We are Fairy tail!

Hiro couldn't move, or rather, he refused to move. The sword came down on him, when suddenly. An arm blocked the sword. Roger grinned and Hiro's eyes widened as Lucy blocked the sword with a Haki coated arm.

She kicked her leg and Roger jumped back. Lucy stood in front of Hiro and said firmly "I don't know who you are, but you won't hurt my teacher." Natsu jumped next to her and grinned "Or my aniki." Macao and Wakaba stood next to them and said "Or our Guild Master."

The rest of the guild stood in front of Hiro and glared at Roger. Makarov stood in front of the group and said "He's a part of our family now. If you want him, you'll have to go through us first." the rest echoed behind him "Yeah!"

Hiro looked at all the backs in front of him and cried, unable to speak a word.

Roger grinned and said "Looks like the kid did pretty good for himself. I'm glad..." before he started fizzling out of existence, he looked at Hiro at the back and said "Hehehe I'm proud of you, kiddo." as he gave a peace sign with his fingers and grinned with closed eyes, disappearing completely.

Tears streamed down Hiro's face and everyone turned around, smiling at him. He choked out "Everyone..." Lucy picked him up off the ground saying "Aiya teacher! You can't be like this." Makarov smirked "Even you have tears?" Natsu chuckled and said "Aniki, you're goin g to look worse than Macao at this rate."

The group laughed and Hiro covered his face with one hand, crying and laughing at the same time as he said softly "Thank you..." Natsu grinned and said "We're family. You don't need to thank us!" Lucy added "Though, you're a little perverted~" Macao sighed and added "You're a better master than me, that's for sure."

Makarov came forward and said "Hiro. Even the Master needs help sometimes. We're all Fairy Tail, we're all a family." he pointed up and cheered "You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!" the guild cheered and threw their hands up, making Hiro cry with a big smile on his face.

They cheered and Macao shouted in "If you're too embarrassed, I'll be Master again!" before he got a round of boo's and started a dust brawl, dragging Hiro inside.

A while later

Hiro was back to drinking at the bar again, he went out a slaughtered that Historia of the Dead guy before taking his shadow and Magic and ripping his shadow to shreds, feeding it to his Rayquaza. He was drinking at the bar as Zerotwo rubbed his back next to him saying "Are you okay, Darling?"

Hiro smiled and said "Better now." she smiled and laid her head on the bar, complaining with a pout "When is the war gonna end~ I want some me and you time~" Hiro smiled softly and caressed her hair as he said "I love you." she blinked "So suddenly?"

Hiro chuckled and replied "I feel like I don't say it enough anymore." Zerotwo smiled gently and said "We've been together so long, we don't need to say it to show it anymore, Darling~" Hiro smiled lovingly and swept her hair from her face to behind her ear as he stared at her with eyes full of love.

She closed hers and hummed softly, asking gently "Can I get a massage when this is over, Darling?" Hiro kissed her head and said softly "Anything you want, Angel." she kissed his lips and they smiled at each other before several dozen coughs were heard.

They turned around to see everyone red and looking away. The duo laughed, and Hiro gave them a thumbs down sneering "Single dogs!" and immediately getting lunged at and dragged into another dustbrawl.

A while later

Hiro sent out his shadow army to clean up the area where the port was. They came back with all the shadows and sank back into his own shadow. He sat at the bar and continued drinking, before standing up and walking down the stairs.

He stood in the doorway and looked at Cana and Mavis, he walked over and said "There's nothing to worry about." the duo looked over and said "Hiro!" Hiro walked over and said "Enough. Imoto, why didn't you ask me." Mavis touched her fingers together and said "Well, I, uh..." Hiro patted her head and walked to the Lacrima.

A token appeared in his hand and he grabbed Mavis saying "This time... You can live freely!" as he threw her at the crystal and slammed the token on the lacrima. Mavis' bodies and the Lacrima glowed.

Hiro stood there, looking at Mavis' body, surrounded by light. Every inch of her lit up and everything was expelled from her, all the curses, impurities, etc. Only the bad things. Not only this but the Lacrima melted into her body and became her own Mana pool.

She had a limitless mana pool, just like Hiro, now!

Not only that but she got rid of the curse!

Hiro grinned and Mavis floated down, stark naked. She hugged Hiro and said "You! You! You! You!" Hiro laughed and hugged her saying "You're all better!" she cried "I can age! I'm not cursed!" Cana was stunned and Hiro picked Mavis up, fitting her in a hoodie and shorts from Oni Apparel. (TM btw)

They walked back up the stairs and Mavis danced around happily. Hiro looked up and flashed to the sky. He grinned and punched the black miasma to pieces saying "Come yourself next time, Anus God." he sneered and added "I'll kill you myself." before clenching the air and shattering all the miasma to nothing.

He returned to the guild and let Mavis loose before walking out of the Guild and looking north with pursed lips. He took a step a disappeared.

Acnologia was standing across from Irene as the ground glowed red.

Suddenly, Acnologia was kicked in the head and blasted away like a rocket as Hiro touched the ground and swung his arm around saying "Jeez. Lightspeed is so fast..." he looked at Irene and put the Grimoire on the ground, absorbing Universe One as he clicked his tongue saying "You're being too hasty, Irene-obasan."

Irene said "Obasan!?" Hiro chuckled and flashed in front of her saying "You silly, silly, aunty. Aren't you worried about your daughter? Like, at all?" Irene took a step back and said "Who are you!?" Hiro sighed "Why does everybody always ask the same thing? Can't you say something else? Dimaria asked the same and she was tortured for I think it was days, then again, she also tried to kill my kid so..."

Irene pointed her staff at Hiro, who flickered to her face and got up close, sniffing as he said "You even smell like Erza." he backed off and clapped saying "Yosh! I've decided! I'm taking you off the chessboard!" Irene was confused and Hiro slapped her unconscious with the Grimoire.

He caught her falling body as her magic was recorded into the Grimoire.

[Universe One detected!]

[Merging. . .]

[Dark Matter Control > Absolute Dark Matter Control]

Hiro snapped his fingers and Irene turned into a black crystal. He twirled her around in his fingers and tapped his foot on the ground, instantly teleporting to the guild. The dirt under his feet was noticeably different than the dirt in front of the guild.

Hiro skipped into the Guild happily, playing the the black crystal in his hands. He said "Clean up in the North." his shadow army moved immediately. Hiro grinned and disappeared again.

He reappeared in front of August and snapped his fingers, turning him into a black crystal too. He had plans for August and Zeref, Irene too.

He returned to the guild and snapped his fingers, all the guild members and the rest of the guilds, who came to help, we're teleported into the guild. Hiro smiled and said "Hello, people!" Erza looked around and said "The guild?"

Gray said "Why are we here?" Jellal looked at Hiro and Yukino and Sorano hugged each other. Hiro said "Go out and kill everything except Zeref." dozens of dragons shot out of his shadow and flew away, stunning all the people inside.

Hiro said "I'm tired of watching this war. You're all so slow." Gajeel crossed his arms and sat down saying "I took that bloodbag guy down." Hiro replied "You also took 12 minutes to do so. It should have ended immediately with you running him through with a single punch."

Gajeel complained "Where's the flair!?" Hiro rolled his eyes and shouted "Flair my ass! Did you see how disgusting that guy looked?! He didn't even have a nose! You should've killed him right away!" everybody else sweat dropped, that's why he should've ended it quicker? Because he was ugly?

Hiro coughed and said "Well, anyway. Soon there will only be Zeref and Acnologia left. You can all leave now." Lyon said "But we can still fight!" Hiro said "Bro. Can you beat Zeref? Acnologia?" Lyon fell silent and Hiro smiled "Thank you all for your help. I truly appreciate it, but this is something Fairy Tail started. Pardon me, but it doesn't concern you."

Hiro stood up and bowed 90 degrees saying "As the 7th Guild Master of Fairy Tail, I'm thanking you for you effort and help. Without you all, we would be in a big pinch." everyone was thoroughly shocked, the Fairy Tail members especially, Hiro was never this polite!

Hiro straightened out and smiled softly saying "Please come back when everything is over. We will hold a celebration for everyone, but for now, please leave Magnolia." he whistled and several dragons landed outside as Hiro added with a spring breeze smile "I've arranged Transportation."

The other guilds were stunned silly and Rogue said "Shadow Dragons!?" Hiro smiled and said "If you're still here in a minute, I'll going to beat you all up. I swear to god." he had a kind smile and closed eyes and everyone scrambled to the dragons before flying away.

Hiro lost his smile and pointed out the door with his thumb before laughing "What a bunch of chumps!" the guild members looked at each other for a few moments before bursting into uproarious laughter, shouting "Our Guild Master is back! HHAHAHA!" "Who was that other guy!? Bahahaha!"

Hiro laughed along with the guild and Zerotwo watched with a smile and shook her head.