Fairy Heart

[Command T and Collapse Magic Detected! Merge?]

Hiro grunted in response.

[Merging. . .]


[Moon Ice, Dark Water, Shadow, and Matter detected! Merge?]

Another grunt.

[Merging. . .]

[Congratulations! You've acquired Dark Matter Control!]

Hiro twirled his fingers and black wisps danced around them. He looked angry and said "Let's go." the ground nodded. Mest appeared and said "Come with me." he teleported them all to an underwater building.

It suddenly started moving and running away.

Hiro was sitting inside with a blank expression on his face. Erza said "Are you serious about this?" Hiro nodded and said "First the kid, then the Mango stand, and then Mest." he pointed at Mest and added "Those injuries are from the Marin guy. His magic was space control, or 'Law of Space' as he called it. Mest, come here."

Mest walked over and Hiro gave him the injection before unlocking his potentials, giving him haki, and printing Marin's magic into Mest's brain. Hiro crushed a 20 yr experience token on Mest's head for the new magic and said "It's better than your Teleportation magic from before.

Mest's eyes glazed over before returning to normal and saying "No wonder..." Hiro explained "The magic is basically the Ruler of Space, no spatial Magic works wherever the user wants. Mest, you can figure out the rest later, for now, consider it an upgrade to your Teleportation magic."

Mest whistled saying "It's much more than that!" Hiro nodded and fell silent, Natsu was angry and said "I want to pummel those guys!" Hiro said "We will." the group nodded and continued on.

Sorano appeared and introduced herself as the spy and said they were going to Makarov, she was extremely respectful and trembled the entire time, not making any jokes. Lucy was confused and Hiro looked at Sorano saying "I met your sister."

Sorano's pupils shrank and she kneeled on the ground saying tearfully "Please! Just kill me instead!" everyone was shocked! There seemed to be a hidden story here. Hiro said "She's alive. Not a Celestial Wizard anymore, but alive." Sorano relaxed and Hiro added "If you try anything..."

His voice was cold as he said "She won't be for long." Sorano started sweating again and Lucy said "Teacher! Yukino is our friend!" Hiro sighed and waved saying "Yeah, yeah. I won't hurt her." Lucy smiled sweetly, like a spoiled kid and said "Can you stop scaring Sorano, pwease?" as she gave him the puppy dog face.

Hiro looked away saying "I have a wife." Lucy froze and shouted "YOU DAMN PERVERTED TEACHER! I WASN'T FLIRTING WITH YOU!" as she beat down on his head, Hiro sat there and sighed over and over again, mumbling "Why do I take such students..."

Erza giggled and the rest smiled, letting Sorano relax by a lot.

A while later

They arrived at Alvarez and got out of Sorano's ship thing, going on land and splitting ways. Mest flashed away and came back with Makarov a few minutes later. He was terrified and said "Zeref is there!"

Hiro said "Who cares? What's up Old man?" Makarov said "Hiro! What are you guys doing here?" The group grinned and Erza said "To get you back, Master." Natsu added "And to destroy the Empire!" Makarov was stunned and there was a voice "Destroy the Empire, eh?"

Everybody looked over and a man walked towards them, Makarov said "Ajeel!" Hiro picked up Makarov and put him on his shoulders, saying with a grin "They're on my orders, Old man." Makarov said "But! They're too strong!"

Hiro pouted "Have some faith in the kiddos, yeah?" he looked at the group and said "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10..." Natsu said "7!" Gray said "3!" Erza said "4!" Hiro snapped his fingers saying "Erza's up."

The rest wilted and Erza smirked before standing across from Ajeel. Hiro pulled the rest to his side and said "No interfering." they grumbled "But we wanted to fight..." Hiro waved "There's 10 more, sheesh! You'll get your chance."

Ajeel sneered "What is this? A joke?" Erza smirked and said "It is, but we're the ones laughing." as she re-equipped. She was suddenly covered in black and red moving armor, wielding a black sword with holes in it.

Ajeel opened his mouth and Erza shot forward, slashing at Ajeel, who was sent smashing through the forest. She chased after him and one of the holes in the sword lit up with a light brown light.

Hiro made a little platform out of black wood and floated after Erza.

Erza slashed down releasing a flying sand blade. Ajeel was overwhelmed and a deep cut was made on his chest as he smashed into a rock. Erza stood over him with the sword pointed at his neck. The sand moved around and made a black ring around Ajeel's neck that tightened and drew a bit of blood.

The sword was made by Hiro! It was a sword that could absorb the magical properties of the enemy and use it against them. It had 5 slots for 5 different elements/different magics. What Erza just did was imbue the sword with Armament and manipulate the sand at the tip.

Since Ajeel could become sand itself, this was the only way. That's what she learned when she fought against the others that could change into elements. Ajeel was white as a sheet and Erza said "Surrender, you cannot escape."

Suddenly and lightning bolt fell from the sky and Laxus appeared along with Christina, Blue Pegasus' flying warship. Hiro said "Erza, come back. Mest, taken everyone to Christina." as he jumped off and landed next to Erza, who unequipped and looked at Hiro.

Hiro threw her to Mest, who teleported them all to Christina.

Ajeel sneered "You wo-" Hiro tapped a finger in the air and Ajeel's body disappeared into flakes, scattering on the ground. He pulled his shadow and looked over, an old man suddenly appeared and looked at Hiro before looking at the flakes and appearing angry.

Hiro looked at the old man and said "August..." August said "So you've heard of me." Hiro nodded and replied "Yes. But not for the reason you're thinking of..." he turned around and said "We're leaving. Not because we're scared, but because I don't want to hurt someone close to me." he looked over his shoulder and added "If you invade Ishgar... Even your familial ties won't save you then."

August was stunned and Hiro flashed to Christina saying "We're going home." Natsu said "Weren't we going to fight?" Hiro sat down and replied "I gave them a warning. If they attack again, they I won't hold you back any longer. I'm sorry."

The group was silent and Erza patted his shoulder saying with a smile "It's alright. It's better to make peace than to go to war." Makarov nodded saying "You're maturing! Just as I thought! Haha!" Hiro smiled and said "Right, right. THAT's why you really left, eh?"

Makarov didn't even blush as he said "Of course! It's all for the growth of the children, hoho!" The entire group rolled their eyes and Hiro looked at Laxus saying "So? How is it?" Laxus grinned "I bet I can even beat you now."

Hiro smirked and said "Oh yeah? Wanna try?" Laxus chuckled and attacked.

A while later

Laxus was sitting down with Freed pressing ice on his bumped and bruised face. Laxus said "Damn, I shought I could beash him!" Freed said "Maybe, next time Laxus." Laxus replied "Yesh, nexsh time fo shur!"

Hiro was drinking at a table on the deck of Christina, talking to Makarov about the big changes. Makarov revealed the guild in his hand and Hiro took it saying that it'll be an easy fix since they already built a new one.

A few days later

Hiro kicked everyone out of the guild building and took out the old one along with a Merge Token and slapping them on the building.

The outside appearance didn't change but the inside went under massive Improvements! Hiro even included the underground section this time! He knocked on the wood and was shocked. It really merged! The wood was 1000x better! What the fuck!

He let everyone back inside and they were stunned, Hiro just said "Magic." before sitting down in his usual spot at the bar. Zerotwo sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. He smiled and held her hand and they flirted while Makarov talked.

Mavis came out and explained what the Fairy Heart was. Basically it was Mavis' body that combined together with a Lacrima and her curse to make Limitless Magic. Kinda like Hiro, Zerotwo, Isabella, and Mittens, but nobody needed to know about that.

Hiro was feeling lucky and opened an Ultimate Mystery Chest.

[Congratulations! You've received Ultimate Body Re-Creation Token!]

Hiro clicked his tongue and put it away, Mavis finished talking and apologized but the Guild said that they wouldn't let her body get stolen no matter what. Mavis cried and thanked them. Hiro walked onto the stage and put Mavis on his shoulders as he said "Plus, if I let Fairy Tail go down while I'm the Master, wouldn't this damn old man laugh at me?"

The guild members laughed and threw things at Hiro shouting "Boo! Get off the stage! You suck!" Hiro chuckled and held Makarov in front of him saying "What now, bastards!?" they threw more things and Hiro laughed, Makarov shouted "I'M NOT A SHIELD, YOU BRAT!"

Mavis laughed happily at the joyous atmosphere in the guild. Hiro smiled, his plan worked. Now everyone was happy and the heavy atmosphere was lifted!

He then said "Anyway, we can just kill this 'God' Anus or whatever." Mavis corrected "Ankseram." Hiro waved "Yeah, yeah. Anusram or whatever. I'll just go and kill him. Ezpz." Mavis sweat dropped "He's a god of Life and death..." Hiro smirked "I'm a God Killer. It's no big deal. I just need to find him."

Mavis shook her head saying "Silly aniki." Erza said "Aniki?!" Hiro ignored her and waved Makarov around saying "Hehe~ Here I go slaughtering Gods again~" Lucy stepped up and said "Master." Hiro, Makarov, Mavis, and Macao looked at her and she said "Um... Makarov."

Hiro tossed Makarov to the side and clicked his tongue saying "You want to know who we're up against?" Lucy nodded and Hiro took out paper as he started drawing and said "Let me, the 7th and 2nd best, Guild Master tell you." Makarov shouted "You damn brat!" as he shook his fist.

Hiro chuckled and Macao said "Hiro, you're so nice..." Hiro said flatly "The 1st is my imoto, Mavis." Macao collapsed and started crying. Mavis giggled on Hiro's shoulders and Hiro started speaking.