Ambush time~

Hiro was sitting at the bar as the members had already left. Makarov was sitting on the counter next to him with a frown on his face, Hiro rested his head on the counter saying "Ugh. How do you do this old man? I want to go out a hunt!" Makarov shook his head saying "You get used to it. I just hope those kids are okay."

Hiro drank from a mug and said "My shadows are with them. There's no threat of death, just don't tell them." Makarov sighed and said "Using the strongest Dark Guild as a grindstone... I think only you would think of something like that."

Hiro smirked and said "I'll blush!" Makarov chuckled and said "Can you..." Hiro smirked and tapped the counter, screens appeared and showed the situation of each group. Makarov smirked and they watched the events unfold.

A while later

Hiro said "1 down. Unfortunately..." he sighed and said "I'll be back." before disappearing.

He reappeared in front of Natsu and walked towards Jackal, who was lighting up. Lucy said "Teacher!" Hiro waved and said "Good job. My fault, I forgot they can all transform. They're all demons after all... Well except one."

Jackal looked up and said "You're too late! I'm taking the whole town with me!" Hiro chuckled and transformed himself, his tail shot out and his skin turned blue with an 'X' in black over his eyes. The whites of his eyes turned black and his pupils and irises turned completely blue.

He licked his lips and said "You're not the only demon, pal." Jackal's pupils constricted and Hiro's hand turned pitch black and wispy as he grabbed Jackal's head, pulling him off the ground as the lights disappeared.

Jackal grabbed his arm and said "Explode!" Hiro sneered as his tail ran him right through, Jackal coughed up blood and looked at Hiro in shock and fear. Hiro said "This is why you have to kill them. Because they don't view humans as the same species. This guy was willing to kill himself just to kill humans."

He looked over his shoulder and said "Just for next time. I understand it might be hard for you to do this, but this is the only way. They were created for only one purpose, they don't care about anything else."

The group nodded and Hiro smiled saying "I'll give you a ride back to the guild." they cheered and went to go get the Former Council member and his granddaughter.

Hiro turned back and looked at Jackal, who coughed blood and said "Why... Why are you killing fellow demons?" Hiro took out the Grimoire and held it on Jackal's head as he replied "Meh. I'm not an Etherious Demon like you. In fact, I'm not a demon at all. I just look like one. I guess you can say that I'm an Oni, but I prefer to be called 7th Guild Master of Fairy Tail."

The grimoire flashed and Hiro crushed Jackal's skull, killing him. He pulled his shadow and pursed his lips before sending him into his own shadow and reverting back to his normal appearance. He turned Jackal's corpse into dust before walking away.

He found the group and grabbed them all with his tails before flashing back to the guild.

He put them down and sat back on the bar stool, watching the other fights with Makarov, waiting for the Cat Council guy to wake up. Makarov and Hiro really wanted to throttle this fucking guy, he complains when Natsu isn't winning and then praises him when he does. He even said that his life was more precious than other people.

Nobody liked this fucking guy.

Hiro really wanted to stab him, but held back as his granddaughter was here.

The guy woke up and started explaining "Face is a Magic Pulse Bomb that destroys all magic in the continent. The only way it could be activated is if 3 of the hidden organic link Former Members die, but only the Former Chairman knows about them!"

Hiro sighed and rubbed his eyes saying "You're so stupid. The magic council... what a hassle." Makarov said "We need to find the Former Chairman!" Hiro waved saying "Erza, Mirajane. You're going, the Former Chairman is a Tartaros spy, capture him and bring him here."

Everyone's eyes widened and Makarov said "W-What!?" Hiro sighed and said "Find his address and go there. If you don't believe me that's okay. Don't eat anything, don't drink anything, don't even touch anything." He looked at Erza and Mirajane, adding "Do you understand?"

He was extremely serious, he didn't want them to get hurt. Erza and Mirajane nodded and the cat guy said "No! It's impossible! You're lying! You must be the spy yourself!" Hiro rolled his eyes and knocked him unconscious with his tail as he said "Search for the Former Chairman's address and any that you find along the way! Call Gray and Gajeel's teams back. Erza, Mira come here."

The two came over and Hiro said quietly "You're walking into a trap." they were both silent and Hiro continued "I'm sending you because I have faith that they cannot stop you at all. Remember what I said. If you ask about Face and he starts rambling about him not knowing who they are, knock him out and bring him back. I'll get the information out of him."

The duo nodded and the guild started searching. Hiro looked at the view of Elfman and clicked his tongue saying "I told them she was dangerous..." before suddenly saying "Change of plans! Erza! Mira!"

The duo looked over and Hiro said "Get captured. Pretend to fall asleep and let the Chairman bring you to Tartaros' base. The rest of you, come back to the guild and stay here..." Natsu said "But, why?" Hiro grinned and said "I'll teleport us all into their base from Erza and Mira..."

Everyone grinned and Hiro chuckled "Let's see if they can handle the entire guild beating them down at once." The plan was immediately put into motion and Hiro disappeared.

He reappeared in front of Elfman and sighed "Elfman, I told you she can control people!" Elfman said "I can't fight against that though!" Hiro rubbed his eyes and said "It's okay, I'll take care of it." Elfman said "Sorry, Hiro." Hiro patted his shoulder and said "It's okay. You were up against something that basically only Mirajane can defend against."

Seilah said "Another one... Very well..." as she used her Macro on Hiro, who looked at her and chuckled "You think your little curse, can control me?" he walked towards her and said "Little demon, you need to be punished~"

He flashed and grabbed her neck and lifted her up saying "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I have something better for you." he slapped her face into a bloody mess with the Grimoire, taking her curses and rendering her unconscious.

He grabbed Elfman and Lisanna and said "Change of plans, 2 of the keys are dead. They're after a magic nullification bomb. Let's go back." before disappearing back to the guild.

He put Elfman and Lisanna down and said "Mira!" as he held out Seilah saying "Take-over." Mirajane took over Seilah and gained her powers. Hiro nodded and turned Seilah into a crystal as Erza and Mirajane left to the Former Chairman's house.

Hiro sat in front of the screens and twirled the black crystal in his hands, watching all the movements while sitting on the counter. Makarov said "You sure know a lot." Hiro replied "I can see the future." the guild members were stunned and Natsu said "What's my future!!?"

Hiro looked at him and then looked at Lucy before not saying anything and looking back at the screens. The rest of the guild members looked at the two and smirked, Lucy blushed and Natsu was confused saying "Eh?! Do I beat Erza or what?!" Hiro chuckled and said "No."

Natsu waved his fist and said "I don't believe it! Happy! We're quadrupling training!" Happy crumpled to the ground saying sadly "Aye..." Gray and Juvia got back and Juvia shuffled to Hiro saying "Hiro... Do Juvia and Gray-sama..." Hiro patted her head and nodded, Juvia's face turned bright red and steam came out of her ears as her eyes turned into hearts and she fell over while drooling.

Hiro snickered and watched Erza and Mirajane as the last group came back.

Hiro looked at Gajeel and said "Get ready to fight." Gajeel said "What's going on?" Natsu said "Hiro's going to teleport us all into Tartaros' base and we're gonna go on a rampage." Gajeel cackled and cracked his knuckles saying "Excellent!"

Hiro smirked and watched as Erza and Mirajane beat all the Tartaros goons at the Former Chairman's house before 'falling unconscious' the former Chairman picked them up and brought them away.

Laxus and the others woke up and walked out of the infirmary room. Hiro said "Laxus, Evergreen, Freed, and Bickslow, you all have 2 options. Either you stay to watch over the Guild, Yajima-san, the cat guy, and his granddaughter, or you can come rampage in Tartaros."

Laxus said "Rampage obviously." the other three nodded and Hiro muttered to himself before a shadow appeared, turning into a clone of himself. Hiro said "Protect the three." the clone nodded and sat down with his eyes closed.

A while later

Erza and Mirajane were in the base and brought to a tank and cell.

Hiro said "Get ready." everybody got serious and shadows engulfed them all as Hiro grinned "Operation Fairy Slaughter is a go." before they all disappeared, leaving only Hiro's shadow clone and the 3 non Fairy Tail members.