Avatar... Who?

Hiro followed Natsu and Lucy into the Church/Castle and watched as Natsu walked right through the weapons flying at him. They passed right through his body and flew away, Wendy said "Wah! Natsu-san had the same thing happen to him!?" Hiro chuckled and said "Remember that Salad?" Wendy looked sick and said "I hated that salad! Eh?!"

She pouted at Hiro and said "It was you?! Hiro-san, you did that to me!?" as she started tearing up, Hiro panicked and hugged her saying "Wendy! Don't cry! I'm sorry! It was just a joke!" she sniffled and said "And when I was sleeping, and-and-and someone injected me with something! That was Hiro-san too?"

Hiro and Wendy both started crying and Juvia started crying because they were crying, then Carla started crying because everyone else was crying.

Hiro hugged Wendy and said "Never again, Wendy." Wendy said "En!" Juvia wiped her eyes and said "So beautiful."

A few minutes later

Hiro made Natsu, Happy, and Lucy get caught and thrown in a cell as he hovered behind them and snickered to himself. The rest left and a man with the kanji for 'Tea' on his forehead came to torture them.

Hiro broke the shackles on the 3 and they pummeled the 'Tea' guy to a bloody pulp. Lucy shouted "What was that for!?" Hiro revealed everyone and laughed saying "It was funny!" Lucy trembled in anger and punched at Hiro, who pulled Natsu in front of him.

Lucy punched through his head and took her fist back, clicking her tongue in the process. Natsu's head reformed and he chuckled, it was pretty fun though. Hiro said "Natsu could've escaped at any time anyway..." Natsu said "Eh? I could've?!" Hiro knocked on his head with blackened fingers saying "Yeah! Hello? You're fire now."

Natsu said "Oh! Cool!" Hiro rolled his eyes and Gray walked into the cell, he stopped and said "Jeez. You all came?" Hiro punched him in the face as his head shattered into Ice before reforming. Gray shouted "What was that for?!" Hiro smiled and said "You took what I gave you, good!"

Gray clicked his tongue and took out a cellphone looking thing. He put it to his ear and said "Yeah, this is Code Blue. We have a problem." the group looked at Gray with grins and Gray handed over the phone to Hiro, who took it saying "Moshi mosh?"

Erza's voice came over saying "Hiro! How are you, you kinda disappeared." Hiro smiled and said "Pretty good, you?" Erza said "Meh, not bad." the rest sweat dropped, what was this casual conversation...

Erza said "Do you know about this purification plan?" Hiro replied "Yeah. I don't know where these Zeref fanatics get their information. Just slaughtering a city of people to summon Zeref... How stupid can you be? Honestly, these people are so stupid they shouldn't even live. I really can't understand, do they think Zeref is a God? He's just a dude with black hair, Jellal wanted to resurrect him, but he was never dead in the first place... That Mard Geer guy wanted to resurrect END but he's not dead either."

Hiro sighed and rubbed his eyes "Now they want to summon him with innocent lives..." he threw his hand up in the air and added "Like as if he's just going to fall from the sky! What a bunch of morons!"

Everybody just looked at Hiro with 'are you serious right now' faces.

Erza was speechless, she didn't want to say anything but she didn't ask for his opinion about the people...

Hiro scooped up the group and punched a hole through the ceiling, blew up the 'Tea' guy's head and pulled his shadow before flying out and away as he continued "When Zeref doesn't show up are they just going to keep killing people until he does? Stupid. They could kill the entire world and he still wouldn't show up and if he does, he'll probably just kill them. All these Dark Guilds have this crazy obsession with Zeref, like, can't some of them just want to kill people for fun? Where are those guys? Does everything relate to Zeref?"

Erza was awkwardly listening as Hiro vented to her "None of these guys have any ambition? Oh I only do this for Zeref! Like come on now, give me a break, just admit you don't even know what he looks like. You're just killing people because you're bored. Where's the Dark Guilds that kill other Dark Guilds and try to take over the Balam Alliance? Why does nobody do that? I mean if I were them, I would do that and stay as far away from Zeref as I possibly could. That guy can just wipe you out of existence with a look, forget about speaking to him, just meeting him and you'll drop like a sack of potatoes!"

Hiro was about to continue. when Gray said "Ok, ok! That's enough, I need to say something." as he took the phone from Hiro and said "Erza, are you okay?" Erza replied "Just a little dizzy..." Hiro pouted and Lucy chopped his head saying "It's enough! Do you know where Zeref sleeps too?" Hiro opened his mouth and Lucy tackled him, throttling him as she said "DON'T ANSWER! I SWEAR TO GOD!"

They flew over an army of people and landed in front of a city. Hiro made a 'cloud' made of ice and laid down lazily on it as he said "I'm watching you kiddos." he looked at Wendy and said "Wendy... I hope you've been training at Lamia Scale... Or else."

Wendy teared up and said "Or else what?!" Hiro said eerily "Or else... It's loli training time." Wendy almost fainted from fear and Lucy got a shiver, she'll never forget loli training time. Hiro cackled and flew into the air, watching the events unfold as the army came down and attacked the group, before getting obliterated.

The group went up and destroyed literally everyone. Even the people who had names and were unique! Nothing could stop them!

Suddenly, the sky darkened and a foot came down.

Hiro looked up and said "Eh?" the foot was coming down right on him! Hiro grabbed the foot and ripped the 'Battle God' out of the sky, slamming him down on a mountain range as he said "Out of all the people here..."

The monster exploded into little pieces and the Avatar Dark Guild members were just stunned before getting beat up.

Gajeel, Levy, Pantherlily, and the council appeared and started arresting all the Dark Guild Mages. Hiro floated down and circled around Levy saying with a smirk "Someone smells different~" he smirked and poked her cheeks saying "Eh? Eh? Tell your Guild Master, did you go 'all the way'? Eh? Eh?"

Levy's head was steaming and Gajeel blushed, waving his fist around saying "SHUT UP!" Hiro picked up Levy and threw her in the air saying "Yay! Hahahahaha! Unfortunately, Gray doesn't have the balls to do it so..." Gray choked and Gajeel gave him and smug look, making Gray almost collapse.

Hiro caught Levy and said "Eh? Wait." he held Levy up like a doll and said "Did you practice the magic I gave to Gajeel? I made that myself, you know." Levy nodded and said "Hurricane."

Suddenly, a massive Hurricane appeared, stunning everyone.

Hiro waved and the phenomena disappeared. He hugged Levy and thrashed her around saying "You did it! Hahaha! Your solid script works with the magic I made too! Hahahahahahahah!" he held her up like Simba and said "Behold! The Word woman!"

Levy was flustered and covered her face saying "UwU please stop..." Hiro put her down and pinched her arms saying "You took the Injection too! So you got 2 injections... Heheheheheh" Levy fainted from embarrassment and Hiro threw her to Gajeel saying "Alright! Stop playing around and pretending to work for the council, the Guild's coming back. Meet us in Magnolia or I'll beat the shit out of you."

Gajeel was stunned and said "But-" Hiro said "No buts!" he pulled his hands apart and made a speaker saying "Ahem! This is your Guild Master speaking, the young and handsome one, not the old fart, by the way."

Everyone in Fairy Tail suddenly heard Hiro's voice coming from their shadows!

Hiro cleared his throat and said "Meet us in Magnolia, or I will find you and I will beat you senseless. That is all. Bye bye!" the rest flinched and Hiro said "Let's go back!" Erza said "I need to-" Hiro said "Jellal, Erza's done. Next." Gajeel said "I-" Hiro grabbed a council member and said "Gajeel, Pantherlily, and Levy McGarden are not on the council anymore, got it? Spread the word, or I'll kill you. Understand?"

The council member was terrified and nodded frantically before running away.

Hiro looked back and smiled "All done! Let's go!" the group sweat dropped and Hiro scooped them all up before flying away and laughing.