Gears turning

As Yami and the rest landed on Whiskey Peak, the rest of the World were in terror as they saw the new bounties and updates status, reminding everyone that the Red and Blue Onis weren't, in fact, legends and myths but very real and very dangerous.

Zerotwo and Hiro both had bounties of 5 billion after Garp told them to double whatever they had before. He was just fooling around because he knew that Isabella was somewhere out there and would surely see them. He laughed even thinking about it, that damn kid used to steal his rice crackers when he went to Roger's ship!

This was Garp's revenge.

The world was in chaos as they all laid eyes on the bounties and descriptions.

In the 6th level of Impel Down, they got newspapers down there. A ton of the Prisoners started getting rowdy and shouting "Magellan! Let me out! I'm gonna cut that damn kid's head off!" a bunch of Prisoners were getting violent and shouting "MAGELLAN LET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Magellan had a headache from the rowdy 6th Level bastards.

He just ignored them and went to the bathroom with a newspaper as usual.

One prisoner looked at the newspaper and chuckled "He's alive, that's great." someone shouted "Shut it, Douglas!" Douglas sneered "Want me to relocate your head, scumbag?" there was a tongue click and silence as Douglas laughed at them.


Shanks was laying on the deck of his ship, when someone ran over saying "Captain! Captain! Big news!" Shanks was groggy and mumbled "Makino?" he was faced with a fat face and said "Tch. You're not Makino-chan..." Ben said "Oi... Captain maybe you really drank too much..." another guy shoved a bounty in Shanks' face.

Shanks looked at the bounty and woke up instantly, laughing "HAHAHAH! He's back! Set sail for Tottoland!" Luck Roux said "Huh?" Shanks grinned and said "That's exactly where he's going. Expect a party, boys! The world's gonna change!" the pirates all grinned and changed course to Tottoland.


Buggy stared at the Bounties and was silent. Alvida looked at Buggy and said "What's wrong?" Buggy said "Avoid Tottoland at all costs, if you see a giant ship sailing by, ignore it. If you see these two, run as fast as you can and DO NOT mention my name!"

The crew was just confused.


Whitebeard looked at the bounties and laughed before throwing the papers aside shouting "Let's go visit the balloon. Sail to Tottoland." the ship turned and Marco grinned "What do you think, Dad?" Whitebeard laughed loudly and said "He'll be so angry, it'll be great! GURAAHAHA"


Kaido was drinking in his den when Queen ran over and said "Kaido-sama! Red Hair and Whitebeard are heading for Tottoland!" Kaido looked at the bounties on the ground and grumbled "Linlin's hosting a party? She didn't invite us? Sail to Tottoland, that Fat bitch owes me an explanation." King said "Uhhh... Ok."


Linlin trembled in anger as she looked at the bounties, she said "We'll be having 'guests' soon. Mamamama, this is going to be one hell of a Tea Party."


Rayleigh looked at the bounties and dug out his ear saying "What a headache... He definitely did this on purpose... This fucking kid is still giving me grief." someone smashed on the cell bars and shouted "Quiet slave!" Rayleigh ripped off the collar and cuffs as he said "Sorry guys, I gotta go. I'll be back." he ripped the cell bars off and walked away, rubbing his neck, muttering "Though, this should be exciting... Maybe Garp will show up."


Sengoku was rubbing his forehead in distress, his goat 'baaah'd and he said "I know. This is bad." he looked up at the 3 Admirals and said "You're not going." the 3 just looked at him, Garp laughed at them and continued eating his rice crackers, chuckling at the 3 Admirals.

Akainu said "This is a good chance to catch them all in one fell swoop!" Sengoku said "Absolutely not! All 4 Emperors, plus whoever else decides to show up, are you trying to kill everyone?!" Akainu crossed his arms and Kizaru said "I think this sounds like fun, maybe we can go watch? I heard they have good food in Tottoland."

Aokiji was literally sleeping on the couch, not dealing with anything. Sengoku said "If anybody's going, It's Garp and Garp alone." Akainu said "But-" Sengoku said "No buts!" Garp just left the room and said "Exercise sounds nice." he swung his arm around and chuckled."


Isabella turned white at the bounties and threw them away into the water as the boat sailed away.


Shiki was sitting on a chair and said "To Tottoland!" as the floating island flew away towards Tottoland.


A while later

Yami was standing outside a restaurant on Whiskey Peak. Yachiru was laying on his shoulder with a sweet smile, humming to herself with her eyes closed. Yami looked at the group and Zoro said "You're Baroque Works?" Yami listened to the songs, these people weren't that 'Evil' or at least some of them weren't, the mob of canon fodder was though.

Yami walked off and sliced out, a group of people were bifurcated. Yami blinked and continued walking while Zoro grinned and jumped down, starting to fight the Baroque Works agents. Yami said "The blue haired girl and the curly guy... They don't sound evil."

Zoro nodded and continued.

A while later

Zoro and Yami finished the Baroque Works agents. They stood there and 2 more people show up, introducing themselves as Ms Valentine and Mr. 5, they revealed that they were here to uncover a spy, namely the blue haired girl, Vivi Nefertari, and the curly haired guy, Igaram.

Ms Valentine said "Seems like you did my job for me, you little cutie~" she smashed down on Yami saying "Don't look at my panties~" Yachiru looked up and sneered, her arm grew and she grabbed Valentine, throwing her across the island, saying "Fuck off, Slut."

Valentine smashed through dozens of buildings before laying there unconscious.

Mr. 5 said "You're-" Yami flashed behind him and knocked him out with the butt of his sword. Zoro kicked him through the buildings into Valentine and they looked around, Yachiru was puffing her cheeks and Yami smiled "That was pretty cool." Yachiru's anger deflated and she smiled, blushing "You think so, my love?" Yami nodded and gave her a kiss on her cheek, she squinted in happiness and smiled happily.

Zoro said "That's it?" Luffy shot out of the building and punched at Zoro, Nami appeared and punched Luffy in the head saying "I heard you're a princess? Do you have a lot of money?" Vivi was stunned by the series of events and Igaram answered for her, explaining that their country was at stake because of the Boss of Baroque Works.

Luffy said "Well, who is it?" Vivi said "You can't know! If you know that it's Crocodile, you'll be targeted too!" Yami blinked and said "Who the fuck is Crocodile?" the rest looked at Vivi, not knowing who he was either.

Vivi blinked "The warlord? Sir Crocodile? Hello? Ringing any bells?" the group shook their heads and Vivi said "Anyway! He's like super dangerous! You can't, you'll just die!" Igaram said "We'll pay for the Princess' safe passage to Alabasta." Nami perked up and said "Pay???? 1 billion Belli?" Igaram looked away and said "Sure..."

Yami turned around and looked at an otter. The Otter showed him 5 drawings of their faces, Yami said "Well, we don't have a choice now..." Nami turned around and said "Oh... That's not good..." Luffy said "We'll just go beat the shit out of that Alligator guy!" Zoro nodded and Vivi shouted "It's Crocodile! I'm so sorry to involve you!"

Nami said "No worries, as long as we get paid, who cares?" she patted Yami's shoulder and said "My little brother here is crazy strong!" Yami shifted his shoulder away saying "Since when?" Nami said "I just decided." Yami said "I have a girlfriend, sorry." Nami felt a vein pop up on her forehead and she waved her fist at Yami.