Think about us, Darling.

Hiro flew away from the Kingdom and into a valley before cutting into space and slipping into the crack. He went through several different worlds before coming to a black and purple world. He sneered at the woman, who was glaring at him.

It was Medea.

She said "So you came to die?" Hiro chuckled and said "More like end your loathsome existence." She laughed and said "How? I'm a god. Did you forget?" Hiro sneered and said "Don't you know? I'm a God Slayer." as he stomped on the air itself.

Cracks in space appeared under and around Medea, she looked around with a sneer and an uncountable number of golden chains shot out of the cracks, latching onto Medea and coiling around her.

Hiro walked over and tapped her head with the grimoire, recording her magic. He flipped the pages and read as he said "Hm? I thought you were a god? Why can't you escape?" Medea struggled in the chains and growled.

Hiro ignored her and said "Erasing magic? That's it? That's what you call God powers? Are you joking? You dumb woman! I came all the way here for fucking nothing!?" Medea shook in anger and Hiro whistled.

Enkidu retracted and Medea was free, she pointed her palm at Hiro saying "DIE!" her magic flew at Hiro, who's expression was blank and she grinned evilly, cackling to herself. The magic hit Hiro and created a dustcloud.

Medea burst into evil laughter saying "Who's the god now!? HAHAHA!" the dust cleared and Hiro dusted off his shirt and looked at her with a bored expression. Medea's laughter was cut short and she blasted him with magic, sending a volley at him.

Hiro walked out of the dust cloud and patted the dust off his clothes saying with disappointment "Is that it... Really?" Medea was frantic and used her strongest magic but nothing happened, she just blew Hiro's hair a bit.

Hiro sighed and walked towards her saying "I actually can't even bring myself to torture you. What a disappointment. Honestly, I'm more depressed than angry." he grabbed her neck and sighed "Get erased."

Her face turned white and she crumbled to dust, Hiro sighed and waved "In every world." the Medeas in all the other worlds crumbled to dust inexplicably. Hiro just sighed and pulled her shadow out of habit.

He turned around and destroyed Medea's realm as he left.

He traveled threw the worlds again, getting thanks by the spirits of the Legendary Weapons. He waved them off saying that the waves would continue, he just got rid of the main threat. He took the Katana with him, saying that he had a suitable Hero for it.

The Katana was happy and left with him.

Hiro returned to the original world and looked in the distance, throwing the Katana through the air along with a merge token. He returned home and sulked into the house.

Hiro sat down on the couch and grumbled before he got a ding.

[Congratulations! You've completed Main Quest [Kill Medea!] Rewards: Nightmare Mode Token, Next World Token.]

[Congratulations! You've completed [Kill Malty!] Reward: Ultimate Mystery Chest]

Hiro lifelessly sank into the couch and Zerotwo sat next to him saying "Darling? What's wrong?" Hiro looked at her and pouted "I'm too strong." Zerotwo blinked before giggling and pinching his cheeks saying affectionately "Is my little Hiro upset that there's no challenge for him anymore~"

Hiro pouted and nodded, she giggled and kissed him saying "I have a challenger for you~" she straddled him and leaned over by his ear and whispered "Try not to touch me~" as she gyrated her hips on his crotch.

Hiro groaned and said "Ugh. Why me..." she giggled and nibbled on his ear. Hiro couldn't hold himself back anymore and grabbed her before flashing to their room and closing the door.

A while later

Hiro was laying in bed with the horned goddess herself, in all her naked glory. He rubbed her arm and kissed her head, looking at the Nightmare Mode Token he got. Zerotwo hummed and snuggled into his chest saying "What's that, Darling~"

Hiro smiled and said "I don't know." she replied "Look at the description." They both looked at it and Hiro's face lit up with excitement while Zerotwo's darkened.

[Nightmare Mode Token: Changes the very fabric of reality. Enables Nightmare level on all Worlds not yet unlocked! Nightmare level: Each and Every individual will be strengthened to immeasurable degrees while still keeping the power balance within the world. (TL;DR: Host will be the weakest being in new worlds, no matter what.) Effective until certain conditions are met.]

Hiro looked at Zerotwo was an ecstatic expression and she frowned at him, his excitement dimmed and she sighed saying "I know exactly what you're thinking but, Darling, please think about us. Isabella, Yami, Eri, me. You're a father and you have a family, I understand your frustrations but this is extremely risky and dangerous..."

She nibble on her finger nails and added "Not to mention if something happens to you, but if something happens to the kids... I don't know if I'll be able to continue living. They're my everything..." she started crying just thinking about it, she couldn't handle that.

She sobbed "Even losing you... I... I can't!" she hugged him tightly and cried, Hiro put the token away and hugged her saying "It's okay, Angel. Look, I'm not going anywhere am I? I won't leave you alone." he kissed her and held her tight in his arms, caressing her back until she fell asleep.

Hiro looked at the second part of the description.

[In addition to increasing difficulty, System is optimized and upgraded to Nightmare Mode. Skills get optimized and merged, titles, powers, talents, etc. Rewards are richer and rarer. Unlocks [God Mystery Chests]. Hidden rewards, skills, talents, powers, items, etc. can only be unlocked in Nightmare mode. Host will receive Nightmare mode gift package on usage. (Multiverse Fragments more common in Nightmare mode)]

Hiro sniffed and forgot about it, laying in the bed and falling asleep.

The next day

Hiro packed up the house and built a merchant carriage, he only had the best materials on hand, so an Adam and Eve wood Carriage with Dragon skin for the tarp and Diamond Spider Queen silk for the curtains.

He really had no other options.


The problems of a rich man.

Hiro slapped his forehead and remembered that he forgot to pass down Cerberus to a new Jinchuriki!

Oh well!


Hiro made the space in the carriage bigger and luxurious, enchanting the carriage itself before bringing in Zerotwo and the rest. He smiled at his newest creation, finding it very novel.

[Carriage of the Wind added to Memory World!]

Hiro sat in the carriage driver seat and brought out a Shadow Demon Bull. It took the carriage puller bar and Hiro connected the reigns before whipping them and the Demon Bull started walking, pulling the carriage out of the kingdom and along the trail into the wilderness.

Hiro lit a cigarette and sat back with a calm smile, enjoying the wind brushing against his face. Hey! This was pretty peaceful!