

23 chaps ahead on Pate.reon:

Also, go check out Devouring the Heavens, its pretty good! Pressure him into writing more chaps, heheh.


Hiro and Iceburg walked around and Hiro populated the Eternal Pose show with Dream Flower Island poses before leaving. They walked through the main street and Hiro put down his businesses around, leaving Shadow Clones to take care of all the work while putting up signs to hire the people of Water7.

Iceburg brought him to Galley-La and introduced him to the rest, Hiro smiled lightly and introduced himself as Tom's student, but Iceburg added that he was an Emperor now, slightly proud. Hmph! I know an Emperor! Who do you know?

They were stunned and Hiro waved him off saying that he was protecting Water7 for Tom not because he wanted something from them. He told Iceburg to populate the Island with his flag, which was a half blue half red Oni Skull with crossbones of Pink and Purple. It was a simple design but it looked menacing.

Hiro told him to place them around as he called for an announcement for the entire city, he wanted to brief them himself, so that they weren't scared.

A while later

Hiro was standing at a podium with a mass of people looking at him. He cleared his throat and spoke loudly "Hello! I am Hiro! Due to recent events and special circumstances, I have now come to possess Water7 as one of my territories. I am an Emperor of the Sea, you know, the big bad demon who eats people." he chuckled and Iceburg facepalmed.

Hiro cleared his throat and chuckled "Anyway! I promise not to eat any of you, so there's no need to be afraid. To tell you the truth, I was Tom's student, which happens to make me Iceburg's Senior Brother for lack of a better word. Therefore, really the only difference to your lives will be my flags posted around the island and the businesses that are new. I care for Water7 probably more than you all do and I will not let it be endangered again."

He got serious and said "Expect more pirates and marines to arrive on the island, I have eyes and ears everywhere, obviously for your privacy, I do not watch what goes on inside your homes. I don't care what you do on your free time, but if someone wishes to harm my territories... Hehe~"

His eyes sharpened and he radiated killing intent as he added coldly "I will eviscerate you. There will be laws in place to protect the people, whoever disobeys the laws, Pirate, Marine, Government Agent, or Civilian, will be killed without an explanation given. Nothing escapes my eyes here, I am the judge, jury, and executioner. Your little tricks in the dark will only get you killed, so cooperate and live peacefully."

He smiled kindly and continued "Make Water7 a better place. This is your home and the resting place of my teacher, remember that. Thank you! Also! There's job openings at various stores on Main Street, consider applying!" before he walked off, leaving Iceburg with the mess.

Iceburg quickly took the mic and apologized for Hiro's bluntness but stated that it was true and explained what happened with the Marines, making the public angry, but he said that Hiro would protect them, telling them to keep going as usual because nothing would really change.

Hiro was already posting the Flags everywhere along with the Galley-La people and the Franky Family.

When they were all done, Hiro went to sift through the applicants for the shops.

A while later

Everything was settled and the shops were in full swing. Hiro laid back in a chair and took a break, all that was left was the Agent representative from the Government and the negotiations for the construction of Marine ships.

Hiro understood the politics very well, he was basically forced to allow their ships to be built, but that didn't mean they had the advantage. Hiro could go to war with them just fine. He could even annihilate them all, but why? There's no point.

He had his time and made his name, it was Yami's turn now. If there was a problem, he would step in. No matter how much he says that he'll just leave Yami to die, he could never do that. Yami was his precious little baby, he absolutely loved him to death, it even pained him to watch Yami in pain. He forced himself to stay away most of the time or else it would cripple Yami's growth.

That was the last thing he wanted.

He sighed to himself, being a dad sure is hard.

But he was extremely proud of Yami. That kid never complained that his sister got more than he did and took everything in stride. He really was a good kid, even under his quiet appearance, he was kind.

Surely one of his mother's traits, because he was a real piece of trash before they got married. She was the nice one at that time, did they swap? Not really, if anything, he just mellowed out and matured.

Sometimes he gets a murder boner, but it's very periodic. Doesn't happen too much anymore and is getting less and less frequent as time passed. He didn't become a pacifist by any means, he just didn't feel an urge to kill something anymore.

Very strange feeling.

He quickly forgot about it and slowly rested, taking care of a few bumps around the island and helping Iceburg work on Water7, transforming it into a ship as per Iceburg's wishes.

The days passed

Sure enough, 3-5 days later

A trio of masked and cloaked people appeared on the island. Hiro appeared in front of them and smiled "Where would you like to discuss?" the one who seemed to be the leader replied roughly "Wherever you like." Hiro smiled and said "Very well, follow me." as he walked away, the trio followed him and disappeared from where they landed.