several times to satisfy her own desires. I killed her before she doomed my entire Familia. If I had the choice, I would do it again. Besides, she'll come back to life in a few hundred years or a millennia anyway, it will just be a different Freya. If I were you all, I would make sure that one doesn't fuck up and attract someone to come up to Heaven and kill you all."

He chuckled and added "That's my personal opinion anyway." Ouranos was silent and Apollo shouted "DIVINE JUDGEMENT!" Hiro smiled and stood there looking at Ouranos, paying no attention to the idiot.

Ouranos said "I have seen everything. The accusations are true, though this is something that the Gods must deal with ourselves. It isn't your place to take the Law into your own hands." Apollo grinned and Hiro looked at Ouranos, who said "However." Apollo lost his grin and Hiro smiled as Ouranos added "Considering your Familia was directly the victim and attacked, I will relive you of your punishment."

Apollo shouted "What?!" Hestia jumped up and down and Ouranos said "I'm not done." everybody calmed down and Ouranos said "You cannot be let off without anything as more adventurers would start attacking gods for no reason. 'God Killer' Hiro, member of the Hestia Familia, you are sentenced to life in the Dungeon..."

His eyes flashed as he added "Until you clear the Dungeon... or Die." Hestia's eyes widened as she said "That's not fair!" Apollo shouted "That's not enough! He killed one of our own!" Hermes pursed his lips and looked at Hiro, who grinned and said "Very well."

Ouranos nodded and waved, Hiro and Hestia both disappeared, going back to Orario.

Hestia was angry and sad, while Hiro had a smile on his face, she shouted "What are you happy about!?" Hiro threw her to his shoulders as he said "This isn't even a punishment, Sis! This is good!" Hestia pouted "How is this good?"

Hiro smiled and said "Because, incase you forgot, I'm the most incredible person in the history of ever!" She was confused and said "What does that have to do with it?" she didn't deny it and Hiro said "Now, we have a base inside the Dungeon! Isn't that great? We can train the others at lower levels without them having to run down all the way!"

Hestia said "How are we going to do that?" Hiro smirked and took out a giant disc, almost the size of the loli herself! He said "I got 2 of these. They're connected to each other. They're called Teleportation Pads!" Hestia tilted her little head in confusion and Hiro smirked "One pad in the Base... One pad in the Dungeon..."

Hestia said in realization "AND WE CAN GO BACK AND FORTH! Bro! You're a genius!" as she hugged him and laughed. Hiro chuckled and had an evil grin as he said "And when we're in the Dungeon... Bell's surely going to get injured..." Hestia smiled evilly and said "And I'll be there to fix him up!" they both laughed "Hehehehehe~" as they went back to Hiro's house.

Hiro explained the situation and Zerotwo helped him build a giant mansion for the Hestia Familia to stay in when they were gone. Obviously, Zerotwo was coming along. She was secretly pleased that of the 3 Gods Hiro killed, two were Goddesses of Beauty.

Ouranos never said when he had to go into the Dungeon, Hiro assumed he was giving him time to prepare. Meanwhile the Gods released Hiro's photo and new Alias 'God Killer' to the public, as well as his punishment, to which there was a mixed reaction.

Some thought it was too light and others thought it was worse than death. After all, he had to live in the Dungeon for the rest of his life! How could that be a better option than death? It was basically a slow death instead of a quick one!

Well to normal people anyway.

Mia shook her head at the notices. She heard Hiro constantly mentioning his wife around the girls and keeping a distance, she actually kinda liked having him around. It was nice to argue with someone once in a while, plus May was all mopey now. Even her food looked depressed.

Hiro and Zerotwo finished the Hearth Mansion in the same place the run down church was, using the basement as a secret cellar. It was extremely grand and beautiful, Hiro went all out on the materials and made it just as good as his own house, minus the technology of course.

Hestia made the Emblem the same as the Anime and Hiro drew it before casting it in gold and placing it over the doors on the mansion.

Ryu officially joined the Familia and the group threw a party.

Hiro placed the Teleporter Pad in a secret room and told the group how to get inside. He went to May and left an Ice clone to teach her before packing up his house and going into the Dungeon with Zerotwo and Isabella.

A few weeks later

Hiro and Zerotwo brought Isabella and Mittens and arrived at the 50th floor.

[Congratulations! You've completed Checkpoint! (Part 4.) Rewards: Random Upgrade!]

[Supreme Shadow Control (Origin) > (Transcendent)]

[Congratulations! You've completed Checkpoint! (Part 5.) Rewards: Random Divine Weapon]

[Congratulations! You've received Stormbreaker!]

This floor was a Safe Zone with very little Adventurers able to get so far. Hiro looked around and starting to build a small city, clearing the Grey trees around.

He made houses, restaurants, shops, forges and placed his house down before building a shop right next to it. He made it with his special building Materials and named it 'God Slayer Goods'. There was a potion brewing room, a forge, wine making room, etc.

When everything was built, he slapped an Unbreakable Modifier on the building.

[Congratulations! God Slayer Goods has been added to Memory World!]

Hiro smiled happily, he got his memory from Danmachi! He put down the Teleportation Pad in his house and walked through it.

He appeared in the secret room in the Hearth Mansion and walked out, saying hi to everyone. They were excited and went down into the Dungeon from the Teleportation pad and gawked at the city that was built.

Hestia said "You made a city!?" Hiro chuckled and said "God Slayer City. You like it? I even have a few people living here. Though, they don't have too many craftsmen..." Hestia rolled her eyes and said "You expected more?"

Hiro shrugged and Bell said "Where is this?" Hiro smiled and said "Floor 50." Everybody froze and Haruhime foamed at the mouth before fainting. Hiro caught her and shook his head. He said "This is a safe floor, you can go above and below and fight the monsters at the edge of the gates to level up."

He paused and said "Speaking of Leveling up..." he looked at Hestia and said "I need a level up, loli." Hestia smiled happily and they went back to the house. Hestia looked at his stats and gasped "So fast?!"

Hiro's stats were Level 2 all stats SSS-999

He grinned and said "No big deal really." she grumbled and brought him to level 3 I-0 and he stretched, putting his shirt back on as Zerotwo went to level 3 as well.

Normal life continued as the Hestia Familia shuttled from the Dungeon to the Hearth Mansion. Hiro set up his shop and placed his Red, Blue, and Green Potions up for sale, along with the Winged Monkey gear and even took repairs.

Life was comfortable for him and his family. He even had a faster way to level up as he didn't have to go through basically half the Dungeon anymore. He was right there. He could take a walk down to the 51st floor and down before coming back to the 50th floor at night and spending time with his family.

He went back to teaching Isabella and the rest, occasionally going to the lower levels and slaughtering every monster he saw, adding them to the ever expanding Shadow army before merging the monsters at the end of the day as he went back home.

The Familia was growing extremely fast and nobody could stop it at all. They were basically cheating as Hiro would kill all the Monsters and let one escape to the group as he trained them to fight and adapt to a monster at a much higher level than them.

He did good on his promise and even brought them all into the Time room, training them as harshly as possible. He also trained himself as per usual and saw an explosive increase in not just the Familia but himself and Zerotwo as well!

He had opened a Ultimate Mystery Chest and got another Limit Breaker, he gifted it to his beautiful wife and she only got stronger.

On another note.

Adventurers started populating the city on the 50th floor and soon people started moving into the shops and selling things. Hiro's shop was by far the most popular because of the Magical potions and the name as well as Hiro himself.

He got bothered every now and then for autographs as he was somewhat of a legend on the surface. As was Hestia's Familia, all because of him. Hiro leaked out Hestia's Debts to the Public and the people who wanted to join scattered in the wind.

Hestia was upset and Hiro laughed his ass off, earning him a head chomp from the loli herself.

A while later

Hiro was in the lower floors when he came across a minotaur. It spoke! Hiro was stunned and the minotaur introduced himself as Asterius before attacking him.

Hiro used Sun normally and blocked Asterius saying "Wait! Let's raise the Stakes." Asterius stopped and said "Eh?" Hiro grinned and said "If you win, I'll bring you to the surface." Asterius got agitated and Hiro added "But if you lose, you join my Familia."

Asterius agreed right away and attacked Hiro.

Hiro had a smug smile as he beat back Asterius, they sparred for a bit before Asterius collapsed and said with heavy breaths "You're... Strong!" Hiro crouched and said "I like to think so!" Asterius got up slowly and said "You win."

Hiro stretched out his hand and said "Welcome to the Hestia Familia." Asterius shook Hiro's hand and Hiro brought him to the 50th floor. They walked into his house and Hestia was alerted looking at Asterius warily.

Hiro said "Relax, ya damn big boobed loli! He's joining the Familia!" Hestia's eyes widened and she said "What?!" Hiro explained "He's a Xenos. Not a monster." he looked at Asterius and said "Do you care for your appearance?"

Asterius scratched his head and said "No. But I guess a lot of people don't like me because of it." Hiro patted his shoulder and said "Maybe I can help. Not sure if it'll work though. I don't even really know what you are." he gave him an Impurity cleanse (Flawless), he had a dozen of them and using one for an experiment was no big deal.

Asterius drank it and his body glowed, sounding like cracking. Hiro covered him in a water bubble that quickly turned black.

A while later

Hiro took the water bubble away and Asterius fell on his feet. Hiro was stunned, it was a young man with red bull horns, black hair, red bull eyes, a bull tail, and a slender body! Asterius became a male loli! What's going on here!?

Asterius looked at himself and said "What happened?" Hiro looked at him and said "How do you feel?" Asterius stretched his new body and said "Stronger!" Hiro patted he back and said "Nice! Though, you should start wearing clothes."

Asterius looked down and said "Eh?" Hiro have him shorts and a t shirt before saying "You tell me what kind of weapon and armor you like and I'll make it for you." Asterius nodded and Hestia looked at Asterius in a daze, she poked him and said "I've never seen anything like this before!"

Asterius said "What are you doing-moo?" Hestia puffed her cheeks and said "Did you just moo at me?!" Asterius snorted "What are you gonna do about it-moo!" Hestia beat him up and Hiro laughed on the side.

A while later

Hestia put her Falna on Asterius' back and found out that he was a level 7 adventurer right off the bat! Asterius got a few skills from the Falna and Hestia explained how it worked, getting a 'Moo' from Asterius, before he told Hiro what he wanted.

Hiro said "No problem" and went to make Asterius' armor and weapons.

The rest of the Familia met Asterius and he pointed at Bell, declaring him to be his rival. He revealed the fact that he was the Minotaur Bell killed a while back and that it was his past life, now he considered Bell his rival.

Hestia explained that Asterius was previously a Minotaur Xenos, but Hiro turned him into this. Asterius revealed the fact that he could change between forms and showed his Minotaur form before going back to his Demi-Human form so as to blend in with the humans as he liked to say.

And so, the Familia welcomed a new member and threw a party... In Hiro's house of course.