Waves Crash against the World

While Yami was staring at Crocus, who thought he looked familiar, Hiro and Zerotwo were sailing around without a care in the world. Hiro let out tens of thousands of shadow clones and told them go go collect every devil fruit there was.

He figured out that he could just touch someone with a devil fruit and their fruit would be added to the tree. Another thing, the fruits, once on the tree, were infinite. They re-grew on the trees! He already had the Size fruit on there.

His shadow clones were flying around everywhere, tapping people with devil fruits and devil fruits themselves. Hiro got a Devil fruit locator and replicated it, giving one to all the clones. They even worked underwater!

His clones were everywhere, grabbing everything while invisible. They even went into Impel Down, they raided the vaults, treasure chest, wardens, prisoners, all of them.

Some clones even went to Mariejoies, getting all the fruits from the slaves, Nobles, guards, marines, Gorosei, IM, the Mariejoies vault, everything up there was taken by Hiro, all the devil fruits were copied and added to the tree.

The Tree even perfected the Devil fruits and was growing taller as the time passed. Clones went to Marineford and robbed their vaults and treasuries as well. They took from each of the marines, not leaving even one of them.

One of the Clones slipped into Garp's office and left a box with a bow and everything on his desk before slipping away.

Even the sky islands and the bottom of the sea weren't safe. The sky islands were combed through every nook and cranny while the bottom of the sea was scoured, every cavern, divot, tunnel, fissure, etc. He combed the seafloor for ANYTHING, he wasn't going to leave even a single fruit behind, they would ALL belong to him.

Zerotwo was reading a book, while sunbathing with a new golden necklace with a Jian pendant that had blue tips on one wing and red tips on the other wing. It's eyes were rubies and sapphires. The other Jian necklace was merged into it with her permission.

It doubled her boosts from it too.

Hiro was next to her, laying back on the grass and resting as the ship just sailed around. Zerotwo suddenly said "Darling?" Hiro replied "Yes, my love?" she said "Where's Izzy?" Hiro opened one eye and looked before closing it and saying "Paradise."

Zerotwo said "Huh. Aren't we in Paradise right now?" Hiro replied "Yeah. You want to go see her?" Zerotwo hummed in thought before saying "Nah, I want to see how long until she comes to us." Hiro smirked and said "I think you're going to be waiting for a long time." she pouted and said "Are you saying my baby doesn't love me anymore?" Hiro chuckled and replied "I love you, that's enough."

Zerotwo giggled and said "Oh right." she held out a box and said "Happy birthday, lover." Hiro sat up and took the box saying "You got me a gift? You're the best." she smiled and Hiro opened the box, revealing a gold chain with a '02' hanging from it.

Hiro smiled warmly and said "You used the leftovers?" as he put in on him, she smiled and nodded "Do you like it?" Hiro grinned "Love it." she kissed him and said "I love you." Hiro hugged her saying "But not as much as meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~" she giggled and said "I still can't believe that kid found this."

Hiro smirked and said "He's a lucky kid or maybe it's Yachiru that's lucky." Zerotwo shook her head and said "Still... finding Pure Gold..." Hiro chuckled and said "Well, it was nice of him to share. Now you really won't age at all." she frowned and said "Neither will the kid." Hiro shook his head and said "He's smarter than that, I'm sure he has plans for the part he didn't use. When he's old enough, he'll use it. I bet he already gave some to the girl though."

She nodded and said "I hope so, I don't want him to be 15 for the rest of his life." Hiro smiled and said "He won't be." he grabbed her hand and rubbed it, adding "Thank you for the gift, Honey. I really like it a lot." she smiled sweetly and said "No problem, Darling. I made it myself." Hiro smiled and rubbed her shoulders, replying "I know, that's why I love it." she smiled lovingly and said "You're so good to me." Hiro chuckled "If I wasn't, I would be a fool."

He opened an Ultimate Mystery chest for fun.

[Congratulations! You've received Gates of Babylon!]

[Sun has absorbed Gates of Babylon!]

Hiro ignored it and massaged Zerotwo, passing the time slowly as the ship sailed away.

Isabella was chilling on a boat and stuck her hands in the water, saying "Are we there yet." a guy with black hair chuckled "Are you joking? We just left." Isabella complained "You're so slow though..." she sighed "Thank god you're a nice guy." the guy smiled and Isabella smiled too as the boat sailed around.

She suddenly sat up straight and said "Oh no." the guy said "What's wrong, Izzy." Isabella started getting nervous and said "This is bad! My dad is back, I can feel it." the guy stopped and said "The scary guy that you said has a 99% chance to kill me?" Isabella nodded and said "At least I'm still a virgin, maybe he would come after me right away."

The guy made a funny face and Isabella said seriously "This isn't a joke! We can't do anything until he says that you're okay! If not, you'll die!" the guy said "It's not that serious. We'll be fine." he grabbed her hand and smiled, she smiled and said "I hope so..." her face turned playful and she added "I like you quite a bit, it's be a shame to see you go~" the guy laughed and Isabella smiled sweetly.

Garp got back to his office and saw the box on his desk, he was confused, it wasn't his birthday! He went to his seat and opened the box, inside there was a letter and a bag with G.D.M on it. Garp opened the letter and his eyes widened.

'Dear Garp, Sorry for missing 20 birthdays! Hopefully this makes it up to you! The bag has endless rice crackers inside. -Hiro P.S: If our Bounties were retired, you might want to bring them back, I want to scare my kids a bit ;)'

Garp burst out laughing and grabbed the bag, pulling out Rice Crackers made by Hiro himself. He munched on them and let out an excited laugh as he said "Your back, Kid! Hahahaha!" he picked up the snail and said "Circulate Blue and Red Onis' bounties please, they have been sighted. Also bump it up."

The voice on the other end said frantically "But sir! They're already..." Garp shouted "I said bump it up, brat! Are you Garp or am I Garp?!" the marines replied "I- You- AH! Right away, sir!" Garp put down the phone and laughed at the chaos what he just did would cause, he leaned back and sighed "Sure is nice being Vice-Admiral! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The next day

Sengoku shouted "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARP!" and Garp just laughed, eating from his named bag of Rice Crackers that were the best in the entire World. Sure does pay well to be friends with pirates. He missed a key factor, Hiro clearly left the box here, that means he came into Marineford without anyone noticing!

Hence the reason Sengoku was so mad, nothing was stolen but there was a goat in Sengoku's office. It had a leash and a nametag and everything! Sengoku was secretly happily, but mostly angry as there was only one person who would do this.

Yami was sitting on the deck of the Merry as Crocus said "You're... Hiro's kid?" Yami said "You know the old man?" Crocus grinned and said "He didn't tell you?" Yami was confused and Crocus chuckled "I'm not going to say anything but I'm your parents' friend." Yami blinked and muttered "Damn old man, keeping secrets from me again..."

Crocus chuckled and sent them off, Yami and the rest waved and left. Yachiru smiled "He's nice." Yami smiled and nodded, Sanji said "You're nice, Yachiru-Swaaaaaaaaan~!" Yami kicked Sanji away and Yachiru giggled, hugging Yami's arm and spitting out her tongue at Sanji, who rebounded and said "Not as nice as you, NAMI-CHWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN~!"

Nami punched Sanji and Yami went to Zoro before saying "Your swords..." Zoro looked up and Yami added "They're crying." Zoro said "What are you trying to say?" Yami replied "You need to take better care of them."

Yami unsheathed Crimson slowly and showed the sword for the first time saying "Can you hear it?" Zoro shook his head and Yami frowned "Why can't you hear it? All swords have a being, the reason you can't cut whatever you want is because you can't hear them. Listen carefully." Yami unsheathed Crimson all the way and waved out at the sea slowly.

The sea split a bit and Yami said "Listen to the song your sword is singing to you, eventually you won't even need to unsheathe them to kill." Zoro closed his eyes and his eyes shot open in shock as he heard a faint melody. Yami smiled and sheathed Crimson saying "You heard him. Crimson doesn't sing for just anybody. Just before, I thought you weren't talented enough to hear him, but I was wrong."

Zoro said "What are you trying to say." Yami said "When you get stronger, we can train together." Zoro got up and said "We can train now." Yami shook his head and replied "We can't, you'll die." Zoro gave him a look and Yami said "The training I do is specialized for me. I have special methods to train, if you try to do it now... Even at the lowest setting, you'll die for sure."

Zoro said "I don't believe it. Show me." Yami looked around and said "There's no room... But I can show you a bit here..." he tapped on his ear ring and took out a box, saying softly "Ruru, can you get everyone away from the deck please."

Yachiru smiled and said "Come with me you 3, we don't want body parts on the deck now do we~?" Nami said "What is that?" Yachiru smiled and watched from the upper deck saying "His training doll." Sanji said "Training doll?"

Yami tapped on the box and tossed it in front of him, pulling Zoro back. The Yoriichi Training Robot appeared and everyone else was stunned, Luffy said "A ROBOT!?" Yami said "A dangerous one." he looked at the Robot and said "Preset 6, Voice Command 'Stop' for termination. Go."

The Robot clicked before shooting at Yami extremely fast, slashing down with it's six swords in irregular patterns. Yami took out Crimson and blocked the Robot extremely fast, clashing with all 6 swords and fighting back.

He said "Stop." The robot stopped and Yami tapped on it's forehead, returning it to a box, before tapping it back into his earring saying "Understand what I'm trying to say?" Zoro said "I want to try. That's a preset? What's the lowest." Yami said "Around 5 times slower than that."

Zoro sucked in a cold breath of air and the two captives were tied to the mast, shaking in fear, they were almost chopped in half! Yami and Zoro were in their own world and couldn't care less if they were chopped in half to be honest.