The 4 'S's of a Fallen Angel!


24 chaps ahead on Pat.reon:



The group arrived and Polar Star and a middle aged woman greeted them, introducing herself as Fumio! She told them that is they wanted to stay here, they would have to create a dish that satisfied her. The group played rock-paper-scissors and Zerotwo won, she went first and made Red Queen Steak tips,

She passed!

Gin went and passed.

Joichiro went and passed but stayed to watch Hiro.

Hiro came in and set down his cabinet, he laid his case on the counter and said "Anything?" Fumio nodded and said "Hurry up." Hiro chuckled and said "No problem, Ma." he went into the fridge and pulled out a slab of meat.

Fumio mumbled "Ma?" Joichiro sat next to her and grinned "I like it!" Fumio rolled her eyes and said "Flattery won't get you anywhere, brat." Hiro just chuckled and threw the meat on the counter, be walked to the cabinets and took out a bunch of things before reaching in his backpack and taking out a bunch of things.

He said "Sweet or spicy? Actually, fuck it. Both is good." Fumio said "No swearing!" Joichiro said "Sweet and Spicy?!" Hiro smirked and took out his butcher knife, which happened to look like Zaraki's Bankai.

He chopped up the slab of meat into little pieces before slathering them all in honey and making a bowl full of spices. He threw all the meat inside and turned on the stove, lighting a cigarette as he tossed the meat in the bowl, coating them with the spices.

He threw the bowl in the oven for 5 minutes before taking them out and throwing the dried meat on the pan and dousing them in oil. He tossed the pan and flames spurted from the edge, Hiro exhaled a mouthful of smoke and tossed the metal before cutting up a bunch of vegetables and putting them in a tray, coating them with parmesan and baking them.

He laid out the meat cubes into a shaped and opened the oven with his foot. He grabbed the tray with a single hand and brought it on the stove as he 'Dressed' the figure on the dish.

He served Fumio the plate and grinned "Fallen Angel, enjoy."

Fumio and Joichiro looked at the plate and titled their heads, it was an angel with a 'white' robe. The white robe was the parmesan baked vegetables and the meat was the angel underneath, but... This was clearly a bad angel.

Fumio took a bite and coughed violently, Hiro burst out laughing and put down a bottle saying "Secret Spicy Mix. It's good, eh?" Fumio teared up and said "I think I'm going to die." Hiro slapped the table and laughed "That's the reaction! Gehahahaha!" Joichiro scooped up some and started to sweat.

Fumio kept eating and said "Why is it so good!?" Hiro explained "The honey breaks down the meat to make it nice and tender, adding a sweet taste to the core of the meat, the spice coats the outer portion of the meat making it a shell for the sweet explosion in your mouth. The salt from the parmesan on the vegetables continues to increase the flavor of the other tastes on the meat! The meat is constantly getting tastier! It's just that, you have to eat it quickly..."

Joichiro said "Why?" Hiro scratched his neck and said "Because the sweet and spicy aren't supposed to 'Mix' which is what the salt will do. That's why I dried the meat in the oven to lock the honey inside while leaving the outside spicy." Fumio suddenly scrunched her face and shivered, Hiro added "It makes it sour... But still tasty, just turns into sour candy basically. Spicy, Sweet, Sour, Salty, the Four 'S's of a Fallen Angel, Sweet on the inside, Spicy on the outside, Sour about their fate, and Salty about their new home. Hehe~"

Joichiro blinked and said "Wow..." Fumio coughed "You pass, you pass! Jeez, are you trying to kill me?" Joichiro shouted "YOU LIKE TO MAKE STRANGE THINGS TOO?!" Hiro chuckled and nodded, Joichiro grabbed him and laughed crazily saying "LET'S MAKE SOMETHING CRAZY!" Hiro got excited and nodded, leaving Fumio alone, while the rest peeked in from the door.

Zerotwo called "Darling! Wanna share a room?" the rest of the dorm looked at her and sucked in a cold breath of air, Hiro said "Sure!" she smiled and grabbed the cabinet before walking upstairs and humming.

Fumio was still K.Od from the Fallen Angel dish and Joichiro and Hiro started making strange dishes that tasted really really bad. The rest tasted them and stayed away from the maniacs after one bite. Whatever they were doing, it wasn't cooking!

Hiro and Joichiro crouched around a small stove and added random things while cackling. They stayed there the entire night and had black bags under their eyes in the morning. They grabbed a dorm mate and made him taste their creation for some money.

The kid foamed at the mouth and fainted after tasting the food.

Joichiro said "Took much vinegar?" Hiro yawned "I dropped the whole bottle in by accident." Joichiro said "Ohhh! That's why. Let's try again!" Hiro chuckled and they went back into the kitchen, leaving the poor kid to faint by himself.