Operation Ultimate Beast is a go!

The next day

Shikamaru knocked on the door and Hiro opened it, yawning saying "Brats... At this time in the morning?" Shikamaru said "I don't want to wake up so early either, old man. I'm here for Naruto." Hiro scratched his stubble and said "Come in, kid." before walking to the kitchen and opening 4 Ultra Mystery Chests to keep his count at 15.

It has become a lucky number!

He shouted "Naruto! Get your ass up!" there was a thud and Hiro said "Sit at the table kid. Breakfast is almost ready." Shikamaru said "I'm not her-" Hiro glared at him and Shikamaru immediately sat down as Hiro walked into the kitchen, yawning.

[Congratulations! You've received Fat Absorption Quirk!]

[Congratulations! You've received 30 yr experience token!]

[Congratulations! You've received Ultimate Aura Nodes!]

[Congratulations! You've received Fire Jutsus!]

Hiro's body trembled and his pores opened, he quickly got it under control as he inserted his Chakra into the Jutsu scroll for the Fire Jutsus.

[Congratulations! You've acquired Nen!]

[Merging Nen into Mana/Chakra!]

[Nen added to Mana/Chakra!]

Hiro finished cooking breakfast and lit a cigarette as he brought the food and coffee out, seemingly not surprised at all by acquiring Ultimate Nen. He placed the food on the table and whistled. The kids came rolling down the stairs with half-opened eyes and Samehada jumped on Hiro's shoulder, eating it's own breakfast, Hiro gave it a bit of Nen and Samehada jumped in happiness.

So delicious!

Naruto sat next to Shikamaru and started eating as Shikamaru ate and drank the coffee while explaining the mission he was given. Naruto said "No problem!" while Isabella complained that she wasn't chosen.

Shikamaru said "We've never worked together before, whereas I've worked with Naruto in the past. In addition, I'm only taking 4 people and they're already decided." Hiro ate and drank his coffee watching the kids behave like adults.

It seemed he was the one who let Sasuke leave.

Well... Nobody needed to know about that.

Let's just keep it a secret just like the cards.

He tapped his finger on the table and hummed before rolling out a ball of light. Hiro turned it into a cookie and flicked it to Naruto saying "Give this to the fatty." Naruto said "Choji?" Hiro hummed in confirmation and Naruto nodded, keeping the cookie.

Hiro said "Do not eat it yourself. It's not for you. It's for the fatty specifically." Naruto nodded and Hiro said again "Naruto..." Naruto said "I promise! Jeez! I'm leaving, dad! See you later!" Hiro waved and yawned as Naruto and Shikamaru left.

Sakura watched them go and Isabella ate her food angrily. Hiro said "You want to go too?" Sakura and Isabella nodded, Hiro sighed and said "Shikamaru is taking Neji, Naruto, Choji, and Kiba. Lee is on stand by along with Hinata..."

The girls kissed his cheeks at the same time before running out of the house.

Mittens flew after Isabella and sat on her head as they left.

Hiro sighed and rubbed his cheeks saying "So sweet... I might get a toothache..." he laughed at his own joke and picked up a tray of food, bringing it upstairs and surprisingly Zerotwo with breakfast in bed, then there were no kids in the house so she got another surprise in bed.

A while later

Hiro was sitting outside his store and sleeping when Konohamaru sneak attacked him with a staff. That wasn't all! His Konohamaru trio was there too. The little kid with glasses, Udon, and the girl with orange hair, Moegi.

Hiro shot his tails out and blocked them all as he opened his eyes and sighed "Can you see I'm running a business here?" Konohamaru pointed at him and shouted "YOU'RE SLEEPING, OLD MAN!" Hiro sighed again, this was the second time today he's been called an old man.

He still looks 19 years old!

What old man!?

It was true, Hiro looked 19 years old but his face looked mature. He had a young and serious face, Zerotwo was the same but her face looked more elegant and graceful. They both looked young the only way they could be identified by their age was Isabella.

Hiro started sparring with them, accepting 2 more kids. He felt the mark he left disappear, he smirked to himself. He gave the Fat Absorption Quirk to Naruto to give to Choji and he left a memory of what it does, especially leaving the fat burning use to turn into Skinny Choji.

He wasn't going to use it, Zerotwo would probably kill him if he offered it to him, Isabella and Sakura weren't going to use anything with the word Fat in it, and Naruto was seemingly incapable of getting fat.

The only person he knew that was fat was Choji.

He wondered though, would his daughter get a Quirk in the future? Hmm... This required further research.

He continued to spar with the 3 runts as the time passed, goading Konohamaru as usual.

A while later

Jiraya and Kakashi came around saying "Did you-" Hiro cut them off saying "Naruto, Isabella, and Sakura went after Sasuke. Sakura and Isabella made a team with Lee and Hinata before going out after them. Shikamaru took Choji, Neji, Kiba, and Naruto in his squad."

Jiraya and Kakashi stopped saying "Huh. That was easy." Hiro looked at the 3 kids on the ground and said "Yeah, I got the connections..." he looked at Kakashi and Jiraya before throwing them two vials of white liquid saying "Secret Stash, only for friends. Take it in the bath or shower." he threw one over a wall and said "You too, Guy."

Kakashi said "What is this?" Hiro said "You'll see when you try it. Highly recommended to use it in the bath." the 3 nodded, not doubting Hiro's intentions. They left and Hiro whipped the kids' butts with a twig saying "Hey... You're not dead are you? That would be problematic."

The kids scrambled and covered their butts saying "You're so mean, old man!" Hiro felt his eyes twitch and he whipped their butts again saying "I'm not old! I'm 31!" Konohamaru spat out his tongue and said "OLD MAN!" Hiro whipped again and started 'training' them.

A while later

They left all smelly and holding their butts, scrambling back home to clean up. Hiro took Konohamaru's scarf so it wouldn't get dirtied by the impurity cleanse. He sighed and went home wondering when he became the Village dad.

He upgraded Konohamaru's scarf to the flexible material he used for the clothes and sat on the couch, closing his eyes and resting. Zerotwo came home and smiled before putting her things away and laying her head on his lap, taking a nap with him.

Hiro worked pretty hard today! He got all the Shadows from the dead Orochimaru subordinates. Unfortunately, he couldn't save the bone guy but he got his shadow anyway, so it wasn't a huge loss.

He had already collected their jutsus and added them to the shadow army. Unfortunately, the brats couldn't do it and Sasuke still went to Orochimaru. Naruto and the rest came back, Choji was injured, Naruto was a bit injured and the rest were fine.

Sakura was there and healed them up on the way and whenever they were injured. She also brought along a bunch of Potions from the Store. She's a smart little girl, that one.

The next day

Everything was back to normal and Hiro was curious as as to if the filler would happen or not. What surprised him even more was that Hinata came to him and asked if she could be trained by him too. Hiro was stunned, where were these Jonin?

Naturally, he couldn't refuse the little girl's request. She was too cute, just look at her. Plus, he had to train her into a monster! Badass Mom Hinata! Yes... This was the vibe!

He immediately took her in, telling the Hyuga clan that he was taking Hinata with him to train her. They were skeptical and Kakashi spoke up for Hiro as did Jiraya and Guy. Kurenai was a bit at a loss, but Hiro have her a bunch of clothes and she kept quiet.

Hiro looked at Hinata and smirked, operation the ultimate beast is officially under way! He started training Hinata extremely intensely, she barely got breaks. He felt bad, but it was all for the sake of the operation!

It must be this way!

Hinata-chan, I'm sorry!

Also! Hiro was going to give her the same treatment as Sakura, wardrobe change, hairstyle change, etc. Whoever drew Boruto honestly had absolutely zero clue what people looked like, either that or he was blind. He completely fucked all the characters making them all ugly except Sasuke, like bruh come on.

This won't do. They needed to be tended too, the poor kids.

Don't worry, Hiro is on the case!

He bonked Hinata with an Impurity Cleanse, Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and the Path clearer for her Byakugan. Hinata with a Tenseigan. That's the Hinata he wanted. Subsequently, his kids' kids were no doubt going to be monsters.

Hiro taught Hinata basically only close combat and trained her Byakugan and Haki. She mainly fought using palm attacks, he snuck into the Hyuga clan and basically stole all their fighting techniques and methods, memorizing their entire library before leaving so he could teach her better.

A few weeks passed like this

Hiro now had Sakura, Hinata, Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon under his wing and he taught them intensely. His shadow clones took care of the stores, making and selling things while another shadow clone helped Kakashi reform the village from the inside out according to their blueprints.

Since Tsunade was completely useless, it was basically Hiro running the show from behind the scenes. It was a huge bother but he grew fond of the village because of the kids. He decided to wait before starting complete reformation.

Something to note was Hiro path cleared Kakashi's sharingan, he would basically skip MS and go straight to EMS.

One day

Naruto announced that he was going on a training trip with Jiraya, everyone was stunned. Hiro knew beforehand having talked with Jiraya about it. Hiro slipped a scroll and a box of weights into Naruto's bag before he left.

The entire family saw him off and Naruto left with Jiraya waving bye and promising to come back stronger than before.

Hiro looked serious and made several Shadow Clones, giving them detailed instructions about what to do. He left them to go to the instructions.

They were pretty simple.

Maintain the stores as they were doing, help Kakashi with the village, and train the kids until he came back. He even gave them access to the Time room telling them they were only to use it once a year.

The Shadow Clones carried it to the letter and Hiro turned Samehada into a black crystal before putting him in the system space. He gave a fruit to Sakura and told her to eat it, explaining that he was going to do something and that he would be back.

He was leaving Shadow clones to train her and told her that it would be no different than usual except Zerotwo, Isabella, and Mittens wouldn't be here. Sakura was a bit upset and Hiro kissed her forehead saying that it wouldn't be long and when he comes back, he hopes that she'll have trained hard.

He already knew that his Shadow Clones would stay alive and not disappear because he had some in Fairytail and Danmachi. Those Shadows were still draining mana everyday, but his Infinite Mana/Chakra/Nen could keep it up, so it wouldn't be a problem, even if he had hundreds of Shadow Clones walking around and left the world.

They would never disappear unless he told them to.

She hugged him and Hiro hugged her tightly, feeling a bit reluctant to leave. He put her to sleep and teased "It'll be just me and you when you wake up tomorrow~" Sakura smiled and ate the fruit before gagging as Hiro laughed and left the room.

It was a More-More fruit.

He was serious about making her a monster. It wasn't a joke.

He gathered Isabella, Mittens, and Zerotwo before smiling "You ready?" they smiled and nodded, Hiro smirked and said "Let's go." they all flashed and disappeared, leaving the world and house behind.