
Hiro looked at the new building he built and Samehada barked next to him. He smiled and patted Samehada's head before walking inside. It was a giant open space and Hiro went to the back room before starting to work making normal clothes with protection better than ninja clothes.

He was really tired of the awful fashion in Konoha, it was irritating his eyes. He made all kinds of clothes and shoes, not only making the protection of their bodies better but looking better as well.

A few days later

Hiro finished making tons of clothes and hung them up in the store before hanging up the sign over the front entrance.

[Oni Attire added to Memory World!]

He left a Shadow Clone at the God Slayer Goods before sitting in front of Oni Attire with a little sign that said 'Grand Opening Ceremony'. He leaned back and decided to open 6 Ultra Chests, he liked 15 and he was at 21 right now.

[Congratulations! You've received Merge Token!]

[Congratulations! You've received Galarica Cuff!]

Slowpoke came out and ate it as soon as it appeared.

[Congratulations! You've received Zerotwo Playing Cards!]

[Congratulations! You've received Flying Thunder God Jutsu!]

[Congratulations! You've received Unbreakable Modifier!]

[Congratulations! You've received Upgrade Path Clearer!]

Hiro slapped the Unbreakable Modifier on the house and took out Incursio that growled at him. He gave it to Samehada and threw a 'Merge Token' at the two. Samehada grew and ate Incursio before shrinking.

It was back to it's puppy size but the dark blue scales were neater and sharper. It also had little devil horns and it's teeth and claws were sharper too. It barked happily and licked Hiro, who patted him and put him on the ground.

Samehada curled up at Hiro's foot and absorbed the Mana coming from him. Hiro took out Zabuza's sword, he stole it when he took Zabuza's shadow and left a replica. He gave it to Samehada, who ate it and his claws turned silver while all his scales gleamed.

Hiro looked at the Galarian Slowbro, who threw his hands up in the air and said "Broooooo!" Hiro chuckled and patted his head too. Slowbro squinted in comfort saying "Sloooow~" Hiro shook his head and sent him back to his shadow before inserting his Chakra into the Jutsu scroll, printing the Flying Thunder God Jutsu onto it.

He shuffled the Zerotwo playing cards as he read the description of the Upgrade Path Clearer. His eyes flashed as he finished reading it. He knew exactly what he was using it for, anything for his sweet pink haired Medical Ninja!

He used a Merge Token and chose 2 things before slamming the finished product with the Upgrade Path Clearer.

He looked at the Item and grinned, maybe he would be killed for this? He didn't care. When her Medical Ninjutsu got better, he would give her this with her Oil release, if he wasn't mistaken, her birthday should be coming up, no?

He looked at the date and his eyes widened, it was a week and a bit from now?! Fuck!

He left a Shadow clone and went back home.

He grabbed Sakura, Isabella, and Mittens before bringing them into the Time Room and working on their Ninjutsu. Hiro watched over Sakura and fought with Isabella, while Samehada and Mittens got into a dust brawl.

Hiro trained Sakura and Isabella hard, Isabella decided to learn everything instead of just one specific thing so Hiro gave her the Jutsu scroll telling her she can learn everything except Edo Tensei, she asked why and Hiro replied "Because it brings dead people back to life."

Isabella said in fear "ZOMBIES?!" Hiro tilted his head, she was afraid of zombies? Since when? He wasn't scared of zombies. He thought hard and came to the conclusion, Zerotwo was scared of Zombies.

Well, next Halloween, he was dressing as a zombie.

Anyway, he confirmed that they were zombies and Isabella didn't even look at it anymore. Hiro taught them both, not focusing on either in particular as he trained their Ninjutsus, Close Combat, Medical Jutsus, Chakra Control, etc.

The training went on for a year straight with barely any breaks in between.

The day after

Hiro was in the kitchen all day.

The day after that

Everybody was sitting at the table and Naruto ran in saying "I MADE IT! PHEW!" Sakura smiled and Isabella said "You're back!" Naruto grinned and said "I brought back the 5th Hokage!" Hiro's voice rang "Close the door and sit down."

Naruto closed the door and sat down obediently. Hiro closed the lights and brought out a big cake adorned with 13 candles, putting it in front of Sakura. She blew out the candles and everybody cheered as Hiro turned on the lights.

His mouth twitched as Jiraya, Kakashi, and Guy were now sitting at the table and clapping with smiles. He sat down and said "Happy birthday, sweetheart." Sakura cried and smiled happily as they celebrated and ate cake.

Hiro gave her the Oil Release scroll and said "I made this myself, happy birthday." she opened it and her eyes widened. Jiraya looked at it and his jaw dropped as he said "YOU! WHAT?! HOW! WHEN!?" Hiro smirked and said "I'm something of a scientist myself."

Jiraya was completely floored and said "Hey kid, wanna be my disciple?" Naruto shouted "I'm your disciple!" Hiro said "She's my disciple!" Jiraya clicked his tongue, a good seed, gone just like that. Sakura hugged Hiro and he patted her back with a smile.

Hiro whispered "I have something else for you, but you have to keep it a secret, okay?" she nodded and Hiro patted her head saying "Later." he sent the kids to bed and went to make coffee before giving it to Jiraya, Kakashi, Guy, and Zerotwo as they all sat at the table.

Hiro sipped his coffee saying "So? Why did you come to my house?" Jiraya chuckled and said "You see..." Kakashi said "We want to change the village." Guy just ate the cake saying "Man this is good! Makes me feel young again!"

Hiro silently sipped his coffee and Kakashi added "I came to you because I know you won't deny me." Hiro choked on his coffee and said "Just going to say it, eh?" Jiraya chuckled and said "So when can you start?" he had a cheeky grin on his face and Hiro shook his head with a smile as he said "What do you want to do?"

They all grinned and started talking about plans.

A while later

Hiro rolled up a set of blueprints and gave it to Kakashi saying "I want to make it clear, my involvement in this doesn't reach anyone's ears." he sighed and added "I just want to relax, if the elders know then they'll start asking me for things and then before I know it, I'll be doing missions, and then I'll become the Hokage, and I really don't want to be the Hokage."

The 3 nodded and said in unison "Neither do we." Hiro rolled his eyes and they left, Hiro adding "Come see the new store!" just before they disappeared. He cleaned up and Zerotwo helped him saying "So many friends here?"

Hiro grunted and teased "Where are yours? I don't see any." Zerotwo pouted and said "I don't have any friends, Darling. Will you be my friend?" Hiro looked at her quivering lip and hugged her saying "Awwe! My poor wife! Of course I'll be your friend! Even though you're so unbearable!"

Zerotwo giggled and said "Thank you, ugly." Hiro sighed and said "Your welcome, bitch." they laughed together and continued to fool around in the kitchen before going to sleep.

Hiro left the bedroom and knocked on Sakura's door before walking inside. She was sitting in front of the window and he sat next to her saying "Pretty?" Sakura hummed and Hiro pulled her head to him saying "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

She teared up and said "This is the first birthday my parents haven't been around..." Hiro kissed her head and said "It's okay. Cry if you want to, I'm here for you." Sakura really did start crying and Hiro brought her to his lap and rocked her softly, rubbing her back and humming.

Hiro smiled and said "When you become the Strongest Female Ninja in the world, they're going to regret abandoning you. I promise." as he wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled, she sniffled and nodded saying "Yeah!"

Hiro poked her nose and said "You're a strong ninja already. Plus, you've been practicing your summons all the time. I'll go talk to Tsunade tomorrow and get you a real ninja title, okay?" Sakura shook her head and said "I just want to be with daddy, I don't want to go on missions."

Hiro smiled softly and said "You think I'll be here forever? I can only teach you so much, Sakura. You need experience on your own." Sakura was silent and Hiro hugged her saying "I'll be here waiting for you every time you come back. We're family, always remember that."

Sakura cried again and hugged him tightly, he smiled and brought her to her bed. He laid her down and tucked her in before saying with a smile "Remember your second gift? Here, but you have to keep it a secret. Daddy, will get in big trouble if people find out."

She nodded and looked at him cutely, wrapped in the sheets like a burrito. He pressed on her eyes and gifted her the item he merged a week ago.

[Gift [Byakaringan] to [Sakura]?]

Hiro grinned and confirmed.

Sakura felt her eyes get a cooling sensation over them and she slowly fell asleep. Hiro smiled and kissed her forehead before saying softly "Goodnight, sweetheart." and going back to his bed.

[Byakaringan: The perfect merging of Byakugan and Sharingan, possessing powers from both mother eyes. (NOTE! Due to Upgrade Path Clearer, eye will evolve through training to the peak of it's potential.)]