6 left.

A while later

Hiro was leaning back in the guild and watching reports about the 4 front war that was going on when Happy barged inside with Natsu, who was dying. Hiro whistled and the duo flew over to him. He laid Natsu out on the counter and his eyes glowed as he said "Close fight?" Happy said "Yeah... Something like that..."

Hiro said "So he knows now? That's good." Happy was stunned and said "You know?!" Hiro just smiled and said "You stopped him, show me your paws." Happy held out his paws and Hiro grabbed them with one hand, healing them before looking into Natsu's body with his eyes.

He pressed on his stomach and destroyed the Anti-Magic tumor inside Natsu's body. Hiro held his hand on Natsu's chest and healed him before saying "Lay him down on a bed. He'll be fine in a bit or a while."

Happy flew away with Natsu and Hiro hummed to himself watching the war from the 4 screens in the guild. He suddenly smirked and disappeared.

He reappeared over Warrod, Jura, and the other 2 Wizard Saints.

Jura said "Hiro-san!" Hiro smiled and said "Jura! I missed you when we kidna- visited Lamia Scale!" Jura said "I joined the Council." Hiro looked at the ground and said "Hopefully the real one, eh?" he landed on the ground and chuckled "Just kidding~ Haha!"

He picked up Warrod saying "Right, Warrod-san?" Warrod said "You're from Fairy Tail..." Hiro grinned "7th Guild Master, actually! Also, Mavis is my imoto!" Warrod smiled and said "Mavis..." immersing himself in a flash back.

Hiro tapped Warrod, Jura, and the other two with his Grimoire as he said "You guys look like shit." Jura said "Hiro-san! You need to run!"

Serena shouted "Too late!" as he attacked. Hiro tilted his head and looked at Serena saying "Eh?" Serena's eyes widened and he froze in fear. Hiro said "You wouldn't happen to be attacking me would you, rat?" Serena was frozen in fear, his entire body was giving him extreme danger signals.

Hiro picked up the 4 Wizard Saints and said "Oh, the main show has arrived~" he flickered and dropped the 4 in the guild, leaving them to Porlyusica before going back.

Hiro stood behind Serena as Acnologia arrived in his human form. Serena didn't even get a chance to attack as Acnologia punched through his body and blew him up and he seethed "Oni...." Hiro sneered "Acnologia... Need a hand?" as he waved his left arm.

Acnologia grinded his teeth in anger and veins popped up on his forehead. Hiro walked forward and stopped right in front of Acnologia, butting heads as he said "Or maybe I should take another one, cyclops."

Acnologia growled "You're dying today..." Hiro sneered heavily "I wouldn't bet money on it, lizard man. My scars are burning even looking at you." Acnologia glared at Hiro with one eye, a raging fire burning in it.

Hiro patted his cheek and said "Be a good dog and wait. We'll have a 3 way showdown with Zeref soon." he chuckled and walked past him, pulling Serena's shadow as he added "After all, dinner isn't for a while and I want to eat it fresh..." he grinned madly and finished "I hear black dragon meat is a delicacy~ Geahahaha!" before disappearing into his shadow.

Acnologia roared in anger and August and Jacob fled from the raging dragon.

Hiro reappeared in the Guild and burst out laughing, everyone looked at him and started backing away. Macao whispered "He's finally lost it." Wakaba whispered back "It's what the position does to you."

Mavis tilted her head and said "Aniki? What happened?" Hiro grinned and said "The Dragon King is here. The Dragon King festival begins!" the guild members paled and said "Acnologia is here!?" Hiro grinned and added "He took Serena out, August and Jacob are still alive."

Mavis held her chin and Hiro said "He's a lizard. I can handle him." she nodded and said "Continue as normal! If Acnologia comes, Aniki will deal with him!" Hiro smirked and walked over to Warrod, healing him and the other 3 up as he said "Some Wizard Saints you guys are."

Warrod got up and sat in a chair saying "Oh! So comfy!" Hiro chuckled and pulled up Jura, Wolfheim, and Hyperion putting them in cloud chairs too. They all sighed and said "We were beaten by the traitor."

Hiro gave them a thumbs up and said "Don't worry, the rat is looking for cheese in hell!" they twitched, so joyful yet so grim!

Hiro looked out and smiled "Laxus destroyed Wall. Wendy, Isabella, and Sherria are fighting Dimaria. Clean up!" shadows burst out from his own and flew away, slaughtering the soldiers where Dimaria and Wall were.

They killed the soldiers, destroyed the bodies, and pulled the shadows before leaving. Hiro even got Wall's shadow. He was happy and handed the Grimoire to the shadows to record all the magic. He leaned back and relaxed.

He suddenly disappeared.

He reappeared in front of Isabella with a massive grin on his face as he grabbed a sword and looked at Dimaria, who was stunned. Hiro said "Wrong choice." before grabbing her face and grinning madly "How long can your Age Seal last before you die, I wonder."

Shadows spread from his hands and Dimaria said "W-Who are you!?" Hiro took out pliers and cackled "I'm the father of the girl you were about to strike...." he clicked the pliers together as he added "But I would be more worried about myself if I were you...."

He slammed her head into the ground and crouched on her body as he asked "Does a scream make a sound if time's stopped?" he tilted his head and his eyes glowed as he clicked the pliers "I'm truly curious~"

Blood curdling screeches sounded out in the Time Frozen world along with maniacal laughter...

It was a shame that nobody heard them.

Hiro pulled her shadow and left her tortured and destroyed corpse laying there as he disappeared when time flowed again.

Wendy, Isabella, Sherria, Mittens, and Carla blinked and Dimaria was suddenly a bloody corpse on the ground. The girls jumped and hugged each other shrieking in fear at the mangled body.

Hiro was laying back on the counter and humming to himself as he said "7 left btw." Mavis nodded and returned to thinking. Hiro drank from the bottle and Zerotwo pursed her lips looking at him. He looked at her and grinned, giving her a 'V' with his fingers. She giggled and bit at him.

Hiro shivered and smirked, giving her a look. She rolled her eyes and gave him a 'later' look. Hiro almost jumped into the air and cheered, but held back and fist pumped, making Zerotwo laugh.

Suddenly, the door was opened and Jacob walked inside.

Hiro waved and Jacob flew over to Hiro uncontrollably. Hiro sat him down in the chair next to him and grinned as he poured some of his alcohol into a glass saying "You wanted to have the final drink of your life, right? You came to the right place."

Jacob said in fear "I-I-I-It's you!" Hiro chuckled and tapped the cup saying "Hurry up and drink~" his tone changed instantly to cold and terrifying as he added "I want to see my liquor spill out of your stomach when I gut you in front of everyone."

Jacob grabbed the glass with a trembling hand and slowly raised it to his lips, Hiro laughed and said "Just kidding! Gehahahaha!" but immediately switched back saying "You won't have a body for me to dissect." as he slapped Jacob's head and his entire body just fizzled out of existence.

Hiro caught the cup and said "Woah! Almost spilled some!" before drinking the entire glass and saying "Eh? I promised him a drink didn't I... Oops." before pulling his shadow and forgetting about it.

The rest of the guild almost fell down.

Warren said "Master is scary..." Mavis said "He was just kidding. He wouldn't do something that takes so much effort unless he's angry." Warren crumpled to the ground and mumbled "That's not helping..."

Hiro said in a sing-song tone "6 left~" Natsu rushed out and said "Where!?" Hiro waved and threw a bowl at Natsu saying "Goodmorning!" The bowl turned black at hit Natsu right in the face, sending him flying into Lucy.

They landed on the ground and Hiro flashed over stepping on Natsu's head and laughing. Coincidentally Natsu kissed Lucy right then and there, both their eyes widened and Hiro choked on his laugh as he said "Whaaaaaa?!"

Lucy pushed Natsu away and shrieked "PERVERT TEACHER! AHHHH!" before kicking Hiro flying and then Natsu after him.

Warrod laughed and said "Just as rowdy as I recall, Mavis." Mavis smiled and said "It's better this way."

A while later

Hiro was drinking again and Lucy was glaring daggers at him, though she was blushing at the same time. Natsu was thinking hard about something and Happy was eating a fish. Zerotwo was teasing Lucy and Mavis disappeared with Cana.

Hiro got up to leave when he suddenly stopped and his pupils shrank. Zerotwo looked over and her eyes widened.

Hiro stepped back and said "Historia of the Dead?!" a laugh responded him and a tall man with a long mustache walked over with a wide grin saying "Long time no see, kiddo." Hiro said "R-R-Roger!?" Roger laughed and looked around saying "A new world, eh? Magic wizards too!" he sighed "I wish I could've gotten a wizard on my crew..."

Hiro teared up and said "No... You can't be here." as he stepped back again, the rest of the guild was stunned, they had never seen Hiro like this. Roger chuckled "I'm from your mind, I can be wherever you are. You know that."

Hiro was shaken, the only man he truly respected with all his heart, the only person who he would gladly fight for. His teacher and captain! Roger took a step and said "Come on, kid. I'm already dead and you're gonna make me cry!"

Hiro grinded his teeth and shouted "I tried to save you! You're the one who killed yourself!" Zerotwo covered her mouth and her eyes watered as she looked at Hiro, he looked so frail and scared. She wanted to give him a hug and tell him everything was alright.

Makarov looked over and Zerotwo shook her head at him, he was confused but didn't do anything. Zerotwo went over and explained the story, stunning the guild.

Roger grinned and said "I told you that's what I wanted." Hiro bumped his back onto the bar and said "What about everyone else!?" Roger walked over as he said "There was nothing to do, I didn't want to die of old age." Hiro teared up and Roger grinned "We never did have a serious fight, did we?"

Hiro shook his head saying "I'm not fighting you." Roger frowned and said "You don't have a choice. Or rather, I don't. I'm being forced here, kiddo." Hiro clenched his fists and Roger grinned "Now, show me the ruthless Blue Oni!" as he slashed down at Hiro with his personal sword.