

26 chaps ahead on Pat.reon!!! :

Let's get the top spot by the end of today and I'll push it to 5 chaps for today only!


Yami and Yachiru are unaware of the flash of white light that washed over the just now. They followed the crew onto Sabaody, Yami had a bad feeling and voiced it "Luffy, I don't like this place." Luffy looked at him and Zoro agreed "This place just feels wrong, Luffy." Luffy looked at his swordsmen and said seriously "What's wrong?"

Yami said "The Song of this island is disgusting. Really, really disgusting." Zoro nodded, adding "Feels disgusting too." Luffy nodded and said "We'll get coated and leave right away." he understood that now was not the time to fool around.

This was getting on his nerves. He didn't like being weak, it limited the fun he could have.

They followed Hatchan into the Archipelago, Yami frowned at the massive amount of Bounty hunters eyeing them hungrily with wicked grins.

Yami growled "Fuck off." they just laughed and Yami slashed, killing an entire group, the laughter abruptly stopped and they ran away, shouting "What kind of Paradise pirates are these?!" Yami glared at everyone around the group, but the bounty hunters kept appearing.

Luffy punched a group flying and the crew started fighting while walking.

The bounty hunters got stronger and stronger until they started using Haki. Yami flashed forward and engaged the bounty hunters, chopping them up in a rage. Zoro helped and Hatchan was terrified, these guys were so strong!

Luffy smiled and walked forward, following Hatchan to Grove 13 and into a bar.

Yami stayed outside and said "I'll be right there." Yachiru joined him with a loving smile and he smiled at her before they muttered together "Bankai." Yachiru's sword morphed into an Axe and a giant monster with 4 arms, holding giant butcher cleavers appeared behind her.

Yami slashed at the mass of pirates and bounty hunters, sending a purple flame sickle at them, while Yachiru jumped on his shoulders and grew her axe, slamming down on the pirates, shouting "DICED & MINCED!"

The giant monster chopped at the ground with it's giant butcher cleavers, chopping up the people like vegetables, leaving a giant gory mess. The rest started to flee but Yachiru jumped off Yami and towards them. Yami jumped after her and pushed her feet with his own, blasting her at them like a bullet.

He flew at them and shouted "DIE!" as she slashed out with his giant War-Axe, bisecting the running people. She spun in the air and tucked in her legs as Yami appeared in front of her, she shot him off and he bounced off the air like a pinball, slashing through all the pirates and bounty hunters that came, killing them all. They didn't let a single one live.

Their Haki was useless in front of Yami and Yachiru's strength.

Only the Vice-Admirals and above could compete with them, obviously these New World Pirates were just a joke in the New World. Yami sheathed Crimson, as did Yachiru, and they walked back, holding hands and smiling at the carnage.

Yami picked her up so she wouldn't get stained with dirty blood from these filths, she looked at him completely in love and said "You're so good to me..." Yami smiled lovingly and said "I love you more than anything else." she smiled and leaned against his chest, saying "Anything?" Yami said firmly "Anything."

She squealed in happiness, kissing him and giggling like a little girl to herself with a flushed face. Yami walked into the Bar and put Yachiru down, the crew looked at them and then at the blood around Yami's feet, pretty much putting two and two together.

Shakky smiled "Hmmm, quite the show, Oni-kun." she smiled to herself, feeling like she's said that before a long time ago, then she looked at Yami with a gentle smile. Yami was startled and Yachiru steppe in front of him with a protective look on her face.

Shakky giggled and said "Relax little girl, I won't take him away. I'm married you know." Sanji slammed his head into the table he was sitting at and Shakky giggled again.

She told the group that she hasn't seen Rayleigh for months and he was probably gambling somewhere. The crew was a bit lost and split up to look for him, intending to leave this place as fast as possible.

They saw the gore outside and ignored it before going separate ways, Yami and Yachiru left by themselves with Yachiru hiding in Yami's scarf again as they walked through Sabaody and on the streets.

They bumped into a bubble headed man, who freaked out and started screaming. Yami frowned and said "Can you shut up please? Your voice is fucking annoying." the World Noble clearly blanked out in his mind, when had he even been talked to like this? He took out his pistol and aimed it at Yami's head.

Yami blinked at him and said "Pull the trigger. Is your gun or my sword faster?" the Noble had no idea and Yami sliced him in half from his head to his crotch before stepping around him and walking away, a series of flashes happened and the collars and chains on the slaves collapsed to nothing.

The Noble turned around and said "I said stop!" Yami replied "You're so stupid. Don't you know you're already dead?" the Noble was confused and a line appeared vertically on the middle of his body before splitting him in half.

The slaves watched in shock as they were freed and the Noble was dead. They smashed his body to a pulp, making it completely unrecognizable before looting his corpse and running away to hide.

Yami continued in search for Rayleigh, completely unaware he just broke the biggest law on the Archipelago, but nobody was there to see it and if they were, they would definitely not say anything. They had seen how disgusting these human trash cans were, they would be happy if they were all wiped from the Earth, even the children, even the babies!

They didn't care at all, filth blood was running through their veins. They would turn out just like the rest when they aged. For the people of Sabaody, they would rather kill a baby then let it grow up into a noble.

Yami had no idea, neither did Yachiru and they continued walking around.