Big changes in little Acnologia

Hiro flashed and pulled a bunch of hair from Silver as Juvia blew up Keyes from inside his body. Hiro held the hair and flickered, pulling Keyes' shadow into his own and goin g back to Gray and Silver.

Silver was disappearing and Gray said "Hiro!" Hiro looked at Silver and ignored Gray as he clutched the hair tightly. He looked at him and said "For you own kid... You can't live on?" Silver said "It's my time to go."

Hiro said "But I can keep you alive. I can give you a body. You can live again. I can even bring your wife back." Silver was silent and Hiro said "Even with all this, you still want to die? How many people have I killed myself? More than you've probably even seen!"

Silver looked at Gray, who was crying with a black tattoo on his right arm. Hiro said "You're job isn't done yet." Silver sighed and shook his head saying "Even if you can bring me back to life. What does that achieve?"

Hiro said "You'll be with your son! Isn't that enough!?" Silver chuckled and said "I'll always be with him. Even if he can't see me..." before fizzling out of existence.

Hiro held the hair and trembled, Gray looked up and said "Hiro... Thank you. It's okay." Hiro looked at Gray and said "But your-" Gray said "He's where he wants to be. You're not going to change his mind." before walking away.

Hiro watched Gray leave and sighed as he let go of the hair in his palm. It floated away and fizzled out of existence. Hiro pulled Silver's Shadow and sighed again before keeping it in his own and flashing back to Lucy.

Juvia killed Keyes, this was good! Lucy was watching with excitement. Hiro appeared and released his shadow army saying "Kill all the goons." he made shadow clones and said "Pull all the shadows." the shadow army merged into the darkness and sped off.

Hiro waved and Juvia appeared in front of him, falling into his arms. He healed her and poured a healing potion along with a mana potion down her throat, getting her back to top shape!

The lizard man lookalike made a bunch of water and Hiro grabbed Natsu, while floating up on a platform of Ice with Lucy and Juvia. Lucy said "Gajeel!" Hiro said "He'll be fine. Let's get the Fire Wizard out of Water, yeah?"

He pulled Natsu out, who said "But Gajeel!" Hiro knocked on his head and said "That water contains too much Carbon. If you're in there you'll just die. Gajeel's Iron skin is making him able to resist it. Have faith that he'll beat the fish guy!"

Natsu went quiet before cheering "Go Gajeel Go!" Hiro slapped his forehead and Lucy joined in, cheering. Juvia woke up and started cheering too, leaving Hiro all by himself as the only one not cheering.

A while later

The water subsided and Gajeel revealed himself along with Levy and the fish guy. Lucy said "Levy!?" Hiro explained "She swam in and kissed him, giving him air to survive." Juvia and Lucy covered the mouths and blushed saying "Kiss!?"

Levy blushed and Gajeel was stunned, looking at Levy. Hiro floated the ice back down and said "Yeah! Good job! I'm fired up!" Natsu complained "That's my line..." Hiro smirked and said "Not anymore!" as he walked to the fish man.

Tempest stopped him and Hiro grinned "Watch out, pal." as he pointed up. Tempest looked up and a bolt of lightning hit him.

Laxus smashed Tempest's face into the ground and said "Some shit you pulled in the town. How about round 2?" Tempest's eyes widened and Laxus kicked him into rubble.

Hiro skipped to the fish man and took out Excalibur, slicing his head off in a single slash before pulling out his Shadow and humming to himself as the Grimoire got filled again. Hiro skipped back and smiled like a little kid, scooping up the 5 others and jumping into the air, sitting on an Ice platform, watching Laxus' fight.

Natsu said "But! But! But! BUT! I WANTED TO FIGHT!" Hiro chopped his head and said "Let Laxus fight, how many times did you fight today?" Natsu touched his fingers together saying "Just like 7..." Hiro sighed and waved, bringing out Ultimate Healing Potions and Mana potions saying "Rest well..."

He looked behind him before looking at Laxus, the he did a double take. Gajeel and Levy were making out behind him! Hiro shouted "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU MAKING OUT ON MY PLATFORM FOR?!" Levy froze and Gajeel sneered "Big deal, old man."

Hiro trembled "I'm not old... I'm 31..." Gajeel started sweating and said quickly "Of course! Haha! I was just joking! Haha!" Hiro smiled happily and said "I knew it~" before turning back and watching the fight.

Lucy whispered "Hiro's becoming like the 1st master." Levy whispered back "They hit it off pretty well." Juvia whispered "You better not pursue my Gray-sama."

A while later

Laxus ended Tempest and Hiro flashed, severing Tempest's head right away before blasting his body to ashes and saying "Damn bastard was pulling a 'let's die together' move. Good thing I got him!" Laxus swayed and said "You... Bastard.... Stole... my... kill..." before collapsing.

Hiro chuckled and winked with his tongue out and a star in his eye as he gave Laxus a thumbs up and said "It's what the Guild Master does!" before pulling Tempest's shadow and getting the Calamity Curse.

Hiro LOVED this curse, it was super cool! Plus with enough practice, he might be able to make volcanoes and summons meteors! That being said, he didn't know how the Curses worked. He could use them but he wasn't sure where the energy was coming from.

This required more research, maybe he could turn the Curses into Magic?


Hiro picked up Laxus and healed him with an Ultimate Healing potion and Mana Potion before bringing him to the rest of the group.

Gray ran over and Juvia tackled him crying "Gray-sama! I'm so sorry!" Gray was confused and Hiro said "She killed Keyes." Gray was not confused anymore.

Hiro held his hands on his hips and said "All those Pesky Demons are dead! Heh! I'm the best Guild Master there ever was!" he looked at around before shouting "I SAID STOP SUCKING FA-" he stopped abruptly and snapped his head in a certain direction with an obsessive look in his eyes.

A sound traveled from the distance.

Hiro said "Come back all of you." shadows shot towards him on the ground and sunk into his shadow. He looked up and said "Acnologia!" Natsu growled "Acnologia..."

Hiro took out Excalibur and chuckled "This time you won't escape..." Acnologia appeared in the air and roared, he had an explosion shaped scar on his chest.

Hiro jumped into the air and roared "ACNOLOGIA!" as every shadow dragon he had came out and filled the skies. Hiro landed on the giant One-eyed Black Dragon and shot towards Acnologia, slashing Excalibur out.

Acnologia roared "It's you! Damn human! You'll pay for what you did to me!" as he shot his hair towards the, now massive, Excalibur.

The guild members were stunned and Igneel flew out of Natsu's body saying "Hey!" Natsu was stunned and mumbled "Igneel..." Igneel grinned and said "Don't worry, I'll explain everything later. I have something for you to do first..."

Hiro and Acnologia clashed and the clouds split in half. Hiro's eyes turned red as he took a few steps back, Acnologia flew back a bit and they looked at each other. Hiro grinned saying "Now you're mine." he pointed his sword forward and all the dragons, including the one he was on, flew towards Acnologia blowing elemental breaths at him.

Hiro was standing in the air, when Igneel appeared under his feet and lifted him up saying "The Legendary human... Hello." Hiro pursed his lips and said "Hello, for the first time I guess." Igneel chuckled and said "I appreciate you not telling him I was with him."

Hiro waved and said "It's nothing, though... I expected you to have more strength than this. Did you all really die 400 years ago?" Igneel was stunned and said "How did you know about that?" Hiro brushed it off saying "I read a lot."

Igneel choked and the other 4 Dragons appeared next to Igneel. Hiro looked at Weisslogia and said "Heh... Sorry for before." Weisslogia sighed and said "He was being bratty, it's okay." Hiro let out a breath of relief and smiled.

Acnologia spread out his wings and limbs, blowing up all the dragons and sending the One-eyed Dragon flying back. Acnologia snorted and Hiro jumped from Igneel's head, straight at Acnologia with a crazy expression as he said "Give me your head!"

The dragons were stunned and Igneel laughed "I like this human! Hahah!" Grandeeney said "A bit barbaric for my taste." Skiadrum looked at her and said "Ironic. Your husband was the same." Grandeeney hissed "Watch your mouth, black worm."

Skiadrum chuckled and flew at Acnologia, not wanting to fight with a female dragon.

Hiro spun Sun into Ruyi Bang and smashed it down on Acnologia's head. Acnologia head butted at Hiro, who kicked the air, turned Sun into Enkidu and flipped over Acnologia's head, wrapping the chains around his neck and pulling Acnologia back, exposing his underbelly to the other 6 dragons, who attacked right away.

Acnologia roared and swatted the dragons, Hiro stood on Acnologia's back and pulled with veins popping out on his arms. Acnologia was sent flying back by Igneel's charge and Hiro lifted Acnologia, flipping him over his head and smashing him head first into the ground.

Hiro looked at Acnologia, who got up from the ground and blew a beam of dragon breath at him. Hiro sucked in and blew out a breath of pitch black shadows, clashing with Acnologia's breath. Igneel and the other dragons blew at the same time and all the breaths came together overwhelming Acnologia's and blowing up right in his face.

Hiro jumped back and landed on the one-eyed Dragon's head, he named him Haku. No reason really, it's just the first thing that popped into his mind.

Hiro reeled back and joined the other 5 as he said "This bastard got stronger during the 7 years, fuck! I didn't anticipate this." Igneel cracked his neck and said "You injured him last time, he must hate you a lot. Nobody's ever injured him." Hiro replied "That doesn't soothe me, Igneel."

Igneel just chuckled and Acnologia roared, shooting out of the dust cloud without a scratch. Hiro chuckled and changed Enkidu to the Twin Axes before crossing them in front of him and slashing out in an 'X' saying "Frozen Thunder!"

A giant 'X' made of light blue electrical sparks flew forward and slammed into Acnologia, sending him back. Hiro jumped on Igneel and Haku flew at Acnologia extremely fast. Hiro put the axes on his back and grabbed Igneel's horns saying "Let's go."

Igneel smirked and charged at Acnologia with the others not far behind. Hiro covered Igneel in black shadow armor and Igneel crashed into Acnologia, sending him flying into a mountain. Hiro jumped off Igneel and formed Sun into Mjolnir, holding it high in the air as it grew bigger and bigger.

Hiro held the bottom of Mjolnir that was absolutely massive, piercing the clouds. He slammed Mjolnir down on the mountain where Acnologia was at and the hammer hit the ground, shaking the earth and destroying everything in it's path from the sheer weight and force behind it.

Hiro took back Mjolnir and smiled "That should-" he was sent flying by Acnologia who just appeared with cracked scales and blood all over him. Hiro flew through several mountains and shouted "FUCK!"

All the shadow dragons and the real dragons attacked Acnologia, who seemed to be even stronger now that he was injured and angry. Hiro stood up and wiped his mouth, he was more or less fine. He was already incredibly strong to begin with. He could wipe the last Acnologia out of existence but this Acnologia was much, much, stronger than the one from Tenrou island.

It seemed like he trained/got stronger since Hiro left a scar on him last time. Hiro had a grim smile on his face. This wasn't good.