Isabella's Farewell!

Kisuke apologized to Ichigo and the rest for planting Rukia with the Hogyoku before dropping them off where they wanted to go.

Hiro was sitting next to Kisuke with Yami sleeping in his lap as he said "So, you and Yoruichi, eh?" he smirked and said "When is that going to happen?" Kisuke clicked his tongue and looked at him as Yoruichi sauntered over in her cat form.

Hiro picked her up and held her out in front of Kisuke saying "Look how cute she is! This is your soon to be wife!" Yoruichi's eyes widened and she hissed "What the fuck!" Kisuke started coughing and said "What?!"

Hiro said seriously "This is a full grown woman, who needs your attention. Maybe, she'll run away one day." he threw Yoruichi into Kisuke's lap and took his hat before jumping off saying "See ya~!" and flying away with Geppo.

Kisuke looked at Yoruichi before touching his head and shouting "MY HAT!"

A while later

Hiro walked into the candy shop with Kisuke's hat on his head and Yami in his arms. He walked into the girls curled up on a couch and watching movies with ice cream. They froze and looked at Hiro, who froze and blinked before saying "Am I interrupting something?"

Zerotwo coughed and said "No." Hiro looked at the movie and said "10 things I hate about you?" he looked at the girls before snuggling next to Zerotwo and smiling cutely "I love this movie." Zerotwo and the other two were stunned, before going back to eating ice cream.

Zerotwo snuggled into Hiro and smiled as they all watched the movie together.

The next day

Everything went back to normal as if was before, except Rukia wasn't there anymore. Anyway, this didn't affect Hiro too much because she never paid when she came to the Candy store, she always got candy for free! That wouldn't do.

Hiro and Zerotwo were in the candy shop and Hiro suddenly grinned saying "Angel, I have something to show you." Zerotwo looked up from the computer and said "Hm?" Hiro chuckled and took out his phone, showing her the photo of Yami and Yachiru.

Zerotwo took the phone and said "AWWWEEEEE~ They're so cute! Who is she? Where is she?..." Hiro frowned, he seemed to have made a blunder. This wasn't supposed to be his problem. How did it become his problem? He shouted "YAMI!"

Yami was walking down the stairs when Hiro shouted, making him slip and bounce down the stairs, landing right on his face at the first floor. He sprawled out on the ground and groaned, Hiro looked at him and said "Oh look, there he is! He knows more for sure!"

Zerotwo picked the kid up and said with a beautiful smile "Are you okay, baby?" Yami nodded with a smile "Yes, mommy." Zerotwo hugged him and kissed his cheek before saying with a knowing smile "I heard you have a girlfriend?"

Isabella jumped down from the second floor and shouted "WHAT!?" Yami blushed and said "Wha? Me? Uh..." he looked around and pointed at Hiro, saying "Daddy gave me candies!" Zerotwo looked at Hiro, who turned white in grief and betrayal.

He couldn't believe it!


This little bastard!

I'll kill 'im!

Hiro immediately said "I heard Yachiru is coming over later." Yami said "Ruru's coming?!" Hiro grinned evilly and Zerotwo said "Ruru?" Yami gasped and pointed at Hiro as Zerotwo went upstairs saying "Tell mommy all about this 'Ruru'." Yami almost started crying.

Isabella looked at Hiro and said "What girlfriend?" Hiro patted his pockets and said "Your mother took my phone, go ask her for it." Isabella bit her nails and said "I can't believe this... He's only 5!" as she ran up the stairs.

Hiro looked at Eri, who was sweeping the floor and looked at him. She blinked and said "I don't have ANY friends." Hiro almost collapsed, this girl was more concerning than the rest. He said "You're going to school." Eri threw the broom up and cheered "Yay!"

Hiro shook his head and ruffled her hair before sitting outside with Kisuke's hat and a bottomless bag of candies that were divided and categorized inside the space. There were endless of each kind. This was HIS secret stash!

His favorite were the sour ones, plus with the Impurity Cleanse, he didn't have to worry about his teeth rotting! It was literally Heaven. If he could ask for one thing before he died it with be the Flawless Impurity Cleanse.

Then he could eat and never get fat, never worry about losing his teeth or hair, never worry about getting acne, even his beard would be perfect! Like those pictures in the magazines! Hah... How easy would life be with just a single Impurity Cleanse.

It was kinda crazy actually!

The quickest get rich quick method!

Use an Impurity Cleanse and then become an actor or something. Or an athlete, lactic acid is an impurity if you think about it. So boom, you're officially the best Athlete in the entire world from a single cleanse.

He leaned back and tilted the hair over his eyes, returning the Candy bag to his system space as he took a nap outside, just as he fell asleep he heard a faint shout, it seemed to say "My hat" but Hiro couldn't be sure.

2 weeks later

Hiro was sitting in his candy shop, looking at Yami, who was looking at a letter from Yachiru. He looked out the window and Hiro's mouth twitched, the kid looked like one of those wives waiting for their husband to come back from the war.

Hiro smacked the back of his head and said "Get back to training! What are you looking all forlorn for?! Maybe, next time you see her, she'll laugh at you for being so weak!" Yami jumped up and ran into the time room along with a shadow clones, mumbling "I'm gonna protect her like Daddy and Mommy!"

Hiro got hit with the feels train just before the kid disappeared, Hiro sighed to himself, it was really up and down around here. One minute he's speechless, the next he's in his feels. This is what being a father is!

You'll never know when the kid'll babble something that touches your heart!

Isabella looked depressed, laying at a table, spooking the customers with her sulking attitude.

Hiro walked over and said "Are you really upset, baby?" She sighed "No..." Hiro stroked her head and smiled "I'll bring you to a place, come with me." Isabella got up and followed him to the back room.

He grabbed her shoulder and they flashed, disappearing immediately.

They popped into existence in a town surrounded by oceans, Hiro brought Isabella to a shop and smiled "Excuse me, what year is it?" the person looked at Hiro weirdly and said "1520..." Hiro smiled and said "Thanks." before flipping him a gold coin and walking away.

Isabella sniffed the air and said "Eh? The sea?" Hiro smiled and said "Yep! This is the world you were born in, baby." he looked to the sea and there was a sad reminiscence in his eyes, Isabella looked at Hiro and said "Dad... Are you okay?" Hiro nodded and said "I'm doing great!" as he wiped his eyes and smiled "I can leave you here to explore the world if you want, baby. You can have your own adventures. This world has islands and islands of adventures..."

He stared at the sea and mumbled "Pirates, Marines, Revolutionaries..."

Isabella snapped in front of his face and said "Hello!? Dad! Are you okay?!" Hiro woke up and smiled softly "Izzy, do you want to stay here until Daddy and Mommy come back? If its 1520, then we should be back by 1522, so 2 years by yourself."

Isabella gawked and said "By... Myself?" Hiro smiled and nodded "Though for you it will be 2 years, but for us it could potentially be longer. The time dilation occurs when something is supposed to happen and we're not there. As it will only start when I get here, you will see us again in maximum 2 years, minimum 1."

Isabella looked out and said "2 years..." Hiro smiled "This is what you wanted right?" Isabella nodded and said "Yeah but..." Hiro sniffed and said "Stop." he looked away and added "If you say 'I'll miss you' I might really start crying again."

Isabella was stunned and said "I wasn-" Hiro cried and hugged her saying "You're such a good daughter! Daddy loves you!" Isabella was having a hard time breathing and Hiro let her go, holding his shoulders as he smiled and said "I'm proud of you." Isabella started crying and bit her lips saying "You went and said it! Daddy!" as she hugged him and cried.

Hiro patted her back and she pulled away wiping her eyes. Hiro smiled and said "So? What are you going to do?" Isabella smiled and said "Stay here." Hiro nodded and snapped his fingers, Zerotwo appeared with teary eyes and hugged Isabella as Hiro walked to the docks.

He dropped a small ship that looked big enough for 3 people in the water next to the docks. There was a single cabin on it with a sail and the ornament on the front of the ship was an angel with it's wings spread along the boat's sides.

The inner cabin was an entire house with a kitchen, training room, bedrooms, bathroom, Tv and living room, etc. The fridge and cellar was stocked full and endless. It was simply a paradise on the sea. Also it was electric, so it would move on it's own and had it's own Loguepose built in as well as a navigation system.

Hiro smiled at the boat and Isabella and Zerotwo walked over, Isabella said "Is it for me?" Hiro smiled and nodded saying "Of course! But first! Rules!" Isabella was stunned and Hiro said "First rule! No killing innocent people. Second! Do whatever you want. Third! No magic, ninjutsu, quirks, or Zanpakutos allowed! The fruit power I gave you is allowed."

He pressed on her belly and clenched his fingers, a black seal appeared and Hiro smiled "I sealed everything except Devil Fruit powers, the powers of your actual body, and Haki!" Isabella pouted and Hiro chuckled "It's more fun for you this way! You won't smash the world apart... At least, not so easily! The seal can be broken and will be broken if you're in trouble."

Hiro handed her a backpack and said "Mittens is inside along with a change of clothes and candies..." he held out 3 devil fruits and smiled "Pick one." Isabella looked at them and picked a white one with pink swirls.

Hiro smiled and the other two disappeared as he said "Go on, eat it." Isabella ate the fruit and spat out from the taste, but still swallowed it. She started floating and became illusory before landing back on the ground. Hiro smiled and said "That was the Ghost-Ghost fruit! You're a Ghost-Human now! It's a Paramecia and a Special one at that. Same rules, your only limitation is your imagination!"

Isabella smiled happily and Hiro chuckled "Next time, we'll change... Or make it better, who knows. I have an idea but you'll have to wait, baby." Isabella kissed his cheek and said "I love you, Daddy." she hugged Zerotwo and said "I love you, Mommy." Hiro and Zerotwo watched as Isabella boarded the ship and took out a black crystal, flicking it into Mittens and waving goodbye as the ship sailed away from the port.

Zerotwo and Hiro waved, Zerotwo started tearing up and Hiro smiled softly, wiping her tears away as he said "We'll be back, Angel. Then when we find a place to settle down... We'll bring her there." Zerotwo nodded and hugged his arm, watching the ship disappear over the horizon.

The duo sighed and smiled sadly as she disappeared from the world again.

Hiro and Zerotwo returned to the candy shop and got back into the routine, but without Isabella. Hiro didn't like the quiet that much anymore, he started teasing Yami and Eri, offering them candies, but never actually giving any. What an asshole!