First General

Ichigo flew off to fight Ulquiorra and Hiro made a shadow clone flash to the World of the Living. He still needed to do something there. He made another one and said "Go pull the shadows from the dead hollows, the ones with skull helmets, just slaughter them and take their shadows as well. Oh right, that Yammy guy, kill him too."

The shadow clone pulled the two shadows here before shooting off into the distance. Hiro made another one and said "Go get everyone and bring them here... Except Ichigo and Orihime."

A while later

His two shadow clones came back with shadows and the rest, Hiro smiled and threw them each a healing potion saying "Drink and heal, Aizen went to the World of the Living, as such there's nothing to do here." Retsu said "He brought the other Arrancar?"

Hiro nodded and said "All of the rest, except for one but Ichigo Kurosaki is taking care of that one. The rest of the captains are fighting the Arrancars, I'll clean the place up." he tapped in the air and made a garganta, adding "It's quite easy to do once you get the hang of it and see it over and over again."

Hiro said "Go, go. All of you." He shuttled the Shingami, Uryu, and Chad into the World of the Living. Yami said "Dad, I'm going with Ruru." Hiro looked at him and said "Alright. Don't hurt yourself." Yami gave him a thumbs up and held Yachiru's hand before going with the group.

The portal closed and Hiro looked around saying "I'm surrounded by hollows, who would've thought?" Nel laid on his shoulder saying "Hiro, what are we going to do now? Are you going to play with Nel?" Hiro chuckled "I have someone to play with you, just be a good girl and wait, okay?"

Nel nodded and Hiro smiled, he snapped his fingers and Grimmjow and Nel turned into black crystals, falling in Hiro's hand.

He flashed away and found the two Hollows that were usually with Nel, he flicked at them and they turned into Crystals as well. He took them all and put them in a bag before putting them inside and putting the bag away after labeling it 'Hollows'.

Hiro smiled happily and flashed through the castle he looked for and collected any research notes that were inside as well as anything of value, he was having a good time looting. He picked the place clean before going to Ichigo and Orihime.

He saw Ichigo in his Hollow form kill Ulquiorra before his form broke and Orihime ran over, blah blah blah, Ichigo beat Ulquiorra, who then crumbled to dust and disappeared.

Hiro flashed over and pulled out Ulquiorra's shadow saying "Your life isn't over yet." Ulquiorra kneeled on one knee and spoke "Yes, King." Hiro's mouth opened wide and he said "You can speak!?" Ulquiorra nodded and Hiro grinned madly saying "Excellent. My first General! I'm bestowing you the name 'Kira'"

Kira lowered his head and Hiro said "Unfortunately, you're a little weak. I'll fix that." Hiro flashed away and let his army loose. He merged all the foot soldiers and Hollows together in pairs before merging them again and then splitting them into 2 groups. One with 500 and the other with 300.

Hiro took the 300 and blended them into a mass before feeding it to Kira, who absorbed it all and said "Thank you, King." Hiro grinned "No problem. You're the Boss of them all. Go." Kira merged into Hiro's shadow as the rest of the army followed suit. Hiro patted Blossom's head and smiled as she pouted at him.

He flashed back to the area with Ichigo and Orihime. He said "Yo!" Ichigo said "Yo!? What happened to me?!" Hiro smiled and said "Well, Ichigo! You see, your Inner Hollow became it's final form. The Vasto Lorde. Therefore your Hollow would obviously change. So is your Hollowfied Mask."

Hiro showed Ichigo his own Hollow Mask and smiled "I became a Vasto Lorde right away, as such my Hollow Mask is in it's final form. Basically, your inner hollow became stronger. But in the end it's YOUR power. Anyway, drink this." as he gave Ichigo a healing potion.

Ichigo drank it and Hiro looked around before saying "Well, there's nothing left for us to do here. Let's go." as he tapped the air and threw Ichigo inside before picking up Orihime and becoming invisible as he went through the portal, leaving Hueco Mundo with nothing.

They arrived back at the human world and Ichigo started attacking Aizen, Hiro went around collecting the shadows of the Hollows that died and Tosen, plus anyone else that died. He brought Orihime to Retsu and told her to help heal the injured as he watched the fight from a rock.

*short chap bc I have to do something, the next one will be longer*

dont forget that your powerstones have my name of them so if you dont give them back im calling the police.