Chaos in the city

Hiro decided to make things more interesting and merged into his shadow.

He stuck his arm out and grabbed Isabella's leg as she stood in front of the building. She looked down and said "Dad?!" Hiro grinned from the shadow and said "Come up with an excuse, princess. The readers are bored."

Isabella was confused and suddenly groaned "UGH!" Hiro chuckled and took her Sand-Sand fruit from her, replacing it with Heat Vision. He modified Byakugan and merged it with her eyes making it basically X-Ray vision.

He chuckled and said "Have fun, sweetheart~" as he melted back into the ground and disappeared with a crazy chuckle. Isabella was sweating and breathing heavy, Izuku blinked and said "Izzy, what hap-URK!" Hiro grabbed him and said "Little Midoriya, you're gonna have to try harder. I can only help so much." as he gifted Izuku metal bones.

(They were completely harmless, okay?! I don't want to see any 'But Monkey! MeTaL Is pOiSoNoUs!' I don't care about your technical comments okay? It's a system, everything is perfect unless I deem it not to be! Here I AM GOD!)

Hiro leaned back in the chair and grinned at the Sand-Sand fruit in his hand. There was also one one the tree! He just had a wonderful idea to soothe his boredom!

He flickered into the city and made himself invisible before grabbing a random hero and stealing his quirk completely. The hero was stunned and then a fruit was jammed into his throat and he was slapped into swallowing it.

The hero exploded into sand and Hiro went to a roof top watching the Hero be absolutely confused as to why his quirk disappeared and he was now a Sand Man. He continued on with his duties because he was a real hero!

Hiro chuckled from a building and watched the hero go about patrolling and overusing his new power, having absolutely no idea how to use it. Hiro fell over laughing as he buried a pedestrian in sand and got scolded.

Hiro opened a 6 more Mystery Chests and it seemed the system was on his side for once.

[Congratulations! You've received Wax-Wax fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Chop-Chop fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Chakra Coils!]

[Congratulations! You've received Wash-Wash fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Moose-Moose fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Berry Berry fruit!]

They were all added to the devil fruit tree and Hiro was surprised when he saw a new screen.

[Chakra Coils added to Super Kai Potential Unlocker!]

Hiro ignored it and looked at all the devil fruits in his hands with a wide grin and chuckled evilly, having a big urge to see chaos occur. He flashed around the city and wiped Heroes of their quirks, stuffing them with the extra Devil fruits.

He washed one hero wash and hang up a villain and Hiro burst out laughing, falling off the building he was standing on. He was seen! He moved his hands and said "Run away jutsu!" before running away and covering his head with a hoodie as the hero chased him, intent on washing Hiro clean.

Hiro escaped and went to another rooftop.

He looked at his Mystical Mystery chest count and hummed at the 27. He smirked and mumbled "So many potential fruits! Super Luck! Activate!"

[Host does not have this ability.]

Hiro said "Open 12 Mysticals anyway!"

[Congratulations! You've received Giraffe-Giraffe fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Spin-Spin fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Panda-Panda fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Op-Op fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Rumble-Rumble fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Glare-Glare fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Cat-Cat fruit model: Siamese!]

[Congratulations! You've received Tree-Tree fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Noise-Noise fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Bubble-Bubble fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Squirrel-Squirrel fruit!]

[Congratulations! You've received Grass-Grass fruit!]

Hiro's eyes popped out of their sockets, he ate the Op-Op fruit himself. Chaos within reason! The rumble fruit was also never going to see the light of day, unless Zerotwo wants it, probably not. Who knows.

He looked at the rest and chuckled evilly, flying around and messing people up. He flashed to Present Mic and made him swallow the Noise fruit before flashing away as his voice boomed.

He stuffed Kamui with the Tree-Tree fruit and ran away, laughing as he sprouted a tree in his bathroom.

Hiro was having the time of his life, while Yami was hanging on his shoulder and giggling. They flashed around stealing quirks and giving devil fruits for fun.

The news picked up this phenomena and named it the second wave of Quirks.

Hiro burst out laughing and watched as one person turned into a Squirrel.


Class 1-A had no idea of the chaos going on in the city. Isabella was resting in the hot spring, naked, with the other girls. Kyoka looked at Isabella's big boobs and looked at her own before sulking in the water, really about to cry.

Mina said "It's okay, you're still growing!" Isabella was embarrassed and waved her hands saying "Don't be upset! Please don't look at me." the girls then of course looked at her. Isabella covered her chest and the girls grinned, wiggling their fingers saying "Izzy-chan has a weakness? She's shy?!"

Isabella held out Ochako and said "Ochako, go!" Ochako's boobs bounced and the girls felt their mouths twitch. Ochako's face heated up and she said "Izzy! How could you do this to me!?" the other girls grinned and Ochako and Izzy held each other, trembling in fear as they said "Stay back!"

The boys on the other side were dazed and heard "I just wanna feel 'em!" and "No! I like boys!" there was a silence and then a shout "WE ALL LIKE BOYS! YOU DAMN CLOWN! NOW LET ME FEEL YOUR TITS, BITCH!" and then another shout "AH!" and another "Ochako! Noooo!"

Mineta fainted with blood coming out of his nose and Izuku said "Ochako?" then they all heard "No fair! You're so big and soft! Mine aren't even halfway!"

It was a critical hit, half the boys survived.

Izuku, Eijiro, Fumikage, Katsuki, and Shoto were left.

Then another voice "UwU... You're making me nervous." and then another "Ah? Your butt is perfect too!" then an "EEK! Stop poking my ass! You wanna die, bitch?!" then a chuckle and a "I'm not afraid of you! Damn big boob no brain- AH!" Then a splash.

Katsuki and Eijiro out.

"Did you just squeeze my tit!?" "It felt nice too!" "YOU!"

Izuku out.

"Guys, let's just calm dow- AH! Tsu-chan! Stop!"

Fumikage out.

Shoto was the last one left, but in reality he was the first one out. He just happened to pass out sitting down, he always had his eyes closed so nobody noticed.

Aizawa walked into the hot spring to see all the boys unconscious with blushes and nose bleeds. He heard "You better stop squeezing my tits or I'm gonna!" Aizawa felt a vein pop up on his forehead as he shouted "ENOUGH! Pixie-Bob, bring the girls to their rooms please!"

There was a giggle and Pixie-Bob brought all the girls away.

Aizawa looked at the boys on the ground and floating belly up in the water, he rubbed his eyes and sighed "What a headache..." he kicked Denki into the water and said "All of you, get up and go to sleep. This is a training camp, not a lewd place."

They slowly started waking up and they looked at each other before rubbing their noses of the blood and going to their rooms.

3 days later

Isabella had been training her flexibility with one of the wild four, but now it was nightime.

Isabella came up with a random excuse of why her Sand Quirk disappeared and everyone believed it! Wow! Crazy!


It was night time and they were doing scare games.


Pixie-Bob was pulled into a magnet guy with a lizard guy next to him. Several of the students were in the forest already and there was only a small group of students in the group where Isabella was.

Isabella looked at them and said "Hey! Are you villains?" the guy named Magne said "Yeah." the other lizard guy named Spinner said "What else would we be?" Isabella said "It doesn't matter because you came to the wrong place, you dumb gecko!"

Spinner shouted "GECKO?!" Isabella floated in the air and clenched her fists as her eyes glowed and fired out a laser, blasting Spinner into a tree.

Izuku disappeared and Tiger, one of the Wild Wild Pussycats, said "Nice!" Isabella smirked and said "I know~" the rest sweat dropped, so confident...

Isabella pointed at Magne and said "You! The clown with glasses! Don't you know the circus left town a week ago!?" Magne was confused and immediately hit with a laser blast. Isabella flew over and kicked Magne away, grabbing Pixie-Bob and flying back.

Crisis averted!

Magne was hit so hard, he flew through 17 trees, 4 bushes, 2 rocks, and hit 6 birds.

She was feeling herself pretty hard right now.


Hiro was perched on a rock, watching Izuku fight Muscle. He smirked as Izuku was constantly using 40%, Hiro was pretty satisfied with himself, but Muscles was pretty strong.

Even though Izuku was using 40%, he needed to use 1,000,000% to beat Muscle. Whatever that means. Izuku is making things up as he goes. Hiro looked, it was definitely 100% or maybe he borrowed power from the previous users?

But how did he get to 1 million?

Hiro might never know the answer.

At any rate, Muscle was blasted into the mountain and unconscious. Izuku took out a Healing potion he got from Isabella and drank it. His broken arms snapped back into place and healed in a flash as he left with Kota.

Hiro watched him go and jumped down.

He landed on top of Muscles, who woke up to see the cruelest grin he's ever seen in his life. Hiro giggled evilly as he said "Hello~ Ready for the most pain you'll ever feel in your life? I guarantee you won't die until the end... Hehe~"

He grabbed Muscle's head and said "It's been a while since I had a new toy to break~"

Blood curdling screams echoed across the forest, startling everyone, who feared the worst.

Little did they know it was actually a villain making that sound.