Plans Change

Hiro and the group arrived at the missing Fairy Tail building site, the rest were already there! Hiro landed on the ground and said "Have no fear! For I am here!" putting his hands on his hips and laughing. The guild cheered and hugged everyone except Hiro.

Hiro choked on his laugh and held his arms out with a lost expression. He cried "UwU no hug for old 7th..." Zerotwo pointed at him and fell over laughing, Isabella was already wheezing on the floor. Mittens was doing a strange dance with the other Exceeds.

In truth, they were summoning the Exceed God of Destruction, Beerus.

Suddenly, they got hit with a rock and their summoning was foiled.

Happy said "What are we going to do?!" Carla turned around and said "What we do everyday, Happy. Try and take over the world!"

Hiro turned around and kicked Gajeel in the head, sending him flying into Elfman, who went flying into Natsu, who went flying into Erza. Hiro said "If I don't get a hug, nobody does!" Gajeel shouted "Why did you kick me!?" as he lunged at Hiro, who punched him into the ground and laughed, holding his hand by his mouth and spreading his pinky.

Erza trembled and grabbed Natsu, waving him around like a sword as everybody started fighting. Hiro threw Gajeel into the dust brawl before jumping in himself, Isabella jumped in and punched Romeo in the face, sending him spiraling as he mumbled "Is this... Love?"

A while later

Everybody started settling down in Magnolia, Hiro went back to his little Cabin in the Woods and fell asleep after baking cakes and everything.

The next day

Hiro gave everyone a cake and they all cheered, he also spread out his hands, all the unique members of Fairy Tail were here only. Syringes appeared and stabbed into everyone who didn't get the PSSS yet. They all got the injection and Hiro said "What can I say except your welcome~" They started rebuilding the Guild Hall.

Hiro helped supply the materials as he literally had infinite amounts of everything. He even made a Uru Metal chew toy for Gajeel. He made a bag of Uru Metal treats and gave them to Levy, whispering in her ear and winking as her face was bright red and steaming.

Gajeel was nibbling on the metal with a disgruntled expression.

Days passed just like this, until Mest came back.

Hiro waved saying "Mest! You're back!" Mest smiled and said "You know?" Hiro smirked and said "I knew the whole time." he stepped on Happy and posed saying "That's just how Lord 7th is! Heheheheh!" Erza punched him into a wall and said seriously "What happened, Mest."

Mest got serious and said "You gotta come with me." Hiro reappeared and said "Let's go, it's exposition time." he grabbed Erza and said "Zerotwo's in charge!" Zerotwo pouted and Hiro added "Whatever you want for a month." her eyes sparkled and she smirked evilly.

Isabella stepped away slowly.

They went down underground to the Giant Lacrima with Mavis inside. Hiro walked over and knocked on the Lacrima saying "Imoto~" Erza said "Imoto~!?" Mest started explaining that Makarov disbanded the guild for a reason, when Gray, Natsu, Lucy, and Wendy stumbled inside. Along with Happy and Carla.

Mest explained that Makarov went to the Western continent to negotiate and he hadn't heard from him in a year. Hiro yawned, real boring exposition stuff. Makarov went to Alvarez now he's stuck. He turned around and said "Everyone inside this room is a part of the Old Man rescue team. Life alert!"

The group cheered and Hiro said "After an intense training session!" the group wilted and Hiro grabbed them all with his tails, disappearing from the room completely.

Hiro appeared in his house and walked into the Time Room saying "Just a year? Pfft? I'll make a man out of all of you! Lolis included!" Wendy started crying "It's because I'm flat isn't it!" Hiro replied "Yes!" before dragging them inside.

He locked them all with extremely heavy weights and brought them to the core area where it was 500x gravity. Hiro made shadow clones for each of them and said "1 year! Constant fighting!" Mest said "But! 1 year!" Hiro explained "There's a Time dilation here, it's only 1 week outside." Mest was stunned and a shadow clone punched him in the face as Hiro said "Training starts now!"

He himself went into the Endless Dungeon and started grinding levels, not knowing how strong Zeref was. Extra training wouldn't hurt at all!

Plus, they would use his ship to get to Alvarez, they could make up this week of time by sailing speed!

1 year passed inside

Hiro reached Floor 153 of the nightmare Dungeon. It was getting tougher and tougher. His Charmeleon evolved into a Charizard and looked cool as fuck! Also it was growing bigger than ever, it was almost a full sized Dragon!

Hiro was extremely happy with his Charizard, so cute! He wondered if it could permanently mega evolve. That would have to be in the future though.

He pulled the group of humanoid monsters out of the Time room and grinned at their progress, giving them a thumbs up saying "You guys are super strong!" The group flexed and Hiro bonked them all saying "Not that strong though."

Natsu complained "Well, you're literally a monster! Compared to you..." Erza agreed saying "It's true." Hiro said "Regardless, you will all be as strong as me one day! I promise!" the group smiled and Hiro rubbed his chin as they flew to the ocean.

He placed the boat down and muttered "Instead of monsters, I should make them Gods..." Erza heard his muttering and fell down, Gods?! Who was this guy fooling?

Happy learned transformation magic and could turn into a Neko boy with blue hair now! He hung around Carla and said "Carla, what do you think?! Am I handsome???" Carla scoffed and turned her head, with a little blush.

Hiro smirked and the boat started sailing faster than the boat they would have used without him. Hiro already took care of everything with the Guild, leaving Zerotwo in charge with Levy as her assistant. He really had nothing to worry about.

She left a shadow clone at the guild and went to the Endless Dungeon in the Time room as well! She refused to be weaker than him. Hiro didn't know what to say, every time he got close, she would shoot forward like a rocket and blow him away!

It was a different kind of blow than usual!

She was too strong!

It was getting dangerous!

His soft parts almost exploded one time!


With Zerotwo handling the guild and Levy helping her, there was no need to worry. Even if Acnologia went to the Guild, she could beat the shit out of him and send him packing.

Hiro laid back on the deck, the grass was a big brain move. It was so nice to sleep on! Franky was a genius, too bad Hiro stole his idea. Hehe~ He decided to open some Mystery Chests for funsies. He had 8 to open to get back to 15.

[Congratulations! You've received Rayquaza Shadow!]

[Congratulations! You've received Fake Identification papers!]

[Congratulations! You've received Infinity Gauntlet (Empty)]

[Congratulations! You've received Cure for motion sickness!]

[Congratulations! You've received Ultimate Coffee beans!]

[Congratulations! You've received Zerotwo Themed Calendar!]

[Congratulations! You've received Inner Farm Expansion Package!]

[Congratulations! You've received Chimera Fruit!]

Hiro clicked his tongue, what a scam! The only good things he got were Rayquaza and the Calendar! He sent Rayquaza into his shadow after giving him a good head pat. The rest went into his inventory.

The Inner world expanded by several dozen times and Bellossom danced around inside, not there was a forest of Adam, Eve, and Lilith trees, as well as some new seeds that looked suspicious. Hiro left them there, not really caring what they were. Bellossom needed friends though.

Whenever that was going to happen.

The infinity Gauntlet was completely useless to him as it didn't come with any stones! What a scam! He threw the Motion Sickness cure to Natsu, who drank it and said "Eh? I feel better!" Hiro said "Cure for Motion sickness." Natsu prostrated himself saying "God Hiro!" Hiro laughed and punched him before looking at the calendar.

His head started to steam and he put at away quickly, this was for his private collection.

Wendy crawled over and said "Hiro..." she now also suffered from Motion Sickness! Hiro gave her one as well and Wendy was back to normal. Hiro sighed and took out the Chimera fruit, plunging his arm into the shadow.

An arm came out from Lisanna's shadow and she was startled. Hiro shoved the Chimera fruit into her mouth before slapping her with a 10 yr experience token for it. Then his hand disappeared and Lisanna's eyes were glazed over and the fruit was swallowed.

Hiro laid back on the ship and relaxed.

A while later

They reached Caracol an island in the middle of the sea.

Hiro and the group walked onto the island, pretending to be from Caitshelter. They got past the Alvarez security and walked into town. Hiro walked forward towards a soldier pointing a sword at a kid.

Hiro said "No matter where you go..." the soldiers started collapsing and turning to dust as Hiro added "There's always idiots..." he patted the kid's head and said "We'll find your dad, kid." the kid nodded and Hiro threw him through the air to Wendy, Carla, and Happy saying "Go find his dad."

The 3 left with the kid and Hiro smirked at the group of soldiers running towards him. Erza was sitting down at a Mango stand and eating with the rest, Hiro added "Mest, go with Wendy." mest disappeared and Hiro looked at the soldiers saying "Shinu."

They all suddenly disappeared, like as if they were never there. The only evidence was dust that scattered into the wind. Hiro was wearing swimming shorts and nothing else, he stretched and displayed his perfect body before winking at the women saying "Take a picture, it'll last longer~"

The women fainted with hearts in their eyes and Hiro flicked his hair saying "Sorry ladies, but I have a wife~" Lucy and Erza felt their faces twitch looking at him. Gray was suddenly in his underwear and said "What a pretty boy..." as he laid back coolly and clicked his tongue, making a whole group of women faint.

Erza and Lucy felt their faces twitch again 'Aren't you doing the same thing!?'

Hiro walked over and ate some Mangos, listening to the Boss' dream of opening a Mango store in Ishgar, where Fiore is. Hiro said "You can definitely do it!" he took some Mango seeds and planted them. These were premium Star Mangos!

He took a bag of seeds and soaked them in Ultimate Healing Potion and Flawless Impurity Cleanses while unlocking the seeds' potentials. He made the entire bag of seeds 'Ultimate Star Mango' seeds! Hiro grabbed the Boss and gave him the bag of seeds saying "With these Star Mango seeds, your dreams will come true!"

The boss started crying and said "Thank you! Thank you!" Hiro smiled and patted the boss' shoulder.

Suddenly, the stall exploded.

Hiro protected the boss and the seeds, looking at the mangos on the ground and his smile smoothed out to a line. He grabbed the Boss and flickered to Magnolia, giving him 2 million Jewel and saying "This is Magnolia, a city in Ishgar. Sorry for your shop, Boss. I believe you can make your dreams come true." he patted the Boss' head and gave him all the Mango recipes he knew, which was a lot, before flashing back to Caracol.

Hiro clenched his fist and veins popped out of his hands and arms as he looked at the man and growled "The mango stand..." the man, who identified himself as Marin Hollow, was locked into place as Hiro walked towards him, the ground beneath Hiro's feet cracking and shattering with each step.

Marin started to panic and Hiro towered over him saying "Never. Waste. Food." as he grabbed Marin's neck and lifted him up saying "I wasn't going to interfere with Alvarez. But because of you..." he pulled him close and whispered "There won't be a single soul left alive."

Hiro sneered "Law of Space? Hehe~ Let's see how much Space you can take." as he pumped Space magic into Marin's body and watched as he screamed in pain. A woman appeared and Hiro's tail shot towards her, piercing her stomach and wrapping around her neck.

Hiro looked at her and said "You're annoying. Brandish of the 12 shields... Die." he blew up Brandish's body and killed her, then he blew up Marin before pulling both their shadows and adding their Magic to the Grimoire.

He turned around and said "Plans changed, we're destroying Alvarez."