

24 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:


Hiro sat on a throne, looking at the trio in front of him. There was a table in between them with drinks and alcohol. He crossed his legs and rested his cheek on his fist saying "So? Why have you visited my territory today?"

The man in charge said "Please don't play the fool, Emperor. We're strained as is." Hiro sneered "Why should I care about the strain the Government is going through at the moment? Remember, you're coming to me, not the other way around." the man retorted coldly "A war is not in your best interests."

Hiro laughed and said "But it's in yours? Is that what you're saying?" the man realized his misspoke and corrected "Apologies, I misspoke. War is neither of our best interests. We came peacefully so as to skip over a bloodbath." Hiro pursed his lips and said "So? What did the 5 say?" the man cleared his throat and said "The Government wants it's ships made on Water7 exclusively and the Materials to be provided by you along with the costs."

Hiro burst out laughing and replied "Sure! Haha, you're a funny guy! What did they really say, though." the man was silent, the response was clear. Hiro sneered "That's a pretty funny joke. You can leave, tell the government if they come near Water7 I will destroy every ship that passed by, thank you. We're done here." he stood up to leave and the man said "Eh?! Wha-"

Hiro cut him off saying "Clearly the 5 don't take me seriously, send a fleet. After they lose thousands of people and all their ships, maybe their joke will be funnier to them." He snorted and laughed "Maybe I can got to Mariejoies as ask them if they have any funnier jokes in person?"

The man was alarmed and said coldly "Is that a threat?" Hiro sneered and released his pressure saying "It is. I'm threatening you with the lives of all the nobles. Try and joke around with me again and the white city will vanish into thin air, I promise."

His pressure got more intense and the building started shaking as Hiro's voice got colder and colder "Is it fun to waste my time? Pay for their ships with my own materials and money, are you fucking kidding? Do I look like a dog of the government to you? Huh? ANSWER ME!"

The man choked out "N-No!" Hiro growled "Then why are you treating me like a dog? Because I'm not a giant? I'm not a fat old bitch on her last leg of her life? You think I'm a pushover? Maybe Morgan didn't write it clearly enough in his report, Kaido and Big Mom are alive because I DIDN'T kill them. Understand what that means? I simply disdain to kill them, not that I cannot. I can make the entirety of Wano disappear, what do you think would happen to a mere Mariejoies?"

Hiro said coldly "You better make a real attempt at negotiations or you will not leave this room alive. I'll do you a favor and send your heads in a box to the 5 idiots. You have 5 minutes before your heads roll, spend it wisely." before leaving the room and adding "Try and run, you won't even make it to the door."

The trio were sweating hard and silently cursed their orders, why did they have to test his bottomline?! Fuck! They started talking and called their superiors, telling them what happened.

5 minutes passed

Hiro came back to the room and sat in the throne, completely cold as Ice this time around. The man said with fear "They said to just allow Government ships to be created by Water7 shipwrights. If a discount can be discussed that would be great." Hiro said coldly "The Materials?" the man replied immediately "Provided by the government."

Hiro said "I'll allow it. As for the discount... Heh... Get the fuck off my island." the 3 left right away as fast as the wind. Hiro sneered as he watched them leave and sail away. He left the room and relayed the information to Iceburg, who was a bit disgruntled, but still was happy that they didn't have to worry about materials and discounts anymore!

Hiro smiled and brought Iceburg to a warehouse Hiro made. He told Iceburg the combination and said "You can't reveal this to anyone." Iceburg nodded, wondering what was inside the warehouse that was so important even the combination couldn't be spread.

Hiro unlocked the doors and they slid open revealing a space, clearly bigger than the actually building, but what shocked Iceburg the most was all the Treasure wood everywhere, Adam, Eve, Lilith, a mixture of Adam & Eve, and a mixture of the three, there was also tons and tons of Star Sand, Walrus skins, clouds, dials, etc!

Hiro patted the mixed woods and said "These are special mutated species that was cross pollinated with the other one or two. It's better than the others by 2x and 4x respectively." he just merged the adam, eve, and lilith seeds with a merge token and this is what he got. He gave Iceburg a bag of seeds and said "Since, this isn't a 'legal' island anymore, you have control over the materials going in and out, you understand what I mean?"

Iceburg nodded and looked on with awe, muttering "We can use these for the building of the Water7 ship!" Hiro smiled and nodded, he warned Iceburg that if this was known by anyone else there would be big problems. Iceburg agreed and kept it a secret, he vowed to never share the passcode but the wood itself was necessary to show to his workers if he wanted their help.

Hiro said it was fine as long as they don't tell anyone else, he left 2 shadow soldiers in the warehouse before leaving and locking it again. He told Iceburg that since he was a clone, he could stay and help Iceburg with the building of the island ship while his real body did other things, Iceburg was happy and accepted the help/deterrance.

And so, Hiro became a worker for the Water7 Ship project.