Orientation Speech


25 chaps ahead on Pat.reon: pa.t.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

Give me your stones or i'll jump into a vat of acid and become the Joker


A month after the exams

Hiro was standing in the Orientation ceremony location. He finally found Zerotwo and pulled the guy that was trying to woo her away, throwing him behind him as he smiled "Honey." Zerotwo smiled and hugged him "Darling!" the guys around clicked their tongues and the guy that got thrown said "What are y-"

Before freezing up and turning white.

Hiro was wearing his Cabinet backpack with all the knifes in it and the guy knew who he was. He said "You're! You're!" trembling and unable to speak. The rest looked at Hiro's cabinet and their eyes widened, another kid said "The Silver Demon?!"

The rest sucked in a cold breath of air and Zerotwo smiled "I missed you." Hiro caressed her cheek and smiled "Me too." she smiled happily and leaned into his palm.

Joichiro ran over and patted Hiro's shoulder saying excitedly "Dude! You're the Silver Demon!? Why didn't you say so! Damn! What a lowkey guy!" Hiro was stunned and Zerotwo giggled, he said "It's not a big dea-"

The students around got angry and pointed at him cursing "You're a Black Chef! What are you doing at Totsuki! Leave!" Hiro looked around and frowned, Joichiro didn't care and said "Hey, wanna fight with me????" Hiro smiled and said "Okay!" Zerotwo stepped back as they talked excitedly, she bumped into another girl with wild pink hair and ova eyebrows.

Zerotwo said "I'm so sorry." the girl smiled and said "That's okay! I'm Mana!" Zerotwo smiled "I'm Zerotwo! Nice to meet you!" Mana giggled "Same! I love your hair!"

They were best friends immediately.

Senzaemon looked at the commotion and coughed, he had been speaking this entire time... Only a few people were even listening now... He said "Anyway! I'd like to invite someone from the crowd. Hiro! Get your ass up here!"

Hiro and Joichiro paused and looked at the old man, clicking their tongues. Senzaemon blinked and Hiro pushed through the students, saying "Scram out of my way, trash."

He was immediately hated.

He walked to the podium and put down the Cabinet, facing the students, as he said "I'm Hiro. Basically, all your knives will end up in here." as he patted the cabinet and added "There's a lot more room than you'd think. I will take everything from you, your knives, confidence, will to live, etc. You're all my stepping stones. That's all. Thanks for listening, piggies."

Before picking up his Cabinet and walking down as people shouted and boo'd him. Senzaemon looked at the crowd and chuckled "Anyway! Good luck!"

Hiro joined Joichiro and they continued talking as they all walked to the class. Joichiro, Zerotwo, Mana, and a few others were in the same class. Right now that is...

They arrived in the class and the Lecturer arrived to see Hiro and Joichiro about to cook against each other. He coughed "Enough. This is the first day, what are you two doing?!" Joichiro said "We can't fight?" The lecturer shook his head and Hiro clicked his tongue, they both said "Later." and stopped.

The Lecturer said "We'll start with the final test for you all. If you do not get an A, you are expelled. Very simple. The dish is Beef Wellington." he announced the pairings and Hiro was stunned as he was paired with Joichiro but he heard Zerotwo was with Mana and Gin was with someone else!


Everyone important is in this class?

Joichiro scratched his head in frustration, saying "We still can't compete!" Hiro said "It's fine, we'll make the best." Joichiro grinned and got started right away. Hiro didn't need a start announcement or instructions as he started preparing the mushrooms and tossed Joichiro the English Mustard.

Hiro threw the grinded up mushrooms in a pan with nothing else while making the pastry dough. Joichiro seared the meat and put the mustard. Hiro finished the mushrooms and put thin slices of ham on clingwrap before coating it with the mushrooms, leaving the rest to Joichiro who rolled it up and tightened it, throwing it in the fridge before making the egg wash.

Hiro finished the pastry and laid it out as Joichiro coated the edges and Hiro put the meat in the middle. Joichiro rolled it up and Hiro washed the entire thing before scoring it, Joichiro sprinkled salt and they put it in the oven before cleaning up.

Clean, easy, efficient, as if they were working together forever.

The same with Zerotwo and Mana, and Gin.

The lecturer nodded in satisfaction as Hiro and Joichiro served their dish. He took a bite and his eyes widened, saying "Amazing! A! A+!" Hiro and Joichiro grinned and high fived before waiting on the side, Zerotwo and Mana got the same, as did Gin.

They left the place and Gin joined the group. Mana left and went to her own house, saying bye to the group. The group wandered around, Gin introduced himself and got the names of everyone. He had wild spiky hair and a cheerful expression.

Joichiro sighed "I don't have a place to stay..." The rest coughed and looked around, he chuckled and Gin said "There's a Campus Dorm we can stay at... I think it's called Polar Star. I know where it is, let's go see if there's rooms." the group nodded and started a long hike on the campus.

Finally, after forever, they arrived at Polar Star. Hiro looked at it and it looked the same except for the vines which were missing. Zerotwo whispered "Oh, Darling~! We're going to be Polar Star Residents!" she was extremely excited, the little glutton dubbed Food Wars as her favorite anime.

Ironically, her own anime was her least favorite.

In her own words "That Hiro was a pussy." leaving Hiro speechless.