Capital Punishment

Hiro continued to watch Naofumi and Raftalia's progress from the shadows, he was doing pretty good!

Time passed

Raftalia grew into an adult after leveling up enough and Naofumi got his Omega Barbarian armor from Erhard, but it was different. The metal was red while the non metal materials were black. He really did look evil.

Hiro chuckled and watched as the duo fought against the wave in Lute village. Isabella was traveling around with Mittens and Zerotwo was taking care of the kids, so Hiro was pretty free to do whatever.

Hiro put down his house in the kingdom temporarily and found out there was a slum area. The slave trader's tent was there as well. He would probably never go there because he didn't need any slaves or Filolials, but it was good to know where it was.

Hiro continued to watch Naofumi and the duel came, he perched above the arena on the roof of the coliseum.

He watched Naofumi fight the Spear Hero, he had to say that Naofumi wasn't all that bad at using his Shield and abilities. Though he could use a lot of work, it was good base to start with. The fight continued and Malty, the princess, used her magic to blast Naofumi away and making him lose.

She didn't even try and hide it, though he guessed she really didn't need to as nobody would say anything anyway.

Naofumi lost and unlocked the Cursed Series as Raftalia got her slave mark removed, then she comforted him and he finally realized that she had grown, etc. it was really heartwarming stuff. Naofumi and Raftalia left and Hiro grinned, locking his eyes on the princess.

A malicious light flashed by them and he merged into the shadows.

He appeared in the princess' room and covered her mouth from behind, dragging her into his shadow as she struggled.

They reappeared on a rooftop and Hiro held her with his tail, uncovering her mouth, she screamed like a banshee and Hiro slapped her with his tail saying "You're annoying." Malty said "Let me go at once! Don't you know who I am?!"

Hiro rolled his eyes and said "Who?" as he looked in the kingdom for the best place and jumped along the rooftops. She said arrogantly "I'm the Princess! You'll be executed if you don't return me!" Hiro hummed "Is that so. I don't see a princess, only a lying whore."

Malty shouted "Excuse you!" Hiro looked at her, unsure if the Web Novel version was cannon or not. Basically in the Web novel, she was just a vessel for the Evil God Medea and that's why she was so fucked up. But from what he read about it, Medea was able to see through Malty's eyes.

He slapped her again and shut her up as he grabbed her head, reading through her memories. He frowned and mumbled to himself before looking at his Quests.

[Main Quest- Kill Medea Rewards: ???]


[Malty must die. Kill Princess Malty Reward: Ultimate Mystery Chest!]

[Make the Shield Hero nation prosper! Reward: Divine Territory enhancer!]

Hiro mumbled to himself and grabbed Malty, keeping her eyes open and mumbling "Where are you..." he went deep into her subconscious, looking for Medea's mark. He found it and grabbed it, ripping it out of Malty's mind space.

He crushed it and looked at the particles with narrowed eyes, mumbling "That's where you are." he looked at Malty and crippled her. He was pretty much done with her at this point. She was nearly braindead from Hiro ripping Medea's mark from her mind.

She was a drooling mess, but Hiro kicked it up a notch and went back into her mind space. He locked her into a 'chair' and forced her to watch her new life until she died, unable to move her crippled body or speak with her braindead mind.

She could only sit and watch as she was mentally tortured for the rest of her natural born life.

He brought her back to her room and tore her clothes, throwing them around before making a clone appear as the King and pass by all the guards before going into Malty's room and closing the door.

The clone disappeared after it walked in and Hiro pricked Malty's finger, dripping blood on her sheets, before healing her finger wound and grabbing her in several places, giving her bruises.

He left the room after making sure all the guards saw the King pass by.

A few hours later, the 'King' came out of the room and nodded to the guards as he left and walked back to his chambers, disappearing completely when he was inside the King's chambers. The real King was sleeping so he had no idea.

The next day

Everything was eerily calm and not a peep was heard from the castle. The evidence was pretty conclusive. None of the Guards said a single word, but the rumor spread among the nobles like wildfire. Malty was humiliated and the King was under heavy scorn, getting shit spewed on him from all the nobles. His very position as king was in jeopardy. He tried to blame the shield hero, but a 'maid' came out and said that he hadn't left the room even once.

Hiro was cooking breakfast for his family with a happy smile on his face, whistling as he did so.

After eating, he went outside to go find Naofumi.

Hiro finally stopped Naofumi and Raftalia saying with a smile "Hello, I would like a word." Naofumi said "What do you want." Hiro smiled and said "Hey, no need to be so aggressive. We're fellow Isekai bros after all~ I just got a better hand." Naofumi clicked his tongue and said "You can say that again. How's the God of Waifus?"

Hiro chuckled and said "Better than you could ever imagine. Come with me." Raftalia whispered "Master Naofumi... Who is this guy? I've never seen someone with horns before. He's not a demi-human..." Naofumi replied "He's a Klaxo-Sapien, let's go. He's not going to hurt us." as he followed Hiro with Raftalia following behind him as well.

Hiro brought them to his house and sat down at the table with a smile saying "So, how's Shield Hero life treating you." Naofumi said "Not too good." Hiro chuckled and said "I thought so. As a comrade, I want to work with you. Unlike yourself..." he waved and Raftalia fell asleep, before he continued "I can travel to other worlds. I've been to 6 other ones."

Naofumi slammed his head on the table and said "What the fuck... Wait." he looked up and said "How did you-" Hiro smirked and said "I have a theory. The Earth that I'm from is most likely Earth Prime, or the Original Earth. The Earth you're from is most likely a deviant because you have a story too."

Naofumi held his chin and hummed, this was new information. He looked at Hiro and said "So you know what's going to happen?" Hiro nodded and added "But I'm not gonna tell you, obviously. Where's the fun in that?"

He paused and said "I'll borrow a line from Cultivation novels. 'It's still to soon for you to know'" Naofumi rolled his eyes and said "Of course. At least how strong is the last boss?" Hiro scratched his neck and chuckled "Actually... Haha... The story isn't finished yet, so..."

Naofumi said "You don't know!?" Hiro retorted with a wronged expression "How am I supposed to know!? I couldn't see the future before! I can only see around a dozen minutes ahead now! What do you want from me?!"

Naofumi facepalmed and said "I can't believe this..." Hiro chuckled and said "Though, isn't it exciting? Not knowing what's going to happen? Maybe, you'll die!" Naofumi slammed his head on the table and mumbled "I don't want to think about that..." Hiro tapped the table and said "Hey! No worries, because your good buddy, Hiro, is here!"

He patted Raftalia's head and said "Wake up~" he looked at Naofumi and gave him a smug grin, rubbing Raftalia's ears and wiggling his eyebrows. Naofumi clicked his tongue and looked away. Hiro chuckled and Raftalia woke up.

Hiro stood up and said "Come with me~" before walking down the stairs.

He came to the Time room and said "Guess." Naofumi walked inside and instantly felt pressure. The door closed behind him and Raftalia looked around in awe at all the new things. Naofumi said "Feels like... Gravity?"

Hiro grinned and Naofumi's eyes widened "Hyperbolic time chamber!?" Hiro laughed and high fived him saying "Dude! You're the best!" Naofumi chuckled and Hiro said "I just got it to 1 year 1 day actually, before it was 1 year 1 week. But I made it with Magic so it's not the same."

Naofumi said "That's still pretty good." Hiro smiled and said "Anyway! You're like an otaku right now. We need to turn you into the shield killer! And of course Raftalia too!" he pressed on both their shoulders and unlocked everything, giving them the Potions and Impurity Cleanses. He really needed to find an all in one thing...

He made two shadow clones and started training the two, making Naofumi thrilled as he got powers from everywhere! It was a dream come true! Hiro even gave him a Vibranium shield and merged it into the Legendary Shield Weapon on his arm.

The system upgraded the Shield System and unlocked Captain America's shield, making the original shield upgrade to Vibranium. Then they started feeding the shield a ton of things, Hiro gave Naofumi one of everything he had material wise and unlocked a ton of different shields.

After that, Naofumi got close combat and shield ability training with Hiro himself. Raftalia got sword training and a sword Hiro made himself. He gave Naofumi a Fire Breathing Quirk for laughs and they trained for 2 days outside.

Hiro walked them out and laughed with Naofumi, talking about some stuff. Naofumi high fived Hiro and they chuckled as Naofumi left, waving good bye as he left. Hiro waved goodbye and returned into his house, resting on the couch.