Recruiting for the plan


30 chaps ahead on Pa.Treon:

Same deal as yesterday, Chimpers


Hiro walked out with Zerotwo, finally Douglas reacted "Hiro! How did you?" Hiro smiled and said "Don't worry about it, Douggy! I got a fun idea! I was actually gonna come get you sooner..." he paused and continued honestly "I forgot, I'm sorry." Douglas' mouth twitched and Hiro said "But you're free now! So everything is fine right? I'm like really sorry."

Douglas waved saying "It's ok." Hiro smiled and said "Cool!" Zerotwo turned into a child and said "What now?" Hiro grinned and the three kids schemed in front of Impel Down, Zerotwo and Douglas giggled evilly and Hiro turned into an eagle, Zerotwo and Douglas got on and Hiro grew a bit before flying away.

Douglas wasn't shocked anymore by anything Hiro did, this guy was obviously magical.

They flew to New Marineford and landed down. Hiro reverted back to a kid and they snuck into the Marine base, giggling to each other.

They broke into Sengoku's office and found him sleeping at his desk. Hiro made a shush sign and walked over to Sengoku, gently touching him and turning him into a child. He woke up and the three bolted out of the room.

Sengoku looked at himself and roared "ONI BRAT!"

Everyone in Marineford was alarmed and went to see what happened, Akainu was seething with rage, Kizaru laughed, Tsuru picked Sengoku up and said "Awee, what a cutie!" Sengoku raged "Tsuru! I swear to god!" Garp burst out laughing before he suddenly turned into a kid.

Everyone paused and looked at Hiro, Garp, Zerotwo, and Douglas. Hiro patted Tsuru's leg and turned her into a child as he said "Yo." Akainu saw red and Hiro laughed, running away with Zerotwo and Douglas as Garp shouted "DAMN ONI BRAT! CHANGE ME BACK!"

Hiro, Douglas, and Zerotwo just laughed and ran away as Akainu broke through the wall and chased them.

Sengoku looked at Tsuru and Garp and smirked "Hey." The two rolled their eyes at him and Green Bull crouched saying "Hey, you guys are pretty cute." Sengoku bonked his nose saying "Shut up, brat!" Tsuru just washed Green Bull and hung him over the couch, sitting down next to him, saying "This is quite nice."

Garp climbed up the couch and sat down, taking out a bag of Rice Crackers and munching away. Sengoku brought a stack of books to his chair and sat down, crossing his arms, saying "This is a humiliation!" Tsuru and Garp looked at him, Green Bull chuckled and Garp burst out laughing, Tsuru giggled and Sengoku frowned "What?"

Garp pointed at him saying "Look at yourself! Bwahahahahahahaha!" Tsuru covered her mouth and giggled. Kizaru walked into the room and everyone looked at him, they didn't see anything, then they looked down. Kizaru sighed "He got me too."

Green Bull burst out laughing and popped back to normal, falling over and laughing at Kizaru, who walked to a chair and sat down, taking a nap.

Hiro turned into an Eagle and grew as Douglas and Zerotwo jumped on and he flew away from Marineford, barrel rolling out of the way from Akainu's magma punches. He laughed and flew away, leaving a seething Akainu.

He walked back into the office and looked at the kids, only getting angrier. He kicked Green Bull and said "This isn't funny!" Green Bull flew through the wall and out of the room. Sengoku said "Hey! This is MY office!" Akainu said "Sorry." Sengoku nodded with a frown. Garp burst out laughing again and Sengoku threw a book at him, shouting "SHUT UP!"

Hiro flew to Sabaody and picked up Rayleigh, saying "Wanna come Shakky?" Rayleigh was stunned and Shakky smiled "Sure, I need a vacation." Zerotwo popped her head out and cheered "Shakky-chan!" she smiled and walked over. Hiro turned them both into kids, stunning them, before throwing them on his back and flying away, leaving a 'closed' sign on the Bar.

Rayleigh looked at himself and said "Kid..." he paused and said "Douglas?" Douglas smiled and said "Hey!" Rayleigh said "You went to Impel Down?!" Douglas said "We also went to Marineford." Shakky felt Hiro's feathers and said "Marineford?" Hiro laughed and told them what happened.

Rayleigh burst out laughing and Shakky giggled, Zerotwo smiled and talked with Shakky happily.

Hiro explained his grand plan and Rayleigh sighed, cleaning his glasses, saying "I expected something dumb, but not this dumb..." Douglas just laughed. Hiro said "Come on! It'll be fun! Come on, come on, come on, come on! RAAAAAAAAYYYLLEEIGGGHHHHHHH PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE!"

Rayleigh put his glasses back and said "You're a real pain in the dick, you know that?" Hiro's eyes lit up and he said "SO YEAH?!" Rayleigh sighed and Hiro did a loop de loop and laughed "YES! GEHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He shot off, laughing the entire way, singing the Theme song he came up with, making the rest have black lines on their foreheads.

Obviously, Hiro thought this through...

Hiro spun around, humming and flying towards Shanks.

A while later

He found him and dived down, landing on a railing, the crew looked over and Hiro reverted to a child, landing on the deck with the rest. Shanks was confused and Hiro said "Shanks! Shanks! I thought of something fun!" Shanks said "Hiro?" Hiro jumped around and said "Rayleigh and Douglas came too!" he slapped Shanks' leg and turned him into a kid before dragging him over.

Shanks and his crew were stunned, Zerotwo commented "He's getting batter at that..." Shakky and Zerotwo shared a look and shook their heads "Men." before giggling.

Shanks was informed of the plan and his eyes lit up before he laughed and wrapping his arm around Hiro's shoulder, who did the same to Douglas. The three kids started dancing and laughing, singing "Evil Roger Pirates~ We'll rule the world~!"

Rayleigh walked over to Lucky Roux and said "Hey kid. You got any whiskey?" Lucky Roux looked down at the kid with glasses and blonde hair, looking at him, and said "Uhh... Yeah, but aren't you too youn-" Rayleigh jumped and smacked the back of his head into the deck saying "Shut up, brat! I'm double your age!"