Being more Hokage than the Hokage

The next day

Sakura went to hospital to see Sasuke and Hiro left a Shadow Clone at both stores as he walked through the village with Samehada waggling by his side. He went to the Hokage building and a kid bumped into him at the entrance.

Hiro looked down and saw Konohamaru rubbing his nose and shouting "Who are you!? Watch where you're walking!" Hiro chuckled and picked him up by the back of his shirt before walking to the Hokage building, dragging Konohamaru on the ground.

Konohamaru struggled hopelessly, shouting "What are you doing! Damn it!" Hiro said "Shh. Can't you just relax, kid?" Konohamaru shouted "I'M NOT A KID!" Hiro sighed and said "Yare Yare." as he dragged Konohamaru up the stairs, bouncing him off every step.

He walked into the building and bumped into Tsunade and Naruto. Tsunade took a few steps back and groaned as she held her head. Hiro chuckled, she was only 5'3, whereas Hiro was 6'2, she bumped her head right into his chest.

Konohamaru pointed at Tsunade saying "IT'S THE BIG BOOBED WITCH!" Hiro laughed and Tsunade growled "You want to die, brat?!" Hiro coughed and said "Relax, please. He's a child." Naruto ran up saying "Dad! What are you doing here?"

Hiro smiled and said "I came to see if Tsunade can make Sakura a genin, what are you doing here?" Naruto said "She's supposed to heal Sasuke! Now she's farting around over here!" Hiro chuckled and said "Sakura went to the hospital, Sasuke is probably already healed."

Naruto slapped his forehead and said "Fuck, I forgot!" Hiro looked at him and Naruto covered his mouth saying "Sorry." Hiro shook his head and said "Just make sure your mother doesn't hear you saying that." Naruto shivered and Tsunade looked up at Hiro saying "Who are you?"

Hiro smiled and said "Hiro. I own a shop in the village, not a ninja. Anyway, is it possible for Sakura Haruno to take the Genin test again?" Tsunade said "If she failed the first time, she's probably not cut out to be a ninja."

Hiro looked at Tsunade deeply before saying "I see." he turned around and walked away adding "Naruto, let's go." Naruto gulped and said "Oh boy." before following him. He could tell Hiro was extremely angry, he prayed for Tsunade and left quickly, leaving Tsunade stunned.

Just like that?

She felt something was wrong though.

She said "Naruto!" Naruto ran faster replying "Uhh.. I gotta go!" Tsunade frowned and said "Weird..."

Hiro walked to the hospital and Naruto followed behind him talking to Konohamaru, Hiro was silent and walked into the hospital. He saw Sakura talking to Sasuke before going to another room and seeing Rock Lee inside.

He sat in the chair and said "How you feeling, Lee?" Guy was by the bed looking nervous, yesterday he was fine because he was mentally exhausted but his worries woke up today. He saw Lee as his own son! How could he not be worried?!

Hiro touched Lee's wrist and said "Hmm... Not an issue." he looked at Guy and said "You gave him a Healing Potion?" Guy nodded and Hiro nodded, looking back at Lee and smiling slightly as he said "You won't have an issue soon, Guy, leave please."

Guy left and Hiro told Samehada to bring Konohamaru with him.

Hiro stood over Lee and pressed his hands on his chest saying "Try and sleep if possible." Lee said "I'm nervous, Hiro-san." Hiro smiled and said "Don't be. You'll be better than ever when I'm finished. A new Rock Lee." he turned Lee over and chopped his neck, rendering him unconscious before injecting an Impurity Cleanse in his body and touching a part of his spine.

His Collapse Magic covered in Healing magic seeped into his body and enveloped the bone fragments that were near his spine. He destroyed them and turned Lee over before feeding him a Supreme Healing potion.

The Supreme Healing Potions had a special Effect of giving the drinker Minor Regeneration permanently. He already gave all his kiddos one.

He smiled and lifted Lee in the air, covering him with a water bubble that turned black very quickly. He dried Lee off and put him in a hospital gown before laying him back on the bed, covering him with a blanket as the black water collapsed on itself and froze into crystals before shattering and disappearing.

He walked out of the room and smiled saying "He just needs rest, he'll be fine tomorrow." Guy hugged Hiro and said "Thank you! Thank you so much, Hiro!" Hiro smiled and patted Guy's back saying "It's nothing, really. We're friends aren't we?"

Guy smiled and wiped his eyes before giving Hiro a thumbs up saying "For life!" Hiro smiled happily and patted Guy's shoulder saying "He's inside." Guy ran inside and sat by Lee, waiting for him to wake up.

Hiro picked up Konohamaru and walked down the halls with Samehada waggling behind him. He walked into Sasuke's room and saw Sakura and Naruto inside talking up a storm. He didn't see Isabella, maybe she was with Zerotwo today?

At home

Isabella rolled over and fell off her bed, groaning "Owwie..."

Back at the hospital

Hiro walked over to the bedside and looked at Sasuke, he reached out and lifted the hair on his neck, looking at the curse mark silently. Sasuke slapped his hand away saying "What." Hiro chuckled and said "Sure enough."

Sasuke glared at him and said "What!" Hiro said "You only watch from behind the walls, you never come out and ask for help. You're too stubborn and now you're filled with hate. Hate for the world, hate for your friends, hate for yourself..."

He shook his head and walked away saying "Maybe you'll become strong like this, but it is the strength you want? Who knows. Everyone has their own path..." he sighed and left the room with Konohamaru and Samehada.

He walked back to his house and put Konohamaru down saying "You're training with me now." Konohamaru pointed at him saying "Who are you, old man!? Why should I listen to you, huh!?" Hiro flicked his forehead saying "I promised a monkey I would get a suitable Summoner. Coincidentally, you were the number 1 prospect."

Hiro crouched down and said "You want to be better than your grandpa, right?" Konohamaru clenched his fists and said "Yeah!" Hiro smiled and pulled out the Monkey Summoning Scroll as he said "This is the Summoning Contract for the Monkeys. The same one your Grandpa used. I promised the old monkey Enma, I would give it to you."

Konohamaru's eyes sparkled and Hiro smacked his head saying "What's that look for? You're nowhere near strong, fast, or skilled enough to even get a contract." he pulled out a wooden staff and said "From today on, we're training. After your school, come here."

Hiro smirked and added "Or don't. Though, you'll never see a monkey in your life." Konohamaru swung out the staff and Hiro caught it saying "Jeez, so eager? You remind me of Naruto." Konohamaru shouted "He's my boss!" as he waved the staff wildly.

Hiro blocked him with a twig as he said "Well, I'm his dad. So doesn't that make me your Boss' boss?" Konohamaru was stunned and Hiro slapped him with the twig as he said "Don't get distracted, or I'll make your little butt red, kid." before whipping the twig on Konohamaru's butt and making him jump and yelp "OW!"

Hiro chuckled and continued to whip Konohamaru into shape as he said "Tch. Maybe I'll just get someone else to be the summoner for the Monkeys. This kid is no good." Konohamaru teared up and shouted "Don't you dare!" as he swung the staff at Hiro, who blocked it with the twig and smirked asking "Is that the best you have? So much for 3rd Hokage's grandson."

Konohamaru attacked as Hiro blocked him off continuously, training him the entire time. He continued to provoke the little scarfed guy over and over again so the kid would attack him.

Hiro moved around, blocking him with the twig, and slapping weighted cuffs on his limbs as the time passed.

The training for Konohamaru continued each day over and over again. Hiro would dangle the Scroll in front of him and beat him up each day. Also, he 'lost the keys' for the weighted cuffs so Konohamaru had to deal with the weights every day.

Hiro was just relaxing now, sitting in front of the Oni Attire Store with Samehada sitting next to him as he played solitaire with his Zerotwo playing cards. They were basically Zerotwo in different poses and different clothes, it was probably his favorite item other than the plushie that was hanging from his messy bun every single moment.

Zerotwo hadn't seen them yet.

They had a shared inventory and he never put them inside it. He just hid them in the real world. It was his secret, nobody needed to know. Someone walked over and he hid the cards before selling stuff and going back to sitting outside.

Isabella was running around doing things, Sakura was in the hospital with Sasuke, Naruto vanished into thin air, and Zerotwo was relaxing at home. She got some friends and most of the time she was spending time with them.

Hiro got Naruto to insert his Chakra into the Jutsu scroll and printed Rasengan into it.

For now Hiro was just going about daily life, helping Kakashi and Jiraya fix the village from the shadows. He completely gave up on Tsunade after her idiotic comment and told Jiraya and Kakashi to keep his name out of any discussions of the village with her.

It was night already.

Hiro closed up the shop and whistled. Samehada jumped onto his shoulder and licked his face. Hiro scratched his chin as he flashed away.

He reappeared on a tree branch and gave Samehada a 'shh' sign. Samehada put his paws over his mouth and Hiro looked down at Sasuke and Sakura. He pursed his lips at Sasuke's 'Oni' brand clothes.

Hiro assumed Sakura gave them to him. He was still edgy as ever though. He was wearing a black hoodie with a blue Oni face on the back, there was even a little Uchiha clan symbol on the chest of the hoodie.

It was crude and poorly stitched.

Hiro sighed at Sakura, she definitely did that herself. Sasuke was also wearing joggers and black sneakers with a white shirt underneath the hoodie. He watched as Sasuke denied Sakura's confession but still said "Thank you" before walking away.

Sakura collapsed to the ground and cried her eyes out.

Hiro flashed to her and knocked her out before carrying her on his back. He looked at Sasuke and sighed as he flashed over and stood in front of him. Sasuke looked up and Hiro looked down saying "I can train you. You don't have to leave."

Sasuke looked down and said "I don't need your pity." Hiro shook his head and said "It's not pity. It's for her. Seeing her cry makes me upset. Let's go back, you can start tomor-" Sasuke clenched his fists and shouted "No!"

Hiro stopped and looked at him silently, Sasuke shouted "We're not the same! I can't be like them! I only live for revenge! I have my own way! I won't get stronger here! Everyone pities me! They all got so string so fast, I can't even catch up if I just sit around here doing nothing! I-"

Hiro patted his head and cut him off. Sasuke opened his mouth, but Hiro said "I understand." Sasuke's words were choked back into his mouth and Hiro continued "It's hard to see everyone getting stronger and not being able to do anything. You have immense talent, but you're completely clouded by your desire for revenge. If you earnestly and wholeheartedly focused on training then you would be league above where you are now. You're right that being in the village is slowing you down, going on missions interrupts your training..."

He smiled and said "If you're going to leave the village, stick to your decision." he patted Sasuke's head and added "Don't look back and step forward, eventually you will get the strength you want. Being indecisive will only make your progress slower and weaker..." he poked Sasuke in the heart and said "Follow this and keep it firm. You'll be a fine Ninja one day."

He patted him on the head and injected him with an Impurity Cleanse and Observation Haki as he said "Come back alive, or my little girl will be devastated." before dropping a Ninja bag in Sasuke's hands and walking away, waving over his shoulder and adding "Hopefully when I see you again, you'll have figure out what your path truly is." before disappearing into the night, leaving Sasuke stunned and teary eyed.

He clenched the bag tightly and ran off, leaving the village.