There's a man in the water!


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Hiro transformed into a giant Kunpeng and brought the Red Force to Dream Flower Island, Shanks told his crew they could party as much as they wanted and it was all free, they were taking a break for a bit. The crew cheered and left him immediately, making Shanks' mouth twitch.

Hiro turned into an Eagle and said "Let's go get Buggy!" Shanks jumped on and laughed, Hiro grabbed the others and threw them on before flying away and laughing.

A while later

Hiro appeared over Buggy and landed on him.

Buggy freaked out and shouted "WHO WHAT?!" Hiro grinned and Shanks poked his head out saying "BUGGY!" Buggy turned white and said "SHANKS?!" Hiro popped back into a kid and the rest landed on the ground.

Buggy went pale and said "HIRO, ZEROTWO, RAYLEIGH, DOUGLAS, AND SHAKKY?!" Hiro laughed and tackled Buggy to the ground, laughing "You never visited! What a bastard!" as he punched Buggy in the nose.

Buggy's crew was stunned and Rayleigh said "Clown-chan, you have any booze?" Buggy sat up and said "Yes. Of course! BOOZE! NOW!" Rayleigh smiled and said "It's been a while." Buggy smiled and said "Yeah!" Hiro rolled backwards and to his butt, giggling as he swayed. Shanks laughed and fell over.

Buggy decided to address the elephant in the room and said "Why are you all kids?" Rayleigh pointed at Hiro and sighed as he drank from the bottle. Buggy nodded understandingly, Hiro said "Anyway! Hear me out..." he explained the plan and he and Shanks looked at Buggy with shining eyes.

Douglas said "Ray, can I have a bit of that?" Rayleigh poured him a cup and Shakky said "Zero-chan, how's married life?" Zerotwo smiled and said "Fun! More now than recently..." she started blabbing and Buggy just looked at Hiro and Shanks, completely dumbfounded.

He said "Let me get this straight." Hiro slapped him into a kid and Buggy continued "You want to kidnap someone from Straw Hat's crew, threaten them, pretend to be the evil Roger Pirates, then go through an entire play just to get beaten in the end?" Hiro and Shanks nodded excitedly.

Buggy nodded saying "That's what I thought." he crossed his arms and nodded, Shanks said "So you'll come!?" Hiro squealed and Buggy shouted "OF COURSE NOT, THAT;S THE STUPIDEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD IN MY ENTURE LIFE! ARE YOU BOTH CRAZY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, IT'S A HUGE WASTE OF TIME AND EFFORT!"

Hiro and Shanks blinked and replied in unison "Cus it'll be fun." Buggy almost coughed up blood and died, Hiro chuckled "Well you don't have a choice anyways." He transformed into a giant Dragon and grabbed Buggy's ship, flying away.

He flew back to Dream Flower Island and left the ship next to Shanks', telling Buggy's crew to go relax on the island and have fun. They immediately ran off, cheering, Hiro shouted "Follow the rules! I'll kill you I swear!" they all shivered and cheered quieter.

Hiro grinned and rubbed his little palms together, saying "Time to prep, ehehe." Buggy was tied up and cried "Why did I get dragged here too..."


The entire crew sailed along in the sea, Law was sailing with them and kept Caesar with him. Big Mom was dead, Law wasn't to keep him, but Caesar wanted to leave, it was quite the problem. They just came from Zou, having fought off Beast Pirates just before.

Law sailed ahead of them and said that they would meet at Wano, since he knew how to get there and they could follow his Vivre card. The crew had no problems and Sanji told them about how Big Mom's crew came to fight them before, but he drove them away.

Luffy was pretty shocked that Big Mom died, he was also pretty upset, he wanted to fight her!

Yami was looking at the newspaper, apparently not a single one of Big Mom's crew or her survived! What a madman! This Blackbeard was starting to look like a real problem... None of them knew that Doflamingo was free or a part of Blackbeard's crew.

Usopp said "Hey! There's someone in the water!" Luffy ran to the side and looked over the ship, saying "Eh?" he stretched his arm out and wrapped around the man on a piece of driftwood. He brought him back to the ship and Chopper checked him over and said "He's dying! Get a doctor!" Yachiru said "You're a doctor."

Chopper said "Oh yeah!" before fixing up the man's wounds, taking his scarf off, revealing his fanged mouth. Yami walked over and gave Chopper a healing potion, Chopper used it and bandaged the guy up.

This guy was super tall, easily double Luffy's size.

They laid him out on a bed and Robin said "Should we just leave him? We don't know anything about him..." Luffy said "So? He looks so cool! Just look at him!" the crew deadpanned and Yami added "Plus..." they looked at him and he finished seriously "He's a fellow scarf brother."

They just looked at Yami and blanked, Luffy nodded saying "SEE!" They shook their heads and walked away, literally unable to believe this. Yami and Luffy stayed to wait for the guy to wake up. Luffy was gonna ask him to join their crew and Yami wanted to speak with a scarf bro.

A while later

The man woke up to an unfamiliar room, she shot up and looked on guard. Luffy said "You're awake!" Yami looked at him and offered his scarf back to him, the man touched his face and took his scarf back immediately, covering himself up as he said "You're not scared?"

Luffy looked confused and Yami pulled down his scarf and opened his mouth, showing the guy his own fangs. The guy was stunned and Yami pulled his scarf back up, he said "Where am I?" Luffy smiled saying "My ship! I'm Monkey D. Luffy! I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!"

The man said "Monkey D. Luffy..." his eyes widened and he shouted "MAMA! WHERE'S MAMA!?" Yami said "We found you alone on a piece of driftwood." The man looked as if his world crumbled, Yami looked at him, he knew that look. He grabbed Luffy and the man and walked out of the room.

He put the man down on the Upper deck saying "Some fresh air will be good, take your time." as he covered Luffy's mouth and walked away, leaving the man alone.

Luffy said "What are you doing, Yami?" Yami said seriously "Something really bad happened to that guy. I think he lost someone important to him, give him some time." Luffy frowned and said "Oh, that's not good. I thought he was upset because they got separated... We don't know who he is, we can't help him."

Yami said "He'll probably tell us later, just let him gather his thoughts." Luffy nodded and they joined the crew, explaining what happened. Robin hesitated before saying "Maybe he's..." Sanji looked at her and asked "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" she nodded and said "Big Mom?" Sanji nodded and the crew got serious.

Luffy said "Whoever he is, we just need to wait. We'll find out later." they all nodded and went back to whatever they were doing.

A day later

The man came to the deck and stepped on the grass, everyone looked over and Luffy asked "You alright?" the man nodded and Yami said "We can give you a boat if you want to leave." Luffy opened his mouth and Yami pinched it shut.

The man said "Your captain has other plans?" Luffy said "Join my crew!" the man said "You don't know anything about me." Luffy said "You look cool, that's all I need to know!" the man was clearly stunned and the 'You look cool' comment.

Robin asked "Could you say your name? Sorry for asking..." the man said "It's not a problem." he looked at Luffy and said "You're going to be King of the Pirates?" Luffy nodded and said "100%!" the man added "So you'll fight Blackbeard eventually?" Luffy said "Yup! My brother almost died because of him!"

The man said "I'll join you crew. My name is Katakuri... Katakuri Charlotte."