Guild Gathering

Hiro hovered in the sky with the rest and grinned as he looked at the black cloaked figure walking out into the arena. He flashed to the judges table and swiped a mic from the King Pumpkin guy, Yajima said "H-Hiro!" The announcer said in shock "F-Fairy Tail's 7th Guild Master!"

Hiro tapped on the mic and coughed saying "Surely you haven't forgotten about us~" he pointed to the arena and shouted "Fiore's true number 1 Guild!" the cloaked figure grinned and burst into flames as Hiro said "Show them the power of a real Wizard! Natsu!"

Natsu took his hood off and laughed "I'm fired up!" as he punched a pillar of flames at the winning Guild, blasting them into the walls as the announcer shouted "FAIRY TAIL'S SALAMANDER MAKES AN APPEARANCE!"

The stadium started melting from the sheer heat of the flames and Hiro and Natsu burst out laughing. Hiro took the King's Pumpkin head and put it on saying "It's me, Mato! The winner of this year's Grand Magic Games is Natsu Dragneel-Kabo!"

The spectators shouted "KABO?!"

Natsu fell over laughing and said "Kabo!" Hiro spun around saying "Kabo!" Yajima sighed and the king was listless. The announcer was unable to speak a single word and Hiro threw the helmet back on the king before saying "Natsu! Leave a message!"

Natsu grinned and blew fire breath into the sky, leaving 'Fairy Tail' along with the insignia, in flames in the sky. Hiro chuckled and scooped Natsu up, grabbed Happy and flashed to the rest before flying away.

Everyone in Crocus was stunned completely.

Hiro made a platform of Ice and flew out of Crocus towards Lamia Scale, humming to himself "Hmm Hmm Getting the Guild Back together Hmm~ Kidnapping if we have to~ We'll even resort to war crimes~ Genocide is also a possibility~"

Lucy chopped his head shouting "WHAT ARE YOU SINGING SO HAPPILY ABOUT!?" Zerotwo giggled and said "We'll wait for you in Magnolia, Darling~" Hiro smiled warmly and kissed her saying "Okay~" Isabella waved as she flew away with Zerotwo.

Hiro continued on singing to himself "If they don't want to come back, we'll kill 'em~ Looting the cities and burning down buildings~" Lucy chopped his head and Natsu sang along "Destroying countries and kidnapping them~"

Hiro and Natsu held each other's shoulders singing in unison "Until we get them aaaalllll~" Lucy cried "What happened to the world..." as she beat the duo with a stick. She went right through Natsu and the stick broke on Hiro's head.

A while later

They arrived at the town where Lamia Scale was, Hiro landed on top of a stage and Lyon said "Eh?" the towns people said "Eh?" Hiro said "Eh?" the author said "Eh?" the readers said "Stupid Beta Cuck Simp Retard Idiot Weak MC no harem loser."



Hiro coughed saying "Hello! I'm a guest! Watch this!" he got serious and and held his hand out in front of him sideways before grabbing his index finger and sliding it off as he said "MAGIC!" Everyone sweat dropped and Lyon dragged him away saying "Sorry..."

A while later

Hiro held Wendy on his shoulder, she was tied up with tape over her mouth and Carla was the same as he said "Don't alert Lamia Scale." Natsu and Happy nodded seriously, Lucy shouted "WE CAN'T JUST KIDNAP HER!" Hiro tied Lucy up too.

They ran away and the Lamia Scale members stopped them at the gate. Hiro said "Hey... Nice night, eh?" he looked at Natsu and winked, Natsu pointed at the sky and said "OH MY GOD! IS THAT A GIANT MERMAID?!"

Toby shouted "Whaaaaaa?!" but he was the only one who looked up. Hiro said "Natsu, plan B!" Natsu said "Damn! It's come to this!" He took out a stack of cards and threw them at the ground.

With a poof!

Dozens of Naked Girls appeared saying "Lyon-sama~" Hiro and Natsu carried Wendy and Lucy, while Happy carried Carla and they booked it. Sheria said "Wait!" Hiro said "Lalalalala! Can't hear you~" Lyon flew through the air with blood coming out of his nose and Ooba said "Spin!" as she spun Toby, who shouted "WHY ME?!"

Hiro and Natsu chuckled and ran away. Hiro pointed into town as shot a shadow bullet, piercing the head of a snake looking guy and killing him. No need to worry about any Monster Hordes anymore~

Lyon appeared in front of them and said "Ice Make Dragon! You can't leave!"

Natsu punched the Dragon to pieces and Hiro tied up Lyon before kidnapping him too. Lyon was stunned, why was he kidnapped!? Lyon said "We just want to say goodbye!" Hiro and Natsu stopped and put Lyon down, surrounding him while cracking their knuckles and saying "What's your relationship with our cute Wendy?"

Natsu's fist caught fire and Hiro's fist wisped blackness.

Lyon was stunned, what the fuck was going on!? He said quickly "We're friends!" Hiro and Natsu got in his face saying "EHHHHHHH?" Lyon started sweating and Wendy got free saying "Lyon-sama!" Natsu and Hiro said "Lyon-sama?!"

The rest of Lamia Scale to see Lyon tied to a cross and being tickles with feathers in his underwear. Lyon was laughing so hard he was crying, but it wasn't the good laughing, it was the painful laughing.

Natsu and Hiro had evil smiles as they tickled him with feathers. Ooba showed up and spun Lyon saying "You brats are kidnapping my Wizards! Spin!" Lyon said "Ooba-sama... You're spinning the wrong person..."

Ooba stopped and started spinning Toby, who just started crying.

Lamia Scale had a tearful goodbye with Wendy and Hiro gave Ooba the Wash Wash fruit, he told her hold to use it and she hung Toby up like laundry. Hiro burst out laughing and Toby said "I feel so much better!"

The Fairy Tail group left with smiles, but Lucy was still tied up and crying at her own situation.

A few days later

The group came to a deserted town that was raining.

They walked into the town and saw Juvia, but she suddenly collapsed and Hiro picked her up, healing her completely. Juvia then explained how her and Gray were living together and doing everything, except sleeping, together.

Juvia was smug about it.

Hiro slapped her and her head exploded as he said "Idiot, you're sitting out in the rain for 6 months?! What about your training? What about the things I gave you?" Juvia pulled the sheets above her nose and muttered "Juvia and Gray-sama used them..."

Hiro smiled and slapped her arm to water as he laughed "Good! Haha!" Lucy smacked him saying "STOP DOING THAT!" Natsu said "We're going to Sabertooth." Then the group left, bringing Juvia along as the group kept increasing in number.

A while later

They were inside the Sabertooth Guild and Hiro took out some of Minerva's hair and a corpse before Resurrecting her in front of everyone with Edo Tensei. He took out the White Zetsu clone and merged it with her body, before throwing in her shadow for fun.

She glowed and opened her eyes, looking around saying "Where am I?" Sting shouted "My Lady!" Minerva said in shock "Sting? Everyone? You all died too?" Sting said "You're alive!" Hiro removed her memories of him torturing her as it would definitely bring up some complications.

They explained what happened and Hiro smiled saying "No need to thank me, just be a good person, okay?" Minerva felt a chill from his smile and nodded wordlessly.

Natsu stopped Rogue from leaving and took his Job from him, telling him to stay at the guild with Froshe before leaving to go on the Job and Destroy a Dark Guild called Avatar.

Hiro was happy with his results, Minerva was completely resurrected! He proved his theory with the White Zetsu, while confirming another Theory he had. Inserting the shadow into the Edo Tensei body would eat the corpse they were made of and form a shadow body for the soul to reside in.

Using the White Zetsu only, also ate the corpse but gave them a normal body. The same body their soul was before. Adding the shadow was a boost, but it could be done with either. He wasn't going to add shadows to the other people he resurrects if he uses the White Zetsu.

Basically Minerva was a test of sorts.

He figured out that a White Zetsu alone works, a shadow alone works, and a shadow plus a white zetsu gives a boost. This was good. The shadow portion in particular was making him happy. He had some plans for that, but that was later.

For now, he was Jesus, resurrecting people as a hobby.

The group went to Avatar's base and Natsu said "This is it." Hiro said "Natsu and Lucy take it from here. We'll watch from the skies, I want to see how far you've come." Natsu grinned and Lucy said "Hmph! Pervert Teacher, just watch!" as they stomped towards the castle in the forest while Hiro brought Wendy, Carla, and Juvia into the sky on an ice platform.

He grinned in anticipation as he floated over, cloaking the spectating group in invisibility.