Rounding 'em up~

Hiro flashed outside and smiled at the two girls saying "You're with Irene-obasan? Heine and Juliet?" Heine and Juliet said "Obasan?" Hiro smiled wider and released his overwhelming pressure slamming them on the ground as he said "You answer when I speak to you. Understand?"

The two guilds turned white in fear and said "Y-Y-Yes t-th-that's us!" Hiro smiled and said "Good! Bye bye!" he pointed at them and a red light appeared, enveloping the two girls as he added "Terrible craftmanship on these swords. Honestly."

The girls turned into swords and exploded into fragments. He took out Irene and grabbed her head, forcing her to look at the broken swords as he said "Do you feel anything?" Irene sneered "You'll need more tha-"

Hiro said "It's really not a problem. Let me show you something, maybe I can fix that twisted personality of yours. Or else, I'll have to start erasing memories and messing with your brain. I could always just kill you. Erza doesn't have to know she has a mother. For now, look at this."

He snapped his fingers and forced Irene to watch Erza's entire life, as it was in the anime, every single torture scene. He commented "Much like you. How strange, she didn't end up a twisted bitch like you though..."

Irene cried and shouted "Why are you showing me this!?" Hiro replied "To see if you're worthy to see her. I don't give a single fuck if you're a dragon or not to be honest with you, Irene. I can make you permanently human. I can even take magic away from you entirely. But I don't want to do that, because Erza is a very good friend of mine, you could even say she's like a sister to me."

He turned cold and said "I will not have you ruin her life, even if I have to kill my friend's mother." he grabbed her neck and released all his power, lifting her in the air as he glared into her eyes saying "She doesn't know she has a mother, she doesn't need to either."

Irene clawed at his arm and gasped for air but Hiro's grip only tightened as he said "What's it gonna be. Are you going to reform? Or turn to dust." her eyes watered and became blood shot as her face was starting to turn red from the lack of oxygen.

Hiro unleashed his haki and said "ANSWER ME!" Irene paled and squeaked out "I'll... reform..." Hiro dropped her to the ground and said "I don't trust you." he covered his palm in black shadows and slammed it down on her stomach.

A sealing pattern appeared and sank into her skin.

Hiro said "You have magic to sustain yourself, but you'll never be able to use magic again. Even your dragon form is unavailable to you." he kicked her and said "This is for Mira. Fucking cunt." Irene coughed out blood and Hiro healed her before grabbing her by the hair and flashing away.

He came back to the guild and threw Irene on the ground as he said "Welcome home." before clicking his tongue and adding "Erza, I think Irene has something to say." as he walked away pulling out another crystal and disappearing as Irene cried saying "I'm your mother, Erza." stunning literally everyone inside.

Hiro reappeared on the beach and his shadows returned to him, informing him that all the soldiers were dead, but Invel and Larcade were still alive. As well as Zeref. Hiro nodded and collected all the shadows into his own before releasing August.

Hiro smacked him with the Grimoire and sat him down saying "I'm giving you two choices. Restart your life with Mavis and Zeref, unable to use magic. Or die." August was stunned and said "How is that possible... I... I'm old..."

Hiro waved "Who cares, I can fix that. Just make your choice. I had to rough up Irene, I don't want to rough you up too, August. Mavis is no longer Immortal, soon Zeref won't be either. I can revert you back to a child, but it will cost you all your magic, turning you into a normal Human."

August slowly kneeled and said "Please... It's all I ever wanted..." Hiro choked and said "August.. Please get up. Really, you're killing me here. What are you kneeling for. Omg." he helped August up and brought him to the guild saying "I'm just gonna put these handcuffs on you so that nobody attacks, okay?"

August nodded and Hiro cuffed him, bringing him into the guild.

The duo were stunned, as Erza was sitting in front of Irene with a serious look. Hiro brought in August and sat him down before leaving again saying "En. Last time! Promise!" The guild ignored him, looking at the conflict in the guild.

There was one slice of strawberry cake between Irene and Erza.

Hiro flashed away and appeared in front of Zeref, Larcade, and Invel. Zeref said "It's you, hello!" Hiro smiled and said "Hey!" he grabbed the air and Invel flew towards him, Hiro smashed him into the ground and said "You know, if I wasn't here. Your mind ice magic would've forced 2 people I care about to kill themselves."

Hiro smiled and said "So now, I'm going to break you completely. Ah right!" he flicked his finger and Larcade just exploded, Zeref said "Woah! What kind of magic is that?" Hiro took out pliers and pulled Larcade's shadow, printing the magic in the grimoire from him and Invel as he replied "Absolute Dark Matter Control."

He shattered the bones in Invel as Zeref squatted next to him saying "Can you just control anything?" Hiro crushed some more bones and replied "Almost anything. The universe is made up of 87% Dark Matter, inside that Dark Matter are particles of elements. Basically I can control that stuff."

Zeref hummed, ignoring the pig slaughtering cries, before saying "Isn't that control over all the elements?" Hiro snapped Invel's wrist to pieces as he responded with a head shake and said "No. I can't control lightning, fire, light, etc. Basically, 'Yin' elements are my domain. The 'Yang' elements are a different story."

Zeref nodded saying "I heard of those terms while traveling to a far away continent. Apparently they have specific magic for Yin and Yang respectively." Hiro said "Really? Do they also have Yin-Yang? Or are they always separate." Zeref replied "Separate, but I heard that if they were to combine it would be unstable and extremely dangerous. I theorized that if they were to come into balance it would be possible to destroy the entire world with it's power, but it was impossible for me to achieve."

Hiro said "Because of the curse?" Zeref nodded and Hiro sighed as he ripped Invel's arms right off and stuck rusted metal into the wounds. Zeref said "When were you going to kill him?" Hiro said "When he stops screaming and starts twitching." Zeref sighed "This takes a long time."

Hiro smiled "It's more to enjoy the process, you know?" Zeref shook his head and replied "I don't enjoy much of anything anymore." Hiro looked at Invel and said "Hey, Zeref. If you could continue living, without magic and the curse, would you?"

Zeref laughed and said "If it were possible..." he sighed and shook his head. Hiro smiled and said "Maybe one day." Zeref just smiled and said nothing. Hiro stopped speaking and snapped Invel's neck, killing him.

He stood up and took Invel's shadow before saying "Let's go." slapping cuffs on Zeref before carrying him like a sack of potatoes. Zeref was stunned and said "Wait! I'm cursed!" Hiro said "That Anus guy doesn't have the balls to show up in front of me anyway, don't worry about it. Oh yeah!" he bonked Zeref on the head with the Grimoire and recorded all his magic.

It was a lot.

It lasted all the way to the guild.

They walked inside and Erza was eating the strawberry cake.

Hiro put Zeref down and said "What did I miss?" the guild looked at Hiro and then Zeref and then Hiro and shouted "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?"