Rayleigh Revelations


28? Chaps ahead on patr.reon???? I dont know theres a lot at any rate. Patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

I decided to release 5 chaps today just cus if you dont appreciate it then hmph! Youre just a baka!



Yami and Yachiru walked around before coming to a building and hearing a commotion inside.

They looked at each other before walking into the building.

They saw a theater style space with chairs and a stage. Yami noticed a guy with a cow print hat and a guy with red spiky hair along with another man in a mask. He didn't know too much about other pirates so he ignored them.

He looked further down and saw the crew along with a bunch of people in bubble helmet costumes. Then on the stage Camie was in a giant fishbowl. Yami blinked and there was a bubble helmet guy with a broken bubble helmet and fist imprint in his face on the ground while Luffy stood above him seething in rage as Hatchan was shot on the ground.

Yachiru said "What happened here?" bringing all the attention to Yami and Yachiru. Luffy said "You guys are here!" Yami nodded and slashed out, the guy with a cow print hat was immediately stunned as he said in shock "It really is silent!"

The woman who was pointing a gun at Camie on stage had her arm fly off her body. She fell to the ground screaming in pain as Yami walked down the walkway, saying "These bubble people really are rude, I killed one on the way here too." Yachiru grumbled "He was pointing a gun at your head, what were you supposed to do?" Yami shrugged and the guy with Red hair shouted "You killed one!?"

Yami looked at him and nodded "Yeah, why?" he slapped his forehead and said "We're fucked. We're completely fucked!"


The wall on the stage was blown open wide and a man with gray hair walked out, rubbing his neck, muttering "These chains keep getting tighter..." he walked to the fishtank and ripped the collar off Camie before smiling "Hatchan, long time no see."

Hatchan said weakly "Ray-san, hello!" before coughing. Rayleigh smiled and picked him up saying "Shhh, just relax." he looked at the group, more specifically Luffy and Yami, he chuckled and said "Monkey D. Luffy, I've been waiting to meet you for a long time." he looked at Yami and chuckled "You too, kid."

Yami and Luffy pointed at themselves and Rayleigh chuckled, nodding. There was a shout "Straw Hat pirates! You're surrounded! Come out peacefully!" Yami looked at the door and then the girl on the ground. His hand blurred and he turned around, walking to the door as the woman's head was cut into ribbons.

Rayleigh looked at the girl and chuckled.

Luffy ran out and grinned "Just marines?" Yami nodded and said "Over 100." the crew got ready and Luffy looked at the red haired guy, the cow hat guy, and the masked guy, they sighed and stood up, saying "We don't have a choice do we..."

Luffy grinned and charged through the door, Yami followed after him as did the rest.

Rayleigh watched them go and smiled to himself "Interesting... That kid sure is something..." he focused on Luffy and smirked reminiscently "That kid is just like Roger..." he sighed to himself and walked out, letting out a burst of Conqueror's haki and knocking out the rest inside the building and walking towards the exit.

Yami and Yachiru moved together and flawlessly, cutting down Marines left and right while the rest did whatever they could and the group of pirates annihilated the Marine force. Yami looked at the 3 non straw hats and the cow print guy said "Oni-ya, you guys should probably go and hide. I'm Law, see you around." As he went back into the building.

The red haired guy said "I'm Kidd! Don't forget it, bastards!" the guy with a mask was silent and Yami nodded at him, the masked guy nodded and the duo left. Yami said "He said his name was Killer and that an Admiral is coming."

The group got serious and Rayleigh said "Come with me." they followed him back to Shakky's Bar and sat down. Rayleigh smiled and got a drink from Shakky as Chopper treated, Rayleigh revealed that he was on Roger's crew.

The crew was stunned and Sanji said "How are you alive? Didn't they capture everyone?" Rayleigh chuckled and shook his head saying "No. Actually, Roger turned himself in, much to the disappointment and anger of a few crewmembers..." he looked at Yami and added "You don't know?" Yami was confused and the crew were confused as well.

Rayleigh chuckled "Your parents were also on Roger's crew." the crew's eyes widened at this revelation, Yami himself was stunned and said "What?" Rayleigh chuckled and said "Well, we first met them when they fell from the sky onto our ship..." he told them all the story of how Hiro and Zerotwo arrived and joined the crew, then he continued by saying "Hiro always knew everything that was going on. He knew where we were going, how things worked there, but most importantly he knew that Roger was sick..."

Rayleigh sighed and added "Hiro and Roger were close, but not like we and Roger, more of a father figure. Everyday, he would try and get Roger to drink his magical potions and received treatment from him to cure him for good but..." he shook his head.

The crew were silent and Yami listened dumbly, Luffy said "What happened!?" Rayleigh smiled and said "What happened? What happened was, Roger refused! Even when we made it to Raftel and conquered the world, learning everything on that Island and finding the One Piece, he still refused to live."

Rayleigh chuckled and said "The most angry I've ever seen that kid was when Roger disbanded the crew and turned himself in a year later. Still, he never interfered and...." he rubbed his eyes and continued "And Roger was executed on his own terms, starting a new age."

He smiled and added "I didn't go to the execution, but I heard that Hiro and the rest went. Shanks and Buggy were there even. Shanks came by 10 years ago and told me there was a kid who said the same things Roger did." he looked at Luffy and smiled "That was you! That hat was originally Roger's, have you ever looked inside?"

Luffy took off his hat and Rayleigh pulled down a flap on the inner lining, chuckling to himself. The crew saw the words 'Roger Stinks! -Hiro, Shanks, Buggy, Zerotwo, Oden, Toki' the crew were stunned and Luffy put his hat back on with a happy smile, saying "Cool!"

Robin said "So you know about the Void Century?!" Rayleigh nodded and said "The kid probably knows more because he was always nagging Oden... but Roger could hear the voice of all things so he only knew a little, too bad he wasn't interested." Usopp said "can't you just tell us what the One Piece is?!"

Luffy said "No! I will stop being a pirate if any of you ask again!" The crew shut up quickly and Rayleigh laughed, saying "You're just like Roger. It's funny, Roger had the kid with him and you have the kid's kid with you... Maybe, it's a sign?" Luffy looked at Yami, who blinked at him. Luffy chuckled and said "A mystery oni!"

Yami scratched his cheek, for some reason that didn't sit well with him. He wasn't a mystery, he was Yami! Just Yami! Rayleigh told them that their ship would be coated in 3 days and Shakky gave them a Vivre card, telling them to stay out of trouble.

The group decided to split up as they walked away from the bar, but were stopped by a giant man. Luffy said "Kuma?" and Yami attacked.