Get lost, Freak show.

Hiro was just sitting outside his shop, reading the newspaper like an old man when Kisuke walked over saying "Hey! What are you doing?" Hiro blinked and said "Nothing, why?" Kisuke shrugged and said "I was written to walk over here, I don't have a purpose really." Hiro mumbled "That sounds like useless writing." Kisuke replied "Maybe It's filler?" Hiro rubbed his chin and muttered "I wonder..."

Kisuke snapped his fingers and said "Anyway! I-"


Hiro and Kisuke looked over and Yami jumped on Hiro's shoulders and he flashed away. Shadow clones came off Hiro and morphed into policemen as they flashed to the forest. The clones blocked people off saying "Sorry! They're shooting a film here. Please stay calm, everything is alright." someone said "That didn't seem like-"

Hiro sighed and snapped his fingers saying "Go home, this area is off-limits." the people around started robotically walking away until the area was cleared and the policemen shadows persisted around the area, protecting the people.

Kisuke, Hiro, and Yami, looked down at the two Hollows and Hiro sighed "More?" Kisuke said "Well, they're everywhere so..." one of the Hollows started sucking the air and Hiro flicked, blasting him flying as he said "What an idiot. I wish I could just slaughter you both right now, alas..."

He looked at the 2 Hollows and glared, unleashing a terrifying aura as he said "Try that again, and I will make you wish you never stepped out of Hueco Mundo. Do you understand, you bald freak show?"

Hiro grinned and the pressure turned into killing intent as he added "If you don't understand, I will make you understand. How about I write it out for you with you intestines?" Kisuke whistled and said "Scary." the two hollows looked at Hiro and said "So you're the one..."

Hiro tilted his head and smiled "Did that clown Aizen tell you to stay away from me? Don't worry, treat me as a barking dog. I won't do anything to you... unless you step out of line, in which case I will erase you out of existence. You won't even go to the Soul Society or Hell."

Orihime and Chad appeared and Hiro made himself, Yami, and Kisuke invisible with a Kido spell he was learning. Kisuke said "Hey! That's pretty good!" Hiro smiled and said "Yeah, I've been practicing." Kisuke gave him a thumbs up and Yami clapped saying "Me too!" he pointed forward and said "Kurohitsugi!"

The giant Hollow that Hiro previously called 'bald freak show' was suddenly encased in a black box and the black box disappeared and the Hollow had dozens of cut wounds that were bleeding severely.

Hiro and Kisuke were stunned and looked at Yami, who smirked triumphantly. Kisuke said "Hey kid, you want to learn from uncle Kisuke? How about it?" Hiro said "Hey! Are you poaching my kid?!" Kisuke looked at him and said "I'm n-MY HAT!" before taking back his hat and continuing "This kid's kido is insane! He's only 5 years old, he's clearly a genius. He should be under a Kido master, what are you? You're still learning!"

Hiro clicked his tongue and said "Whatever, you can come over to teach him, I don't want to waste time with him going to your place." Kisuke gave him a thumbs up and Yami blinked in confusion, a big decision seemed to have just been made for him. Hiro said "But he doesn't need sword training, I'm only letting you teach him Kido! I think he might be better than you in the sword anyway..."

Kisuke pursed his lips in amusement and Hiro gave him a look saying that he was serious as he added directly to Kisuke's mind "He might even be better than me, he's like a natural with the sword." Kisuke looked at Yami with clear disbelief, he would definitely have to test that later.

Ichigo showed up and unleashed his Bankai before fighting the freakshow hollow. He cut his arm off but then suddenly stopped, clutching his face. Hiro frowned and said "Hollowfication?" Kisuke clicked his tongue and stayed silent.

Hiro moved and held out his sword in front of Ichigo as the Hollow punched. The sword went right through his fist and into his arm as Hiro said "Play time is over. Go home." the giant Hollow yelled in pain and Hiro's eyes flashed a murderous light as he said "I didn't hear a yes, scum." as he slashed upwards, slicing off the Hollows remaining arm at the shoulder.

Hiro stomped on his chest and sent him flying into an opened portal, Hiro looked at the other one and his eyes flashed. The other one's eyes glazed over and they both disappeared. Hiro made sure that Ulquiorra would tell Aisen that Ichigo was 'trash' just like in canon.

Obviously, his presence was shifting canon, but he tried to keep it as slight as possible. Though, his actions in the Soul Society obviously weren't slight. He rubbed his eyes and his Zanpakuto disappeared as he sighed "What a drag..."

He turned around and looked at Ichigo, who looked listless. He sighed and said "Go get some rest, Ichigo." Ichigo released his Bankai and said "Yeah..." before leaving. Hiro picked up Yami and threw a pouch of things at Kisuke saying "Green is Healing, Blue is Reiryoku regen, and White is something I think you would find very interesting." before flickering back home, the clones dissolving at the same time.

Kisuke looked into the pouch and hummed to himself.

Hiro went back to the Shop and continued with his life, Eri was going to school now after slight modifications to her horns, which she was super sad about. Hiro just filed them down and told her they would grow again, and that it was only temporary.

She had little friends too, coincidentally, they were Ichigo's sisters and then a few others.


5 days later

Hiro was sitting behind the counter when a tall man walked in and said "What is this shit hole." Hiro looked up and said "What are you doing here." Zaraki grinned "I came to fight, obviously." Hiro said "Where's the kid." Yachiru popped out from Zaraki's shoulder and waved "Hello, Oni-san~!" Yami ran up from the stairs and fell flat on his face, but tucked and somersaulted into a pose.

Hiro looked at Yami and sighed "That was pretty good actually..." Yami smirked and Yachiru clapped, Zaraki growled "When are we gonna fight already!?" Hiro sighed and said "Follow me, jeez." Zaraki followed him down the stairs into the Time room with Yami already on Zaraki's shoulder.