5 down, 4 to go~

Hiro left the guild with Mirajane in the lab, telling them to destroy the tubes so that they Tartaros members can't come back to life. He slaughtered Lamy by cutting her completely in half with an axe, he pulled her shadow and made it give the Grimoire her curse before he disappeared.

Half his body emerged from Erza's shadow in the cell. He grinned and shot her arm forward, grabbing Kyoka's neck saying "You fell right into our trap." Kyoka was stunned and massive explosions rang out all around the base.

Hiro ripped Erza's shackles off her and said "Go help the rest. I'll deal with her." Erza smiled and said "Be careful." Hiro was startled but smiled softly "You too." Erza smiled and pressed the triangle on her body.

The nano-bots covered her and she donned the Ironman suit: Erza form as he left the cell, flying around the base.

Hiro looked at Kyoka and grinned as he pressed the Grimoire on her and took her curse. He learned it and said "I heard you like torturing people. I have to say, we are certainly kindred spirits unfortunately..."

His tone became cold as ice as he said "You decided to torture the wrong person." he ripped her mask off and pressed his hand on her chest as he said "This Curse sure is handy. Let's crank your senses to the max, shall we?"

Hiro pinched her and Kyoka screeched in pain, Hiro chuckled and tapped the black crystal in his hands releasing Seilah, who said "Kyoka-sama! Let her go!" Hiro wrapped her up with his tails and cancelled her curses as he said "Shut up and watch. You wanted to mentally torture Elfman? You'll feel the other side of the coin today."

He pulled out pliers and clicked them before saying "Demon school taught you numbers, correct? Count down from 1000 in 7s..." he smiled sweetly and added "Okay, Kyoka-chan~?" as he crushed a single finger bone.

Kyoka's eyes widened and she let out a blood curdling screech, Seilah was crying and struggling in the tails shouting "Please! Stop!" Hiro smiled and said "Huh? You know, someone once said 'In a demon's story..." he crushed another bone and listened to Kyoka's crys as he finished "There's no such thing as mercy.'"

Seilah's eyes widened and she looked dazed, that's exactly what she said to Elfman when he begged her to stop making him choke Lisanna. Hiro licked his lips and grinned, revealing his fangs as he added "Plus, you touched my family. You were dead as soon as you appeared in the world." before crushing another finger bone and roaring "COUNT!"

Kyoka choked out "9... 993..." Hiro grinned and continued to torture her, he healed her so that she wouldn't die, but the mental torture was too much, especially with the pain being Maxed out. She didn't die, but she might as well have.

Hiro looked at the twitching body that was foaming at the mouth with glassy eyes and clicked his tongue saying in disappointment "It didn't even make it to 300..." he looked at Seilah, who had dead eyes, and he lifted her chin saying "Hmm... Maybe you can take over for her? You are her little puppy aren't you? Puppies have to protect their master after all."

He clicked the pliers and grinned "Let's start from 300, okay?" Seilah trembled and soon shrill screams of pain rang out in the empty hallways where the cells were.

A while later

Hiro cleaned his hands with a rag, looking at the two bodies on the ground. He turned Seilah to dust and pulled her shadow before dragging the braindead Kyoka with him as he flickered to Mirajane and had her do another Take Over before he slaughtered Kyoka and pulled her shadow as well.

He looked through the shadows and came to the Former Chairman saying "Bad, former chairman. You're not supposed to be with Dark Guilds." the Former Chairman was spooked and Hiro said "You're the last key for FACE, don't worry. It will never see the light of day." he turned the Former Chairman into a black crystal and throwing him into the system space.

This way, FACE could never be unleashed as the Former Chairman would 'live forever' as the crystal. Nobody could go into the System Space so FACE was buried for eternity.

FACE needs the 3 Organic Links to die before it can be activated. The first 2 were dead and the Former Chairman was the last one. Since he was going to live forever as a crystal, there was no way FACE would ever see the light of day.

Well, unless Hiro dies AND someone crushes the Crystal for no reason.

Hiro walked through the base while whistling, he fell into his shadow and appeared over the yellow blob and grinned "Hello, disgusting creature." he started pulling shadows from all the souls the yellow freak absorbed and the thing said "Hihihihihi, I'll be back~"

Hiro chuckled and pressed his hand covered in shadows on the thing's chest as he said "Sure! Except..." Hiro knocked on his head and spat out his tongue saying "Oh right~ The lab is destroyed! Hehe~"

The thing's eye widened in fear and Hiro grinned "Now obediently die." as the shadow pierced into his body and destroyed his insides as it screamed "STOP! STOP!" Hiro chuckled "That's what Kyoka and Seilah said. Ah, it's a shame though."

The thing exploded into pieces and Hiro took his shadow saying "They ended up the same way." he made all the new shadows print their magic into the Grimoire before sending them into his shadow.

He hummed to himself and walked around the base, looking at all the things.

It was quite strange. The base was a floating cube, isn't that like super inconvenient? He shrugged it off, it wasn't his base so he really didn't care.

Suddenly, Hiro got a voice in his head.

Lucy said "Hello?" Hiro listened and walked around as Happy said "Master! The soul of Hades said 'Release the Light!' Tartaros isn't after FACE!" Hiro said "Can you all hear me?" they all responded "Yup!" Hiro chuckled and said "Mard Geer, can you hear me?"

There was static and said "Hmm... The human who killed 4 of my nine gates..." Hiro replied "And many more! Did you know? It's Demon hunting day." Hiro sighed and added "You chose the wrong day, it's annual. One more day, maybe your plans would've succeeded! Unlucky."

There was chuckles over the transmission and teeth grinding, Hiro cut him off saying "En. If you're outside, get inside. The cube is going to turn into a monster thing." Mard Geer shouted "DAMN HUMAN!" as flesh shot out at Hiro and the rest of the guild as Hiro added "Also, dodge the flesh things. You'll become part of the monster. Other than that, good job everyone! 4 down, 5 to go!"

He paused before adding "Lucy, put on some clothes for fuck sake." Lucy covered herself up and looked around nervously. Hiro's voice rang in her head "I can't see you, silly girl. I can feel your clothes are destroyed."

Lucy shouted "Pervert Teacher!" Hiro choked from across the cube.

He looked at the fleshy ground and said "This is so annoying..." he pressed on the ground and the entire cube teleported to a mountain range. Hiro lifted his fist and said "I don't like cube monsters." as he flashed to the top of the cube and punched down.

His fist blew a hole right through the entire cube and shattered it completely, avoiding any Fairy Tail members as well as the Tartaros Demons. Hiro flashed and picked up Lucy saying "I knew it." Lucy said "Pervert Teacher!"

Hiro knocked on her head and said "I say, girl. I have a wife." Hiro stomped on the ground and everyone came out of his shadow, looking around at the ruins.

Hiro said "Saved your little lives~ Love you~" the guild members rolled their eyes and were suddenly surrounded by the 5 Demons that were left. Hiro whistled and said "Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, and Juvia, you got them. A classic 4 v 4."

One of the Demons said "We're Fi-" Hiro punched at the octopus man and a beam of black magic obliterated his existence as he said "No, no, you counted wrong. See there's only 4." everyone was stunned and Hiro pulled the octopus guy's shadow before using him to add his curse to his Grimoire and humming to himself.

Hiro looked around and said "What." Lucy shouted "Why don't you just kill them all?!" Hiro frowned and said "That wouldn't be fun. Look at these Demons, they're so pitiful! Plus, it's good character development!"

Lucy bonked his head saying angrily "I don't need character development! I need to live!" Hiro pouted "Just go fight the goons. I don't know what to say." Erza said "Let's just let the plot continue! Let's go!"

The guild members ran away, leaving Natsu, Gajeel, Juvia, Gray, Lucy, and Hiro.

Hiro picked up Lucy and sat on a rock saying "This should be good!" Lucy sighed and cheered "Go Fairy Tail! You can do it!" Silver took Gray and said "This one's mine!" before flying away.

Lucy said "So abrupt!" Hiro nodded saying "Naruhodo! Silver-san is going to make Gray overcome him as his final act as his father." Lucy said "Father?!" Hiro said "Silver Fullbuster is his name." Hiro pointed at Keyes and said "He revived Silver as a test of his powers. So Silver is very much alive, Gray doesn't know though."

Lucy said "Wow! Teacher, you know everything!" Hiro smirked and said "Stick with me and you'll go far, Lucy!" Lucy giggled and Hiro added "I have a wife though." she suddenly looked enlightened and asked "Where is Zerotwo and Isabella, by the way?"

Hiro said "They're on a mission somewhere... Zerotwo brought Isabella and Mittens with her. I crystallized Samehada because he kept licking me." as he took out a crystal and tapped it, releasing the dog.

Samehada barked with longing affection and jumped at Hiro, tearing up.

Hiro clicked his tongue and slapped him into Lucy's lap. Samehada curled up and fell asleep. Lucy giggled and Hiro sighed "This damn dog..." she patted Samehada and said "Teacher, are we really not going to do anything?"

Hiro shook his head and said "Makarov went to the guild, Wendy and Carla went to FACE, and the rest of the guild is here. There's no need to do anything. Plus, Sting and Rogue are here too. Soon, Jellal and his Crime Sorciere will be here and we'll have a real party. You'll see. For now, just rest up."

Lucy frowned and said "You saw something?" Hiro said seriously "Something that makes my bones shiver and blood boil. The bastard that cut me in half! This time I'm gonna kill him!"

Lucy said "Acnologia!?" Hiro grinned and said "In the flesh~" before looking at his Mystery Box count and opening an Ultimate one.

[Congratulations! You've received Excalibur!]

Hiro scratched his head and looked at Excalibur form. It was just a simple sword with a blue handle. It didn't even come with a sheath! What a scam! Hiro waved it around, nothing happened. The sword was extremely simple, there was no other way to describe it.

Lucy looked at the sword before suddenly asking "Teacher, when are we going to train again?" Hiro put Excalibur away, spinning it back into Sun and in his ear as he replied "When this is over." Lucy fist pumped and said "I got into another rapey situation! The 7 year gap really fucked with me."

Hiro smiled and ruffled her hair saying "Don't worry after this, you'll never get into another one again!" Lucy smiled sweetly and they turned back to watch the fight again.