1 year Time Skip

Hiro flew back just in time to see Igneel get half his body obliterated. Hiro was stunned, already? That was fast. He looked at Acnologia and flew towards him, swinging Excalibur at his stunned self.

Igneel took one of Acnologia's arms with him and Hiro slashed down on his head, Acnologia reacted and moved out of the way just as Hiro hit him. The sword sliced through his head scales and made a deep cut on his face, right over his left eye.

Acnologia roared in pain and writhed backwards. Hiro looked at the falling Igneel and clicked his tongue before slashing at Acnologia again, getting the rest of his arm that Igneel ripped off. Acnologia blew a dragon's breath at Hiro, who cut through it and was surrounded by dust.

When the dust cleared, Hiro saw Acnologia's tail disappear into a crack in space. He shouted "NO!" and sped forward slashing down on the closing space crack. Acnologia's tail shot forward and stabbed at Hiro, who was forced to block and was sent flying as the space crack closed.

Hiro smashed into the ground and roared "YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER!" he stood up and turned Sun back to it's normal form, grinding his teeth in anger. The fucker escaped! Hiro was beyond angry, he wanted to clear the mission!

More importantly, his scars were itching in fury. He got Acnologia good but it wasn't good enough! He wanted to kill him! Honestly, Acnologia running away wasn't even a thought that flashed in Hiro's mind.

He didn't believe that Acnologia would run away, not even a little bit.

He recalled the shadow dragons and walked over to Igneel and the rest of the crushed Dragons. The dragon slayers were crying over their dragons and Hiro looked at Igneel saying "Almost. He ran away." Igneel sighed and Hiro shook his head before flashing over to Mard Geer's ashes.

He pulled his shadow out and sent him to his shadow before flashing back to the dragons. He watched as the dragons disappeared, leaving shadows behind. Hiro walked over to Natsu and patted his head as Natsu cried.

Hiro looked at the 5 dragons' shadows and pulled them secretly, bringing them directly into his shadow. He sighed and walked away.

He let the shadows add their magic to the grimoire and continued filling it as he walked back to Magnolia.

A while later

Hiro looked at the ruined town and the only building that was left standing was the guild. He stood next to Makarov, who said "Seems like this is the end." Hiro looked at the building and said "You released it?" Makarov was silent and Hiro hummed, not saying anything.

Hiro touched the building and shrank it down to a palm size.

He held it in his hands and Makarov looked at it. Hiro tossed it to him and said "Come back, when you're ready Makarov. The kids are spreading their wings and leaving the nest. Maybe it's time we do the same."

Makarov held the entire Guild in his hands and said "Maybe you're right... Fairy Tail is disbanding." Hiro smiled and said "It won't be for long." Makarov chuckled and put the guild in his pocket, Hiro waved over his shoulder as he walked away saying "See you when I see you, old man."

Makarov shouted "You're still the Guild Master!" Hiro waved replying "Yeah, yeah." before disappearing.

Hiro returned to his small home in the woods and gathered a bunch of things before going straight into the time room and setting a 12 hour alarm on the outside. He started working, getting Shadow clones to help.

A while later

Hiro flashed into the city and dropped off boxes to Erza, Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, and Laxus' houses. They were sure to go home before leaving for a training journey. He went to Lucy's house and fell asleep on her bed.

Zerotwo and Isabella were still on their mission. He was sure they would be pretty surprised when they come back to see the guild was disbanded. Well, a year of relaxation isn't too bad.

A while later

Hiro was sleeping in Lucy's bed, when he was woken up by a scream. He fell off the bed and landed on the floor, groaning "Owwie..." Lucy kicked him saying "Pervert Teacher! Why are you in my bed!?" Hiro sat up and yawned saying "I don't have a house."

Lucy choked and waved a letter saying "WELL DON'T USE MINE!" Hiro snatched the letter and read it quickly saying "So he left, eh?" he looked through the shadow and saw the Natsu was in fact carrying the box.

He looked again and they were all carrying the boxes. Gray had 2 of them.

Hiro let out a breath of relief. At least they listened and took the boxes with them. Lucy beat on Hiro's chest saying "Get out! I want to change! My house!" Hiro scooped her up and threw her on his shoulder saying "There's no time for an hour long wardrobe change! Training begins now!"

Lucy was stunned and said "WAIT!" Hiro said "No waiting!" and jumped out the window, jumping on the air and running away, kidnapping Lucy.

They got to Hiro's small house and he put her down saying "We're starting with Multi Weapon close combat!" Lucy groaned and Hiro took out a syringe and stabbed her, pushing the plunger down and saying "But first! This!"

Lucy yelped "Ow! What the fuck, Hiro!" Hiro crushed the syringe and said "The rest got the same! It's called Perfect Super Soldier Serum! No side effects, greatly enhances all parts of your body! To super Human levels! The original enhanced everything, but I changed it to boost the enhancement and cover a smaller range of things! Directly upping your physical and magical strength! Not only this! But also increasing your mana pool!"

He picked Lucy up off the ground and said "Lucy. The Guild's disbanded." Lucy was stunned, Hiro said "Natsu, Gray, Laxus, Gajeel, Erza, and the rest left to go on training journeys. If they haven't left yet, they will soon. It's just you and me left here now! I have a wife though."

He shook her saying "When they come back, they'll be stronger than ever before! Forget about Natsu beating the Demons of Tartaros before. When he comes back, he'll be able to kill his former self with a single punch! You said you don't want to fall behind, right?"

Lucy nodded dumbly and Hiro patted her shoulders saying "Then I will train you. For an entire year! The whole time! Forget about rest and money. You won't need 'em!" he lifted her arms and pinched her skin saying "You're Lucy 2.0 right now. When I'm done with you, you'll be Ultimate Lucy!"

Lucy mumbled "Ultimate Lucy?" Hiro kicked the air and said "Forget about 'Lucy Kick', you'll have to rename it to 'One kick to destroy the stars!'" Lucy mumbled "One kick to destroy the stars?" Hiro said "ONE KICK! DESTRUCTION OF THE PLANET!"

Lucy was just stunned and Hiro said "There's also something else. But I'll keep it a secret for now..." he frowned and took out a bow and arrow, twin swords, a whip, and twin guns.

He mumbled to himself and dragged Lucy with him, stomping on the ground and going down to the time room.

He had put PSSS in all the boxes for the others along with a 10 yr experience token, a personalized gift, and a letter explaining the situation and what the things do. When they came back if they weren't monsters Hiro wouldn't know what to say.

Hiro made Lucy train with the Bow, Twin swords, guns, and whip for an entire year inside the Time room before going outside and training hand to hand combat in the woods for a month or so. Zerotwo and Isabella came home and Hiro explained the situation to them.

Zerotwo relaxed inside the house and Hiro trained Isabella and Lucy at the same time. He trained their Haki while refining their hand to hand combat skills. Even Mittens joined in, Hiro giving her both Hakis as well.

It was omega grind time.

For himself as well.

Hiro used the Endless Dungeon key, leaving a shadow clone to train the girls.

He suddenly arrived in a new world entirely. It was ruined and had red skies.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked Endless Dungeon!]

[Note: Prestiging will happen automatically in the Dungeon. As well as leveling up when all stats are SSS-999]

[Endless Dungeon set to Nightmare mode!]

[Endless Dungeon Quests unlocked!]

[Reach Floor 100. Reward: Super Power (Random)]

[Reach Floor 200. Reward: Ultimate Body Re-Creation Token!]

[Reach Floor 300. Reward: Demi-God Mystery Chest!]


[Congratulations! You've Prestiged!]

[Prestige count 4!]

Hiro grinned and let out all his shadows as he started clearing the dungeon floors. He was immediately stunned as all the monsters inside were 70% of his full power! He got excited and started fighting with them, he noticed they weren't dropping shadows but directly empowering the army by a little bit with each death.

He went of a rampage in the Endless Dungeon.


Hiro was still training the girls and told Zerotwo about the Dungeon, she went inside and got a completely different dungeon for herself. It was basically the same as Hiro's but without the shadows.

She dived into the Dungeon as well.

Hiro trained the girls for 5 months more in pure close combat.

It had been 6 months since the guild disbanded.

The real Hiro and Zerotwo were completely absent from the world, literally living in the Endless Dungeon.

Lucy had made considerable progress in everything. Hiro was happy to say that she was a monster. But it wasn't enough! Isabella was roughly the same and he forgot if he gave her the Super Soldier Serum already, but decided to give her another injection to make sure.

It wouldn't hurt!

Isabella turns out either did already have it and it just got better, or she didn't and this was her first time. She got significantly stronger in everything. Hiro even gave Mittens the injection and Mittens was an Omega strong lightning Neko now!

Hiro brought them into the time room and split into another shadow clone to train Isabella separately as he explained to Lucy about the Star Dresses. He told her his very limited knowledge about the subject.

Hiro looked at Lucy saying "When a Celestial Wizard is capable of keeping 3 gates open at the same time, they can don the 'Star Dress'. Basically it's using the Celestial Spirit's power for yourself and working together. In this state, your clothes change to what the Celestial Spirit's clothes look like. From what I know, you just hold the key on your chest. I know for a fact that it is also possible to mix the 'Star Dresses' effectively combining 2 spirits and yourself."

Lucy was stunned and tried it out before transforming into Lucy: Taurus Form! Hiro clapped and said "It worked!" Lucy said with a twitching mouth "You weren't sure?" Hiro coughed and said "I'm not a Celestial Wizard am I? I was just a theory. A game theory. Anyway! Each Spirit has different ways of fighting."

Lucy said in shock "You trained me in everything for this!?" Hiro gave her a thumbs up and said "Yessir! Who said blondes are big chest and no brains? Hahaha!" Lucy immediately covered her chest and pouted at Hiro, who said "I have a wife."

He coughed and added "Anyway! Now's not the time for this! This entire year, you're going to be practicing with different 'Star Dresses'! One for each month! Start with Taurus and next month choose another one." Lucy nodded and they started training.

Hiro made Lucy stay in the 'Star Dress' state for as long as possible while she trained while proved to be extremely difficult for her as it was draining to stay in the forms for too long. Hiro didn't care. They were already in the Core Area of the Time Room, he was making a monster, not a strong clown.

The year came and went.

Hiro wasn't too sure about Ophichus so they didn't try it, but Pisces was, as Hiro expected, twin guns that fired water bullets with a black and white bikini. Libra was a veiled Arabian outfit and used Gravity Magic with no weapons.

Most of the Star Dresses didn't have weapons hence why close combat was a main focus.

They went back outside and continued training for another 6 months.

Hiro and Zerotwo came out of the Endless Dungeon after being inside for 11 months. Hiro was energetic but also depressed, he only just barely reached floor 100. It was extremely difficult! The enemies were just as strong if not stronger than him!

But he was getting stronger and stronger every day, which was a good thing!

[Congratulations! You've reached Floor 100! Reward: Quicksilver Super Speed!]

Hiro grinned as he felt his body get empowered with super speed. Zerotwo was the same but got Flight. Now she can literally just fly around faster than a jet. She was super happy as she felt like a bird. Hiro was happy because she was happy and the others were happy because they were much stronger now.

Hiro slapped Lucy with the last 10 yr token he had before giving her some premium Oni Apparel. It was a black hoodie with jeans and white sneakers. She also got a white t-shirt. She looked fresh and cute!

Hiro was extremely satisfied with her progress, she was the weakest of the power wizards in the guild. He could only hope that she was as strong as the rest now. He was a bit unsure. He really went all out on their gifts...

He had opened all his Ultra Mystery Chests before he gave them the boxes and he gave Natsu, Gray, Laxus, and Gajeel their elemental fruits from One Piece. He even slipped the Wind fruit into Wendy's salad at Lamia Scale.

Of course, the fruits were without the weakness.

As for Erza he got Extremis and a Clean Symbiote, he used his merge tokens on them with a suit of armor and made a type of living armor for her. She was God Mode Erza now.

Juvia was just Juvia.

But they also all got 10 yr tokens and some Magic books that Hiro wrote in the Time Room specifically for them. He even snuck in Kotodama Magic for Levy as he knew she would go with Gajeel.

A year had passed since the Tartaros Fight.

Hiro brought everyone to the Grand Magic Games and the plot was resuming. Hiro was excited and hopeful for the future!