Final Exams

Himiko started going out with Kamui Woods on night patrols, Mei was working in her workshop, and Isabella came back tired everyday. She said that Rumi only sparred with her all day, Isabella was a bit upset that they didn't do anything Hero-y.

Hiro chuckled and placated her with ice cream, she forgot about her worries and at the Ice Cream happily.

A few weeks passed

Isabella did her final exams and got 1st in the written tests, she flicked her hair and gave the rest a smug grin, getting middle fingers pointed in her direction by them. She giggled and said "What can I say? I'm just the best~" Mineta drooled and said "Mhm!" Isabella kicked him away saying "Damn pervert..."

Mineta bounced off the walls and out the window, disappearing.

Aizawa walked in and said "Where's Mineta?" Momo said "He had a family emergency." the rest of the class nodded and Aizawa said "Ok. Anyway, today will be your practical Final Exams. Isabella, you'll have to wait for a while."

Isabella blinked in confusion and Aizawa said "Hephaestus is going to test you and he's not he-" Isabella started shaking and said "WHAT!?" as she started to sweat intensely, Aizawa blinked and said "Anyway, he's on his way." Isabella tried to jump out the window, but Aizawa grabbed her with his binding clothe and put her back into her chair saying "No escaping in homeroom."

A while later

Hiro showed up and pulled All Might aside before healing him and giving him an Ultimate Healing Potion. All Might drank it up and immediately returned to perfectly healthy, maybe even more! All Might was stunned and Hiro gave him a thumbs up saying "Just made it before coming here!" All Might grinned and patted his shoulder saying "You're the best!"

Hiro chuckled and said "We're friends, no? Does this really matter?" All Might laughed and said "You're right! Ahahaha!" Hiro smiled and they walked out to the Class 1-A, Hiro's face smoothed out to a flat look as he lit a cigarette, looking at the kids.

Power Loader was let to rest for Class 1-A and he and Hiro switched for Class 1-B. Hiro was up against Isabella and Tenya, he exhaled a mouthful of smoke and watched them as the other fights went first.

A while later

Hiro was standing in front of a gate with 3 weighted bands on each limb. He waved his arm around and muttered "She got better..." he looked across the giant construction zone at Isabella and Tenya before adding to himself "But not good enough."

He took out Mjolnir and lifted it up before smashing it down on the ground, the construction zone started to shake and the ground collapsed, blowing mud, sand, and rocks up everywhere as thunder crackled above the area in the sky, striking down occasionally.

Hiro looked at the two and said "You can't fly and the terrain is too chaotic for you to run fast. What will you do now?" Isabella said "Shit." Tenya looked around and said "Can you fly here, Isabella?" Isabella replied "Not too high." Tenya said "Good enough. Carry me."

Isabella grabbed his back and floated over the rubble, Tenya started his Engine legs and they blasted forward extremely fast. Hiro commented "Good thinking... But not enough."

He spun Mjolnir from the strap before throwing it at them, Mjolnir crackled with electricity and flew towards the duo extremely fast, Tenya and Isabella blasted to the side and dodged the hammer. Hiro smirked and grasped the air.

Mjolnir turned around and flew at the duo from behind, returning to Hiro's hand. It hit Isabella from behind and smashed her into the ground as it went back to Hiro's hand. Hiro walked over and held Mjolnir in the air, lightning hit the hammer and he slammed it down on the ground, bringing down a lightning bolt.

Isabella slapped Tenya and made him lighter and faster and shouted "GO!" Tenya burst off the ground and passed Hiro, dashing for the gate as a lightning bolt fell down and missed Isabella. Hiro turned around and said "Didn't expect that."

He threw Mjolnir at Tenya and it flew at him incredibly fast.

Tenya grinded his teeth and roared, his leg exhaust pipes expanded and spewed out flames as he got a speed boost and passed through the gate, passing the trial. Hiro clicked his tongue and called Mjolnir back, before making it disappear.

He picked Isabella up and healed her as he said quietly "Not bad. When did you awaken?" Isabella fell limb and said "When I was fighting with Rumi-chan." Hiro replied "You didn't even tell daddy..." he clicked his tongue and sighed "My princess doesn't care about her daddy anymore!"

Isabella giggled and said "It was a secret!" Hiro smirked and stayed silent as he walked away to Tenya, who couldn't stop and crashed into a wall. Hiro picked him up and brought them both to the Nurse before sitting with the other teachers.

Cementoss asked "What is your Quirk in the end?" Hiro replied "Thunder Hammer." the rest said 'Ohhhh...' Midnight asked "Why didn't you become a Pro, Hephaestus-Kun?" Hiro replied "Meh. Not interested." the rest of the teachers chuckled and scratched their cheeks.

A while later

Hiro went home and started relaxing. He had nothing to do now, Mei could grow on her own and Himiko was doing her own thing. Isabella was with the school and having fun so he had nothing to worry about there.

He looked at the kid staring at him in his arms and sighed "When are you going to start talking?" Yami looked at him and said "Ah!" Hiro nodded saying "Ah..." Yami waved his arms around saying "AH!" Hiro patted his head and said "Yeah, I hear you kiddo."

Hiro sighed and added "Good thing you're not some reincarnated loser who only dreams of becoming immortal and cares about nothing else and is terribly written in every way. Then I would have to strip your soul clean of that part and somehow find a way to make it suffer for the rest of eternity."

Yami nodded and said "Ah." Hiro smiled and said "You're not a reference are you?" Yami shook his head and they looked at you before sneering. Hiro added "If someone thought that, they are pretty fucking stupid." Yami nodded and said "Ah." Hiro made a disgusted expression and said "If you thought that, just drop. Loser."

Hiro looked back at Yami and said "What are you gonna be when you grow up?" Yami said "Ah?" Hiro lifted him up and threw him in the air saying "Ah... Ah, for sure. You're 9 months old now, can you say Dada?"

Yami said "Dahdah?" Hiro caught him and tossed him up again, saying "Close enough." someone walked inside the shop and ordered a coffee. Hiro taught Yami with his tail, sliding Yami down it and flicking him back into the air as Yami giggled.

Hiro made the coffee and looked at the customer saying "Here you go!" the man scratched his neck and said "Thanks." Hiro added "I didn't think I would get villains in my shop too! What a wonder." Tomura froze and Hiro chuckled "I really don't care as long as you pay."

Tomura scratched his neck and paid for the coffee and a muffin before grunting and leaving. Hiro put the money in the cash register saying "Come again!" Tomura grunted again and Fuyumi walked over.

She opened the door and held it open for Tomura, who looked at her and nodded before walking away. Fuyumi walked inside with a happy smile saying "Hiro-san! The usual please!" Hiro chuckled "Unusually happy today?"

He started making her coffee as Yami flew through the air over and over, he smirked and added "Did you get a boyfriend?" Fuyumi blushed and waved her hands quickly saying "No! I'm just on break! Where am I supposed to get a boyfriend?"

Hiro chuckled and served her saying "I don't know, but I'm married." Fuyumi glared at him and said "How many times do you have to tell me? Is it ever going to change? I don't need to know every day." Hiro replied "Never going to change~" as he walked back to the counter and hummed, throwing Yami up in the air again.

A few days passed

Isabella got off a bus in the middle of nowhere with 1-A and were met with the Wild Wild Pussy cats. They were told to make it to the building at the bottom of the mountain and Isabella flew away, Izuku jumped and grabbed onto her leg as she flew.

Aizawa sighed and Isabella laughed as she disappeared, leaving the rest to fend for themselves.